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Big day: Surrogate baby Carmen flies home with gay couple

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Crikey, it all seems far to creepy to me. Having gays adopt or surrogate children is something I see as totally wrong. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

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Crikey, it all seems far to creepy to me. Having gays adopt or surrogate children is something I see as totally wrong. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

Bigotry is creepy to me. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.rolleyes.gif


Crikey, it all seems far to creepy to me. Having gays adopt or surrogate children is something I see as totally wrong. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

Bigotry is creepy to me. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.rolleyes.gif

Actually you are being intolerant to those who disagree with your opinion which can be called being a bigot.

Some people agree and some disagree. It's not like the issue is whether gays should get the vote or not.


Terrible news for the child who will undoubtedly grow up very confused, not to mention the ridicule she (and her brother) will likely suffer when they are older.

They used to use that argument back in the day when people from different denominations married or when people of different races or naionalites married.

The world survived and thrived.

So will these kids.

So would this situation have occurred without modern day technology...?

Keep up, Trans.

This is an issue of law.

The kid could have been conceived with a willing birth mother and a turkey baster if need be.


Crikey, it all seems far to creepy to me. Having gays adopt or surrogate children is something I see as totally wrong. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.

Bigotry is creepy to me. Shouldn't be allowed anywhere.rolleyes.gif

Bullying, name calling and intolerance for the opinions of others goes way beyond creepy to me, in fact I find them to be potentially dangerous, maladjusted individuals. It is a worrying trend in society today. Driven by the Left, where Free Speech is only Free if you agree with us. Otherwise we will shut you down, by the use of violence if need be.

Same for those who seek attention through confrontation, they go beyond just being 'creepy' too. I tend to avoid them a lot more than anyone who is merely homosexual. You see, regardless of your bullying, I am not Homophobic. I am just of the opinion that the 'The Marriage Act' is fine the way it is. That, formally, 'Marriage' is between a man and a woman. And that when all Males of the species can conceive, carry, give birth and sustain offspring I will concede to gay adoption.

As for the Doctor Doolittle wannabe 'academics' who manipulate data to further their own agendas and whose mission in life is to 're-educate' the world about the supposed 'normality' of homosexuality in the animal kingdom are defying one of the basic laws of the universe/nature, where gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist. These Laws apply to one and all irrespective of nation, colour or religion.peace and Love. Just because male giraffes and penguins rub their necks together does not indicate to me they are necessarily 'gay'. Gestures of friendship, affection etc., between males doesn't necessarily make them gay!

So if you want me to respect your opinion, then you should have some respect for mine.


very good!

Further to my last, and whether it is pertinent to this debate or not, but It is a very well documented fact, over millennia, that on the battlefield, when men lie mortally wounded, even the most religious among them, don't call for God, they call for one thing only. Their Mother. Not their Uncle George.

Now why is that do you think?

My opinion is that a child deserves to have a mother. In fact a child has the universal human right to have one. Unfortunately the newborns at the core of the argument, themselves, don't get to have a say in it One wonders what they would say if they could and they were given the choice. The worldwide minority which represent the gay lobby believe they alone have that right. This is as presumptuous as it is selfish and unnatural.


"I'm not homophobic. I just don't think gay people deserve the same rights as straight people".

Wow. This place is like a museum of outdated ugly opinions I didn't think anyone still held in 2016.


Seriously, dude - we get the point you're making. You've made it about 900 times now. There are lost tribes deep in the Amazon that now know about your mummy issues. Enough.


Terrible news for the child who will undoubtedly grow up very confused, not to mention the ridicule she (and her brother) will likely suffer when they are older.

They used to use that argument back in the day when people from different denominations married or when people of different races or naionalites married.

The world survived and thrived.

So will these kids.

So would this situation have occurred without modern day technology...?

Keep up, Trans.

This is an issue of law.

The kid could have been conceived with a willing birth mother and a turkey baster if need be.

Maybe, but l will go back to what l have been saying all along, which is a kid has been created with no mother to look up to, live with, be pointed in the right direct on girlie stuff, must spend the rest of her life wondering about her mother. For sure when she is older there will be a bit of head scratching and questions asked.

What I do not understand is that some of you that call me anti-gay and a bigot, cannot see that fact in the kids future..

All I read is, oh she will be loved and cared for blah blah blah, of course she will but that is not the point l am making...And who is to know about these two blokes future relationship, you don't know and nor do l. I have children but divorced from their mother, grandchildren too.

They are more utterly to split up than normal married people as they are more promiscuous.


just to getting back to our Dr Doolittle Academic mates who reckon that there are approximately 450 species of animals that show homosexual tendencies. This figure is more than likely to be spurios at best. However, to put it into perspective,

Estimated Number of all known species on the planet. = 8.7 Million

Estimated Number of Animals which may exhibit Homosexual Tendencies = 450

That's a Percentage Value of


In short. The lobbyists don't have the numbers. In fact you could say it detracts from, rather than supports their argument.


I've no problem with gay people adopting and raising children. I used to think that it was unfair on the kids because they might have it tough in school. I changed my mind on that one. I think we need to teach kids that relationships come in many varieties - some different from the majority but still normal. If you take a religious view you might think differently, each to their own.

My only problem with this case is that they failed to disclose that they were a 'gay' couple. I think that is wrong, they should have been open about that. They might argue that their status is irrelevant, and does not matter - no different from failing to disclose the colour of your eyes. But the birth mother will rightly want some say on who raises the baby she gives birth too, so has a right to full disclosure. My guess is that the couple deliberately failed to disclose, making the process easier for them. If true,


A comprehensive study should be undertaken to determined the outcome of gay couples having

babies and caring for them, so far, I'm not aware of any serious study that will examine all the

social developments of a child in the care non heterosexually couples.... as what we have now,

is guy couples gallivanting into mostly very poor countries to take advantage of cheap surrogate

services in order to be a parent of a child.....

What? Are you serious or are you just trying to stir the pot? Here's something from April;

Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Households and Child Health Outcomes: Findings from the National Survey of Children's Health Bos, Henny M. W. PhD; Knox, Justin R. MPH; van Rijn-van Gelderen, Loes PhD; Gartrell, Nanette K. MD

Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: April 2016 - Volume 37 - Issue 3 - p 179–187
Conclusion: Children with female same-sex parents and different-sex parents demonstrated no differences in outcomes, despite female same-sex parents reporting more parenting stress. Future studies may reveal the sources of this parenting stress.

Here's a comprehensive literature review from the Columbia School of Law, one of the better law schools in the USA

http://whatweknow.law.columbia.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-wellbeing-of-children-with-gay-or-lesbian-parents/ It references 74 scholarly studies.

April 2016 - Volume 37 - Issue 3
pp: 179-265,S1-S25

very good!

Further to my last, and whether it is pertinent to this debate or not, but It is a very well documented fact, over millennia, that on the battlefield, when men lie mortally wounded, even the most religious among them, don't call for God, they call for one thing only. Their Mother. Not their Uncle George.

Now why is that do you think?

My opinion is that a child deserves to have a mother. In fact a child has the universal human right to have one. Unfortunately the newborns at the core of the argument, themselves, don't get to have a say in it One wonders what they would say if they could and they were given the choice. The worldwide minority which represent the gay lobby believe they alone have that right. This is as presumptuous as it is selfish and unnatural.

Well documented fact you say? Fine. Please direct me to the scholarly peer reviewed and tested research that supports your claim.


Terrible news for the child who will undoubtedly grow up very confused, not to mention the ridicule she (and her brother) will likely suffer when they are older.
They used to use that argument back in the day when people from different denominations married or when people of different races or naionalites married.

The world survived and thrived.

So will these kids.

So would this situation have occurred without modern day technology...?

Keep up, Trans.

This is an issue of law.

The kid could have been conceived with a willing birth mother and a turkey baster if need be.

Maybe, but l will go back to what l have been saying all along, which is a kid has been created with no mother to look up to, live with, be pointed in the right direct on girlie stuff, must spend the rest of her life wondering about her mother. For sure when she is older there will be a bit of head scratching and questions asked.

What I do not understand is that some of you that call me anti-gay and a bigot, cannot see that fact in the kids future..

All I read is, oh she will be loved and cared for blah blah blah, of course she will but that is not the point l am making...And who is to know about these two blokes future relationship, you don't know and nor do l. I have children but divorced from their mother, grandchildren too.

Never called you a homaphobe, but do gather from your posts you struggle with experiences that aren't your own or from those close to you.

I've got a couple of mates who are in a same sex relationship (marriage not legal in oz yet) with a couple of kids. The kids are fine and less fukced up that other kids i know from straight relationships.

But that really isn't the point.

Every relationship is unique. Each has its own dynamics. Good parents have bad kids. Bad parents end up having good kids.

I know a couple of male and female single parents. They miss out on the other parent but still come out well rounded.

You can't predict these things. I'm never going to try. I don't judge other parents upbringing of their kids. The key ingredient is love. They appear the have it in spades. For me, that's all that matters.

OK. let's say 'Hands up all those, if they were given a choice prior to their own conception and birth, would choose to NOT have a natural mother?'

And would prefer to be a 'product, Manufactured on demand, bought and sold.

Would you? I am pretty sure I wouldn't.


OK. let's say 'Hands up all those, if they were given a choice prior to their own conception and birth, would choose to NOT have a natural mother?'

And would prefer to be a 'product, Manufactured on demand, bought and sold.

Would you? I am pretty sure I wouldn't.

All this importance on having a female food provider. Why? From reading what you and other say, having a "mother" is more important than having a loving and stable family. Let me tell you something: my son and I have done just fine. We haven't needed a "mother." Other unique family situations do just fine too. Not everyone is a Freudian basket case who fixates on a mother. Got news for you: not all mothers are angels and there are a number of families who do just fine without them.


OK. let's say 'Hands up all those, if they were given a choice prior to their own conception and birth, would choose to NOT have a natural mother?'

And would prefer to be a 'product, Manufactured on demand, bought and sold.

Would you? I am pretty sure I wouldn't.

All this importance on having a female food provider. Why? From reading what you and other say, having a "mother" is more important than having a loving and stable family. Let me tell you something: my son and I have done just fine. We haven't needed a "mother." Other unique family situations do just fine too. Not everyone is a Freudian basket case who fixates on a mother. Got news for you: not all mothers are angels and there are a number of families who do just fine without them.

Absolutely nowhere have I written, or said that. Read it again and tell me where I say this.

i am pleased that you and your son have done fine. Honestly. Congratulations. well done. But you do use the word 'unique'. So then you admit, it isn't the norm. A circumstance somewhat out of your control I suspect. But what we have going on here is not a circumstance as such is it? its planned.

Would your Son, given a choice, prefer to have had a non 'unique' loving family? With a loving, caring mum and dad. They do exist, as much as your side try to convince us otherwise.

So, you choose to resort to personal insults in that I am a freudian basket case? Good grief.

And no it is not news to me at all that all mothers aren't good mothers. You only have to read the news. In Australia last week a mother tried to kill her son by chasing him and running him down with a car. But then that is not normal is it. Not unique but it's not common either.

Then on the other hand, look at the much talked about 'Stolen Generation' of Australian Aboriginal Children who are still suffering from being taken away from their natural mothers decades ago. The whole country had to have a National Sorry Day.

Actually one of the reasons mothers are so good, is that they are generally the ones who teach their kids MANNERS. If you get my drift.


If all those damn heterosexuals would quit having gay babies we wouldn't have the problem of gay couples adopting straight babies.

Get I get a harumph?

And why are all these old people and infertile couple ruining the sanctity of marriage? They're never going to reproduce. Are they just doing it to show off their heterosexual privilege?


Poor kid..

I would have loved it at school if someone had two queer parents, the piss taking would of been relentless. I hope kids are nicer and more understanding of these weird scenarios than they would of been when i was at school.


Poor kid..

I would have loved it at school if someone had two queer parents, the piss taking would of been relentless. I hope kids are nicer and more understanding of these weird scenarios than they would of been when i was at school.

They are a lot nicer in some localities and still as bad in others. You can say the same thing about a lot of differences ... like being a different race or religion somewhere that you're a minority.


One troll post and subsequent replies have been removed from this thread.

Will you guys please stop baiting each other?

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Poor kid..

I would have loved it at school if someone had two queer parents, the piss taking would of been relentless. I hope kids are nicer and more understanding of these weird scenarios than they would of been when i was at school.

You would be shocked by how decent kids are. Poor manners and nasty behavior are learned behaviors just as good behavior, and respect for others are.. If children have proper adult role models, they usually turn out just fine. Young children tend to be very accepting of others and do not discriminate based upon phenotype. When the discrimination occurs, it is because adults set the example. In plain language, clean up your act and you need not worry about the kids.


"Where's your mom?" will a lot of kids ask the girl. Then pointing at one of the guys will cause confusion.

And of course will the little girl write nice cards on Mother's day.

It must be a victory day for gay couples,but a very sad day for those who understand what's waiting for the little one.

A loving family? My ......( fill in the blanks, please)

P.S. Shame on all people who think they can just "buy a little girl" from a third world country by making false statements.


First of all thanks to DM07 for posting those videos. I saw the first one a while ago but not the second and the third.

Had it occured to you or me to post them sooner, maybe it would have cut some of these threads to a third, eliminating most of the trolling, although you would still have some members like the poster above that don't click on them or choose to ignore them.


"Where's your mom?" will a lot of kids ask the girl. Then pointing at one of the guys will cause confusion.

And of course will the little girl write nice cards on Mother's day.

It must be a victory day for gay couples,but a very sad day for those who understand what's waiting for the little one.

A loving family? My ......( fill in the blanks, please)

P.S. Shame on all people who think they can just "buy a little girl" from a third world country by making false statements.

Oooooooooh, yeah...I hope the little one will not be scared for life, for not being able to write Mother's Day- cards!

Care elaborate on the "a loving family"- trash?

So you say, she will not be loved, because she has two dads (and two granddads, two grandmothers, aunties and uncles...) instead of a mom?

This is so fantastically delusional, I am almost lost for words!

...and I hope your P.S. also includes all the hetero- couples, who do EXACTLY the same!

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