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Red Bull Heir Fails to Appear, Again. Given Another Chance, Again.

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If Thailand only knew how much "face" they lose and foolish they look on the global stage when stuff like this goes on.

".......on the global stage..."

The "global stage" Thailand operates on is about as big and as important as lakorn is to Hollywood and the Oscars. Basically, it's comedy on a local scale.

People in London, New York, Paris and Sydney etc don't read about these sort of farcical goings on and aren't interested..

Trump probably thinks Thailand is an island off the coast of China north of the Philippines.

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Those with drug problems should be shown the same amount of compassion as those with physical diseases, such as HIV or cancer.

Hmmm. Seems to me that the majority of drug problems are self-inflicted. I know HIV is sometimes self-inflicted is but is cancer self-inflicted? I didn't think it was but I might be wrong, that's happened before.

If I wanted to be all compassionate and stuff, I think I'd give money to orphans or something - that's not self-inflicted unless the kid killed the parents, which they usually didn't.

I wouldn't give the time of day to alcoholics either.


I wrote my later post before I read yours - sorry for the similarity!


You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

The Thai Army are there to protect the rich and privileged in Thai society, if that includes shooting their fellow Thai's then that's what they will do, as long as the poor are kept in line and are afraid of The police and Army, they are doing their jobs correct and the heads of these organizations will enjoy the massive opportunities to continue the never ending circle of corruption, with nobody to answer to, cos the only people with the power to clip the wings of all these Generals won't do a thing, cos they need their protection from the poor masses.

Army and Police Generals can amass millions of USD's under this system, it suits them, it suits their rich and privileged masters. it doesn't suit the poor, but whoever cared about the poor anyway, they are expendable and the Thai education system is churning out thousands of poorly educated, brainwashed kids each year to continue the cycle.

And social media websites like Facebook are the light at the end of the tunnel!

I think that they are - I'm assuming that you meant it, and are not being ironic. They link huge numbers of the population,, particularly but not exclusively the young. Oh sure 90% of the traffic are photos of what you had for lunch, your friends cute new puppy and so on, but what they do provide is a channel for passing news, opinions and ideas which is outside the control of the government and the establishment which it serves. For example, it seems to me, they are the main channel for expressing the current dissatisfaction with the blatant exemption from the justice process of several wealthy and well connected people who have killed by dangerous driving and are trying to get away with it. In the past that would have remained a dark little secret. Social Media obviously worries the establishment, because they cannot close it down without risking mass fury, and although they can pick away at known opponents by monitoring their posts, to a degree, they cannot control the thoughts and posts of the millions of users - that would be like trying to pee up Niagara Falls! It's well established, growing, and out of their control. They have woken up to it too late, and I rather suspect it keeps some very influential people awake in their comfortable bedrooms at night.


Those with drug problems should be shown the same amount of compassion as those with physical diseases, such as HIV or cancer.

Hmmm. Seems to me that the majority of drug problems are self-inflicted. I know HIV is sometimes self-inflicted is but is cancer self-inflicted? I didn't think it was but I might be wrong, that's happened before.

If I wanted to be all compassionate and stuff, I think I'd give money to orphans or something - that's not self-inflicted unless the kid killed the parents, which they usually didn't.

I wouldn't give the time of day to alcoholics either.


I wrote my later post before I read yours - sorry for the similarity!

Not at all. Happy someone else sees the world similar to me.



You would think that Thais who are crushed under corruption and have little choice in the life they are assigned would riot in the street...

The Thai Army are there to protect the rich and privileged in Thai society, if that includes shooting their fellow Thai's then that's what they will do, as long as the poor are kept in line and are afraid of The police and Army, they are doing their jobs correct and the heads of these organizations will enjoy the massive opportunities to continue the never ending circle of corruption, with nobody to answer to, cos the only people with the power to clip the wings of all these Generals won't do a thing, cos they need their protection from the poor masses.

Army and Police Generals can amass millions of USD's under this system, it suits them, it suits their rich and privileged masters. it doesn't suit the poor, but whoever cared about the poor anyway, they are expendable and the Thai education system is churning out thousands of poorly educated, brainwashed kids each year to continue the cycle.

And social media websites like Facebook are the light at the end of the tunnel!

I think that they are - I'm assuming that you meant it, and are not being ironic. They link huge numbers of the population,, particularly but not exclusively the young. Oh sure 90% of the traffic are photos of what you had for lunch, your friends cute new puppy and so on, but what they do provide is a channel for passing news, opinions and ideas which is outside the control of the government and the establishment which it serves. For example, it seems to me, they are the main channel for expressing the current dissatisfaction with the blatant exemption from the justice process of several wealthy and well connected people who have killed by dangerous driving and are trying to get away with it. In the past that would have remained a dark little secret. Social Media obviously worries the establishment, because they cannot close it down without risking mass fury, and although they can pick away at known opponents by monitoring their posts, to a degree, they cannot control the thoughts and posts of the millions of users - that would be like trying to pee up Niagara Falls! It's well established, growing, and out of their control. They have woken up to it too late, and I rather suspect it keeps some very influential people awake in their comfortable bedrooms at night.

No, I was not being ironic, and agree completely with what you are saying. Prior to the Internet, all these instances that you quote above would never see the light of day in any newspaper because that area of the media can be controlled by the Government. A similar situation is the Koh Tao affair - I don't think the RTP and Government realised how much they were "under the microscope", and did not expect anywhere near the flak they received due to the facts (or non-facts) being plastered all over Social Media! Maybe, gradually, they will wake up to the fact that they can't keep things hidden the way that they used to and "transparency" will have to be more than just a word that they continually flaunt, but don't adhere to.


Sure this guy should be made accountable for his actions, just like anybody else would be.

But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..

To know you are responsible for a persons death is a hard thing to live with, and unless he is a hardened criminal or serial killer, that is quite likely the case here. After all it was a road accident, sure with speed and drugs ? playing a big part,

but that happens every day here. It was not a case of putting a gun to a persons head and pulling the trigger.

And most parents would do what they could to keep their children from 20 years in jail.

Sure he is spoiled rotten, and very rich parents, but that is his fortunate or unfortunate roll in life...

Just a unrelated point, about 22 war Vets commit suicide every day in America, haunted by what they have been through with war and killing other people, and they are trained solders .... not spoiled kids.

At last the voice of reason.

And yes, all parents would do their utmost to keep their kids from going to jail.

Quite, I'm sure the boy and indeed his family are suffering.

The boy probably has a drug problem, which could happen to any of our children.

If any parent would turn their own son into the police and recommend jail if they had the means to avoid it please raise your hands now. If not, let it go.

Those with drug problems should be shown the same amount of compassion as those with physical diseases, such as HIV or cancer.

Hmmm. Seems to me that the majority of drug problems are self-inflicted. I know HIV is sometimes self-inflicted is but is cancer self-inflicted? I didn't think it was but I might be wrong, that's happened before.

If I wanted to be all compassionate and stuff, I think I'd give money to orphans or something - that's not self-inflicted unless the kid killed the parents, which they usually didn't.

I wouldn't give the time of day to alcoholics either.


Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Alcoholism is a progressive, incurable disease as stated by medical professionals.But hey, maybe you know better.

I have equal compassion for alcoholics and cancer sufferers.

HIV, is different. One could argue that there are many Pattaya residents with a disease of sexual addiction.


Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Alcoholism is a progressive, incurable disease as stated by medical professionals.But hey, maybe you know better.

I have equal compassion for alcoholics and cancer sufferers.

HIV, is different. One could argue that there are many Pattaya residents with a disease of sexual addiction.

Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Unless someone is forcing it down their throat then yes I do. They may be sorry that alcoholism is the end result of exercising poor personal choices, but they exercised them.

They may not like the consequences now, but they liked drinking and knew what the consequences were likely to be. That's life really... no sympathy.

I don't feel sorry for smokers who get cancer or people who can't kick gambling either. We all have choices, some of us make better choices that others.

There are plenty of people on whom sympathy is not wasted. This guy isn't one of them.



Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Alcoholism is a progressive, incurable disease as stated by medical professionals.But hey, maybe you know better.

I have equal compassion for alcoholics and cancer sufferers.

HIV, is different. One could argue that there are many Pattaya residents with a disease of sexual addiction.

Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Unless someone is forcing it down their throat then yes I do. They may be sorry that alcoholism is the end result of exercising poor personal choices, but they exercised them.

They may not like the consequences now, but they liked drinking and knew what the consequences were likely to be. That's life really... no sympathy.

I don't feel sorry for smokers who get cancer or people who can't kick gambling either. We all have choices, some of us make better choices that others.

There are plenty of people on whom sympathy is not wasted. This guy isn't one of them.


I have to disagree with you and agree with Nearlynam. According to the following institutions, alcoholism is a disease which means that those who have it can't help it.

The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine

One definition of alcoholism is the loss of choice in drinking. So to say that it is a choice is ignorance.

You certainly have a choice to feel sympathy for fellow human beings with a disease or not. I hope your kids don't turn out to be alkies.

One definition of alcoholism is the loss of choice in drinking. So to say that it is a choice is ignorance.

You certainly have a choice to feel sympathy for fellow human beings with a disease or not. I hope your kids don't turn out to be alkies.


Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Alcoholism is a progressive, incurable disease as stated by medical professionals.But hey, maybe you know better.

I have equal compassion for alcoholics and cancer sufferers.

HIV, is different. One could argue that there are many Pattaya residents with a disease of sexual addiction.

Do you think alcoholics choose to be so?

Unless someone is forcing it down their throat then yes I do. They may be sorry that alcoholism is the end result of exercising poor personal choices, but they exercised them.

They may not like the consequences now, but they liked drinking and knew what the consequences were likely to be. That's life really... no sympathy.

I don't feel sorry for smokers who get cancer or people who can't kick gambling either. We all have choices, some of us make better choices that others.

There are plenty of people on whom sympathy is not wasted. This guy isn't one of them.


I have to disagree with you and agree with Nearlynam. According to the following institutions, alcoholism is a disease which means that those who have it can't help it.

The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the American College of Physicians , Joint Committee of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence and the American Society of Addiction Medicine

One definition of alcoholism is the loss of choice in drinking. So to say that it is a choice is ignorance.

You certainly have a choice to feel sympathy for fellow human beings with a disease or not. I hope your kids don't turn out to be alkies.

One definition of alcoholism is the loss of choice in drinking. So to say that it is a choice is ignorance.

You certainly have a choice to feel sympathy for fellow human beings with a disease or not. I hope your kids don't turn out to be alkies.

My friend, this is BS.

Of course alcoholism is a disease, I have never said or even thought otherwise. It's a self-inflicted disease. Like most cases of lung cancer are self-inflicted by smoking. Of course, once you have alcoholism, your body needs alcohol because the body taking the step from tolerating to needing is common to all habits.

But that isn't and wasn't the point at issue.

You get to be an alcoholic by sustained drinking to excess.

That is the choice, to *become* an alcoholic or to *not become* an alcoholic by drinking excessively or not. In essence you CHOOSE whether or not to be an alcoholic by choosing whether or not to engage in sustained excessive drinking. That choice, having been made, voids the possibility of getting any sympathy at all from me. If you want to slash your wrists, then go ahead and slash them but don't cry to me that 'the devil made you do it' or that the subsequent blood loss isn't your fault. It's entirely your choice, end of story.

Sustained excessive smoking gives you a high possibility of getting lung cancer. Sustained excessive drinking gives you a high chance of becoming an alcoholic. it really isn't a hard thing to understand, I don't know why all the BS suddenly appears, it's not as if it's a controversial idea.


ps I answered our post as a courtesy, but will not further engage in this nonsense. Because it's drifting off-topic.


Well it only took 200 or so posts for the bleeding hearts to chime in and excuse this POS because :

But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..
To know you are responsible for a persons death is a hard thing to live with, and unless he is a hardened criminal or serial killer, that is quite likely the case here. After all it was a road accident, sure with speed and drugs ? playing a big part,
but that happens every day here. It was not a case of putting a gun to a persons head and pulling the trigger.
And most parents would do what they could to keep their children from 20 years in jail.
Sure he is spoiled rotten, and very rich parents, but that is his fortunate or unfortunate roll in life...
Quite, I'm sure the boy and indeed his family are suffering.

The boy probably has a drug problem, which could happen to any of our children.

If any parent would turn their own son into the police and recommend jail if they had the means to avoid it please raise your hands now. If not, let it go.

This happened 4 months shy of four years ago people and not one word of contrition from this scumbag


Well it only took 200 or so posts for the bleeding hearts to chime in and excuse this POS because :

But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..

To know you are responsible for a persons death is a hard thing to live with, and unless he is a hardened criminal or serial killer, that is quite likely the case here. After all it was a road accident, sure with speed and drugs ? playing a big part,

but that happens every day here. It was not a case of putting a gun to a persons head and pulling the trigger.

And most parents would do what they could to keep their children from 20 years in jail.

Sure he is spoiled rotten, and very rich parents, but that is his fortunate or unfortunate roll in life...

Quite, I'm sure the boy and indeed his family are suffering.

The boy probably has a drug problem, which could happen to any of our children.

If any parent would turn their own son into the police and recommend jail if they had the means to avoid it please raise your hands now. If not, let it go.

This happened 4 months shy of four years ago people and not one word of contrition from this scumbag

Maybe not publicly, but probably did say something to express their grief and sorrow,

when they handed over three million B to the family... do you know ?


I thought the Statute of Limitations period had ended and he couldn't be charged? I'm sure someone with more knowledge than I will correct me.coffee1.gif


I thought the Statute of Limitations period had ended and he couldn't be charged? I'm sure someone with more knowledge than I will correct me.coffee1.gif

The statute of limitation ran out only for the speeding charge ( they knew he was speeding based upon the impact damage to the police motorcycle and the distance to his residence from the accident scene )


A legal farce.
The whole theater show runs already since four years.
Delaying, carryover, again and again.
Two previous misdemeanor charges filed against him – speeding and property damage – already expired.
Wonder that the Thai public that so calmly accepts, this dual-track justice system in which the wealthy and well-connected can avoid punishment for their crimes.
The – reckless driving resulting in death – charge will expire in 2027.
So we will see 11 more years - The Law bending show -.


Three million baht to the family and he was driving a twenty million baht car I bet his insurance costs more than that.


I bet you my house if he was charged under s.112 he would be "found" quick smart and in chains. But it seems a life has no value (In Thailand). 37 years in prison for insulting a dog, 0 jail time when a billionaire takes a life - Priceless Thailand.


But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..

For the children of the Hi-So in Bangkok, their upbringing, by its very nature, produces plenty of sick sociopathic behavior without needing any specific traumatic incident. I suggest looking at Youtube for a video on Thais driving Ferraris for an example and focus on the mental health rather than the political theme that was prominent when the video was originally released.


This guy, lol. I saw him in Europe, while traveling. He didnt fail to show up, everybody knows that he will never show up. but i see, the court never fails to put on a show and act like they dont know whats going on.
If they wanted him, he would be home already.


This should reflect bad on the government. Very shameful that after 4 years, killing a police officer and once again they want to give him another chance to turn himself in. Please! Give us a break. This is so shameful and obvious that it reeks of curuption.


I bet you my house if he was charged under s.112 he would be "found" quick smart and in chains. But it seems a life has no value (In Thailand). 37 years in prison for insulting a dog, 0 jail time when a billionaire takes a life - Priceless Thailand.

Lol, get the facts right. It was lese majeste.


Well it only took 200 or so posts for the bleeding hearts to chime in and excuse this POS because :

But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..

To know you are responsible for a persons death is a hard thing to live with, and unless he is a hardened criminal or serial killer, that is quite likely the case here. After all it was a road accident, sure with speed and drugs ? playing a big part,

but that happens every day here. It was not a case of putting a gun to a persons head and pulling the trigger.

And most parents would do what they could to keep their children from 20 years in jail.

Sure he is spoiled rotten, and very rich parents, but that is his fortunate or unfortunate roll in life...

Quite, I'm sure the boy and indeed his family are suffering.

The boy probably has a drug problem, which could happen to any of our children.

If any parent would turn their own son into the police and recommend jail if they had the means to avoid it please raise your hands now. If not, let it go.

This happened 4 months shy of four years ago people and not one word of contrition from this scumbag

Maybe not publicly, but probably did say something to express their grief and sorrow,

when they handed over three million B to the family... do you know ?

The way things work here if he had made any display of an apology to the family of the policeman you can be 100% sure it would have been on all the tv channels, all the front pages, all social media and I would even wager the side pods of the F1 Red Bull cars.


Well it only took 200 or so posts for the bleeding hearts to chime in and excuse this POS because :

But there is a good chance he is haunted by the death he caused and may well be sick, both mentally and physically by what he has done, and may well be for the rest of his life..

To know you are responsible for a persons death is a hard thing to live with, and unless he is a hardened criminal or serial killer, that is quite likely the case here. After all it was a road accident, sure with speed and drugs ? playing a big part,

but that happens every day here. It was not a case of putting a gun to a persons head and pulling the trigger.

And most parents would do what they could to keep their children from 20 years in jail.

Sure he is spoiled rotten, and very rich parents, but that is his fortunate or unfortunate roll in life...

Quite, I'm sure the boy and indeed his family are suffering.

The boy probably has a drug problem, which could happen to any of our children.

If any parent would turn their own son into the police and recommend jail if they had the means to avoid it please raise your hands now. If not, let it go.

This happened 4 months shy of four years ago people and not one word of contrition from this scumbag

Maybe not publicly, but probably did say something to express their grief and sorrow,

when they handed over three million B to the family... do you know ?

Langsuan man, why don't you put on all of my quote ? at the start I said "Sure this guy should be made accountable for his actions, just like anybody else would be"

And tell me have you ever speed or driven drunk in your life ? not many people could honestly say NO? so it is only by luck or good timing, that something like this hasn't happened to just about us all...


Being let off for killing a police officer is not new. What about when, a few years ago, a politicians son and his so called body guards shot a police officer dead. He was then admitted into the army and I believe became a police officer himself.


Being let off for killing a police officer is not new. What about when, a few years ago, a politicians son and his so called body guards shot a police officer dead. He was then admitted into the army and I believe became a police officer himself.

Ah yes, Chalerm. Equally disgraceful. Disgusting.



Well it only took 200 or so posts for the bleeding hearts to chime in and excuse this POS because :

This happened 4 months shy of four years ago people and not one word of contrition from this scumbag

Maybe not publicly, but probably did say something to express their grief and sorrow,

when they handed over three million B to the family... do you know ?

Langsuan man, why don't you put on all of my quote ? at the start I said "Sure this guy should be made accountable for his actions, just like anybody else would be"

And tell me have you ever speed or driven drunk in your life ? not many people could honestly say NO? so it is only by luck or good timing, that something like this hasn't happened to just about us all...

No it isn't. I doubt many have driven under the influence of alcohol, speeding at an estimated 150kph on Sukhumvit Road (for God's sake), then crashed into a police motorcyclist, failed to stop, killed the policeman, went home and arranged for his gardener to take the blame. Then ignores police summonses, allegedly pays huge bribes, then flies out to Singapore to wait out the statute of limitations.

To say we've all done it and luck or good timing saved us from a similar situation is taking charity to the point where it becomes a slur on the character and demonstrates particularly poor judgment.

Sorry my friend, on this occasion you out yourself in the ranks of the ridiculous.



I wonder why there hasn't been an attempt to kidnap this kid?

Send him back to the General and family a piece at a time.

Wonder how the General and family would handle the international press if this happened?


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Most children are a product of their background and upbringing by their families. It is true that some of the less privileged and less lucky do make good, in the same way that some of the more privileged and lucky go bad.

If your parents indulge your every whim and desire and don't care then why should you as Daddy and Mummy, being rich can always buy your way out of trouble.

IMHO his parents are less than relatively innocent in this case and again, IMHO deserve to be reprimanded for not bringing him up properly.

The Red Bull heir is not a victim of circumstance though sadly the policeman he killed was.

As for most civilised countries this subject would not even be discussed as the perp would have been arrested and put in jail as soon as they had found him at home. Should a senior police officer been found trying to assist him then he would have been suspended and put on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice and most probably jailed also.

Trying to compare the Thai police and Thai justice with most civilised countries doesn't work.

Ted Kennedy and Mary-Jo bring back any memories of rich and powerful families in a country that is not Thailand.


Throw his Father and Mother in jail and see what family loyalty will do then.

When he comes to face the music then release them.

Targeting relatively-innocent parties such as Mum & Dad is despicable in most civilized countries, so leave them out of it.

Besides, from the perp's lack of morals, I don't think that he would give a toss about his parents anyway,

Most children are a product of their background and upbringing by their families. It is true that some of the less privileged and less lucky do make good, in the same way that some of the more privileged and lucky go bad.

If your parents indulge your every whim and desire and don't care then why should you as Daddy and Mummy, being rich can always buy your way out of trouble.

IMHO his parents are less than relatively innocent in this case and again, IMHO deserve to be reprimanded for not bringing him up properly.

The Red Bull heir is not a victim of circumstance though sadly the policeman he killed was.

As for most civilised countries this subject would not even be discussed as the perp would have been arrested and put in jail as soon as they had found him at home. Should a senior police officer been found trying to assist him then he would have been suspended and put on trial for attempting to pervert the course of justice and most probably jailed also.

Trying to compare the Thai police and Thai justice with most civilised countries doesn't work.

Ted Kennedy and Mary-Jo bring back any memories of rich and powerful families in a country that is not Thailand.

Don't forget the Bushes! They managed to get a REAL idiot into the most powerful job in the world. In fact they are directly responsible for the Muslim terrorist groups we have today due to their obvious(except to americans it seems) starting of wars to benefit their oil companies.


Being let off for killing a police officer is not new. What about when, a few years ago, a politicians son and his so called body guards shot a police officer dead. He was then admitted into the army and I believe became a police officer himself.

Ah yes, Chalerm. Equally disgraceful. Disgusting.


Duangchalerm actually was his name and he got into the government not the army. He was in the army when he allegedly shot the policeman. Now he is a police officer.

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