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Thai Police Issue Summons for Red Bull Heir Vorayudh “Boss” Yoovidhaya

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Thai Police Issue Summons for Red Bull Heir Vorayudh “Boss” Yoovidhaya

BANGKOK – The Royal Thai Police have issued a summons for Vorayudh “Boss” Yoovidhaya to answer charges in connection with the 2012 hit-and-run death of a policeman, or he will face arrest.

The billionaire Red Bull heir has been given until May 25 to report to prosecutors, but authorities do not know where he is.

Interrogation chief Sarawut Detsri confirmed on Saturday that his Thong Lor station had received a letter from the Office of the Attorney-General to order Mr Vorayudh to meet prosecutors.

Full story: http://www.chiangraitimes.com/thai-police-issue-summons-for-red-bull-heir-vorayudh-boss-yoovidhaya.html

-- Chiang Rai Times 2016-05-08

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Only been 4 years then to get to this point. Ahh if only they had taken his passport off him at the beginning or had him put in custody. Take note for the future RTP.


Raise your hand if you think he'll show up. At times like this I wonder why the police want to lose face as they know he won't show up. As mentioned earlier, it must be about the envelopes.


How the police involved in this sorry episode can hold their heads up with any sense of dignity is beyond me. Integrity and honour seems to be absolutely missing from their priorities.


And to think it was one of their own that he allegedly killed.. Had it been a poor villager, there would never had been a summons for his arrest. and 50,000bt would have finalised matters with the family within days.

Killers should NEVER be given bail!




noun: impunity

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action

applies to Red Bull calf

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of not acting

applies to police


The billionaire Red Bull heir has been given until May 25 to report to prosecutors, but authorities do not know where he is.

Oh, I'm quite sure they know exactly where he is but value their jobs too much to do anything.


How the police involved in this sorry episode can hold their heads up with any sense of dignity is beyond me. Integrity and honour seems to be absolutely missing from their priorities.

When the day comes that there are a couple of news reports about the RTP honestly claiming that they (as an organisation) have any dignity, integrity and honour, it will be followed by a report of finding penguins on the moon.


On May 25th he will be sick and ask for an extention. Then again and again and...

He will never face justice.

This case could have been wrapped up long ago.


Very funny how this keeps popping up, due to indignation and anger from the public, in regard to a billionaire murderer walking free. So, the police are forced to apply a bit of window dressing from time to time, to make it look like they did NOT receive an enormous bribe, to make this go away. We all know that is what happened. Yet, they continue to play this little charade.

The public has not seen him since he was apprehended at the family home and released on bail shortly after the fatal accident. He reportedly left the country but it is not known where he is now.

My guess is that he was instructed to hang out at one of the families Swiss Chateaus for a few years, and play around while this cools down, so he can then come back and run the family empire. The hope is that all will soon be forgotten, and then he can continue his murderous lifestyle. Remind you of anyone else? Perhaps, the Dark Tao serial killing son of another super rich jackass?


How the police involved in this sorry episode can hold their heads up with any sense of dignity is beyond me. Integrity and honour seems to be absolutely missing from their priorities.

It was never a part of their priority, nor their nature, nor their profession. Not that law enforcement is not a noble profession. But, the way it is practiced here, leaves as much room for nobility as does working in the US Senate or Congress.


I think that he will soon be living in "self imposed exile to avoid a prison sentence".

I think the correct phrase is "living in self-imposed exile to avoid politically-based persecution"


Raise your hand if you think he'll show up. At times like this I wonder why the police want to lose face as they know he won't show up. As mentioned earlier, it must be about the envelopes.

Two reasons. First if he doesnt appear then they can get an arrest warrant and secondly he can be charged with ignoring a court order


Time for RTP to set up an Intenal Affairs division to deal with crooked and corrupted cops. The Thong Lor investigating team should be suspended and investigated.


If this joke is not the most blatant disregard to Thai justice and snubbing the rules of law in this country,

I don't know what is.... here we have a mere flesh and blood human telling all the big generals in Thailand

to go and flukk themselves, and that he's alone, and only him, will deicide when to show up, if at all.....


The police force appears appears to be based on unfair principles. In othe words MONEY RULES OK!.


.....would think full well that there is zero chance of this 'alleged' murderer to show up....

....and they very well would know it.....

...'Oh, we tried'.....


Uh Ho ,He must have missed his "stay out of jail" payment or the bib didn't share it with the Army.I guess that the police with their short memories forgot that he went to Singapore. Legally I think that with the correct charges if not reporting by the 25th he can be put on the wanted list with Interpol and arrested with an attempt to extradite him back to Thailand.With his and his dads money he will never go to jail or be interrupted in his life style.


These smucks have got about as much chance of seeing the "boss" on the 25th as Erik Weihenmayer did of seeing the view from the top of Mount Everest 15 years earlier (25 May 2001)!

Come to think of it, Erik was probably a better driver than the "boss".


Only been 4 years then to get to this point. Ahh if only they had taken his passport off him at the beginning or had him put in custody. Take note for the future RTP.

They could still cancel his passport while abroad. Just like they did with Thaksin. Having said that, would that prevent him from traveling? Although there is no evidence Mr. "Boss" has a second nationality. If he is still in Singapore we can assume they won't be giving him one, because a foreigner needs to have lived there for I think it's 12 years before becoming eligible.


It's coming around to the time for a big announcement that Bernie Eccleston will be serious considering awarding Thailand an F1 Race. Naturally the people behind that will need to be big money sponsors like Red Bull.

I think the last time this was being announced in the Thai press, was exactly a month after an incident involving a Ferrari and a motorbike on Thonglor.


Police again paying lip service to the pursuit of justice, totally pathetic.

We don't know where he is. Ask his mother and if she does not know detain her until she remembers, as they would do in a just country. There is more hope of Leicester City winning the Premier league for the next 10 years than this ever getting to court. And less money changing hands in the process.


Every time I see a red bull event (plenty of them) I feel disgust.

The outside world does not know about this hit and run murder.

When all get to know the red bull empire will be shut down or boycotted.

Son darling will walk into any Thai police office as fast as he can.


All these advance warnings about bringing him back.When this warrant

was only just being talked about,he had been in the know for month's.In fact,in this case,the RTB are even too lowly to be considered.This family has contacts far and above the Thai police and legal system.they dont give a shit or take any notice of the powers that be here.This creature is probably in Brazil now or somewhere else in south America.Probably the guest of some Colombian drug lord that the family have connections to.

So look not for him here,he's gone,and i bet a few of the senior cops are pissed off about missing a pay day.

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