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Farang beach rubbish collectors wowing Thais


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"Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!"

How do you suppose so many foreigners came to think this about Thais? Because Thais are honest, hard-working and well-educated?

I suspect not.

It's the same when BKK Thais call Isaan Thais 'kwai' - meaning they are lazy, dirty and stupid. If there were no truth to that, it would not be so widespread a belief. Same same, it's not all, not even mostly, racism.

But too much Kool-Aid will predispose you to think what it suits your outlook on life to think, rather than what is real.


They also call the farang "Kwai" so according to you it must be truth in it.

A big body, smelly, small brain and able to be lead around by the nose by small bodied females.

I see this kind of Kwai in central Festival Pattaya Beach all the time. Being lead around by a small bar girl.



As a matter of fact, I do. in fact I've met a good few foreigners who merit that description. It's true that they were mainly barstool jockeys, but hey, shouldn't hold that against them eh? I think I remember seeing them called the B&P Brigade and recall a few of them claiming responsibilityfor the import of normal (non-Asian) size condoms into Thailand.

"A big body, smelly, small brain and able to be lead around by the nose by small bodied females. "

Yep, that's them alright... but they weren't being led around by the nose...


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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

My wife and her family are not like that

My wife used to, but she gets told off if she does now, so she stopped.

My wife and children used to, until they saw Oz and realised why it doesn't look like a rubbish tip. Demonstrating works better.

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manual cleanup is nice, but a small tractor with the right rake equipment can drag the beach daily at low tide and do so in a fairly small amount of time.

I saw this every night in Spain when I anchored my boat off shore. Raking with a small tractor. Every night and every beach. What is the matter with TOT ? Angiolo


The answer to your question is obvious - who's going to buy the tractor? A bit off topic, but if an island like Koh Samui has 250,000 tonnes of garbage due to an incinerator having been out of action for 8 YEARS.....?

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What I don't understand is why foreigners are cleaning the larger more public beaches. So much of the trash is from the fishermen and as long as people clean the beaches the source of the problem is ignored. The ocean shouldn't be a garbage can for the Thai fishermen. It would be so easy to tell them they can't and fine them if they do. Education. It is just like a doctor putting cream on your rash when it could be stopped by eliminated something known from your diet.

" It would be so easy to tell them they can't and fine them if they do"

Easy enough to tell them, but as for the rest of it cheesy.gif

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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


Last week a guy who has collected rubbish on the beach in Kamala was busted by the cops.

The local Muslims had dobbed him in as he was getting money for the recyclable stuff. Just done out of spite.

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Taking jobs away from the Burmese.

Littering here, whether on a massive scale where people dump trash by the tuck-load in vacant lots, or the folks in the back of the pick-up throwing some trash from the moving vehicle, or just the Thai chap at 7/11, throwing a wrapper on the ground millimeters away from the trash can, is definitely a pet peeve.

The lack of respect, or complete unawareness, is always surprising.

It doesn't surprise me. It is 'Thainess' not to take responsibility for anything "mai bpen rai" is their creed

I dont believe it is that simple. I reckon no Thai wants to see him / her self as being low enough to collect rubbish. Consequently they leave it to someone else....who never comes.

I was referring to littering and Thais complete lack of responsibility which they call 'Thainess' as an excuse

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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

exactly but Sawan Chan 7 think's we don't understand 'Thainess' when we all know that Thais use 'Thainess' to describe bad behaviour:

  • parking on the street so people cannot walk? it's 'Thainess'
  • cheating with change at a bar? it's 'Thainess'
  • jumping queues? it's 'Thainess'
  • mobiles on in the cinema? it's 'Thainess'
  • picking noses in public? it's 'Thainess'
  • not looking after animals? it's 'Thainess'

Many educated Thais I know laugh and admit the BS that comes out. I see Thais spitting, throwing rubbish and all sorts with no respect for their own country or other people but i accept this is lack of education, mostly, as educated Thais don't normally behave this way if they have spent any time overseas (as most have).

Sorry if I offended Sawan Chan 7 but it's just my 'Farangness'

Edited by LannaGuy
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


After the tsunami there was a lot of "flotsam and jetsam" laying on the beaches right?

Immediatly after it happened Germany had sent rescue teams who were cleaning up and identifying corpses and so.

Then some Thai official told them to stop helping and go back to Germany because they had no workpermits which was very very very rude from the Thai and i will never ever forget it.

FYI W-European search and rescue teams never work with a workpermit, wherever they go. Normally the victims are very happy to get free professional assistance but in this case Thailand didn't want it because it was work which had to be done by Thai only......

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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

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I was sitting in sidewalk cafe in Bangkok some months ago, a traffic snarl was in the street. A BMW-driver threw a bag of garbage out of his window on the sidewalk in front of me. There was a trash bin nearby, so I got up, picked up the bag and threw it in the bin. The BMW-driver put down his window and said something in Thai to me, but I did not understand. A well-dressed fortyish Thai woman at the next table said something to the BMW-driver which made him put-up his window and turn aside. She apologized in near-perfect English to me and explained she was so ashamed that some Thais just don't care for their country and that a foreigner, not farang mind you, a foreigner would have more respect for Thailand. She said it made her happy to see us here. We continued talking, she was not the average Thai, she was a dentist, practicing in the states, and back in Bangkok on vacation.

Makes me wonder if her exposure to the West was the impetus of her reaction.

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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

That's the first time i've heard a foreigner say that. And I have to say that, now you mention it, I think you're right. It is.

I think I see my time here gradually drawing to a close.


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Yes, if the tourist don't do it. who will?

The Thai's say they love their country? I say BS, as they toss their plastic garbage all along the beach... They are all like little children, with no sense of responsibility.

They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

That's the first time i've heard a foreigner say that. And I have to say that, now you mention it, I think you're right. It is.

I think I see my time here gradually drawing to a close.


Yes, feeling that way that would be the most logical course of action.
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I was sitting in sidewalk cafe in Bangkok some months ago, a traffic snarl was in the street. A BMW-driver threw a bag of garbage out of his window on the sidewalk in front of me. There was a trash bin nearby, so I got up, picked up the bag and threw it in the bin. The BMW-driver put down his window and said something in Thai to me, but I did not understand. A well-dressed fortyish Thai woman at the next table said something to the BMW-driver which made him put-up his window and turn aside. She apologized in near-perfect English to me and explained she was so ashamed that some Thais just don't care for their country and that a foreigner, not farang mind you, a foreigner would have more respect for Thailand. She said it made her happy to see us here. We continued talking, she was not the average Thai, she was a dentist, practicing in the states, and back in Bangkok on vacation.

Makes me wonder if her exposure to the West was the impetus of her reaction.

The sad truth is the very few good Thais there are...do not like Thai people....Mater of fact that is how you know that they might be ok is if they admit that.

Edited by metisdead
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What I don't understand is why foreigners are cleaning the larger more public beaches. So much of the trash is from the fishermen and as long as people clean the beaches the source of the problem is ignored. The ocean shouldn't be a garbage can for the Thai fishermen. It would be so easy to tell them they can't and fine them if they do. Education. It is just like a doctor putting cream on your rash when it could be stopped by eliminated something known from your diet.

If you can see an easy way to catch fishermen who throw rubbish overboard then please enlighten us.

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Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

Then you never researched the aftermath of the tsunami in Patong and Phi Phi.

What aftermath? How many tsunami volunteers went to jail? It's strange that there are no newspaper articles online about tsunami volunteers who went to jail.

Find me ONE newspaper article documenting the trial of a farang tsunami volunteer. I bet you can't. You've been fooled by anecdotes and bar talk, and the rubbish that gets spouted on this forum.

You're the one who said jail and trials. Read the post again and stop exaggerating.
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OK this is from Thai embassy a bout work:


The term “work” in Thai law is defined very broadly, covering both physical and mental activities, whether or not for wages or other form of compensation. Even volunteer or charity work requires a work permit in Thailand.

Or a) it means we decide on what we think it is

Or B) simply it means you have to be dead, as any other form is an activity and by all means dont think !!

However untill you are not completly rotten they can still claim you are working.

Technically you can not accept any "thank you" from any other person in Thailand, as you did something and was rewarded with

a word compensation.

For instance a respectable Thai gets a heart attach, you know CPR and can safe him, dont do it, as you will be working

If he lives, then that could be the compensation !! So you worked for other form of compensation !

If he lives and has a broken rib, then he could sue you for illegal working after he is real better and you broke his rib.

So all aliens in Thailand are lucky they arent fined for breathing , walking or even sh****tting, coz afterall you get always a compensation for what you physical or/and mental do

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I don't know if this is true but i have heard that if you are legally married you wont be arrested for helping your wife run her business as by Thai law you are obliged to help your wife in all of life's situations,any thoughts on this?

I know personally of a few people which have been fined (30.000), just for being inside the place where their wife were working, not in the area reserved to staff, one was caught using the computer available for customers to browse the internet and another one would just go and have a nap on the sofa inside the coffee shop (sitting down), the only reason why they haven't been arrested it's because they have managed to pay on the spot, they have also been warned to never step inside those places again or they will be arrested, no matter what.....

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Last week a guy who has collected rubbish on the beach in Kamala was busted by the cops.

The local Muslims had dobbed him in as he was getting money for the recyclable stuff. Just done out of spite.

Was he cleaning the beach, or was he collecting recyclables to sell- in competition with the locals who feed their families that way? Huge difference.

Because in the 5 years I've lived here, every time there's a story about a work permit bust, when the whole story comes out- the bust makes sense at some level.

I can't speak for the urban legends around the tsunami of 2004 because I wan't here at the time- and those stories have grown legs and a life of their own...

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When i went to retrive my ladder last week from my ex wife's house,i was stunned by the state of the place the front yard was covered in trash,i used to pick it up daily when i lived there,. It seems strange that Thai's are so proud of their country,but see no problem in throwing garbage everywhere.

Aren't you lucky you don't live there anymore ?

Why do you have to say "Thais" in general? If your ex-wife is a sloppy woman it doesn't mean all are the same. You should have known before marrying her.

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manual cleanup is nice, but a small tractor with the right rake equipment can drag the beach daily at low tide and do so in a fairly small amount of time.

But how long would it take to pay for itself in a country where you can hire workers at 250B a day to do it? About 15-20 years? Ok I didn't do the exact math, but you get my point. That's why you commonly see workers cutting the lawns with scissors in SE Asia.
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I don't know if this is true but i have heard that if you are legally married you wont be arrested for helping your wife run her business as by Thai law you are obliged to help your wife in all of life's situations,any thoughts on this?

I know personally of a few people which have been fined (30.000), just for being inside the place where their wife were working, not in the area reserved to staff, one was caught using the computer available for customers to browse the internet and another one would just go and have a nap on the sofa inside the coffee shop (sitting down), the only reason why they haven't been arrested it's because they have managed to pay on the spot, they have also been warned to never step inside those places again or they will be arrested, no matter what.....

Wow, that little practice would out about 50 farangs out of business in our city. Most of the token Thai wives are teaching or have other businesses while the husband runs the restaurant or the English tutoring center. All a sham that everyone accepts, including the authorities.
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Sure it's impressive. Now wait for Immigration Police to issue warnings for working without a permit and doing work that Thais could and should do.

T.A.T., take note. "Come to Thailand and clean up an amazing beach"

I often hear folks on TV warning about doing good deeds, without pay in Thailand that they will get in trouble for not having a work permit.

Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

The whole thing behind work permits is to prevent non Thai people from taking paying jobs away from Thai people.

Unless someone has been paying Thai people to pick up trash on the beach and have lost their jobs because foreign volunteers have done such a good job that trash no longer exists....I don't see a problem.

I have volunteered to help out at my local school before ( without a work permit ) and worked right along side local police officers and Immigration officers who were also volunteering and were aware of my status and they had no problem with me helping at all.

Thai people are not as stupid and unreasonable as some foreigners would like to believe they are!


I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

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I stayed in BKK during the 2011 flood. I wanted to help but when I arrived at the help center they just told me that I could not help as I only had a tourist visa (between jobs) and no WP.

Even if you had a work permit you could not work. A work permit is not an open license to work doing anything, anywhere. Your work permit says what your job is and location and that is the only place you are allowed to work.

Yet, a group of us from my company spent several evenings around the Erawan Temple loading trucks full of food and water and supplies to be driven north for flood victims. Some of them even went with the trucks to ride the inflatables further than the road could take them. Old fart that I am, I let the young pups take the road duty- with the pretty girls.

Never once approached by anyone who wanted to do anything but thank us and offer us coffee, tea and water to drink- and tried to buy us food from the McDonalds right there.

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Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

Then you never researched the aftermath of the tsunami in Patong and Phi Phi.

What aftermath? How many tsunami volunteers went to jail? It's strange that there are no newspaper articles online about tsunami volunteers who went to jail.

Find me ONE newspaper article documenting the trial of a farang tsunami volunteer. I bet you can't. You've been fooled by anecdotes and bar talk, and the rubbish that gets spouted on this forum.

You're the one who said jail and trials. Read the post again and stop exaggerating.

So this "aftermath" that you are telling us to research - what was it? How did it affect the farang tsunami volunteers?

You've admitted that no farang volunteer went to jail or was put on trail - was somebody arrested? Was somebody spoken to in a stern tone of voice?

Or did nothing happen at all? Your "aftermath" amounts to ... nothing. What were we supposed to research again? I'm sure you have some BS anecdote for us, but I'm betting that it isn't backed up by any evidence whatsoever. It's an urban myth.

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Germany had sent rescue teams who were cleaning up and identifying corpses and so.

Then some Thai official told them to stop helping and go back to Germany because they had no workpermits which was very very very rude from the Thai and i will never ever forget it.

FYI W-European search and rescue teams never work with a workpermit, wherever they go. Normally the victims are very happy to get free professional assistance but in this case Thailand didn't want it because it was work which had to be done by Thai only......

You kind of forgot some of the best parts, as when the thai officials publicly threatened them with arrest if they would not immediately stop helping the victims.....

Thainess indeed.

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They are obsessed with not having been colonised....just look at the National anthem. That's all that matters to most and it doesn't matter it's a dirty s*it hole.

That's because they voluntarily gave up some of their territory, but i bet you wouldn't find that little "irrelevant" particular on local's history books.....

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Germany had sent rescue teams who were cleaning up and identifying corpses and so.

Then some Thai official told them to stop helping and go back to Germany because they had no workpermits which was very very very rude from the Thai and i will never ever forget it.

FYI W-European search and rescue teams never work with a workpermit, wherever they go. Normally the victims are very happy to get free professional assistance but in this case Thailand didn't want it because it was work which had to be done by Thai only......

You kind of forgot some of the best parts, as when the thai officials publicly threatened them with arrest if they would not immediately stop helping the victims.....

Thainess indeed.


At some point a couple of months into the course of the recovery, it seems the authorities reminded the foreigners involved that they would need to get work permits, in accordance with Thai law.

Seems pretty reasonable, given that it's helpful to have the recovery efforts coordinated so people aren't bulldozing each other, and to know what various entities are doing, and whether the participants are scavenging for valuables to steal, or honestly helping.

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