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Suan Kularb "sex scandal" teacher arrested and detained


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The pictures are essentially those of the teacher with his ex lover taken on a mobile phone when they were in love. Someone else trying to discredit him has mixed the images with other pictures to make it appear there are lots of child victims," he claimed.

Knowing how vindictive ex's can be I believe it is quite plausible that the ex is being malicious.

I will keep my judgment on the morality of the teacher until the facts are out as opposed to speculation.

The fact that they appeared on Twitter is also extremely odd. It is not how peadophile scum tend to share their appalling acts.

If he is guilty then he should be punished, but I just don't see why, if guilty, he would post on Twitter. It makes no sense at all.

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If there were so many underage victims from the school or not, surely some one would have come forward by now.

Something is not consistent.

Surely it is the harm done to any alleged victims not the harm done to the reputation of the school which is important.

if they were victims why haven't they lodged complaints. Very intelligent of the teacher posting this on social media, looking for gay brownie points ( sorry about that )

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After being arrested last night for uploading child pornography, a science teacher now says he never had sexual intercourse with underage boys.

Male on male sex is sexual intercourse?

Anal sex more like.

It's still intercourse.

Very odd comment by you unless you are pursuing another agenda.

Edited by Bluespunk
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(1) The age of consent in Thailand is 15, so if the men were over that age, then there's no crime in their having sex (assuming it was voluntary).

(2) The accused states all his partners in the photos were over the age of 20.

Personally I think there's sufficient doubt here that the ongoing witchhunt is a tad premature.

Wrong! Wrong! Very wrong!

The age of consent in Thailand is 18.

A 15 year old can get married with parental consent (which is usually given since the girl is already pregnant).

Please check your facts before you criticise. The age of consent in Thailand is 15, except for prostitution. No parental consent required. I can't post the Thai language links here because of forum rules, but in the meantime have a look at:




And once you've read those links, perhaps you'd care to post a retraction and an apology.

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There is stupid ... and very stupid ... and really really stupid but I can't think of a word applicable for someone who commits a crime, films it and then posts it on the internet. Mega stupid maybe? Whatever ... if he likes boys he will soon be in paradise as they say in Morocco.

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Incidentally, the recent ThaiVisa email is extremely prejudicial. The headline reads "Suspected Elite School Pedophile now denies abusing underage boys". The clear implication is that he previously admitted doing this. He didn't.

Let's ignore the dodgy capitalisation. Let's ignore the incorrect use of the word "pedophile" (the alleged victims weren't prepubescent). Let's focus on "innocent until proven guilty".

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The pictures are essentially those of the teacher with his ex lover taken on a mobile phone when they were in love. Someone else trying to discredit him has mixed the images with other pictures to make it appear there are lots of child victims," he claimed.

Knowing how vindictive ex's can be I believe it is quite plausible that the ex is being malicious.

I will keep my judgment on the morality of the teacher until the facts are out as opposed to speculation.

yeah, if the ex just cut his dick off, we could all joke about it ....... ?

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If there were so many underage victims from the school or not, surely some one would have come forward by now.

Something is not consistent.

Surely it is the harm done to any alleged victims not the harm done to the reputation of the school which is important.

if they were victims why haven't they lodged complaints. Very intelligent of the teacher posting this on social media, looking for gay brownie points ( sorry about that )

No you're not.

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It certainly is not a good look in anybody's language , the teacher is in fact a guardian of the students, should set an exemplary standard , on all occasions, not just in the school area, it will be interesting to see what stems from this case, perhaps a previous Prime Minister might want to tell us the name of this so called prestigious school , as everyone seems to avoid that issue, one wonders just what else will be avoided in the name of the school....................................coffee1.gif

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Incidentally, the recent ThaiVisa email is extremely prejudicial. The headline reads "Suspected Elite School Pedophile now denies abusing underage boys". The clear implication is that he previously admitted doing this. He didn't.

Let's ignore the dodgy capitalisation. Let's ignore the incorrect use of the word "pedophile" (the alleged victims weren't prepubescent). Let's focus on "innocent until proven guilty".

Some of the comments here are about as helpful as no wheels on a truck.

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Surely it is for the police and child welfare authorities to investigate who is in the photos.

The allegations this week include not just the crimes of the teacher but also that his crimes were known of by and covered up by the school's management.

The teacher is arrested, the identity of his victims meeds to be investigated and the school's management need to be investigated.

Statements by the headmaster, governors or any part of the schools management must be treated as statements of people who may have been complicit in the crimes comitted by this teacher.

They are not statements of fact, they may be attempts to divert attention of the investigation and should be treated as such.

The teacher AND the school need a deep and thorough investigation.

Too many big wigs associated with the school for anything to happen to it or it's principal.

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So barebacking little boys in the *** from another school is OK?

Please tell me I read all of that wrong, because it sounds to me that the only concern is bringing the school into this.

They don't care about the welfare of the students. They only care about their reputation which is their bottom line. Scum bags the lot of them.

"They only care about their reputation which is their bottom line."

Alas .. now their reputation is in a line up of little bottoms.

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Incidentally, the recent ThaiVisa email is extremely prejudicial. The headline reads "Suspected Elite School Pedophile now denies abusing underage boys". The clear implication is that he previously admitted doing this. He didn't.

Let's ignore the dodgy capitalisation. Let's ignore the incorrect use of the word "pedophile" (the alleged victims weren't prepubescent). Let's focus on "innocent until proven guilty".

Some of the comments here are about as helpful as no wheels on a truck.

I presume your comment was in response to what I wrote. (You did quote it.) Perhaps you'd care to explain why someone who has not yet gone through the judicial process, and may yet be proclaimed "not guilty" should be treated in this shoddy way.

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I am surprised nobody is talking about taking this monster to answer for his crime. I am sure the victims would want to see that "it" is given the worst punishment.

Tried, convicted and punished all In one short post.

Good job, regarding an accused person who denies the charges, with a plausible alibi.

The "hang 'em high" brigade out in full force today. Probably should stop salivating until more comes to light--the normal, civilized route, eh?

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The age of consent in Thailand for heterosexual intercourse is 15 with the parents permission. I doubt there is any age of consent for homosexual acts.

I also doubt many parents would give permission for their teenage boys to have the attentions of this bum-bandit forced on them.

The age of consent is exactly the same for heterosexual and homosexual rumpy-pumpy, as clarified by the "Gender Equality Act (2015)".

And I'm pretty certain that your argument about parents' giving their permission is ludicrous. Do you really think that all those hormonal teenagers on Valentine's day get their parents' permission first before going to a short time establishment physically to demonstrate their mutual affection? Of course they don't.

The use of the term "bum-bandit" is offensive. Are you really a (homophobic and bigoted) schoolboy from the 1970s? Bandits steal. These young men, as far as we can tell, based upon current reports, freely offered what they had. It may come as a shock to you, but some men actually like to be rogered up the arse.

And where is there even a shred of evidence for "forced on them"?


"It may come as a shock to you, but some men actually like to be rogered up the arse."

Using a sewage disposal system as a recreational area should in my opinion be against the law.

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It appears that the Police intends to oppose bail for the Teacher, fearing that he would interfere with evidence or threaten witnesses who might be students or minors.

- Now of course, if we were dealing with a rich Thai suspect, this would *never* be a fear/concern for the Authorities

So.. whatever.. they can't 'do right' for 'doing wrong' then? So good to see the 'Aaah, but..' mob in!! Top lads, ghouls sitting roadside waiting on the next 'crash' to pass anti-Thai judgement on. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

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(1) The age of consent in Thailand is 15, so if the men were over that age, then there's no crime in their having sex (assuming it was voluntary).

(2) The accused states all his partners in the photos were over the age of 20.

Personally I think there's sufficient doubt here that the ongoing witchhunt is a tad premature.

actually as usual in Thailand there are conflicting laws: The age of consent in Thailand is 15 (with the below caveat) as specified by article 279 of the Thai Criminal Code. The current legislation applies to all regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

However,parts of the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, which disallow any sexual contact with prostitutes under the age of 18, are widely interpreted by some local authorities to cover sexual acts classed as "obscenity for personal gratification". Also, from the Penal Code Amendment Actof 1997 Section 283bis, having sex with an adolescent under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the adolescent may file charges against the other side if they later regrets their own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

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Please cant we stop with all these gibberish stories about age of consent? Its start to be really annoying!

If you are an adult and like to <deleted> teenagers, either you need help either you should be in jail.

End of story!

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Age of consent does not apply here. It is illegal for an adult in a position of oversight or who is responsible for the care and custody of minors; the mentally incompetent; or the physically infirm, to exploit the charges' physical or mental weakness. There is no discussion, no loophole, NOTHING.

The courts have consistently and without hesitation ruled that these people are incapable of giving their consent. The same standard applies in Australia, Japan, China, Russia, Germany etc. The only places where the rule is not used are in countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, etc.

In respect to the allegation, how about letting the evidence be reviewed first? It does seem that an angry ex is involved. So far, the M.O. of the abuse doesn't follow the typical pattern. In the past, rumors circulated for years and the authorities would not respond or would attempt to cover up. We saw this with the Australian and Canadian residential scholl abuse, the Catholic Church abuse etc. It typically goes on for years and involves many people. In this case, it just occurred all of a sudden, and is restricted to one person. Eiter, this is being covered up and and a scapegoat is being trotted out because there would have to be other people involved, or this is bogus. Who the heck puts images of himself sodomizing minors on twitter?

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Please cant we stop with all these gibberish stories about age of consent? Its start to be really annoying!

If you are an adult and like to <deleted> teenagers, either you need help either you should be in jail.

End of story!

Rubbish !! 19 is still a teenager !!! and most girls with babies had them much younger than that..

So you think the cop that married the 17 year old should be in jail ? Girls start getting their periods at around 13/14 so in nature that means they are old enough to have babies, so of course sex too.. It is only so called civilized man that decides what age people shout be to have sex.. I knew of 2 thirteen year old girls that were pregnant, so have the guys been jailed for years like you want ? my guess is NO.

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Using a sewage disposal system as a recreational area should in my opinion be against the law.

Don't knock it until you've tried it. Unless, of course, you did, and didn't like it. How was it for you?

There's definitely a reason that the male G-spot is a penis length up the back package. In fact, that's one of the very best arguments for the existence of a loving god.

Your G-spot is 14" up ya back passage?

you need to buy a good ruler,, think you must mean 14 cm... hahaha

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