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Jomtien Policemen Kidnap, Rape & Extortion Allegations – Two Officers Go On The Run

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These guys are not police they are criminals in police uniform

The main obligation of the police here is to collect the brown envelops fpr their police Generals,Colonials,and Captains,from the busineses that are operating both legible and illegible..They operate an extortion racket much like the Mafia does in the US.


What dose this tell you... keep out of the place these are policemen, where not talking about your average thug....if you go to Thailand your playing Russian Roulette that's one thing for sure.


Why no Sr policemen posing for a pic with the arrested criminals? Am sure they all went for a drink then let the 4 go home as they were F far too drunk to bring them back to the slammer!!???????


no surprise

criminals act like criminals

time for the army to get things straight with this corrupt and criminal police force.

Thai police will never sort this out

btw I remember the story of a farang woman who was detained on a Friday night

because of a wrong address in her work permit.

She was not allowed to go home overnight

- she was supposed to stay in the slammer over the weekend.


What dose this tell you... keep out of the place these are policemen, where not talking about your average thug....if you go to Thailand your playing Russian Roulette that's one thing for sure.

you mean "if you go to Thai police"

For sure you should avoid them if possible

don't reckon for them to help you in anyway


Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

Do you really believe that the police who allowed them to go home thought they will come back?

I think you are naive


Recently a friend was held many nights because he sold a car twice in a year so they suspected him of being a car sales man. Logically of course, because that's a much larger crime than kidnap, rape and extortion.....


Well thats a good laugh first thing in the morning!!!!

The brutalized and raped woman isn't laughing.


My Thailand is becoming the laughing stock of the world.

So if I'm arrested for a serious crime an I deny all charges, the officer will let me go home an say Mr Farang can u pop round tomorrow and we will hav a nice little cell awaiting u.

I don't think so for one minute that will happen.

But if ur a Police officer or hi so then obviously it will as demonstrated here.

Absolute Farce.


Well at least 2 of the 4 returned back to the station . They probably found it more relaxed inside a cell than with their wife that just been told they are charged with rape.


Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

You'r joking right "now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them." Just how much effort do you think the police will put into chasing them down?


Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

Despite the sentiment of many seeing this as a another major police bungle etc by letting the suspects leave, one needs to understand as well that in any justice system (and yes they vary greatly in integrity throughout developed and developing states) based on a Democratic model (and yes Democratic models also vary), there is a general presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

This means that although people are suspected in a serious criminal allegation, there are still rights to being bailed (if sufficient evidence to be charged from the outset) otherwise with insufficient evidence at the time if arrest other than for being interviewed, the suspects must be allowed to leave.

Unless there are provisions under Thai law to detain pending further investigations then keeping suspects detained longer would warrant a claim for unlawful detention by the detainee.

Only the investigating officers know the full extent of evidence and how compelling that evidence is and whether the rules of evidence in Thailand will accept it in its form.

It happens all over the world - suspects released and asked to return later so that important evidence/potential evidence can be collected and/or canvassed.

I am not claiming that the police have done the right thing here and there may be corruption at play but just based off a news journalist's headline story, it never reveals in totality the full facts.

Easy to get emotional and criticise all and sundry based off a news story but from experience there is almost always a lot more going on that the general piblic are not privvy to so as not to compromise ongoing investigations.

My two baht's worth.


any protection offered for their victims?

Probably on the run as well, be it for a different reason!!


Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

Despite the sentiment of many seeing this as a another major police bungle etc by letting the suspects leave, one needs to understand as well that in any justice system (and yes they vary greatly in integrity throughout developed and developing states) based on a Democratic model (and yes Democratic models also vary), there is a general presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

This means that although people are suspected in a serious criminal allegation, there are still rights to being bailed (if sufficient evidence to be charged from the outset) otherwise with insufficient evidence at the time if arrest other than for being interviewed, the suspects must be allowed to leave.

Unless there are provisions under Thai law to detain pending further investigations then keeping suspects detained longer would warrant a claim for unlawful detention by the detainee.

Only the investigating officers know the full extent of evidence and how compelling that evidence is and whether the rules of evidence in Thailand will accept it in its form.

It happens all over the world - suspects released and asked to return later so that important evidence/potential evidence can be collected and/or canvassed.

I am not claiming that the police have done the right thing here and there may be corruption at play but just based off a news journalist's headline story, it never reveals in totality the full facts.

Easy to get emotional and criticise all and sundry based off a news story but from experience there is almost always a lot more going on that the general piblic are not privvy to so as not to compromise ongoing investigations.

My two baht's worth.

What are you on about. Don't you believe two "cops" are on the run?


These guys are not police they are criminals in police uniform

Indeed a lot of these 'policemen' seem good, almost expert at morphing into the kind of people they're suppose to protect from.

I see them on television. Watch the series "Grimm" and you will see what I mean


Well thats a good laugh first thing in the morning!!!!

Did anyone think to put a freeze on their bank accounts and passports before allowing them home for the night? Oh, really? Rhetorical question really I suppose. I didn't think so!!!!!!

Will anyone supposedly handling this case be dealt with for this serious blunder ? Highly unlikely.

The whole issue is yet another blow the the BIB's ' good name and reputation '. cheesy.gif

I am thinking it was one of their Police mates that let them go home?

He may get a "large brown envelope" one day?

Just thinking. whistling.gif


Despite an announcement, by arresting officers yesterday, that all four men had been refused bail and detained, it turns out that since they had denied all allegations the four of them were allowed to go home for the night instead.



These guys are not police they are criminals in police uniform

"Criminals in police uniform"...???.... Well,...In Thailand this comes close to the definition of The Police !!!



Oh come on, this has got to be a joke...and a bad one at that. I am beginning to think I've followed Alice down the hole and confronted the mad hatter...on second thoughts, that's is an insult to Alice in Wonderland 'cos even there, there were shouts of 'off with his head'. If police in other countries have read this they must have doubled over smile.pngbiggrin.pnggigglem.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Hmmmm...seems the police have concluded that cooperating with the police is not in their best interest....lol

Now, question is...will the police officers handling this particular very twisted case be persuaded by some under the table money or will they actually follow the letter of the law to its final conclusion and obtain prison sentences for all.

We all talk about the quote: Innocent Before Proven Guilty ..often used concerning the prosecution of victims accused of crimes they did not commit but in this case I am 99.999999999 percent certain they are guilty as alleged to be and guilty as charged.



Only in Thailand you're allowed to go home if you're a policemen charged with such serious allegations,

and only in Thailand, they're stupid enough to believe that if given half a chance, some if not all, will take

flight and disappear, now the police has to waste valuable time to go chasing them, would they learn anything

from it for the future? I doubt it very much.....

Despite the sentiment of many seeing this as a another major police bungle etc by letting the suspects leave, one needs to understand as well that in any justice system (and yes they vary greatly in integrity throughout developed and developing states) based on a Democratic model (and yes Democratic models also vary), there is a general presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

This means that although people are suspected in a serious criminal allegation, there are still rights to being bailed (if sufficient evidence to be charged from the outset) otherwise with insufficient evidence at the time if arrest other than for being interviewed, the suspects must be allowed to leave.

Unless there are provisions under Thai law to detain pending further investigations then keeping suspects detained longer would warrant a claim for unlawful detention by the detainee.

Only the investigating officers know the full extent of evidence and how compelling that evidence is and whether the rules of evidence in Thailand will accept it in its form.

It happens all over the world - suspects released and asked to return later so that important evidence/potential evidence can be collected and/or canvassed.

I am not claiming that the police have done the right thing here and there may be corruption at play but just based off a news journalist's headline story, it never reveals in totality the full facts.

Easy to get emotional and criticise all and sundry based off a news story but from experience there is almost always a lot more going on that the general piblic are not privvy to so as not to compromise ongoing investigations.

My two baht's worth.

I'm sorry but although the law, in Thailand, states that "you are innocent until proven guilty". That is not actually the case. If the cops say you are guilty then you have to prove your innocence or you are going to jail.


These guys are not police they are criminals in police uniform

Indeed a lot of these 'policemen' seem good, almost expert at morphing into the kind of people they're suppose to protect from.

I've said it before and I'll say it again! Until you start giving police their uniforms and equipment, give them a decent training programme, give them promotions on experience and merit, and most important of all, a decent wage to live on, then you will attract the type of scum that these 4 appear to have morphed into, And as for arrested and refused bail, and then being allowed to go home for the night - well, that says it all about the people who "protect and serve"


Despite an announcement, by arresting officers yesterday, that all four men had been refused bail and detained, it turns out that since they had denied all allegations the four of them were allowed to go home for the night instead.


Thanks - I was just going to do that!

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