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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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the EU has opened our doors to people from outside the EU.

7,000 illegal immigrants smuggled into Britain on ferries

No, that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense unless you think that leaving the EU is going to result in ferries stopping running or people smugglers stopping operating. The UK has very tight borders but they still get through, leave the EU and we lose the ability to have border control on the French and Belgian side, it is going to get harder to stop illegals not easier. The only thing leaving is going to do is prevent law abiding EU citizens from going to the UK.

I think you might be wrong. If UK becomes a sovereign state without having to adhere to any of EU's policies, then they can literally prevent a ferry from leaving Calais or send it back from where it came.

If they are illegals they can send them back now, if they are claiming asylum then they have to process them, its got nothing to do with EU rules, if they did not claim asylum in the country they were last in then the country they arrive in has to process them, well actually at the moment there are EU agreements to allow countries to move refugees to other EU states, but obviously that would be out the window and so we would actually have to accept all those who make it to UK territory and have a legitimate claim. If you think we will be sending whole ships back because illegal immigrants have been discovered on-board then you are off your rocker.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Marco, indeed you are funny.

What would you do without your immigrants, eg. Polish???

And 90 millions Turkish means 90 millions new customers.

And so you would have supported Assad who killed his own people...?

Go on drinking laddie

I think you are so funny too NOT

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I hope that ASEAN took note of what has been going on why this happened, stick to a trading block and dont start interfering in member countries internal affairs.

You are darn right and specially seen the culture of faces lost and short fuses and not to forget some militairy.....?

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Well it could get smaller rather than stronger if Scotland and NI leave.

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Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Would you have said exactly the same if the result was the other way around?

Remain lost.

Learn to live with it and get over it?

I wasn't trying to belittle the achievement, but if it was 60/40 or greater for Brexit it would have reduced the sense of frustration that many are probably feeling.

I would have said exactly the same if it had been the other way round - just as I said when the Scottish referendum results were realised. A near-enough 50/50 split makes it harder to build bridges.

Edited by RuamRudy
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Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Would you have said exactly the same if the result was the other way around?

Remain lost.

Learn to live with it and get over it?

I wasn't trying to belittle the achievement, but if it was 60/40 or greater for Brexit it would have reduced the sense of frustration that many are probably feeling.

Well thats tough titty then isnt it ? Its called democracy...majority vote carries the motion...if you take the Scottish vote out..who dont want to be part of the UK anyway...the majority is most likely 60/40

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Hope you'r right, possibly this is the best thing that has happened since the worst thing that happened to the world , THE EU.

Next off the mark could be Spain and Greece, the whole thing might unwind but not before more economic terrorism about leaving is mongered.

NZ scare mongering was rife in the media saying exports would suffer--- BS, the only thing that will change is the exchange, the money will be money.

Things might be the same as the status quo never loose,however without the EU bullies in charge of the world economy it may be a slight improvement.

Watch out for a property bubble burst as the bookies and stock exchange insiders traders make money by wreaking havoc.

After this settles down some will be more filthy rich and life will go on in their favour as usual.

The bookies are very happy with a result they called the wrong way, isn't that strange.

It was a close call, I as very happy and a little sad to see Cameron go, he was a very bad actor,but to pick the best bad actor out of world leaders would be quite hard as they are all very good bad actors.

I like Boris to be next PM certainly the world does not deserve George Osbore the psycopath , I wonder if Boris will comb his hair for the job.

Well done Britain.

Why would Spain and Greece want to leave?

I could be wrong but I always thought that these two were net gainers

The only gain Greece got from staying in the EU was bankers taking the bail out money, the people got Austerity, suicide, unemployment , economic bullyism, pension cuts, mysery for the poor and riots.

Spain got the same , the whole thing is a mess.

Terrorists can move all through the schengen zone without using passports.

This economic maddness has sread throughout the world including most other countries in the world, Thailand a good example, where Burmese labor work for a pittance ,creating unemployment for Thais who now think they are above being a builder or builders laborer or house keeper and instead have no future or jobs and turn to Methamphetamene use , and drug dealing, gangs and viloence.

This is also a pattern in NZ and Australia, leaving the EU might be a chance for some salvation, but we can only hope.

You hit a point. The goal is destabalization of all world economies. Once countries go to their knees financially, the only benefitters are the banks. Remember that Greece had a massive loan from Goldman Sachs (if I remember correctly) and when it came to paying down the massive interest and debt itself and Greece begged for relentment or revising the contracts, the bank didn't blink an eye and let the EU pay for it. The cabal operate from the top down. Get the tough guys (capitalist countries) first and the already fulnerable will follow.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Well it could get smaller rather than stronger if Scotland and NI leave.

And its their democratic right to leave if they vote to do so..Scotland will not leave the UK until they have another teat to suck on...too much money coming from the city of London propping up Scotland..why you think they want to stay in the EU they need a pay master..if they vote to leave the UK, and lets not say " what about the North sea oil" the British sector is just about tapped out and the oil price is in the crapper...go an look at the current property market around Aberdeen

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The financial institutions don't wait too long to adapt to the new reality.

Morgan Stanley says it's begun a process to relocate 2,000 key Investment banking staff from London to either Dublin or Frankfurt

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Remain = 13,266,996, 46.6%

Leave = 15,188,406, 53.4%

A win for leave, but hardly a decisive one.

Would you have said exactly the same if the result was the other way around?

Remain lost.

Learn to live with it and get over it?

I wasn't trying to belittle the achievement, but if it was 60/40 or greater for Brexit it would have reduced the sense of frustration that many are probably feeling.

Well thats tough titty then isnt it ? Its called democracy...majority vote carries the motion...if you take the Scottish vote out..who dont want to be part of the UK anyway...the majority is most likely 60/40

No, if you take the English share of the vote in isolation, the split is 53.4 to 46.6.

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Well, for all the (still) doom Sayers, I am happy with the result. It was a democratic process.

England and Wales have voted to leave the E.U. LEAVE won by a majority.

For those (English and Welsh people) who do not like it - Tough.

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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

Well it could get smaller rather than stronger if Scotland and NI leave.

And its their democratic right to leave if they vote to do so..Scotland will not leave the UK until they have another teat to suck on...too much money coming from the city of London propping up Scotland..why you think they want to stay in the EU they need a pay master..if they vote to leave the UK, and lets not say " what about the North sea oil" the British sector is just about tapped out and the oil price is in the crapper...go an look at the current property market around Aberdeen

Is it surprising that Aberdeen property prices, hugely over inflated as they have been for years (I lived there long enough to know that) should be in the doldrums?

Other than the South East of England, Scottish GDP per capita is higher than every other part of the uk. There are far greedier mouths than ours. I think we will be just fine without you.

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This is huge! The "people" have spoken...let the hate monger progressive liberals begin...they are not just sore losers...they are just plain losers...period...

You watch the Clinton campaign...do some severe scrambling to try and change her narrative...Trump triumphs...Clinton loses in this vote...

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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

Cant be changing the rules now, if remain had would won there would be no silly talk of 10% majorities or a second referendum...the head lines would be reading "crushing defect for Brexit"

Cameron et al took the British people for being fools called the bluff and lost

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Things aren't that bad, my stocks are only down 20% now.

I am sure this wasn't the only occasion where you went down many %

Only an honest statement. Going down? Forum has enough purile posters without your input.

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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

Cant be changing the rules now, if remain had would won there would be no silly talk of 10% majorities or a second referendum...the head lines would be reading "crushing defect for Brexit"

Cameron et al took the British people for being fools called the bluff and lost

I really don't think it will happen.

One irony is that by the time the final piece of paper is signed off in a decade, the older generation might be replaced by younger voters. The country would likely be remain voters..

Don't get me wrong, I personally am ambivalent, and certainly not crying foul. But I am saying that for all sorts of reasons, not least of which is the Ireland problem, this just isn't going to happen.

Yes today, the politicians are saying the will of the people, must be implemented quickly. And Brussels are saying no concessions and leave quickly.

But already, there is now a 6 month delay before Uk is even going to notify intent!!!

Just watch, there will be a mad scramble to turn this around.

Edited by mommysboy
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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

The Europeans may be able to reverse enact it, it seems and they are keen to let England go ASAP. Scotland will be welcomed into the EU and will thrive and survive whilst England faces an uncertain future as a slightly rustic farm from the mid-20th Century and an American tourist attraction off the coast of a thriving Europe.

Breaking news is that London is now talking about extracting itself from England.

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The financial institutions don't wait too long to adapt to the new reality.

Morgan Stanley says it's begun a process to relocate 2,000 key Investment banking staff from London to either Dublin or Frankfurt

Not suprising in the least given its an American company

My sister works in America for a different bank and they are leaving as well. Good for UK or bad for UK? Lost jobs? Who cares? Our borders will be water tight.

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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

The Europeans may be able to reverse enact it, it seems and they are keen to let England go ASAP. Scotland will be welcomed into the EU and will thrive and survive whilst England faces an uncertain future as a slightly rustic farm from the mid-20th Century and an American tourist attraction off the coast of a thriving Europe.

Breaking news is that London is now talking about extracting itself from England.

How is that going to happen exactly? Not that Sadiq Khan going to lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey surely!

Look the result is as it is, 4% is good enough for me, if we had stayed I would have accepted it, now what the leaders and the country need to do is to get behind the country and show the idiots who run the EU what they missing and what they going to miss and if Jimmy Crankie wants to join the EU then she can if thats what the Scots want, they are welcome to her, will miss the Scots though.

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It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

A big divergence between young and old.

I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

The Europeans may be able to reverse enact it, it seems and they are keen to let England go ASAP. Scotland will be welcomed into the EU and will thrive and survive whilst England faces an uncertain future as a slightly rustic farm from the mid-20th Century and an American tourist attraction off the coast of a thriving Europe.

Breaking news is that London is now talking about extracting itself from England.

Hmmm......Yes as I recall there was something of the ethereal in the last Scottish leave campaign. Lessons not been learnt I see. But yes, this is your big break in all honesty.

As i said though, the irony is that Scotland will be out of the EU one way or another. Maybe EU will make an exception. I wonder if it has the power to do that?

I can't help thinking that EU losing UK and getting Scotland is like the bread winner leaving, but getting to keep the manky dog.biggrin.png

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