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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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Once again...Money Walks.....

By this rate he will move to Greenland.....

Yes I maybe agree here as with the rate of global weather changing Greenland will be a tropical paradise

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Please, please end this. I am sick and tired of reading about this guy and the monk. Let them off for god's sake and let's all move on.


Thailand shows its true colours.

Despicable and corrupt to the core.


How so? The fact that they brought it up again after 4 years instead of sweeping it under the rug clearly tells a different story. He will miss the new date again and after that it will be an arrest warrant which forces him to join Thaksin.


Such slime (and there is plenty other slime of young oligarch human manure) must be eradicated and if I would lose a loved one by such filth never facing the music an i.e. "East European tourist" would finish the job; in, out - never been here.

Moses already taught "an eye for an eye"; comes to mind if the normal legal system fails. This boy can be arrested in 24 hours if the authorities would just care a little but big bags of Baht notes seem to impair the view giggle.gif


This boy is blessed. He is one of the Special. When will the rest of you realize he is better than the rest of us. Lower laws do not apply to beings like him.

Thailand needs a McArthur......


Thailand shows its true colours.

Despicable and corrupt to the core.


How so? The fact that they brought it up again after 4 years instead of sweeping it under the rug clearly tells a different story. He will miss the new date again and after that it will be an arrest warrant which forces him to join Thaksin.

Oh really? So the fact that sod all has been done in 4 years and the Thong Lor police are finally forced to send him a polite request for a meeting after the top cop succumbed to public outrage is a sign that all is well?

Kindly send me 2 ounces of whatever it is you've been smoking 'cos it seems like it's really good stuff.



Please, please end this. I am sick and tired of reading about this guy and the monk. Let them off for god's sake and let's all move on.



My God, this young man. Khun Yorvidhya killed a policeman who had a family.... who was on duty early in the morning and the "Red Bull" grandson smashed directly into the back of the motorcycle with his new Ferari sports car...didn't even stop but continued to drive the car to his gated housing compound. No compasion what so ever. And the police department does not have the balls to take action??? When he does show up, I can predict "Boss" will go to the temple to be a monk and ask for forgiveness.

We farng and Thais all can take action by not boycotting Red Bull products.

And when will the RTP / the prosecutors etc., announce what's happening:

- In the merc man case - two students burned to death?

- The honda girl case?

Both cases gone totally quiet.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Most children are a product of their background and upbringing by their families. It is true that some of the less privileged and less lucky do make good, in the same way that some of the more privileged and lucky go bad.

If your parents indulge your every whim and desire and don't care then why should you as Daddy and Mummy, being rich can always buy your way out of trouble.

IMHO his parents are less than relatively innocent in this case and again, IMHO deserve to be reprimanded for not bringing him up properly.

The Red Bull heir is not a victim of circumstance though sadly the policeman he killed was.

As for most civilised countries this subject would not even be discussed as the perp would have been arrested and put in jail as soon as they had found him at home. Should a senior police officer been found trying to assist him then he would have been suspended and put on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice and most probably jailed also.

Trying to compare the Thai police and Thai justice with most civilised countries doesn't work.

First class post. Also, first class observation and insight. Thankyou, I enjoyed reading it.



If the ex army Prime Minister wants to appear that corruption is being dealt with well here is a primary example to show all that is the case. Firstly, make hiis bond while on bail his home. No turn up lose home. After the verdict if guilty, which as per the media he is, make sure he gets max sentence.


the sad state of the written law and justice in thailand .so sad . worse than 3rd world sad .


He should start a club with the Dhammachayo abbot. The Club Of Indefinitely Sick Criminals.

Maybe they use the same doctors as ernest saunders.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Most children are a product of their background and upbringing by their families. It is true that some of the less privileged and less lucky do make good, in the same way that some of the more privileged and lucky go bad.

If your parents indulge your every whim and desire and don't care then why should you as Daddy and Mummy, being rich can always buy your way out of trouble.

IMHO his parents are less than relatively innocent in this case and again, IMHO deserve to be reprimanded for not bringing him up properly.

The Red Bull heir is not a victim of circumstance though sadly the policeman he killed was.

As for most civilised countries this subject would not even be discussed as the perp would have been arrested and put in jail as soon as they had found him at home. Should a senior police officer been found trying to assist him then he would have been suspended and put on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice and most probably jailed also.

Trying to compare the Thai police and Thai justice with most civilised countries doesn't work.

First class post. Also, first class observation and insight. Thankyou, I enjoyed reading it.


I found this amazing explanation of Sakdina which really explains everything.

When a tourist puts his first tentative step on terra firma and for every moment henceforth unwittingly he is immersing himself in a translucent ether of Sakdina that he will probably never become aware. Sakdina harks back to the dawn of Thailand and in the 21st century has called on all its adaptability to survive. 21st century Sakdina can be seen as many things; the amount of privilege a person deserves, seeing an expensive car drive by with a police escort leading it rudely gesturing for ordinary drivers to get out the way, the deference shown by a servant to his master or students lowering their heads when they pass a teacher by in the corridor. Sakdina is the division of the society into commoners and higher castes and the realisation that a Tuk Tuk driver, even if he saved his pennies and passed that Degree at Ramkanghang Open University, he would never be accepted in a job vacancy of government officer simply because of his low birth. Sakdina’s origins lie deep in Thai history.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

I think he will probably give a toss about his parents if the supply of baht dried up!

Spoilt brat anyway. so his parents are also partly to blame.


I found this amazing explanation of Sakdina which really explains everything.

When a tourist puts his first tentative step on terra firma and for every moment henceforth unwittingly he is immersing himself in a translucent ether of Sakdina that he will probably never become aware. Sakdina harks back to the dawn of Thailand and in the 21st century has called on all its adaptability to survive. 21st century Sakdina can be seen as many things; the amount of privilege a person deserves, seeing an expensive car drive by with a police escort leading it rudely gesturing for ordinary drivers to get out the way, the deference shown by a servant to his master or students lowering their heads when they pass a teacher by in the corridor. Sakdina is the division of the society into commoners and higher castes and the realisation that a Tuk Tuk driver, even if he saved his pennies and passed that Degree at Ramkanghang Open University, he would never be accepted in a job vacancy of government officer simply because of his low birth. Sakdina’s origins lie deep in Thai history.

Which explains the sense of entitlement that some of these yoyo's have. It's all very sad to see in the 21st century, and imho there is a single person to blame.

Thailand needs to do some growing up in short order (not for the benefit of individuals because I am convinced that the average Thai, transplanted into a 1st-world environment, would be considered to be as thick as pigsh|t), but for the future security of Thailand. I believe that right now Thailand is under threat and is in serious danger of becoming a failed state, or being in a state of civil war (I believe this would have happened already had not most Thais been thoroughly propagandised over several decades).

I believe that the nincompoops running the country right now are a serious threat to Thailand, one which is not going to go away until they do. Tied up in all that is all the deficiency of the law-enforcement and jurisprudential systems, which according to my personal experience (not as a suspected criminal) is hopelessly compromised and ineffective. As we see in the current discussion.

I knew a bit about sakdina, but thanks for the additional info.



My God, this young man. Khun Yorvidhya killed a policeman who had a family.... who was on duty early in the morning and the "Red Bull" grandson smashed directly into the back of the motorcycle with his new Ferari sports car...didn't even stop but continued to drive the car to his gated housing compound. No compasion what so ever. And the police department does not have the balls to take action??? When he does show up, I can predict "Boss" will go to the temple to be a monk and ask for forgiveness.

We farng and Thais all can take action by not boycotting Red Bull products.

Think you mean "farangs" mate! And do you not mean "by boycotting Red Bull products"?


Thailand shows its true colours.

Despicable and corrupt to the core.


How so? The fact that they brought it up again after 4 years instead of sweeping it under the rug clearly tells a different story. He will miss the new date again and after that it will be an arrest warrant which forces him to join Thaksin.

The fact that they brought it up again could be cynically interpreted as "the brown bag needs a refill"


Had he been a "commoner", INTERPOL would have issued a warrant for his arrest when he fled to Singapore. As far as I know, failing to appear for a court summons on a serious charge will immediately lead to an arrest warrant being issued. How many chances has this skinny clown been given, and still no arrest warrant issued??? Makes me want to hurl...

Recently there has been a lot of media attention of cases where the rich are literally getting away with murder, so the Thai people know very well what is going on. It is not just us Farangs who find this repulsive; most of my Thai friends are also upset and are fed-up. The only way to change things would be collective action. Holding a demonstration outside the courthouse may result in being sent for "attitude adjustment", so the way to go for now would be an online campaign...

Interpol won't issue a Red Notice for anyone unless there's a request made by the member country involved and the crime etc falls within the Interpol charter.

As far as I know Thailand hasn't bother with such a request yet and maybe never will.

The reason is a perceived loss of face having to ask for assistance.

Look, I know this banging an old drum but my faith in law-enforcement and the judicial system in Thailand is so destroyed that I think Thai people should organise themselves to exact extra-judicial vengeance. he's a playboy, playboys go out on the town (though he might be in hiding right now). Wait until he surfaces, 2 men walking up behind him, double-tap in the back of the head - no more problem.

It's going to get to that state anyway in Thailand, better to manage it properly and have good/reliable/sensible people driving the process.

Then there's the texting lady and the Benz driver, the cops who disappeared Somchai, the cops who stole the diamond etc etc. No shortage of things deserving of attention.



Who really gives a rat's ass? Seriously who could really care about this "Thai" related case??? Shit happens here and it is a "local" problem not a farang issue.


What's the going rate for "another chance" I wonder....

I suspect that if you have to ask then you can not afford one. I sure can't.


I found this amazing explanation of Sakdina which really explains everything.

When a tourist puts his first tentative step on terra firma and for every moment henceforth unwittingly he is immersing himself in a translucent ether of Sakdina that he will probably never become aware. Sakdina harks back to the dawn of Thailand and in the 21st century has called on all its adaptability to survive. 21st century Sakdina can be seen as many things; the amount of privilege a person deserves, seeing an expensive car drive by with a police escort leading it rudely gesturing for ordinary drivers to get out the way, the deference shown by a servant to his master or students lowering their heads when they pass a teacher by in the corridor. Sakdina is the division of the society into commoners and higher castes and the realisation that a Tuk Tuk driver, even if he saved his pennies and passed that Degree at Ramkanghang Open University, he would never be accepted in a job vacancy of government officer simply because of his low birth. Sakdina’s origins lie deep in Thai history.

Which explains the sense of entitlement that some of these yoyo's have. It's all very sad to see in the 21st century, and imho there is a single person to blame.

Thailand needs to do some growing up in short order (not for the benefit of individuals because I am convinced that the average Thai, transplanted into a 1st-world environment, would be considered to be as thick as pigsh|t), but for the future security of Thailand. I believe that right now Thailand is under threat and is in serious danger of becoming a failed state, or being in a state of civil war (I believe this would have happened already had not most Thais been thoroughly propagandised over several decades).

I believe that the nincompoops running the country right now are a serious threat to Thailand, one which is not going to go away until they do. Tied up in all that is all the deficiency of the law-enforcement and jurisprudential systems, which according to my personal experience (not as a suspected criminal) is hopelessly compromised and ineffective. As we see in the current discussion.

I knew a bit about sakdina, but thanks for the additional info.


Winnie, I concur.

my thoughts are that these elites who live in the unreal world of their own making have no real perception of what the average Thai thinks.

They are educated in Europe, fly to LA to buy the latest clothes, only mix with their ilk.

As long as there's a buffer between them and the rest of the population, they're fine.

The military have been carrying out their wishes since they marched on elephants.

Meanwhile, back on planet Thailand, the genie has been let out.

The young people are becoming politically aware, the world is there to observe on a smart phone.

They see the liberated youth of the West, they listen in to the conversations.

Then we have the Friday night pep talk from the Dear leader and it's plain to see what's happening here.

The gulf between the elites and the rest is so wide it's scary.

I can see this ending in tears.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Targeting innocent parties, which planet are you from???

On the planet I'm on Planet Earth parents are the responsible party to bring up their offspring to live respectfully in society.


Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?


Then why didn't the PM at the time do something about this and also about corruption which IRC was one of her many election promises?

You are one of the people who protest about the powers that the PM has, including Section 44, but here it seems as though you want him to do something with Section 44.

Well he did come in on an anti-corruption ticket.


Another fine example of all powerful Mr Section 44 Generalissimo Prayuth not putting an end to corruption.

Tell me, why did we need to have this coup?

Well the last thing on anyone's mind in this country is ending corruption. Thais thrive on it, right from the bottom to the top. I would go as far to say that most Thais in this jerks situation, with enough money, would do exactly the same thing - not accept responsibility for their actions. When the country's leader runs away to avoid a jail term, what message is this sending to the population? Sadly, corruption and lawlessness is here to stay.

But but Thaksin .....ran away because he didn't fancy meeting up with 2 guys on a motorbike and ending up as cinders.


Who really gives a rat's ass? Seriously who could really care about this "Thai" related case??? Shit happens here and it is a "local" problem not a farang issue.

Well, who really gives a rats ass?

I should think the thousands of expats that live here are interested, some so much that they post on this "Thai" forum dealing with local events and goings-on in Thailand.

This "Thai related case" is merely one in a big collection of reports about the injustices and weaknesses of the Thai judicial system. If you find it boring perhaps switch to another forum where they discuss farming and related issues??

OTOH, it gives those that live here, and many who do not, an opportunity to express their feelings and vent their frustrations.


There is no way he will show his face in Thailand again. As far as the police are concerned, he murdered one of their own. If he does come back, he won't live long.

ha think you're wrong, more than likely flying in and out the backdoor in private jets at family connections airports as he pleases

double ha, the bib have had plenty of opportunities to do that and yet not even a paper cut from signing legal documents.


There is no way he will show his face in Thailand again. As far as the police are concerned, he murdered one of their own. If he does come back, he won't live long.

ha think you're wrong, more than likely flying in and out the backdoor in private jets at family connections airports as he pleases

double ha, the bib have had plenty of opportunities to do that and yet not even a paper cut from signing legal documents.

I think he's wrong too. The police value money more than vengeance - and I strongly suspect they've still got their hands out.


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