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Monk drunk as a skunk is sunk: mob attacks man in robes after he abducts 4 year old girl


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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

Perhaps. The form of "philosophy" practiced here seems to have all the trappings of "traditional" religions.

It has a hierarchy of "leaders".

It has a strict structure of worship.

It has idols.

It collects vast wealth.

It vernates mortals.

It is corrupt.

Other than that, It's their business and not mine.

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The Monk was not in his right mind...Thai whiskey was acting out and doing the talking...hope the little girl was unharmed and undamaged emotionally...

Glad he got his rear-end kicked...

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Years ago..Yes, I may have had some respect for monks...But nowadays when I see them looking all high & mighty whilst folk bow in front & give alms I feel it's like the rest of what you see in the country..FAKE (What cements this even more is when they turn away after receiving food & pull

out a smart-phone from their robes..& it's a better phone than I can afford!)

All this is before we start to read the news... TiT.

I live in North East Thailand on the Laos border and yes there are some as you describe here but not many. The majority serving in our local Wat are really holy and devoted, bar the odd one or two.

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People, forget. They are just men in orange robes.

So if I put on an orange robe I would be the same as him.NO SORRY---- that is not all they are supposed to be and they instead of being the true Buddhist he is supposed to be he is doing it all terribly wrong and deserves the heavy hand of the lawcoffee1.gif

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The Monk was not in his right mind...Thai whiskey was acting out and doing the talking...hope the little girl was unharmed and undamaged emotionally...

Glad he got his rear-end kicked...

So we let him off with an apology !!!!!!!! Monks should not be drinking any sort of alcohol coffee1.gif

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Differend religion same behaviour.

Dont fool yourself. Everything with a dick wants to use it.

And some sick minds are using it on children.

Religieus people, use it. Its human.

On children? Chop chop.

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The Monk was not in his right mind...Thai whiskey was acting out and doing the talking...hope the little girl was unharmed and undamaged emotionally...

Glad he got his rear-end kicked...

So we let him off with an apology !!!!!!!! Monks should not be drinking any sort of alcohol coffee1.gif

Many Monks appear to not be in their right minds these days...the Monks should be policing their own ranks and getting rid of the corrupt false Monks...this Monk was under the influence of alcohol...made a big mistake...and got his ass kicked...literally...what more would you like...cut off his member?

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"An angry mob attacked a monk after he tried to take a four year old girl out of her grandmother's arms."

Definitely a renunciate. He has renounced all decency and humaneness.

It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.


He ordained himself, which brings up another question. How did this temple he was living at not know this?

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People, forget. They are just men in orange robes.

yes but those men in orange robes were at one stage the moral authority of this country.

As this institution slowly disintegrates who will be left for young Thais to look up to - certainly not the police giggle.gif

Maybe, a long time ago, but do you see any morals these days, anywhere? Plughole.

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Drinking and being a pedo sex pest.

I'm sure that goes against one of the precepts at least.

After the police, the monkhood in Thailand needs a thorough clean out.

Pedophiles hiding within religious institutions is common throughout the world. One does not have to look too far to see which one is the most frequently spoken of.

No names. no packdrill.

Pedophiles hiding everywhere is common throughout the world.

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It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

They can, for free, and the monkhood is commonly used as a haven for criminals. There is Buddhism and there is Thai Buddhism, and the only common factors are the robes and buildings. Mentally and morally Thai Buddhists are on a different planet.

I tend to think that all religions are rackets, the only difference.being that some are worse than others.

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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

Some buddhists believe in the 'one god of the desert', some do not and some do not know. A belief in god does not stop you from being a buddhist. Those that believe in

God acknowledge that He cannot end suffering which is the aim of Buddhism.

You should read more!

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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

Some buddhists believe in the 'one god of the desert', some do not and some do not know. A belief in god does not stop you from being a buddhist. Those that believe in

God acknowledge that He cannot end suffering which is the aim of Buddhism.

You should read more!

keep on smoking the weed man !
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No more ordainments for him, straight to the mental hospital, for a prolonged period.

Or he could be ordered to say 10 "Hail Marys" Wait thats the priest pedophile punishment for another religion isn't it.


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"An angry mob attacked a monk after he tried to take a four year old girl out of her grandmother's arms."

Definitely a renunciate. He has renounced all decency and humaneness.

It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

Special preference appears to be given to anyone needing to escape legal or moral responsibility for anything. Thai culture 101. Never accept responsibility for anything. P.S. It helps if you or your family are able to donate generously but any and all reprobates will be considered.
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It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

They can, for free, and the monkhood is commonly used as a haven for criminals. There is Buddhism and there is Thai Buddhism, and the only common factors are the robes and buildings. Mentally and morally Thai Buddhists are on a different planet.

I tend to think that all religions are rackets, the only difference.being that some are worse than others.
I'll second that. But it is nearly too obvious to be voted on.
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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

Some buddhists believe in the 'one god of the desert', some do not and some do not know. A belief in god does not stop you from being a buddhist. Those that believe in

God acknowledge that He cannot end suffering which is the aim of Buddhism.

You should read more!

Agree. Thai Buddhism is an amalgam of beliefs that incorporates a lot of animist features that do not exist in original Buddhism.
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The amazing thing to me is the fact that the family - at least two of them present, the mother of the child and the grandmother of the child, actually allowed a very drunk person (and therefore obvious to them that he was drunk) to exit the house with their child.

I know Thais can be reluctant to interfere, and especially with monks, but this is ridiculous. Were they afraid that if they interfered they might actually physically touch the monk?

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Does a pedophile free religion even exist ?

"Does a pedophile-free society even exist? "...Is the bigger and more profound question.

Sure it does however most dont preach in a church and then relax in bed with a 5 year old afterwards. This makes an evil crime even more heinous

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