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SURVEY: What is the greatest drawback to living in Thailand?


SURVEY: What is the biggest drawback to living in Thailand?  

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The biggest disappointment of this beautiful country was its massive attendance by expatriates of the lowest class.
Reason I bless this forum to stay informed without duress to meet in live.
This review is for expatriates. Joyful visitors I met when I lived in Pattaya were infinitely more interesting in my opinion.

It has been my experience that the population of self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats destroys the pleasantness of Thailand a lot more than any member of the 'lowest class'.

Again, my experience, but the vast majority of the 'lowest class' speak there minds as it is, thus upsetting the 'self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats', bursting their bubble as it were.

Idiots are classless.............................wink.png

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For me there are no "drawbacks" and I believe this to be a "troll" topic which will, of course, attract "low class farang" comment.

No drawbacks? Now, that is a troll response.

Clearly whatever "drawbacks" you perceive if you accept them they are not a problem or you would have left !

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The biggest disappointment of this beautiful country was its massive attendance by expatriates of the lowest class.

Reason I bless this forum to stay informed without duress to meet in live.

This review is for expatriates. Joyful visitors I met when I lived in Pattaya were infinitely more interesting in my opinion.

It has been my experience that the population of self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats destroys the pleasantness of Thailand a lot more than any member of the 'lowest class'.

Again, my experience, but the vast majority of the 'lowest class' speak there minds as it is, thus upsetting the 'self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats', bursting their bubble as it were.

Idiots are classless.............................wink.png

I find that most people who 'just speak their minds' are some combination of bigot and bore.

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I agree with the others that have mentioned the heat. Its just become unbareable the later years. No outdoor activities during day in march/april/may - just sit in an airconditioned room not suffocating cause of overheating.

Visa situation isnt ideal, neither is owning land and property and work possibilities. But the heat man - the heat...

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Biggest drawback is the working issue. Some people like to work for fun or to make a few extra baht. Perhaps even help out the Thai wife get a business started. Many farang do this anyhow without the necessary permits but take a huge risk in doing so.

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Lack of quality in many things.

Lack of consumer choice, compounded by high taxation of items that are imported..

Yes your answer comes the closest. I am also bothered by the cheap quality of item and have come to understand the 7 day warranty offered on most things. I also find it frustrating to call companies for information and they seem clueless and I am given endless hand offs. Sometimes I think they work in cahoots with the mobile companies to burn your bahts. I am grateful for being born in a opinion free country and find the system here really constraining. I am constantly angered with the government as my Thai g/f lacks so much knowledge and she is truly a bright person. I do not take the survey.
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I think the biggest drawback is something that hopefully most people won't encounter: the justice system.

If/when you have a legal problem in Thailand, you're going to find out that rule-of-law here is not nearly as strong as in first-world nations.

The police aren't necessarily going to be interested in pursuing your case if you've been wronged.

Civil liberties aren't necessarily protected and the law definitely plays favorites with locals especially well-connected ones.

And if you're being charged with criminal defamation, you'd probably better leave the country rather than take your chances with prison.

If you do go to prison, prepare for inhumane conditions.

Look up Erika Fry's experience for an example.

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Tedious boring sexpats who feel the need to share their backwards opinions of feminism, immigration and 'what's gone wrong with the west' while being magnificently unaware of the irony that surrounds their situation. I had one guy (fat, bad breath, twice divorced, disgusting sandals) tell me that all women were basically whores and wanted paying for it- at least here it's honest- so I commiserated with him over the fact his mother was a prostitute and he lost his temper quite badly. Don't know why, he was the one who said all women.

Also zebra crossings. Utterly pointless here, they're like a 'go faster!' signal for drivers.

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Too many peados

Too many people who cant spell.

My excuse is typeos, typo's er, typoe's. it goes on and on.

Good one mate! Quality post!

Have a 'Like'!

Edited by NumbNut
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The biggest disappointment of this beautiful country was its massive attendance by expatriates of the lowest class.

Reason I bless this forum to stay informed without duress to meet in live.

This review is for expatriates. Joyful visitors I met when I lived in Pattaya were infinitely more interesting in my opinion.

It has been my experience that the population of self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats destroys the pleasantness of Thailand a lot more than any member of the 'lowest class'.

Again, my experience, but the vast majority of the 'lowest class' speak there minds as it is, thus upsetting the 'self-categorized or wannabe hi-so ex-pats', bursting their bubble as it were.

Idiots are classless.............................wink.png

I find that most people who 'just speak their minds' are some combination of bigot and bore.

I think I prefer people wgo speak their minds. At least you know where you stand with them.

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Only drawback to being here is all the other idiotic foreigners and their poor behavior that sadly puts all of us normal people into that bucket of crap. The media propagates it. They seem to think we all live in or visit Pattaya and shag whores, drink all night, dress poorly and are stupid loud mouths drunks.

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For me there are no current drawbacks from living in Thailand.

I have no such feeling as is implied in one thought-of drawback: that of Immigration regulations - that are necessary. I am not in total agreement with the 90 day thing but I accepted it long ago and it is now out of my mind as an inconvenience.

It isn't easy for foreigners to buy land for the very good reason that it would be exploited, arising mainly from the great difference in land values between Western foreign countries and Thailand, not to mention substantial differences in income levels. Protecting Thai people from this possible exploitation seems fair to me. So I have no issue with that.

It's true that accidents happen in much greater numbers in Thailand from reckless driving and drunk driving etc, but not a "drawback" for me initially or subsequently.

If I have any gripe at all about Thailand, it is that the major problems that were here when I arrived are still here half a generation later.

In another thread running concurrently with this one, I stated that the reasons I came to Thailand remain the same 13 years later. Those reasons are: It's cheaper for me, the climate is better for me and I still have faith in Thai people and their culture.

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I'm going to check other as a way of saying all of the above are valid yes but they were doable. + my own reason below

So while those 3 reasons mentioned in the poll are "also reasons" they never had me considering leaving. Or basically the good outweighs those three.

Those three were basically things I could work with meaning...

1- The high accident rates I realize & keep my situational awareness on bike & while driving truck very high & constantly scan all directions/threats etc.

2- The Visa hassles well I have grown to accept & breeze thru except this last 4th year extension in ChiangMai when the Que was so full & I could not get a slot in time So I had to hire an agent for 10k baht & of course they get a slot & we breezed right thru....Corruption? Well perhaps or we can call it priority express service heheh what ever

3- The inability to own land? I have no problem with this as Thailand is small & Thai population is high given size of coutry . Couple that with their low income & I am sure it would be paradise lost for them if foreigners were able to buy land here. They would quickly be priced out of the market & farming etc would be reduced greatly So no problem there also...Leave Thai_land to the Thai's....Yes I know many are married & support Thai so am I but I still hold the opinion of paradise lost should it ever go on sale to highest bidders of all nationalities.

My own reason/biggest drawback was only recently realized. We have been very happy here for over 4 years now. But recently a relatively small medical procedure at one of the biggest if not the biggest/well know hospitals in Thailand opened our eyes to something dark. I realized point blank that the corruption/cheating/extortion many of us have come to accept as a way of this land does not exclude the medical profession here...which for some reason I guess I never considered or at least thought doctors were above that when dealing with your health. Especially during a weak moment such as illness or injury...After all is that not the definition of compassion for others?

It was a real kick in the teeth to find this out. I should say heart as it really broke mine finding that even in the medical profession here such a thing exists. I won't bother with details but will just say it made us realize this is not the place we want to spend our days any longer. How could we ? This is not something adjustable. When your unconscious you cannot adjust..You or your wife etc will need to reply on what the doctor is saying is true.

So I guess I am saying the biggest drawback for us was realizing that even the medical profession here is not to be trusted & that is one that we really need to have trust in. Not that we are sickly or the types that run to a doctor for everything. But when needed it would be nice to know your not being kicked when your already vulnerable. This small example we had could have ended much worse than it did but we were lucky. We shall not test that luck twice. Otherwise it will be a case of kick me once shame on you...kick me twice shame on me

Good luck to all we really love Thailand & love the Thai people/Thai lifestyle in general & I am in no way saying our way is the way.... Just our way wink.png

Edited by Scott
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OH well here we go

Never heard this sort of discussion on my home country, I am 71 been retired some 20 plus years, made my own money

I could not live anywhere as well in most of the rest of the world

What do I really not like, well the moaning and complaining brigade on thai visa, generally made up of the have nots, and want what you got!!

I expect I will get flack and static for this comment but my honest views, if I were the ruling Dictator anyone who posts negative three times would be taken to the boarder and escorted out, no reentry

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The biggest drawbacks of living in Thailand are what make it such a relatively low-cost and appealing place for many farang on a budget -- namely the poor infrastructure and lack of regulations or enforcement of existing ones.

The first one enables a developing country like Thailand to operate on a shoe-string budget with minimal demands on its citizens resulting in lower cost of living.

The second one provides people a lot of freedom to do what they want and skirt the laws as long as it's not harming others.

Downsides to both are that corners are often cut and blind eyes turned resulting in poor water quality, high pollution, garbage dumped every where, and other environmental issues which materially impact one's health.

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- the lack of affordable and good quality healthcare (it's either)

Healthcare here is affordable and good quality

Like any country on earth, it doesn't get cheaper as you age

The locals.

Except the ones that open their legs for THB1,000, yeah? rolleyes.gif

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There are many drawbacks but I'll comment from the POV of my specific situation which I think also applies to many people here on annual retirement extension status.

To me, the most prominent drawback is the lack of any path to more permanent residence status for those on retirement extensions.

First day and after 30 years ... the same residence insecurity.

It's hard to consider a place "home" that treats you that way.

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