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Clinton warns that Trump would plunge economy into recession


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Clinton warns that Trump would plunge economy into recession

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Donald Trump would send the U.S. economy back into recession, warning his "reckless" approach would hurt workers still trying to recover from the 2008 economic turbulence.

Clinton's address in Ohio, one of the most important battleground states, sought to define Trump as little more than a con man, whose ignorance and ego would tank the global economy, bankrupt Americans and risk the country's future.

"Every day we see how reckless and careless Trump is. He's proud of it," the Democratic presidential candidate said. "Well, that's his choice. Except when he's asking to be our president. Then it's our choice."

The speech was similar to one earlier this month in San Diego in which Clinton tried to undercut the Republican candidate's foreign policy credentials. This time, at an alternative high school in Columbus, she questioned whether Trump has the temperament to guide the economy and repeatedly pointed to his business record as evidence of how he would treat small businesses and working families.

"Just like he shouldn't have his finger on the button, he shouldn't have his hands on our economy," Clinton said. Her speech included stinging one-liners, including a takedown of Trump's best-selling books.

"He's written a lot of books about business. But they all seem to end at Chapter 11," she said, in an allusion to the U.S. bankruptcy code.

Trump responded on Twitter as Clinton delivered her address, writing in one tweet: "How can Hillary run the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk?" He appeared to be referring to Clinton blending her personal and official emails on a homebrew server in her house, while she was secretary of state.

The businessman later appeared to embrace one of Clinton's attack lines, writing: 'I am "the king of debt.' That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S."

Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said Clinton was "the last person qualified" to talk about improving the economy, pointing to "eight years of disastrous Obama policies."

Clinton used Trump's own statements to undercut his economic credentials, citing remarks he made that that U.S. could sell off assets, default on its debt and that wages are too high. She also repeated a comment he made that pregnant employees are an "inconvenience."

Clinton said financial markets often "rise and fall" on comments by presidential candidates. Suggesting the United States could default on its debt could cause a "global panic," she added.

She also seized on a report Monday by Moody's Analytics which found Trump's plans would lead to a "lengthy recession," costing nearly 3.5 million American jobs. The analysis by Moody's Mark Zandi, a Clinton donor and former economic adviser to Republican Sen. John McCain's 2008 campaign, predicted Trump's approach would swell the federal debt as the U.S. economy becomes more isolated by less trade and cross-border immigration.

Trump has pointed to trade as a major difference with Clinton, saying last week that her support of past trade deals, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement, has cost the country "millions of jobs."

He also has assailed her promotion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal as Obama's secretary of state as a sell-out of U.S. workers. Clinton announced her opposition to the TPP last October, saying it failed to meet her test of providing good jobs, raising wages and protecting national security.

Brushing it aside, Clinton said there was a difference between "getting tough on trade" and "recklessly starting trade wars." She noted that many of Trump's products are made in countries like China, Mexico, Turkey, India and Slovenia.

Bolstered by more than $40 million in television advertising, Clinton and her Democratic allies are trying to use this period before next month's Democratic National Convention to disqualify Trump among moderate voters on the economy and prevent him from successfully wooing working-class voters in battleground states like Ohio, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Fundraising reports filed Monday showed Clinton with a big advantage, starting the month with $42 million in the bank compared with Trump's $1.3 million.

Clinton was expected to talk about "ambitious new goals" for the economy Wednesday in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Associated Press writer Lisa Lerer in Washington contributed to this story.


On Twitter follow Ken Thomas: https://twitter.com/KThomasDC

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-22

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Obama already doubled the National debt.

Her supporters don't care what their leaders do. They are blinded by the fact that she is...(even I don't know)

She is a female? Screams and rants? Lies? Incompetent in Foreign Affairs.....?

You name it.

Hillary is just an Obama Peon....don't expect much from her.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

She already said Bill is taking the reigns.

Not sure what she will do, while Bill is trying to fix Obama's National Debt Problems.

I am certain Hillary does not have a clue!

I understand White House staff have already installed a condom machine for Bill the Monger.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

She already said Bill is taking the reigns.

Not sure what she will do, while Bill is trying to fix Obama's National Debt Problems.

I am certain Hillary does not have a clue!

I understand White House staff have already installed a condom machine for Bill the Monger.

"Obama's National Debt Problems"

The national debt is around $20 Trillion.

How much of the debt does Obama actually own?

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"He's written a lot of books about business. But they all seem to end at Chapter 11," she said, in an allusion to the U.S. bankruptcy code. clap2.gif

Deep recession is just one of many dire problems Trump would bring to America. He would be such a disaster, Americans would be digging out for generations after his wreckage.

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A real look at the USA national debt.

Obama began office in 2009.

The debt was $10,6 Trillion.

Interest on the GW Bush debt is around $200 Billion / year. = $1.6 Trillion

2 GW Bush wars add around = $2 Trillion.

The GW Bush financial meltdown crisis cost = $3 Trillion or so.

Obama unemployment extensions = $800 Billion.

Total $18 Trillion.

When Obama took office the GW Bush yearly budget deficit was over $1 trillion.

Currently the yearly budget deficit has fallen under $500 Billion.

The General Accounting Office places Obama job growth at 14.6 million new jobs.

US Exports are at an all time high. =1.3 Trillion last year.

Stock Market is at all time high.

Dependency on foreign oil at all time low.

Dollar strong.

Not sure why the conservatives are complaining. Things are much better than 8 years ago.

Who would want to go back to the good old days of GW bush?

Edited by Buzzz
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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

Bill a good president? Now I've heard it all.

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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

Bill a good president? Now I've heard it all.

According to Trump, Bill Clinton was the best President in his lifetime.

Google it.

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A real look at the USA national debt.

Obama began office in 2009.

The debt was $10,6 Trillion.

Interest on the GW Bush debt is around $200 Billion / year. = $1.6 Trillion

2 GW Bush wars add around = $2 Trillion.

The GW Bush financial meltdown crisis cost = $3 Trillion or so.

Obama unemployment extensions = $800 Billion.

Total $18 Trillion.

When Obama took office the GW Bush yearly budget deficit was over $1 trillion.

Currently the yearly budget deficit has fallen under $500 Billion.

The General Accounting Office places Obama job growth at 14.6 million new jobs.

US Exports are at an all time high. =1.3 Trillion last year.

Stock Market is at all time high.

Dependency on foreign oil at all time low.

Dollar strong.

Not sure why the conservatives are complaining. Things are much better than 8 years ago.

Who would want to go back to the good old days of GW bush?

things are not better than they were 8 years ago.

the national debt is now at a record 20 trillion.

house hold debt is at a record high

home ownership rates are falling, americans are becoming a nation of renters as the rich become the home owners

record numbers of people are on food stamps. many of them working jobs that dont pay them enough to live on.

the middle class is dissapearing. the rich are becoming extremely rich.

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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

She already said Bill is taking the reigns.

Not sure what she will do, while Bill is trying to fix Obama's National Debt Problems.

I am certain Hillary does not have a clue!

I understand White House staff have already installed a condom machine for Bill the Monger.

"Obama's National Debt Problems"

The national debt is around $20 Trillion.

How much of the debt does Obama actually own?

Who cares? The only thing Obama is concerned about is buying or amnestying as many Democrat voters as he can and then getting out of office before the SHTF. Of course, with the help of the MSM and a severe shortage of American critical thinking, the dots won't be connected and Obama will be an innocent victim of unfortunate circumstances or sinister powers beyond his means ... again.

A few more speeches and pay-ahead influence payments and maybe Hillary, for once in her life, do the USA a favor and pay it off. Oh, sorry. I must have dozed off.

Edited by MaxYakov
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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

Bill a good president? Now I've heard it all.

Killer of children Clinton. Terrible president. Liar, cheat and full time scum bag.

The best news to ever come out of the Clinton camp was his oral see episode with that brunette Sheila....what was her name ?

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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

Bill a good president? Now I've heard it all.

Killer of children Clinton. Terrible president. Liar, cheat and full time scum bag.

The best news to ever come out of the Clinton camp was his oral see episode with that brunette Sheila....what was her name ?

You should remember it. They named her Presidential "oral see" act after it. (See, now you've gotten me doing it!)

Back on-topic: Recession, doesn't Obama own the current one (GDP below 3% for his entire two terms - some kind of record I should think). But how many Americans can even spell GDP?

Edited by MaxYakov
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It's time to vote most of these (bums) politicians out. Trump isn't a great choice but he's better than lying, corrupt Hillary by a long shot. There's little chance of saving the Republic if we don't start kicking out our sold-out government leaders.

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Good speech, Madame President.


Turns Out, Hillary Clinton Is Really Good at Dismantling Donald Trump’s Joke of a Campaign

Judging by the number of angry tweets and press releases Trump and his team sent out during and after the speech, it appears as though Clinton’s economic-themed attacks got under the reality television star’s skin in a way that her national security critique did not.

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Neither Trump nor Clinton are deserving of influencing the economy by being elected president. Trump likes to use other peoples money to build something, them burden the entity with debt, declare bankruptcy, and walk away after taking out his personal compensation. Not unlike his fellow Republican Mitt Romney whose firm Bain was one of the masters of vulture capitalism. The Clintons have never expressed any reservations about vulture capitalism and receive significant contributions from those who engage in such non-productive financial activities. In addition, the Clintons being big fans of neoliberal economic nonsense, have accounted for some of the worst policy decisions to impact the US economy such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, to whose reinstatement Hillary has yet to address, as well as the disastrous NAFTA trade agreement. I daresay the pot is calling the kettle black.

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I think it will take generation to forget about the GW Bush fiasco.

Lets hope Hillary will be a carbon copy of the good old days when Bill Clinton was Prez.

She already said Bill is taking the reigns.

Not sure what she will do, while Bill is trying to fix Obama's National Debt Problems.

I am certain Hillary does not have a clue!

I understand White House staff have already installed a condom machine for Bill the Monger.

"Obama's National Debt Problems"

The national debt is around $20 Trillion.

How much of the debt does Obama actually own?

We the People own it....and it was $10T 8 years ago.

Hillary will crack the $30T threshold in 4 years. Much of that increase will be spent to further entrench the masses into government dependence along with taxpayer subsidized paybacks to the foreign despots and corporate thieves that she is indebted to.

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Neither Trump nor Clinton are deserving of influencing the economy by being elected president. Trump likes to use other peoples money to build something, them burden the entity with debt, declare bankruptcy, and walk away after taking out his personal compensation. Not unlike his fellow Republican Mitt Romney whose firm Bain was one of the masters of vulture capitalism. The Clintons have never expressed any reservations about vulture capitalism and receive significant contributions from those who engage in such non-productive financial activities. In addition, the Clintons being big fans of neoliberal economic nonsense, have accounted for some of the worst policy decisions to impact the US economy such as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, to whose reinstatement Hillary has yet to address, as well as the disastrous NAFTA trade agreement. I daresay the pot is calling the kettle black.

Referring to the Clintons as receivers of contributions from vulture capitalists would be both misleading and understated.

I'm sure not all their donors are of the fictional 'Gordon Gekko' ilk. Let's not forget foreign governments and other influence-buying sketchers. And what about Hillary's 21 million in only two years of speech-giving?

Why didn't you use the more fitting "corrupt"? Don't get me started on Bill's pathology, it's public record anyway.

As to Trump: So he "likes" to buy, debt-load companies and then declare bankruptcy, eh?

Does he also buy off the bankruptcy courts with his ill-gotten corporate booty or use his own personal ill-gotten compensation? Be careful when making potentially libelous accusations in your real life. You should be prepared to back them up with some credible sources, yes?

Actually, the web consensus is that his corporations (not he) had declared Chapter 11 a total of four times. That hardly seems to be something he "liked" to do given his 50-years or so reputation as a businessman, does it? Chapter 11 filings are used to 'save' companies, not to dissolve them, BTW.

Read about it HERE - www.politifact.com

PS: I'm a supporter of neither Clinton nor Trump. I disconnected physically long ago and now watch in horrified disbelief at the latest American political foolishness that can only end badly for its citizens. Not that such a conclusion would be unjustified in the cases of a large number of them.

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The 2 most disliked, in some cases I would say hated, and the 2 most unqualified candidates in my life time and I'm no spring chicken. No, not the lessor of 2 evils, both evil but with differing ways. Both will continue America's downhill slide into plutocracy. They will do it in different ways. No, Clinton will not do anything for the working/middle class and neither will the Trump. Those that believe either will are fools, lemmings. The Clintons were and still are Republicans (the old kind) at heart, the Trump, well a narcissistic, lying, misogynist, racist, homophobic, bigot, fascist thug. Bill Clinton was strongly supported by Hillary in all his disastrous policies, which were all Republican policies. He and Cheney/Bush et al are directly responsible for the condition of America today, along with the fact that Obama didn't have the guts to fight for what he said he would fight for. All bought and sold by Wall Street criminals/banksters, corporations and the military/spy/industrial/Congressional cabal. Oh, and the national debt is NOT Obama's fault, as much as I dislike him. Try, Cheney/Bush tax cuts for the rich and 2 disastrous unpaid for wars. It is his fault in one sense for laying of federal workers who would be contributing to the economy, and not fighting for more deficit spending to bring America out of near depression. America does not and has not had a deficit problem, it has a revenue problem. The rich and corporations do not pay their fair share and that will just get worse under either of the candidates.

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It's time to vote most of these (bums) politicians out. Trump isn't a great choice but he's better than lying, corrupt Hillary by a long shot. There's little chance of saving the Republic if we don't start kicking out our sold-out government leaders.

Politicians are often bought, you're right about that. They're known to avoid issues also. If you look objectively at individual politicians, you'll see that Republicans are the most adept at avoiding issues. As for being bought; just one lobby, the NRA, recently paid $56 million for several dozen Republicans to continue to vote in favor of easy access to semi-automatic weapons for everyone. No matter how you slice it, if you want to find corrupt and do-nothing politicians, they're on the Republican side of the aisle. That's why it will be a relief; the Trump implosion will also kick a lot of Reps back to the real world where they'll have to find another way to get a paycheck. ....maybe even find a job that produces something useful, or does some good for something other than fattening their wallets (and the revenue stream of gun sellers). There are probably some jobs sweeping floors - that's more useful than doing nothing in Congress, while getting a taxpayer-financed check each week.

NRC isn't clean as the driven snow, but she's head and shoulders above the shyster.

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It's time to vote most of these (bums) politicians out. Trump isn't a great choice but he's better than lying, corrupt Hillary by a long shot. There's little chance of saving the Republic if we don't start kicking out our sold-out government leaders.

Politicians are often bought, you're right about that. They're known to avoid issues also. If you look objectively at individual politicians, you'll see that Republicans are the most adept at avoiding issues. As for being bought; just one lobby, the NRA, recently paid $56 million for several dozen Republicans to continue to vote in favor of easy access to semi-automatic weapons for everyone. No matter how you slice it, if you want to find corrupt and do-nothing politicians, they're on the Republican side of the aisle. That's why it will be a relief; the Trump implosion will also kick a lot of Reps back to the real world where they'll have to find another way to get a paycheck. ....maybe even find a job that produces something useful, or does some good for something other than fattening their wallets (and the revenue stream of gun sellers). There are probably some jobs sweeping floors - that's more useful than doing nothing in Congress, while getting a taxpayer-financed check each week.

NRC isn't clean as the driven snow, but she's head and shoulders above the shyster.

The NRA paid them $56 million but how much do the polluters pay the republicans to deny climate change?

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