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Watchdogs ‘Too Late’ to Stop Media Spellbound by Slow-Motion Suicide


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Watchdogs ‘Too Late’ to Stop Media Spellbound by Slow-Motion Suicide
By Teeranai Charuvastra
Staff Reporter

In this screenshot from a Thairath live broadcast, reporters swarm into the motel where murder suspect Wanchai Danaitamonut fatally shot himself just minutes earlier on Thursday in Bangkok.

BANGKOK — It was the kind of media event that would have once been unthinkable, but in a time of everything-everywhere expectations, the rapt coverage of an unfolding suicide Thursday seemed to raise ratings more than editorial alarms.

Today, prominent media watchdog agencies admit they moved too late to take action against news agencies which broadcast live footage of a cornered murder suspect committing suicide in Bangkok.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1463724684

-- Khaosod English 2016-05-20

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When we see these films set in the future where people have ceased to have human feelings because we want to be entertained or in the spotlight, we think they're far fetched. Apparently not.

I love technology and modernisation, but it's making many people feel they're detached from nature.

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"...the rapt coverage of an unfolding suicide Thursday seemed to raise ratings more than editorial alarms."

Admittedly, the modern press is seeking ratings over substance. However, like it or not, this is the job of the press. Reporting the news, no matter how gruesome it is. From some of the responses lauding his suicide, the press is just reporting what the public wants.

The question which needs to be asked is: Where was an effective police crisis team to help prevent the suicide during those 6 hours? The only police action that was mentioned was a standoff.

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I think a lot more people would be incensed if this had not been a live stand-off followed by a dramatic suicide by a double murderer.

Sympathy for Wanchai is hard to give when you think what he had just done. One feels sorry for family members of all three men who died.

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I watched live on TV yesterday. When the guy shot himself they opened some gates to let the medical folks and ambulance in...and right along with them came dozens of news reporters with their cameras. Very little crowd control by the police at that point in time.

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Absolutely disgusting to have the pres streaming this tragedy. there is no responsibility in the Press anywhere. They are interested in only one thing and that is how much advertising can they sell and will focus on the most salacious parts of any 'story'. In addition, the lack of adequate police control; a police negotiator; and sealing off the crime scene properly shows the lack of professionalism in all aspects of this case.

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I watched live on TV yesterday. When the guy shot himself they opened some gates to let the medical folks and ambulance in...and right along with them came dozens of news reporters with their cameras. Very little crowd control by the police at that point in time.

I saw it on TV and I didn't see any police control it was just a free for all

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It's all driven by ratings because that is where the media derives their money. Journalistic Sunday's have gone the way of the Dodo bird. As for the man in the street, he has always been eager to get n line yo see the next hanging, flogging, beheading etc. If you expect accountability from journalists you will need to vote with your eyes.

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Don Henley: Dirty Laundry "People love it when you lose.They love dirty laundry." All this BS about the duty of the press to report is just that, BS!!! So many people simply are avid voyeurs and the more gruesome the better. Edited by The Deerhunter
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I think a lot more people would be incensed if this had not been a live stand-off followed by a dramatic suicide by a double murderer.

Sympathy for Wanchai is hard to give when you think what he had just done. One feels sorry for family members of all three men who died.

Killing himself was the easy way out and doing in the manner he did gave the bleeper satisfaction in his last moments as in his own mind he probably felt famous. For the rest of us, the family, friends, and society, justice was robbed.

Its not a good ending if you ask me. The police yet again completely failed on every level as noted in this thread and also because they didn't, even though it would have been extremely easy to, bring him in alive. He will never see a jail cell, court of law, or an executioners bullet.

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No different from decades ago when SAS stormed embassy in London on live tv - or Sadam Hussein being hung or various other live standoffs - still think the BIB shouldn't drop charges against the "prof" and use his estate to compensate families that he shot

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