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CEC Breakfast Club at River Market Finished.

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It occurs just twice a month, where a venue of an assortment tempting, high quality food within a 20 minute window for some very demanding customers. And be prepared to welcome another 20 - 30 people who simply want to sit and chat with the other folks while drinking coffee/tea/water. Oh, and it's never certain exactly how many people will show up.

the Commander In Cheif says it all ^^^^^^

at 250 baht a punter, who would want this type of business,

E/S thinks Dashing Dave thumbsup.gif of River Market, has been very, very . generous supporting and sponsoring the C.E.C. smile.png but it comes to a point????

a Biill Medley good night to all my readersbiggrin.png

i am going to have to agree with you this time

At least i am honest about it E/S

After the New Year breakfast

People enjoyed the different format

So they came up with a modified version for the CEC Breakfast

That is why the cost went up 50 baht

I do believe it will be hard for someone to emulate the River Market Breakfast

I will wait to hear what will be discussed tomorrows meeting

Because i have a previous engagement and unable to attend

It was going to be only the board who discussed this change

No mention of the members having input previously

These posts must have stirred up a hornets nest!

I thought this matter would have been discussed early in the month

Who know what has been going on?

There seems to be a lot of secrecy and changes so quick?

We can only speculate !!!


Can I just say I love these topics? I love these topics. smile.png

Almost makes me feel sorry for Nancy though. (Almost. tongue.png )

Its called who ever in charge has to burden everything

Especially when changes like these happen so quick with short notice

i have been on boards and have never had a decision like this

Yes there have been emergency's That is a different case

but this is only a social group

I will wait the outcome

i may not be happy with it, who knows !!


A few of the spoiled apples caused this..... The River Market did more than expected to please and yet some sour expats spoiled it for everyone. Hope you enjoy your new 250 baht croissant and 1 cup of coffee at the Meridien.

Curious to know how these apples spoiled it for everyone? Did they eat too much bacon? too much coffee? Hurt the Dave's feelings? ...or was it simple economics?

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years ago expats meetings were about

getting news and mail from home countrys

planning in our spare time teach english build schools

projects to help locals

now everyone has a phone or internet

so meetings now would be planning new projects?

or meetings of b/s eating a 3star meal

while the locals look on eating a no star meal

or a pod of nobodys pretending to be somebody?

i have to add sometimes our meetings

would be in the local community centre where locals could join in

also would take a esky with drink and food to share

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Perhaps a Notice of Change should have occurred directly on the clubs own website http://www.chiangmaiexpatsclub.com/meetings/ with details which would have been more appropriate.

I notice it is still currently being advertised on the website as an ongoing event.

Might have been a tad upset if I'd just bowled up as the website suggests to meet and greet and breakfast accordingly at a stated cost, only to find a vacant / closed venue.

Rather glad that OP has shared this with the wider community and should be commended for doing so until the CEC addresses its website deficiency.

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As I said earlier, the place to discuss CEC business is at a CEC meeting. Some of the venues suggested and meals depicted are interesting, but remember that a CEC breakfast has some requirements beyond that of an individual going out for breakfast.

It occurs just twice a month, where a venue has to produce 50 - 60 meals (this time of year) up to 90-120 meals (during high season) of an assortment tempting, high quality food within a 20 minute window for some very demanding customers. And be prepared to welcome another 20 - 30 people who simply want to sit and chat with the other folks while drinking coffee/tea/water. Oh, and it's never certain exactly how many people will show up. The venue must have good restrooms, polite and adequate staff and sufficient parking -- all within easy songthaew range of the central city. A new view would be an added plus. And value pricing, of course. Fortunately, aircon isn't required since it's a morning event, but cover is in case it rains.

Now, this isn't too much to ask for is it?

The CEC Board had been thinking about adding some other social events, not related to calories, and maybe it's time to move onto those activities as replacement to being obligated to organizing a breakfast twice a month. Something to discuss at Saturday's meeting.


Really all meals prepared in 20 minutes? Thought it was a buffet which is normally prepared largely well in advance.


Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

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Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

So is it still a secret ?, why the breakfast was cancelled,if no one on this

forum was there,then I guess we will never know.

regards worgeordie

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a very interesting meeting no one there but commenting afar from the usa

worth the price of admission to here the speaker

planning a project to help the locals

or what the best wine on market now


Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

Or those people who went decided that it was just not worth discussing, for one reason or another...or no urgency or...sick to their stomachs or....

very interesting?

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hang onto the horses,!!!

lets not forget The Commander In Cheif,has gagged all members of C.E.C from posting on C/Mai T.V.forum, relating to this thread


the C.I.C is able to post, WHAT takes her fancy

Iron Curtain, Cold War, Tactics !!!! to say the least

its a Gene Pitney good evening to all


Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

If nobody was there from this forum, how do we know the meeting actually took place.....? ?


Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

was that the speaker,Commenting on criminals in thai jails,Funny how that appeals to any ones logic.birds of a feather, Come to mind.

Ha, a "gag" order on the attendees at Saturday's meeting! Considering that there were over 120 people in the room (and the news was favorable and greeted with applause) how does any one person possibly suggest, much less enforce a "gag order"? You guys here on Thai Visa think you're way more important than you are.

Instead, it's simply been an interesting experiment to sit back and see how long it would take for the outcome of Saturday's meeting to be reported here. All I can surmise is that those that protested about the end don't actually come to CEC events and just look for any excuse to tear down and criticize those who are trying to make Chiang Mai a better place to live.

So much easier to find fault with someone and their actions than to actually get up from behind your keyboard and show you can do something better than the person you're criticizing, isn't it?

And I'm not speaking just about me -- I'm talking about those who think the cost of the breakfast is too high and show off the 100 baht meal they get at their local hole-in-wall, implying that dump could possibly be a replacement for River Market -- how do you think Dave and his staff feel when they see those posts? And I'm thinking about the CEC Board members and Welcome Committee members who arrive early for every breakfast and make sure everyone, especially the newcomers, feel welcome and have someone to chat with. When was the last time you got out from behind your keyboard and spent time sharing your knowledge of Chiang Mai with a newly arrived retiree in a positive, upbeat way?

Indeed Nancy, they they to impress people they have never met with knowledge they don't have about a subject they know nothing about.

ES, you impress nobody with your style of commentary, nor your subject matter above. You had a chance to bring the subject up face to face but bottled it. Get over yourself.


lets not forget The Commander In Cheif,has gagged all members of C.E.C from posting on C/Mai T.V.forum, relating to this thread

Ha, a "gag" order on the attendees at Saturday's meeting! Considering that there were over 120 people in the room (and the news was favorable and greeted with applause) how does any one person possibly suggest, much less enforce a "gag order"? You guys here on Thai Visa think you're way more important than you are.

Instead, it's simply been an interesting experiment to sit back and see how long it would take for the outcome of Saturday's meeting to be reported here. All I can surmise is that those that protested about the end don't actually come to CEC events and just look for any excuse to tear down and criticize those who are trying to make Chiang Mai a better place to live.

So much easier to find fault with someone and their actions than to actually get up from behind your keyboard and show you can do something better than the person you're criticizing, isn't it?

And I'm not speaking just about me -- I'm talking about those who think the cost of the breakfast is too high and show off the 100 baht meal they get at their local hole-in-wall, implying that dump could possibly be a replacement for River Market -- how do you think Dave and his staff feel when they see those posts? And I'm thinking about the CEC Board members and Welcome Committee members who arrive early for every breakfast and make sure everyone, especially the newcomers, feel welcome and have someone to chat with. When was the last time you got out from behind your keyboard and spent time sharing your knowledge of Chiang Mai with a newly arrived retiree in a positive, upbeat way?

first paragraph, you are completely WRONG again, E/S has retreived his post which is above for every one to see

as for the rest, real Doc M artens stuff, , and mostly rubbish, if thats your low opinion, of myself,and other members who have contribited to this thread, in particular the O/P

who has incidently asked for a straight forward question to you,and very politely i might add,and is on the receiving end of this senseless blast, suggest you look at yourself in the mirror, to get the right picture

which is a fair dinkum answer to the O/P, and til this point of time, you have not responded to ,except the above Doc Martens attitude post

poor one !!!! Commander In Cheif

a nice morning to allsmile.png


Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

was that the speaker,Commenting on criminals in thai jails,Funny how that appeals to any ones logic.birds of a feather, Come to mind.

For sure.

Make new friends, but keep the old,

the first are silver, the latter gold.

​If the CEC didn't have so many skeletons in its closet nobody would give a hoot where they ate their breakfast or how much they paid for it.

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my view on expat club

a few years ago afriend asked me to come to his place as cec were holding a meeting there

he put on snacks tea and coffee hired extra staff to assist

they came around me thinking i was new in town

wanting to sell or rent condo insurance and put up 800k bond for ret visa

i let them finish there smart talk

then i told the group had lived here for years and had my own house

my new friends left me alone

the snacks tea coffee empty .they only brought a few drinks

my friend lost money and never wanted to see them again

how many sad people they got at

sitting in a condo cani sell battling to pay payments on condo insurance and money on 800k loan

which they never own

the ones that run the parasites sideshow get the kickbacks

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Apparently, no one on this forum actually went to the meeting yesterday. I find that very interesting. Instead they choose to "follow" the club by reading the e-newsletter and commenting from afar.

Speaking of interesting, everyone who heard yesterday's program speaker said she was one of the most interesting ever. Well worth the price of admission.

was that the speaker,Commenting on criminals in thai jails,Funny how that appeals to any ones logic.birds of a feather, Come to mind.

For sure.

Make new friends, but keep the old,

the first are silver, the latter gold.

​If the CEC didn't have so many skeletons in its closet nobody would give a hoot where they ate their breakfast or how much they paid for it.

By "skeletons" do you mean the previous president who hasn't been in Thailand since October 2013? Your comment is a real insult to the current Board and to me personally. I took over as president in March 2014 and defy anyone to find anything illegal, immoral or corrupt that has happened within CEC since then. Our membership has grown by over 400 people since March 2014, so the current group running the club is clearly doing something right.

It's very evident that many of those posting on this thread haven't been to a CEC meeting in years and get their only pleasure in life tearing down others and everything good.

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BS...sorry, ES.

Are you a member of the CEC?

If yes, did you bring this subject up with the club President at the first available opportunity, face to face, like at Saturday's meeting? If yes, then you should have responded there and then. Maybe even challenge for president yourself if you think you can convince enough people you are good enough to handle this responsibility.

If no, then I'll be as polite as possible, this forum is not the place to air your grievances.

If you are not a member, then your immaturity is beyond measure.

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Wow who would have thought an expats club could have a darker history to it? All news to me and makes it even more intriguing......

However, as interesting as that may or may not be, the past is the past and we shouldnt taint the current efforts of the committee as I am sure they have good intentions and the best for all.

What does CEC stand for? Chiang Mai Expat Community I would hazard a guess. When Companies have a bad reputation they change their name, perhaps a fresh start for CEC and a new name is needed?


Having never been to a breakfast (I know wish I had, much like some of those Brexit voters who now express regret and wish they could change the past) and I am not a privileged member either, just an observer, perhaps its right to say

"The breakfast is dead. Long live the breakfast!" ?


BS...sorry, ES.

Are you a member of the CEC?

If yes, did you bring this subject up with the club President at the first available opportunity, face to face, like at Saturday's meeting? If yes, then you should have responded there and then. Maybe even challenge for president yourself if you think you can convince enough people you are good enough to handle this responsibility.

If no, then I'll be as polite as possible, this forum is not the place to air your grievances.

If you are not a member, then your immaturity is beyond measure.

There are moderators to decide whether comments are relevant to the topic. Thanks for your input, I for one don't need you to decide what I should be reading on this forum. As for immaturity, try to be a little tolerant before you throw a tantrum and stamp your feet.

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