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Subway gone!


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People saying that Thais don't eat at Subway are completely misinformed. The location at Sansai is filled with parents taking their kids to eat there after school. And the bus station location is at least 70% Thai patrons. The owner is a Bangkok celebrity as I understand it and has a large following. And in Bangkok.....always filled with Thai patrons.

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What is "Subway sammies"?

The actual Vietnamese "ban me" looks nothing like the photo previously.

Interestingly, the Subway at Meechok was initially on the other side of the Maejo Road. It appears to me that they did more business away from the "mall" than they do now. It's almost as if easy access has given people more understanding that the sandwiches are overpriced for what you get and in the end, pretty bland.

Edited by Trujillo
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People are clinging onto "69 Baht" when in fact that's a promotional price for a sandwich from a list of "cheap to make" sandwiches. The last Subway I ate in Thailand was over 200 Baht for a 6 inch sandwich. I will freely admit that this was at an airport on an island so probably slightly more than the usual price but a Subway is no more 69 Baht than a pint of Guinness would be 50 Baht because of a St. Patrick's day promotion.

You might want to read the previous posts. the specials have been mentioned but for the most part the prices have been quoted as higher by most posters.

Thank you for your honesty about where you got the one at an airport. Most of the others would claim it is the standard price in such away as to make it look like it is the same at all the Subways.

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A promotional photo of baguette, etc. And what's the cost and where to buy? How long to wait till it arrives?

Pho Anh: http://www.phoanhchiangmai.com/ or FB: https://www.facebook.com/phoanhchiangmai/

Two branches, one downtown on Charoen Prathet Road and one half way to Vietnam, near Promenada. wink.png

The one on Charoen Prathet is north of the Iron Bridge on the left side of the road, opposite the old Diamond Riverside hotel and before you get to the Porn Ping hotel. You can't miss it, there's a big sign. Both have good air conditioning.

The cost is about 100 Baht if I recall correctly, and it takes 5 minutes and 34 seconds to be served.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I thought Subway was healthier than McDonald's...until I did some research.

And what did your research show ?

No offence, but I prefer not saying anymore. Google is your friend

You might wanna check out the ( not so ) healthy bread that Subway uses.

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You've never had a real sub sandwich, have you? Try one sometime, nothing like subway.

OK, I will, can you tell me where to get one from in CM ?

I haven't seen any. Best I've found are a few deli style shops that serve sandwiches made with real (not processed) meat . Hard enough to find a decent burger in CM, an Italian sub is probably not going to happen.

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You've never had a real sub sandwich, have you? Try one sometime, nothing like subway.

OK, I will, can you tell me where to get one from in CM ?

I haven't seen any. Best I've found are a few deli style shops that serve sandwiches made with real (not processed) meat . Hard enough to find a decent burger in CM, an Italian sub is probably not going to happen.

Supposedly there is a sandwich shop somewhere near MAYA, I think owned by Hungarians?? It's supposed to be very good. Anyone know it and its whereabouts?

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The one across from Lotus and KSK is pretty good. Good corned beef anyways. Haven't heard about the one close to Maya. I'd like to try it though, unless it's that burger place across from Maya, that place was a real let down.

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It absolutely isn't. There's nothing "fresh" about defrosted vegetables,

It isnt possible to freeze a tomato and then de frosting it because it would go mushy, so, you must not be telling the truth about Subway freezing their vegertables

Maybe you have to pay extra for "the truth". smile.png

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I like visiting the American restaurant and coffee chain stores here, but have a really hard time understanding why the prices at these and other foreign chain stores in Thailand rival the prices offered by the same chains back home. As far as I know they aren't importing their cooking stocks from there, at least not much of it, and the labor and operating costs here are no comparison, and I very much doubt they are paying the staff here back home type wages....so I have little sympathy for them if they are having trouble competing.

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consuming your own food on AA, is against their rules...just sayin'.

My all time favorite....Genova Deli, Oakland....attachicon.gifgenovadeli.jpg

The thing is, that the high quality deli stuff they use, would be well over 1000 thb per Kg here, so it just ain't gonna happen.


I used to work right next store to this deli at a stained glass shop in the 70's. great aroma when you walk in

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consuming your own food on AA, is against their rules...just sayin'.

My all time favorite....Genova Deli, Oakland....attachicon.gifgenovadeli.jpg

The thing is, that the high quality deli stuff they use, would be well over 1000 thb per Kg here, so it just ain't gonna happen.


I used to work right next store to this deli at a stained glass shop in the 70's. great aroma when you walk in

they lasted 70 years at that location, until 1996, when they moved up to Rockbridge area. I read they just closed the Oakland location after a dispute with the landlord about crazy rent prices. Napa is their only retail store now, but they are distributing some items at grocery stores. I took four trays of lasagna on a flight one time. Good aromas there all the way to Golden Gate Fields.

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I thought Subway was healthier than McDonald's...until I did some research.

And what did your research show ?

No offence, but I prefer not saying anymore. Google is your friend

You might wanna check out the ( not so ) healthy bread that Subway uses.

Yes. I think you're the first one to mention it in this thread. Azodicarbonamide....a chemical also found in yoga mats and shoe soles to add elasticity. It is a banned food additive in the U.K., Europe, and Australia, and apparently you can get up to 15 years in prison if you get caught using it in Singapore. Subway USA claims it has just about phased out this chemical in its breads, but I don't know if this is the case in Thailand too. To be fair, other fast food chains and grocery stores use this chemical too.

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Yup, overpriced. The Mrs. was disappointed with the value offered when she ordered there once, 10 years ago. That was the last time.

BTW the Nimman branch is still there. That's how the 'Never Again' thing came up after I suggested grabbing a sandwich there. wink.png

I don't blame her though, I feel the same about Haagen Dasz and Starbucks.

All these places persist in charging the same in very up-country locations as they do on their Silom, Bangkok branch where all expenses are way higher. Maybe it makes sense there in the middle of other pricing insanity, but in Chiang Mai... nope, nope, nope. Some tourists fall for it, maybe.

You make a good point I could never figure out how Starbucks flourishes charging the price they do for a cup of java. Its more than twice what I pay at my favorite coffee place and not as good.
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Subway who cares? You are better off without it, its supposed to be a fresh food alternative to other fast food outlets, well I am sorry to tell you its actually nothing like fresh. Their products are all fake food and and worse than KFC or Macca's nutritionally.

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IMO, the only reason why some people dislike Subways id because it is an American chain store .

If there was an individual Thai guy selling exactly the same product on Ko Phan Gan , the same people who dislke Subways would be marveling about how good they were .

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IMO, the only reason why some people dislike Subways id because it is an American chain store .

If there was an individual Thai guy selling exactly the same product on Ko Phan Gan , the same people who dislke Subways would be marveling about how good they were .

I don't dislike Subway because it's American; I dislike it because it's not very nice. I eat KFC, McD's, BK, and pretty much every form of fast food that's ever come out of the United States (though not very often - I prefer to cook myself most of the time). I don't eat Subway because of its overly sweet bread, grotty processed meat, flavorless cheese and sickly sugary sauces.

I love sandwiches and I am happy to spend a small fortune on them if they're good. At home the average sandwich I make costs more than a Subway (imported cheese is expensive here, so is imported butter, English Mustard, pickled beetroot, Branston Pickle, Marmite, good quality meat, etc.) Subway is simply not good. When I was in Dubai there was another, I think American, sub-brand Quizno's and that was pretty good and was a regular option while working.

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Their products are all fake food

Are those fresh tomatoes and onions not real tomatoes and onions?

They are fake ?

Do you ever go to Subway and see vegetables that aren't fresh. At my house the lettuce turns limp and brown if it gets left out. Somehow the veggies at subway stay in those bins all day and never turn bad. Chemical preservatives, and food coloring.

Edited by Rob13
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Their products are all fake food

Are those fresh tomatoes and onions not real tomatoes and onions?

They are fake ?

Do you ever go to Subway and see vegetables that aren't fresh. At my house the lettuce turns limp and brown if it gets left out. Somehow the veggies at subway stay in those bins all day and never turn bad. Chemical preservatives, and food coloring.

The vegetables on display are kept at a cooled temperature and they are covered up when not in use , I have quite often seen a person putting a thermometer into the salad to make sure that they are at the correct cooled temperature .

Also. the lettuce in your house may stay there all day, but, because Subways is a shop , lettuce gets consumed regularly, and it is then replaced, so, the same lettuce doesnt stay there all day long

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I'd like to believe that but there's too much money involved. Subway has something like 40,000 outlets, they'll cut corners every way possible, if throwing some MSG or sodium benzoate or anything else is going to let them keep the veggies a couple days longer they'll do it. The scary thing is in the US if something is proven unsafe it'll be illegal to use. Thailand has alot looser laws so there's no good way to know for sure what they are adding to your food.

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I had a turkey 6" the other day, think it was something like 149 bht. Seemed like worth maybe 1/2 that. And they have no idea how to make a sandwich, held it like opening a book, piled up all the veg in the middle, poured 5 dashes of black pepper in a pile on top and wrapped it. Total mess and when I hit the pepper I couldn't taste anything afterwards. Don't they even have a manual of how to build a Subway Sub??

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