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Controversial “Foreign National Information Form” arrives in Pattaya, being rolled out nationwide

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Bank account numbers including pin number and any online accounts

full credit card information and supply a second card for immigration purposes

Power of attorney over all assets bank accounts in home country

Social media accounts and passwords

Cars/motorbikes with copy of keys

address and house/condo keys

restaurant/bar you frequent with open running tab

Last time you took a dump, color consistency etc

What a joke this intrusive land is becoming, LOS the hub of fools.

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Business are closing and going belly up across Thailand there Chinese friends who shit in the street and have no manners do not help.bars and entertainment or even restaurants. These Chinese eat buffet at lodgings and Cheap noodles. The powers will tell you different all lies.

Now they want to make it even more uncountable and why do you require someone's bank number. You have no power to access it. It's quite unbelievable and unprofessional

"Now they want to make it even more uncountable and why do you require someone's bank number. You have no power to access it. .. "

I don't feel that my Thai bank account is secure, especially whilst the General is in power.

But access to banks in the home country? Once when I had to call the bank back home about a lost card, one of the security questions they asked me was: "What is your mother's maiden name?"

Add this to account number, home address and date of birth .. hey, we were very close to getting in.

"It's quite unbelievable and unprofessional" .... absolutely!


It's not an official form. The one I completed had someone else's visa photocopied on the back. From what I could gather it's just an unofficial statistical survey/census, similar to the questions on the back of the Arrival card.


I went for my 90 day report today (done with travel in under half an hour). It was in Nothaburi (outskirts of BKK) no extra form needed but I had it prepared already. Its all harmless most of this data was already available to them. But no need to give the form because it was not in use there.


I just come back from Jomtien for my 90 days:


- this 3 pages form is not a big deal, done in 5-10mn

- You have to do it ONCE, for the next 90 days notification you won't need to fill that form again

that ONCE seems to be wrong:

they requested me to fill out that form already 90 days ago, only diffference this time - they added a 3rd page for optional additional infos and requested a photo.

and a nice add on for me: they printed all on the empty page of a another filled out form - I could now try out social engineering for a certain Norwegian and try to reset his passwords and CCs 555


And they really think people will write the truth on these forms?

They are bigger fools than i ever thought!facepalm.gif

that itself is an achievement!


This updated information will help us catch foreigners faster,”

Interesting statement.

Yeah. I've been working at Khon Kaen University since 2008, never not renewed my visa or not done my 90-day report (another ridiculous exercise). If they have trouble finding me, it's not my fault.


Did my retirement extension today at Jomtien no form in sight, although I downloaded the form filled it in, lots of not applicable and had it ready but out of sight.

Lets see if if the form appears when I collect my passport tomorrow.

But upon getting the letter from the bank showing the 800,000 they now attach a separate form showing incoming & outgoing transactions, something new.


I had to compile the new form during my annual visit to Immigration Office for Visa renewal. I left more personal parts blank or just N/A and was accepted by the Officer with no questions


Oh goody! w00t.gif This place is getting more and more surreal as time goes by. coffee1.gif

Yep! This is not about terrorism. This is about control. Mass surveillance systems have been online for over a year and a half now. The junta said it was being used for gathering intelligence on possible terror in the country. But not so, as of January the military have been using it to spy on twitter and facebook accounts.


Now why spy on farangs. To get rid of the ones who are critical of the current regime. Your card is marked, get to the border or extend your visa and big red stamp. Visa denied.

Of course I'm just paranoid. They just want to know who stole the shampoo from Boots to make an arrest. Or who kicked the door of a taxi or who dropped a cigerette stub on the street. Yes, thats why they need all that information on every foreigner coming in and out of los. Big brother is watching you, this is real.


A British man apologizes for posting a video clip complaining about exorbitant taxi fares in Phuket.

From sanook news website


English article in the khaosod

News https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.khaosodenglish.com/culture/net/2016/06/20/jack-dekfarang-apologizes-taxi-rant-riled-phuket/&ved=0ahUKEwjW5eSA-7vNAhUWS48KHWrvBHcQFggdMAE&usg=AFQjCNES3t5jZThU06367YTAD9E92Vxg1g&sig2=qCrOsFA3SS-0URCM6pntGw

Work permit? Visa status? May not be long for Thailand.


Phuket news, May 21st


Maj Gen Chachaval Vachirapaneegul, Deputy Commissioner of the Immigration Bureau’s crime suppression unit also assured that the details of the “Foreign National Information Form” would remain secure. “We will keep all details provided on a secure server and they will only be shared with other law-enforcement agencies when needed,” he said.

That assurance came less than four weeks after a website-development “error” saw personal details, including the names, addresses, professions and passport numbers, of thousands of foreigners living in Southern Thailand posted online on March 27.

“The information is will be linked to our data system and will not be revealed or given to others . The information collected will be kept private, but will be used for national security purposes”, he said.

National security purposes?

You need to read this article in the Washington Times, May 29th.


Foreigners are being monitored closely. Not all, just the ones who meet a certain criteria, i.e anti junta.


"Full address and telephone numbers in your home country"

If you're living in Thailand, how can you have a phone number in your home country, unless you create a Skype number? What genius came up with this idea? Many elderly expats have no living family members left back home, others may not have lived in their home countries for years, if not decades.

This question is irrelevant and I would not entertain it. Or I might just put down the police emergency number of my country and some random address. They wouldn't have any idea of how to check it's authenticity anyway.

I wouldn't have a problem giving out information of my spouse and/or other guarantor information here in Thailand. If there was an emergency, it's hardly useful to call someone in Europe, Australia or North America. A Thai or expat known to the expat residing locally can help, but if you get into an accident, what's someone 10,000km away going to be able to do? Nothing!

Some of the questions on this form are reasonable, but most are intrusive and offensive.


Might be better to let an agent do your visa extension as I just found out today, is possible and legal. They can then fill out whatever nonsense they want. Personally, I'd rather pay an agent to do it for me than having to front up to immigration myself.


The Foreign National Information Form. The 3rd page is blank. I guess for extra comments or info. Sorry wrong order cannot edit correctly. Page numbers on the bottom. You can work it out, cheers.




Having looked at the form, it doesn't seem that bad at all. I take back my paranoid posts. If only the OP could have posted this for all to see then none of us would be running around like a headless chicken. A storm in a teacup, my dear.


I did my annual extension at Jompthien yesterday. No foreigner info. form requested. Picked up my passport this morning - no form requested.

However, I decided to get an re-entry permit this morning, after getting my passport back, and couldn't even get a ticket number until I had filled out the new form. The form is not so bad - a lot of it was pretty much N/A as far as I was concerned. I gave them the minimum truthful info. for anything that they didn't already have on file. So, filled out the form and tried again to get a ticket number - got sent back to the copy shop as they needed duplicate copies of everything! Eventually got a ticket and fronted up to the desk - where I was given back all the duplicates as they didn't want them! Well, that's another 50 Baht wasted!

I couldn't see any evidence of anyone acting as 'recording officer' by the way. There seemed to be a fair bit of confusion as to what exactly was required. I did ask if it was compulsory to fill out the form and was told that it was. It was fairly quiet in Jompthien Immigration today but I think that it would have been chaotic on a more normal day.



Oh goody! w00t.gif This place is getting more and more surreal as time goes by. coffee1.gif

Yep! This is not about terrorism. This is about control. Mass surveillance systems have been online for over a year and a half now. The junta said it was being used for gathering intelligence on possible terror in the country. But not so, as of January the military have been using it to spy on twitter and facebook accounts.


Now why spy on farangs. To get rid of the ones who are critical of the current regime. Your card is marked, get to the border or extend your visa and big red stamp. Visa denied.

Of course I'm just paranoid. They just want to know who stole the shampoo from Boots to make an arrest. Or who kicked the door of a taxi or who dropped a cigerette stub on the street. Yes, thats why they need all that information on every foreigner coming in and out of los. Big brother is watching you, this is real.


A British man apologizes for posting a video clip complaining about exorbitant taxi fares in Phuket.

From sanook news website


English article in the khaosod

News https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.khaosodenglish.com/culture/net/2016/06/20/jack-dekfarang-apologizes-taxi-rant-riled-phuket/&ved=0ahUKEwjW5eSA-7vNAhUWS48KHWrvBHcQFggdMAE&usg=AFQjCNES3t5jZThU06367YTAD9E92Vxg1g&sig2=qCrOsFA3SS-0URCM6pntGw

This is all about SUPPRESSION of freedoms. And it will grow WAKE UP YOU OLD FOOLS! You have been around long enough to know THIS IS THE BEGINNING of a herdening stance as rightly displayed herein and THANK YOU for this post


Shit when I visited Thailand numerous times I barely knew my hotels name let alone its address. I think it may be easier to holiday in North Korea and places like that now. What a load of Gestapo innuendo. Guess they don't want expats or long stay tourists anymore.

" I think it may be easier to holiday in North Korea and places like that now. "

Still not as difficult as it would be for a Thai to get a holiday visa for the UK or US.


This statement pretty much says it all.

"This updated information will help us catch foreigners faster,”

So the government is taking a punitive approach to foreign residents, catch them and punish them?

My first criticism is that most of this information is already available through other agencies, embassies, financial institutions if these people are smart enough to coordinate their efforts and ask.

My next though is why should I trust anyone in Thailand (a clerk at the immigration department) enough to provide any information (financial, etc.) that they are not willing to officially ask for through official channels (agencies, embassies, financial institutions, etc.)

Please advise when the Deputy Commissioner and the General get their head and ass wired together, and decide if this form is mandatory, so I can decide when to take my retirement funds and move to another country.


Reading an article in a Cambodian magazine, a minister in Thailand wants all visitors to be issued wristbands by their hotels, with passport information etc., in case they become lost and do not remember where they are staying. Next it will be ankle bracelets.

Or tattoos.


tokyoblond said, "Envy? I think not, my dear smotherb. Your passive-aggressive posting style is shown again. I am not going to derail this vitally important thread for those of us who have lived here long-term by denegrating it to a slanging match. So, I shall leave you with another quote, this time to be enjoyed over your morning coffee;

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

they are vexations to the spirit....." Disiderata

Goodbye, smotherb, for I believe that we will not cross paths again, and if they do, it will be too soon."

Edited by tokyoblond, Today, 08:35 .

Oh, don’t worry, you’ll hear from me as long as you continue to make such asinine statements. If you think falsifying information you provide immigration is acceptable, you’re as uninformed as your misinterpretation of my posts imply.

Give immigration the information you are willing to give or they demand you enter, and leave the others blank. Most of the information they ask for is identification—name, rank and serial number, as I said—and it is mostly redundant, since immigration/police/DoT already have your name, passport number, address, vehicle numbers registered to you, phone number, visa/extension number, etc.

The biggest complaint I see posters make is about bank account number. If you are a retiree, as I am, immigration already has your Thai bank account number—not sure about immigration having the bank account numbers of other classes of long-term stay foreigners, but I'll wager they do for some, if not many. I see no reason to falsify any of that information.

As for any other information you may consider sensitive, rather than falsifying it with gibberish, as you suggest, I will leave mine blank—as I did last month in Songkhla for my 90 day report, and it was accepted without issue. If and when immigration insists on information I see as sensitive, I will address that issue most likely with a plane ticket out.


Did my retirement extension today at Jomtien no form in sight, although I downloaded the form filled it in, lots of not applicable and had it ready but out of sight.

Lets see if if the form appears when I collect my passport tomorrow.

But upon getting the letter from the bank showing the 800,000 they now attach a separate form showing incoming & outgoing transactions, something new.

That's disturbing.

Eventually, you may be called to answer for any questionable transactions, such as why do you dine and support this or that business, as they are supporters of whatever party. Why are your cash withdrawals so large. What do you buy with your cash. Prove it.

These people are just loony enough to do something like that.


If every tourists has to fill this out, we should see tourist numbers falling soonly.

And why oh why is a photo needed? Is the photo they take at the immigration desk not enough? As usual, nothing is ever thought through.

Probably some immirgrstion cop bought the photo franchise next door.

Returned to Thailand 20 June via Don Muang airport - this form not seen.

First sentence: "Expats and foreigners in Pattaya are now being asked to complete the form, when they go to complete their 90 day report or extend their visas."

What is the difference between an 'Expat' and a Foreigner' ?

An "expat" is someone who lives here (Expatriate) whereas a foreigner may just be a visitor or tourist.



I do hope you all kick up a fuss and have a little paddy at immigration office. Hopefully when I'm there so when they tell you to take another number and wait or make your visit hell I can sit and laugh. Dear me children act as most of you are doing now.

And it is your absolute right to do so. But do you really think that you are in any way less dispensable to Thailand than each and every one of the rest of us? That your strict adherence to the rules in any way insulates you from an official who for no discernible reason whatsoever, takes a dislike to you and makes your life a misery while the rest of those seated enjoy a laugh at your expense? I've seen it happen before with some of the 'in' crowd that suddenly weren't.

There but for the grace of God and all that...

Mr never had a cross word with any official in Thailand it's called manners. I will if requested fill in the form as I have said before they have 90%of it anyway. And I for one am not going to throw toys about or have a paddy fit over a few questions as to online and social. Really is it that important worth all this vitriol! !!!!.


- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother ....... foundling brought up in orphanage

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country ........................................... don't have a phone

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand ............ don't have a phone

- Social media and email accounts (is optional) .................................................... don't have a phone

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number ............................. don't have a car or m/c

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital .................... I never visit anywhere twice

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner ....................................... I don't know any Thais or foreigners

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas ...... don't have a bank account

There you go, easy peasy.

I'm going the Thai way:

- Full name, date of birth, passport number, and names of father and mother ....... NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Full address and telephone numbers in home country ........................................... NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Full address and telephone numbers of your home and workplace in Thailand ............ NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Social media and email accounts (is optional) .................................................... NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number ............................. NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital .................... NO UNDESTAAAAND

- Emergency contact details for a Thai and foreigner ....................................... Prayut Chan-o-cha

- Bank account details such as bank, branch, account name and account number (only required for certain visas ...... NO UNDESTAAAAND

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