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Deputy PM Prawit says posting information that distorts facts is punishable by law


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Defense Minister says posting information that distorts facts is punishable by law

BANGKOK, 5 May 2016 (NNT) - Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan has warmed that posting information that distorts facts is punishable by law.

Gen Prawit was speaking in regard to groups that have expressed their disapproval of the draft constitution over the internet, saying that the posts need to be in accordance with the facts. He said posts that are meant to persuade or dissuade people from voting for or against the new constitution are forbidden, as is posting distorted criticisms of the government.

Gen Prawit declined at the time to make a connection between the recently detained individuals who criticized the government and Panthongtae Shinawatra, son of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Defense Minister added that regarding the recent crackdown on influential groups in Nakhon Pathom Province, and peace talks in the southern border provinces, all policies are being enacted as planned.

-- NNT 2016-05-05 footer_n.gif

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

Edited by sjaak327
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Defense Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan has warmed that posting information that distorts facts is punishable by law.

Ok , so long as you don't complain when the punishment of regimes doing so by international community is "" sanctions"

You talk about misleading information?


Your government which incidentally has no mandate and refuses to relinquish power.( has lied countless times and misleads daily)

Polls .

Election dates

Happiness to the people.

Crime figures

Referendum consequences for representation

All judicial judgments against opponents


Attitude adjustment

Just to name a few.

Seriously , you are well over due for sanctions on human rights records alone.

Never mind the current draconian whistle being blown in the wind.

Pathetically , your fishing industry needs a red card.

But that's just the tip of the ice berg as to reasons why the international community says "" enough is enough""

Misleading indeed .

The reality is the elites who are your master here cling to death their power.

And insidiously trample the people because they can't win an election.

Your days are numbered and the death you will suffer in the uprising will not be nice.

Meantime sanctions will flow.

And that's under a year tops.

The following year will be a boiler pot of pressure as they bite.

Tourists ;( not imagined ones) stay away .

And Trump seeks to make examples of anti American Asians

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"Gen Prawit was speaking in regard to groups that have expressed their disapproval of the draft constitution over the internet, saying that the posts need to be in accordance with the facts. He said posts that are meant to persuade or dissuade people from voting for or against the new constitution are forbidden, as is posting distorted criticisms of the government."

Posting any criticism of the government which doesn't follow the viewpoint of the NCPO is distorted.

Watch your back!

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People of Thailand - here is your 20th constitution. We apologize for tearing up all other ones, but this time we got it right. To make sure we get this perfect document is approved by the people, we ask that you avoid talking about it or doing any research. As you all learned in school, asking questions will always end badly. We, the men with military weapons and unchecked authority, thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day!

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This must obviously be a translation error. The Thai definition of the word being translated as fact must have a more nuanced meaning in Thai.Something like "whatever I claim at the moment although that may well change later".

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Deputy PM Prawit says posting information that distorts facts is punishable by law

, however, making absurd, inane and irrational public statements and claiming to be facts is an honored tradition reserved for the authorities. As with anything, being "punished by law" is a matter of who you are.

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The doomsday clock for these guys is ticking.

I think a recruitment of people who don't enter or will never enter the kingdom is needed.

The wide spread Facebook flooding of everything they hate to hear that's wrong with the plans.

Wrong with them.

All done legally and on mass delivered to the Thai people.

This mantra of "" understanding"" is simple propaganda .

It's outrageous these guys take over a nation and 2 years in dont have sanctions levelled at them yet.

The audacity is breath taking as they now dictate the rules ahead.

And make arrests on free thought.

By years end I sense something will give and it might not be pretty.

Hopefully the world soon will act.

So pimple faced kids stop getting done for using Facebook.

Facebook should maybe ban Thailand causing an instant revolt on the streets.

Promising to reconnect when the army is overthrown .

That night even cause rebellion from within?

Certainly the apathy at present is not helping

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People of Thailand - here is your 20th constitution. We apologize for tearing up all other ones, but this time we got it right. To make sure we get this perfect document is approved by the people, we ask that you avoid talking about it or doing any research. As you all learned in school, asking questions will always end badly. We, the men with military weapons and unchecked authority, thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day!

'And we are also pleased to report that from next week your chocolate ration is to be increased from 200 grams to 170 grams..' Edited by baboon
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Talk about calling the pot black, who was it who over several, several weeks denied that there would be a coup, then pulled one, Confucious says , people who live in glass house must not throw stones...................................................coffee1.gif ..

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Half these clowns wouldn't know the truth is if jumped up and bit them on the ass!! The NCPO have distorted more truths and spread false information more than anyone is capable of in their 2 years tenure.

And yet you still get the guys here defending the indefensible with a "but but but Thaksin, the Shins, blah blah blah" what incredibly dull and sheltered lives they must live.

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

here's a 100% honest question

If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

here's a 100% honest question

If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

How about if a Government got in and tried reforming the military/police? investigating them for unusual wealth, making their budget/procurement process transparent etc.

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Hypothetical question: if the CDC produces a short summary of the draft Charter, and uses this instead of distributing an adequate number of complete copies, would this not be lying by omission?

After all, each article of the Charter has been exhaustively reviewed and is considered essential, or so we are assured by the CDC itself.

Haha. I get delusional at times, looking for logic in the wrong places.

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If the Thais are willing to continually bend over and take it from these guys, then perhaps this is exactly the government these deserve.

However, take away their Facebook, smart phone games, and booze, and you'll have riots.

Citizens of most countries these days get more upset over football than they do their government.

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

here's a 100% honest question

If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

How about if a Government got in and tried reforming the military/police? investigating them for unusual wealth, making their budget/procurement process transparent etc.

although I agree with your point you quoted my post yet totally ignored it and posted something completely different, was there any particular reason why you made a specific reply to my post, why didn't you just make your point in your own post ?

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If the Thais are willing to continually bend over and take it from these guys, then perhaps this is exactly the government these deserve.

However, take away their Facebook, smart phone games, and booze, and you'll have riots.

Citizens of most countries these days get more upset over football than they do their government.

and you think the last elected government did a stellar job then ?

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

here's a 100% honest question

If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

How about if a Government got in and tried reforming the military/police? investigating them for unusual wealth, making their budget/procurement process transparent etc.

although I agree with your point you quoted my post yet totally ignored it and posted something completely different, was there any particular reason why you made a specific reply to my post, why didn't you just make your point in your own post ?

i thought your post was asking a question.

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Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

here's a 100% honest question

If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

Where have you been for the past few months? It's common knowledge that the draft charter is designed to stack the decks in favour of the people currently pulling the strings, Hand picked senate, a PM that doesn't need to belong to any party. Even Abhisit himself has stated it's a backwards step.

You're being deliberately obtuse however not unexpected given your stance.

The thread is about the distortion of information/ facts being punishable as a crime, facts like..

The Erwan shrine bombing wasn't an act of terrorism

The Samui VBIED was the work of a Southern Politician

There are NO Military personnel involved in Human Trafficking.

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