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Now you have achieved your 'goal', maybe you should get out a bit more, and get a bit of a life ?

Says the guy who was reading inane forum posts at 1.40 am.
Well at least TVForum kept him off the streets at that hour.
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Jingthing, on 16 May 2016 - 16:11, said:Jingthing, on 16 May 2016 - 16:11, said:

Who gives a flyin' frisbee? crazy.gif

somehow, I expected better than you, and all those 68,000 posts, when you post them, do you give a flying fribee I wonder?

And for all the funny guys here, why do you bother to post at all if you don't care what others thinks

of your inputs? and how else would you know the reactions to your posts if not by those likes?

Edited by ezzra
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Who gives a flyin' frisbee? crazy.gif

Says the guy who single handedly brought about the end of the green button, red button system, signifying likes and dislikes. Simply because you cared too much about how far you were in the red.
I liked the old days where you could see in what thread/forum the member spent most of their time. Was easy to identify the perverts & tossers. Bad thing was that it worked both ways.
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Can only hope your being faescitious because surely no-one is that sad as to keep track of how many likes they have received. Surely.

I've been keeping track on my 'hate meter' and I'm proud to say, I've got over 1 million 'hates' in the last few years I've been on Thai visa and that was only with 200-300 posts. (They're the ones that haven't been deleted by the powers to be) 555555

Mum would be proud.

Surely I should get some kind of medal and then all I will need is a chest to pin it on. :D

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