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Donald Trump would make 'exception' for Sadiq Khan


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Donald Trump would make 'exception' for Sadiq Khan

NEW YORK: -- Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said the newly elected mayor of London would be an "exception" to his proposed ban on Muslims travelling to the US.

Because of his faith, Sadiq Khan had expressed concern that he would not be able to visit the US if Mr Trump were elected.

Mr Trump proposed a ban on Muslims entering the US after attacks in Paris killed 130 people last year.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36253556

-- BBC 2016-05-10

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So President Trump can decided who can come and go based on religion. What an idiot. He's the decider, huh?

Trump has a steep learning curve.

Maybe he should start at the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights?

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Well that's big of him.

Typical racist talk. 'It's ok. He's one of the good ones'.

If America elects this guy, the world is going to unite in laughing at them. Their reputation as a major player on the world's stage will be in tatters.

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Not condoning Trump stance on the Muslims issue, the world, in it's rush to be soooo PC and

accommodating to all groups of undesirables, has forgotten that one safety and security at his

home is paramount to any showing of bias, bigotry and racism,

If a country need to be or do all the former in order to protect it self from evil dowers, that so

be it....

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america and some allies bolstered the "muslim terror-fear narrative" as a means to use security as the excuse to undermine liberty aka us constitution. poetic justice that a political outsider non puppet non nwo trump is using it to his advantage.

all he is doing is expounding on the fear security narrative they produced

considering america has been conditioned to have great fear for muslim terrorism logic would follow that america would endorse a moratorium on muslims immigration.

osama bin laden crashed 2 jets each into 1 building WTC 1 and 2 and then 3 buildings (wtc 7) fell symmetrically into their own footprints certainly creates fear.

Edited by atyclb
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What I really like about Trump is that he knows exactly what buttons to push. He pushes the progressive left's buttons, he pushes the liberal's buttons, he pushes the neo-con's buttons, he pushes the Republican's in name only (RINO's) buttons, he pushes the main-stream media's buttons who then get all excited and shower him with negative publicity which gets the attention of all the disenfranchised voters in the US who can't stand the current political system nor the corrupt main-stream politicians who are bought and paid for by Wall Street and friends, and all he has to do is spout nonsense to rile the aforementioned groups, sit back, and watch the fireworks. "I'm going to stop Muslims from entering the country." w00t.gif No he's not....

This is all gamesmanship and pageantry, and most fools buy it - hook, line, and sinker. biggrin.png

Even if he wins the presidency, I doubt much will change. But I laugh at how worked up so many people can get, and then he and his team simple play their game plan off the clamor, excitement, and over-reaction. clap2.gif


Edited by connda
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Well that's big of him.

Typical racist talk. 'It's ok. He's one of the good ones'.

If America elects this guy, the world is going to unite in laughing at them. Their reputation as a major player on the world's stage will be in tatters.

The world is already laughing at them for letting it get this far. If he gets to be president the numskulls that voted for him will get the president they deserve and the US will lose all credibility.

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So President Trump can decided who can come and go based on religion. What an idiot. He's the decider, huh?

Trump has a steep learning curve.

Maybe he should start at the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights?

..and what about the British?

They just about banned Trump, thinking he would never get elected.

Now it is quite a possibility. Tea with the Queen? It may turn out quite humorous. Trump might just decide to land his private jet on the lawn. They sure inserted foot in mouth. At least Trump made an exception. In any case...I think you are hung up on his campaign rhetoric.

Once in office, I doubt that all the borders will be sealing up any time soon. Four years is probably the most he will have. Not much time to implement that.

Edited by slipperylobster
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So President Trump can decided who can come and go based on religion. What an idiot. He's the decider, huh?

Trump has a steep learning curve.

Maybe he should start at the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights?

President Trump, or any President, can personally intervene in an immigration process either approving or disapproving any particular applicant.

The First Amendment has nothing to do with such a decision.

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So President Trump can decided who can come and go based on religion. What an idiot. He's the decider, huh?

Trump has a steep learning curve.

Maybe he should start at the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights?

I will assume that the poster and two Likes do not see the irony in indicting Trump for his perceived comments on immigration. (Obama/Kerry are "open borders" enablers. An enactment in practice that never passed muster by consent, referendum, or reference to law- ie, criminal (see recent court actions)).

While a president has no power to write law, or practice law visa-vie the non application of an Oath to uphold the law, the law is pretty clear otherwise- a President most certainly can limit, change, stop, or filter anyone he wants from entering the US. He can do this based on race, religion, nationality, or any argument, or none. He needs no context other than his popularity and legitimacy.

The difference between the two is simple:

Both Obama and Trump could exclude any category of people they wished.

Neither would have the authority to permit any category they wished unless supported by the laws of the congress.

Don't agree? Do the homework.

Tip: First amendment and Bill of Rights do not apply to theoretical immigrants.

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Well that's big of him.

Typical racist talk. 'It's ok. He's one of the good ones'.

If America elects this guy, the world is going to unite in laughing at them. Their reputation as a major player on the world's stage will be in tatters.

The world is already laughing at them for letting it get this far. If he gets to be president the numskulls that voted for him will get the president they deserve and the US will lose all credibility.

We already did that, his name is Barrack Obama.

Edited by beechguy
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So President Trump can decided who can come and go based on religion. What an idiot. He's the decider, huh?

Trump has a steep learning curve.

Maybe he should start at the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights?

I will assume that the poster and two Likes do not see the irony in indicting Trump for his perceived comments on immigration. (Obama/Kerry are "open borders" enablers. An enactment in practice that never passed muster by consent, referendum, or reference to law- ie, criminal (see recent court actions)).

While a president has no power to write law, or practice law visa-vie the non application of an Oath to uphold the law, the law is pretty clear otherwise- a President most certainly can limit, change, stop, or filter anyone he wants from entering the US. He can do this based on race, religion, nationality, or any argument, or none. He needs no context other than his popularity and legitimacy.

The difference between the two is simple:

Both Obama and Trump could exclude any category of people they wished.

Neither would have the authority to permit any category they wished unless supported by the laws of the congress.

Don't agree? Do the homework.

Tip: First amendment and Bill of Rights do not apply to theoretical immigrants.

I'm sure Larry will rebut this with the ever clever assertion that you are a Fox News lemming

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A bit selective isn't it.

"We don't want no Muslims....... except that one"

A bigot with wiggle room.

I think the last line says it. All the other presidential players cant pull off a wiggle. Thats a way better slogan than Yes We Can. Trump '16- Yes We Wriggle.

Don't you just wanna see a bit of Prez Trump? After all the years of the same thing...I'm not American mind you I'm enjoying this guy....

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A bit selective isn't it.

"We don't want no Muslims....... except that one"

A bigot with wiggle room.

I think the last line says it. All the other presidential players cant pull off a wiggle. Thats a way better slogan than Yes We Can. Trump '16- Yes We Wriggle.

Don't you just wanna see a bit of Prez Trump? After all the years of the same thing...I'm not American mind you I'm enjoying this guy....

Its pretty clear that the only accountability a president has with regard to allowing entry to the US is the electorate and their permission- not law. Conversely, it is not the case that the president can allow in anyone, such as 5 million illegals, the country of Iraq, or 6 million Chinese only, etc. This is governed by existing law. It seems to the two would be related. They are not.

Edit: If I am wrong, please advise. I prefer to not hold a view that is incorrect.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Well that's big of him.

Typical racist talk. 'It's ok. He's one of the good ones'.

If America elects this guy, the world is going to unite in laughing at them. Their reputation as a major player on the world's stage will be in tatters.

The world is already laughing at them for letting it get this far. If he gets to be president the numskulls that voted for him will get the president they deserve and the US will lose all credibility.

We already did that, his name is Barrack Obama.

Funny , from someone who does not give a ............care about who is President of the US. Under Obama, the US has prospered. Spending is coming under control and jobs are coming back in abundance. Detroit that not so long ago looked like it was the leftovers from a nuke is now rapidly reviving and becoming a prosperous city once again. Things are actually looking up for the American people for the first time in a long time. Oh and less innocent global citizens have been killed by US military in the last 8 years than in the 8 years previous to that. The problem is that 49.7% of the population would stick a dagger in Obama's heart even if there were proof he was the messiah. All you need now is a President to come in and get rid of the Federal Reserve and US debt is vaporised. oop's that is what Kennedy was going to do!

Trump is simply playing to the crowd. It does not matter what he says or does now everything gets him front line, front page headlines and articles. He is a marketing genius. and if 50.02% of the population think he should be President then it is likely he will be. He has turned himself into the 'Marmite' President elect - love him or hate him. It will be a close call. Can't wait to see who would be in his Administration, maybe he will offer a slot to the winner of his next reality TV show.

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In the tragic event of a President Trump, Khan should not travel to the U.S. unless and until the hateful Trump ban on Muslims is lifted.

I don't think you need worry about Trump becoming POTUS. You should worry more about normal, moderate Muslims...

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In the tragic event of a President Trump, Khan should not travel to the U.S. unless and until the hateful Trump ban on Muslims is lifted.

I don't think Trump should make an exception for Khan.

Don't you lot realise Trump is winding you all up and you take it hook line and sinker.

I love American politics. laugh.png

Khan has been seen with some scum jihadists in the past, he's no angel IMO.

Edited by uptheos
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Perfect response. Khan tells the demagogue Trump -- I don't want your stinkin' exception!

So how are they going to check for Muslims at U.S. airport immigration points? Trump once said, we'll just ask. Are they going to have airport agents abroad check for circumcisions before allowing boarding? It's not only bigoted, it's unenforceable.

“Donald Trump’s ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe — it risks alienating mainstream Muslims around the world and plays into the hands of the extremists,” Khan said in a statement.


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