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Now, Illegal to Walk in CM Roads? I Don't THINK So. Please tell it to the MPs !


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Today, out walking, I was in truly a splendid mood, having just attended a religious service which provided my inspiration and a bit of bonhomie toward my fellow man.

I always walk in the road, because it is wider than some of the sidewalks, and is also continuous, which is not a quality that local sidewalks provide.

I had gone about 8 K without incident, and was enjoying the sights, just minding my own business.

Then suddenly I saw ahead of me what looked like one of those GI Joe figures astride a bike coming towards me in one of those bike lanes I do not often notice. When this military man was just about on top of me, he suddenly stretched out his left arm in traffic cop fashion and called out for me to get back up on the sidewalk. Apparently, I had inadvertently encroached on his bike lane territory. He seemed extremely displeased, just as I was dismayed.

His accent left no doubt he was American, and he looked like a giant USA MP. I was even surprised his bike could hold him, and the vision left me thinking of Jonathan Winters riding that kids bike in Mad Mad... Mad World.

So I began wondering...

1. Do American military police have any authority in Chiang Mai?

2. And if they do, is it illegal to walk in the road, about 10 centimeters from the curb.

3. Did he know that the sidewalks do not run continuously, but start and stop for no specific reason.

4. I wonder if he knew that I have smashed my head against low hanging advertising signs planted right in the middle of some sidewalks? It can be dangerous and painful.

I also wondered if he might be a Trump follower, and if this is the sign of things to come.

The USA culture has changed since I was last there. The Americans have become the policeman of the free world, I realize. But don't they need to first understand the law before they enforce it.

Of course, this is also an example of the auto drivers henpecking the bikers, and the bikers picking on the pedestrians, all competing for Lebensraum.

What is a powerless walker to do if the survival of the fittings favors those with wheels?

When will this unbridled American machismo finally be extinguished?

Am I angry?



If this is what America has come to, I refuse to return, ever!

What happened to humility?

Not to mention intelligence?

Americans these days have no mechanisms to reign in their gargantuan implicit bias!

In the past, we really did our best to fit in unobtrusively to the culture in which we were guests. But these days, this ethos is not even seen as an admirable quality.

I am going to walk in the mountains, in the future, because the people I meet there are really nice. So far.

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The Tourist Police employ fat retards, who likely have jaded pasts, without workpermits, and some of them like to pretend like they have authority. Been coming here 12 years, and never seen anything like you described...maybe just an <deleted>..but not on official duty.

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The Tourist Police employ fat retards, who likely have jaded pasts, without workpermits, and some of them like to pretend like they have authority. Been coming here 12 years, and never seen anything like you described...maybe just an <deleted>..but not on official duty.

This guy was not Thai.

He was American.

Maybe like the MPs you see on USA military bases, or in Iraq.

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If I'd been sure it was an MP (of any other nationality than Thai) they'd have received a discourteous finger in return for their demands. Of course American military don't have authority on civilian activities in public spaces in Chiang Mai. They do, however, profit from the highly illegal egg-price-fixing-mafia. So maybe he was just following you to find out your source of cheap eggs so they can make sure you pay market rate in future?

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The footpaths (sidewalks) in Chiang Mai are shockers. As WonderousWand says, walking along the highway is the only place you'll find which is continuous.

Even though most folk here walk with their backs to the traffic, risking a side mirror in the back of the neck, using a footpath can also be hazardous. Some just disappear with no warning, and many are full of broken tiles, holes, mud and sand. There are footpaths leading onto Chang Klan road with drops of 10 or 12 inches. Deadly at night.

Then there's the problem that there is no parking provided for motorbikes, and most seem to be abandoned in front of stores or stalls, rather than parked, forcing folk to walk on the highway. It's quite often that I see restaurants with the entrances half blocked by staff m/bikes and signs, with customers' bikes strung out along the path.

Most of the roads and paths need serious re-designing, considering pedestrians (heaven forbid!), providing areas for motorbikes and careful placement of signs, considering that people are not always able to duck under every sign and awning placed at head height.

While I am having a rave, why in goodness name are there no traffic light controlled pedestrian crossings along Huay Kaew Rd from the green school and half way towards Thae Pae Gate? There not even warning lines on the road, warning drivers a zebra crossing is ahead.

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If I'd been sure it was an MP (of any other nationality than Thai) they'd have received a discourteous finger in return for their demands. Of course American military don't have authority on civilian activities in public spaces in Chiang Mai. They do, however, profit from the highly illegal egg-price-fixing-mafia. So maybe he was just following you to find out your source of cheap eggs so they can make sure you pay market rate in future?

My only regret, alas, I couldn't think fast enough.

I was too shocked by this hulking soldier barreling down on me, ordering me to get up on the sidewalk.

But what use?

The sidewalk ended not far up ahead. And then I would have been back in the street, anyway.

Really a very poor ending to a pleasant walk.

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The footpaths (sidewalks) in Chiang Mai are shockers. As WonderousWand says, walking along the highway is the only place you'll find which is continuous.

Even though most folk here walk with their backs to the traffic, risking a side mirror in the back of the neck, using a footpath can also be hazardous. Some just disappear with no warning, and many are full of broken tiles, holes, mud and sand. There are footpaths leading onto Chang Klan road with drops of 10 or 12 inches. Deadly at night.

Then there's the problem that there is no parking provided for motorbikes, and most seem to be abandoned in front of stores or stalls, rather than parked, forcing folk to walk on the highway. It's quite often that I see restaurants with the entrances half blocked by staff m/bikes and signs, with customers' bikes strung out along the path.

Most of the roads and paths need serious re-designing, considering pedestrians (heaven forbid!), providing areas for motorbikes and careful placement of signs, considering that people are not always able to duck under every sign and awning placed at head height.

While I am having a rave, why in goodness name are there no traffic light controlled pedestrian crossings along Huay Kaew Rd from the green school and half way towards Thae Pae Gate? There not even warning lines on the road, warning drivers a zebra crossing is ahead.

Thanks for this.

I do not so much mind the physical hazards.

It was the USA USA USA persona of this guy.

Does he think he is back at Fort Dicks, or maybe Florida?

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i don't think an american military MP would be riding a bicycle in chiang mai. maybe he was a thai soldier who has a farang father so looks and speaks like an american? or maybe an end of the world prepper on a tourist visa outfitted himself in US military gear, i remember there is a second hand clothes shop on lah crois in the red light district that sells that kind of stuff? maybe he was riding his bike to the mountains where he is going to survive off the land when TSHTF after BREXIT?

@OP in the other thread i said that your writing reminded me of kafka or sebald, but i was wrong. it's much more robert walser. are you influenced by walser? or is it coincidence?

Edited by kharmabum
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That's just Buzz....Buzz Lightyear........he is not 100 percent in the brains department.......

In his own head he is the savior of the world... If brains were dynamite he wouldn't be able to

blow his nose........ Seriously if you are born with an IQ very much down on the double digits there is

not a lot you can do.....just keep yourself in the fantasy world of public enforcer.....

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i don't think an american military MP would be riding a bicycle in chiang mai. maybe he was a thai soldier who has a farang father so looks and speaks like an american? or maybe an end of the world prepper on a tourist visa outfitted himself in US military gear, i remember there is a second hand clothes shop on lah crois in the red light district that sells that kind of stuff? maybe he was riding his bike to the mountains where he is going to survive off the land when TSHTF after BREXIT?

@OP in the other thread i said that your writing reminded me of kafka or sebald, but i was wrong. it's much more robert walser. are you influenced by walser? or is it coincidence?

When I was 12, I read a lot of Ian Fleming.

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The Tourist Police employ fat retards, who likely have jaded pasts, without workpermits, and some of them like to pretend like they have authority. Been coming here 12 years, and never seen anything like you described...maybe just an <deleted>..but not on official duty.

This guy was not Thai.

He was American.

Maybe like the MPs you see on USA military bases, or in Iraq.

How you know he American?blink.png

How you know it military US?

it is likely to clowns entertaining tourists as police foreign volunteers.

who have no any authority!!
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This is another American-bashing troll post with just a bit of Trump-supporter-bashing thrown in for good measure. That last part is a wise move by the OP as it increases the odds the topic will be allowed to run.

Edited by mesquite
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1. Do American military police have any authority in Chiang Mai?

There are none riding around Thailand. Seems you have some deep resentment of and desire to bash American military. Sad.

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I wonder if he knew that I have smashed my head against low hanging advertising signs planted right in the middle of some sidewalks? It can be dangerous and painful.

Really, you wondered if he knew of your unfortunate incidents on sidewalks? I think you put more thought into this non-event than he did.

That said, yes, Thai sidewalks are often there with on regard for pedestrians. In some places, the property owner owns the sidewalk as well and they fill it with whatever which forces pedestrians to walk in the street...

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Still more drivel from the wonderous one. whats the type-written equivalent of verbal diarrhea?

I don't know the word but OP sure qualifies 100%

First i thought, a troll, then i thought a right nutjob, now i'm thinking a combo of these two.

A bored, pathetic guy,with few friends who "creates" scenarios so he can entertain himself posting even more drivel.crazy.gif

Get a life man!

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What would an American MP be doing in Chiang Mai vacation maybe. Also I really don't think they allow their MPs to get to the size he mentioned. I do a fair amount of walking around and can not rightly remember where there is 8 kilometers of bike lane. Have often wondered if some of them are for pedal bikes to go the opposite way on a one way street.

I make it a point when walking on the street to walk facing the traffic and if I am on a one way to walk on the same side as the driver is on giving them a better chance to see me.


I wonder what kind of a mentality would think it was illegal because a United States Military Police man told him. There isn't even a United States base close to Chiang Mai and they have no authority over civilians off the base any how. My money says he wasn't at church to begin with he was out looking for cheap eggs.

Edited by northernjohn
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I think its all in his head,or maybe in his dreams,then posts on TV,trying to be controversial,

American MP,on a bike in Chiang Mai, if there is one ,I am sure Dave would have a picture ?

regards Worgeordie

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What would an American MP be doing in Chiang Mai vacation maybe. Also I really don't think they allow their MPs to get to the size he mentioned. I do a fair amount of walking around and can not rightly remember where there is 8 kilometers of bike lane. Have often wondered if some of them are for pedal bikes to go the opposite way on a one way street.

I make it a point when walking on the street to walk facing the traffic and if I am on a one way to walk on the same side as the driver is on giving them a better chance to see me.


I wonder what kind of a mentality would think it was illegal because a United States Military Police man told him. There isn't even a United States base close to Chiang Mai and they have no authority over civilians off the base any how. My money says he wasn't at church to begin with he was out looking for cheap eggs.

The bike Lane, if that is what it was, did not extend very far.

It was just 2 parallel lines painted, less than 1 meter apart, very close to the curbing, on one side of the street.

Probably I should have taken a photo, but the lines didn't seem that important to me.

I knew the guy was American only by his accent. I think I know an American accent.

I just do not like guys, with absolutely no authority, telling others what to do. Especially, when they do not realize that walking on the sidewalk there is not a practical alternative.

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What would an American MP be doing in Chiang Mai vacation maybe. Also I really don't think they allow their MPs to get to the size he mentioned. I do a fair amount of walking around and can not rightly remember where there is 8 kilometers of bike lane. Have often wondered if some of them are for pedal bikes to go the opposite way on a one way street.

I make it a point when walking on the street to walk facing the traffic and if I am on a one way to walk on the same side as the driver is on giving them a better chance to see me.


I wonder what kind of a mentality would think it was illegal because a United States Military Police man told him. There isn't even a United States base close to Chiang Mai and they have no authority over civilians off the base any how. My money says he wasn't at church to begin with he was out looking for cheap eggs.

The bike Lane, if that is what it was, did not extend very far.

It was just 2 parallel lines painted, less than 1 meter apart, very close to the curbing, on one side of the street.

Probably I should have taken a photo, but the lines didn't seem that important to me.

I knew the guy was American only by his accent. I think I know an American accent.

I just do not like guys, with absolutely no authority, telling others what to do. Especially, when they do not realize that walking on the sidewalk there is not a practical alternative.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I regularly drive my motorcycle on the sidewalk to avoid the pick up trucks and all the potholes in the road, when once this know it all American strolling on the sidewalk starts complaining that I should be on the road, not the sidewalk. Jeez, the audacity.

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I also think it important, should that individual be reading this post, to try to realize that we live in a different culture, here, and what might be acceptable behavior at home may not be acceptable here.

I love NYC, for example, and I would have smiled at the guy if both of us had been there.

But this is not NYC, and his behavior was out of place.

Most of us Farang are guests here. We have no moral authority to tell others what to do, and even less real authority.

Edited by WonderousWand
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"Then suddenly I saw ahead of me what looked like one of those GI Joe figures astride a bike coming towards me in one of those bike lanes I do not often notice. When this military man was just about on top of me, he suddenly stretched out his left arm in traffic cop fashion and called out for me to get back up on the sidewalk. Apparently, I had inadvertently encroached on his bike lane territory. He seemed extremely displeased, just as I was dismayed.

His accent left no doubt he was American, and he looked like a giant USA MP."

Are you stating that a large man in a US military uniform did this, or are you practicing your creative writing skills?

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"Then suddenly I saw ahead of me what looked like one of those GI Joe figures astride a bike coming towards me in one of those bike lanes I do not often notice. When this military man was just about on top of me, he suddenly stretched out his left arm in traffic cop fashion and called out for me to get back up on the sidewalk. Apparently, I had inadvertently encroached on his bike lane territory. He seemed extremely displeased, just as I was dismayed.

His accent left no doubt he was American, and he looked like a giant USA MP."

Are you stating that a large man in a US military uniform did this, or are you practicing your creative writing skills?

I think he is recovering fr0m the rise in the cost of eggs. He eats 5 a day and it has proven to be an immense dent in his spending money.

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"Then suddenly I saw ahead of me what looked like one of those GI Joe figures astride a bike coming towards me in one of those bike lanes I do not often notice. When this military man was just about on top of me, he suddenly stretched out his left arm in traffic cop fashion and called out for me to get back up on the sidewalk. Apparently, I had inadvertently encroached on his bike lane territory. He seemed extremely displeased, just as I was dismayed.

His accent left no doubt he was American, and he looked like a giant USA MP."

Are you stating that a large man in a US military uniform did this, or are you practicing your creative writing skills?

Please look carefully...

1. I did NOT say he was in uniform, nor do I wish to have anyone believe this.

2. If you have seen the GI Joe dolls made out of plastic, then you will know the look.

3. His demeanor was military-like. I have seen the type many times. You see these types going through airports on the way to Iraq and Afghanistan.

4. His order to me, and hand signal, was exactly as one would expect from a Military Policeman, and totally uncalled for in this situation, since he had no authority.

5. By the way, GI Joe dolls are also outfitted with civilian clothes, but they still have the same look, no matter how you dress them.

He looked like one of these guys..... post-257660-0-21931400-1466349961_thumb.

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