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Hillary Clinton boasts double-digit lead as support for Trump plunges: poll


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Hillary Clinton boasts double-digit lead as support for Trump plunges: poll
Source: Xinhua

WASHINGTON, June 26 (Xinhua) -- U.S. presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is holding a 12-point lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump as support for the latter tumbled in the past month, found a poll released Sunday.

Clinton enjoys 51 percent of support among Americans, up by seven points from May, compared to Trump's support at 39 percent, which is down by seven points, according to the Washington Post-ABC News poll.

This is Clinton's biggest lead over Trump since last fall and is a dramatic reversal from the May poll, in which Trump led Clinton slightly by 46 percent to 44 percent.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-06/27/c_135468118.htm

-- Xinhuanet 2016-06-27

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With Trump's numbers in free fall, and Hilary heading for jail, Bernie looks like a good long shot bet while the odds are still high.

BTW a suggestion; Presidential voting papers should have a 3rd option, "None of the Above". If it gets more than 50% the parties get told to go back and try again with someone more trustworthy. It will only cost a few more billion.

Edited by halloween
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I wouldn't pay any attention to polls. They can be manipulated and mean squat on the day as we've seen on the other side of the pond.

Probably what Trump will now say having spent his entire campaign saying 'I'm leading in this poll and I'm leading in that poll...." :)

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Looks like Trump has made his run. A two-month roller coaster ride that has left him a little bit worse off than when he started.

The main problem for trump is the longer he runs the more time people have to see through his lies. He does well if he can just keep tossing them up and before people can digest, or think about it, he is off to his next big whopper. The problem you have to keep accelerating the pace. The old "arguing with your mother in law" tactic works well in the short term but in the long, it is a disaster

That big bag a hot air might not be able to make another run. It might all be over right here, right now.

At least Training Camps starts in a month. Life will go on.

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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

Violence from the Trump demographic?! I suppose it could happen, but don't put any money on it.

Apparently you are oblivious to the violence from the anti-Trump activists at the Trump rallies (or you're a really poor excuse for a propagandist).

Expect violence from the anti-Trump/anti-American activists at all times and at all events.

PS: Have the "heavyweight republicans" [sic] you mention not been watching their diet or did you really mean "establishment Republicans" who don't want their lucrative, parasitic set-ups terminated?

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It's incredible how many heavyweight republicans are coming out in public, saying they won't vote for their presumptive nominee.

I highly doubt they have just givin up and accepting a crushing loss in November.

Expect fireworks at the convention and violence if the Trump demographic feels disappointed.

Violence from the Trump demographic?! I suppose it could happen, but don't put any money on it.

Apparently you are oblivious to the violence from the anti-Trump activists at the Trump rallies (or you're a really poor excuse for a propagandist).

Expect violence from the anti-Trump/anti-American activists at all times and at all events.

PS: Have the "heavyweight republicans" [sic] you mention not been watching their diet or did you really mean "establishment Republicans" who don't want their lucrative, parasitic set-ups terminated?

The activists make trouble over what Trump says and stands for. Freedom of speech does not allow you to stand up in a movie theater and yell fire.

Donald Trump's own words "I wish we could go back to the days when you could punch someone in the head" and now the Trumper crybabies are upset when people who are saying no to racism, no to misogyny, saying no to gestapo type deportations, actually take Trump for his words and punch the racists, misogynists and Nazis in the head. Now who brought that on?

Oh waaaaaaa, boo freakin whooooo, you support Trump, take your lumps, you called for it.


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Here we go. The Donald Trump dumpster fire of a campaign is starting to show up in the numbers. He doesn't have a prayer and the calvary is staying in at Fort Apache, riding this one out. Even if the GOP was able to screw Trump out of the nomination, who is going to take over? Mitt? Bush? Cruz? Rubio? Palin? Seriously, the GOP is history.

Bernie will dramatically support, calling for the annihilation of the Republicans and everything they stand for. The Democratic party will be united in opposition.

There is nobody who could rally the troops at this point. Trump has his low-info lemmings and that's it.

The party's over.

Yes, Madam President. Get used to it, boys.

Edited by Pinot
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...some people say 'they will never let Trump win' anyway....

..all considered.....there would have to be a miracle for America to change....

..example...an independently wealthy candidate with a strong work ethic....incorruptible...

...to be allowed in The White House...

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Clinton is in double digits, before the 3rd party candidates, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are added in. Oops, down to what, a virtual tie. Neither one should be elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. The 2 worst candidates in my fairly long, knock on wood, lifetime. Neither deserving of presidential nomination, much less the White House. But at least one way or other the Republicans, all of them nothing but right wing wackos living in cuckoo land, will be happy there won't be a black man in the white house anymore.

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Donald Trump is the ultimate flim flam man- he will sell you snake oil and make you believe it is wonderful. What is happening now is that many in the electorate who are pissed off at what is happening in America and would have supported Trump now realize he will change nothing and he has no plan. He simply makes bold statements like building walls between America and Mexico will solve the Immigration issue; banning Muslims from America will solve the terrorist issue; opting out of trade agreements will solve the job issue. While most Americans are not very politically motivated and are mostly ignorant on issues- they are finding that Trump is divisive; without substance; and could care less about the American people. He has no depth; no plan and no substance.

Just this past week-he was in Scotland looking after his own business interests and making comments on Brexit which I am sure irritated scores of UK citizens. This man represents the worst of America. Hillary Clinton is who we will get- she is better than Trump but here presidency will not help the poor or fading middle class. She will keep the status quo which is not what Americans really want. The wealthy and big business will be the winners while the average person gets the crumbs. This furthers the chance that in the not too distant future- there will be a new American revolution.

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Go Trump!

Only fools believe in those polls.

Take Brexit for example. Everyone in the Media/Government/Business thought it would not pass. Of course, the people who actually showed up to vote proved them wrong. Regardless of what the statistics indicated, beforehand.

Any number of things could happen, prior to November. You Clinton lovers/lemmings are worried sick. Millions are being spent by Hillary for anti Trump commercials/propaganda. Nobody would do that, if they thought they had it in the bag.

lol. Stand by to stand by....

Edited by slipperylobster
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Go Trump!

Only fools believe in those polls.

Take Brexit for example. Everyone in the Media/Government/Business thought it would not pass. Of course, the people who actually showed up to vote proved them wrong. Regardless of what the statistics indicated, beforehand.

Any number of things could happen, prior to November. You Clinton lovers/lemmings are worried sick. Millions are being spent by Hillary for anti Trump commercials/propaganda. Nobody would do that, if they thought they had it in the bag.

lol. Stand by to stand by....

Either you are ignorant or lying.There's a new myth being propagated by right wingers that the Brexit polls predicted a defeat for "leave." This is a falsehood. Pundits may have predicted a defeat for "Leave" but the polls most definitely did not. The Economist kept track of the polls. Here was their comment after the final poll was taken and before the referendum:

"THE final update of our poll tracker is similar to the first. As the public head off to vote, opinion is split evenly and a tenth still say they have not decided. While Wales wavers, most other components of our tracker have stayed persistently stubborn in their relative positions. For all the campaigning neither the Remain nor the Leave camps have convinced voters of their cause. A high overall turnout will likely benefit Remain, as young people and richer old folk are keener on the union, but a big turnout is far from guaranteed."


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Go Trump!

Only fools believe in those polls.

Take Brexit for example. Everyone in the Media/Government/Business thought it would not pass. Of course, the people who actually showed up to vote proved them wrong. Regardless of what the statistics indicated, beforehand.

Any number of things could happen, prior to November. You Clinton lovers/lemmings are worried sick. Millions are being spent by Hillary for anti Trump commercials/propaganda. Nobody would do that, if they thought they had it in the bag.

lol. Stand by to stand by....

Either you are ignorant or lying.There's a new myth being propagated by right wingers that the Brexit polls predicted a defeat for "leave." This is a falsehood. Pundits may have predicted a defeat for "Leave" but the polls most definitely did not. The Economist kept track of the polls. Here was their comment after the final poll was taken and before the referendum:

"THE final update of our poll tracker is similar to the first. As the public head off to vote, opinion is split evenly and a tenth still say they have not decided. While Wales wavers, most other components of our tracker have stayed persistently stubborn in their relative positions. For all the campaigning neither the Remain nor the Leave camps have convinced voters of their cause. A high overall turnout will likely benefit Remain, as young people and richer old folk are keener on the union, but a big turnout is far from guaranteed."



the betting was all for "IN" not for Brexit.

Odds were outrageously high that Brexit would not pass.

I don't need to get the link...google it yourself.

This was a surprise.....nobody expected it would pass.

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Go Trump!

Only fools believe in those polls.

Take Brexit for example. Everyone in the Media/Government/Business thought it would not pass. Of course, the people who actually showed up to vote proved them wrong. Regardless of what the statistics indicated, beforehand.

Any number of things could happen, prior to November. You Clinton lovers/lemmings are worried sick. Millions are being spent by Hillary for anti Trump commercials/propaganda. Nobody would do that, if they thought they had it in the bag.

lol. Stand by to stand by....

Either you are ignorant or lying.There's a new myth being propagated by right wingers that the Brexit polls predicted a defeat for "leave." This is a falsehood. Pundits may have predicted a defeat for "Leave" but the polls most definitely did not. The Economist kept track of the polls. Here was their comment after the final poll was taken and before the referendum:

"THE final update of our poll tracker is similar to the first. As the public head off to vote, opinion is split evenly and a tenth still say they have not decided. While Wales wavers, most other components of our tracker have stayed persistently stubborn in their relative positions. For all the campaigning neither the Remain nor the Leave camps have convinced voters of their cause. A high overall turnout will likely benefit Remain, as young people and richer old folk are keener on the union, but a big turnout is far from guaranteed."



the betting was all for "IN" not for Brexit.

Odds were outrageously high that Brexit would not pass.

I don't need to get the link...google it yourself.

This was a surprise.....nobody expected it would pass.

Let me quote you "Only fools believe in those polls." Actually, the fools were those who didn't believe in the polls. Don't try to wriggle out of it.

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Yet the NBC and CBS battleground state polls show it close.

Go figure


Polls in the US seem to be used as a toll to effect public opinion rather than gauge it.

We heard a lot of that in 2012. In fact the far right was pretty much united around the "fact" that the polls were skewed in favor of Obama.

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Wow, Trump must really be on the nose if criminal Clinton is leading that much. You'd think even Hitler could run against her record and win in a landslide, and in all fairness he probably started less wars than her...

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Yet the NBC and CBS battleground state polls show it close.

Go figure


Polls in the US seem to be used as a toll to effect public opinion rather than gauge it.

We heard a lot of that in 2012. In fact the far right was pretty much united around the "fact" that the polls were skewed in favor of Obama.

I say one should embrace the polls if they give you temporary solace. In the Autumn, the media outlets will show the race much tighter in October in order to attempt to rally the more apathetic voters to the establishment candidate.

I think Clinton is a vile, despicable creature and the poster child for everything wrong with our government but, in the end, her massive amounts of available money & media support will overcome her shortcomings and allow her to prevail.

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Wow, Trump must really be on the nose if criminal Clinton is leading that much. You'd think even Hitler could run against her record and win in a landslide, and in all fairness he probably started less wars than her...

Trump must be on the nose? Hitler could run against her record? He started less wars?

I kinda understand the second two, but on the nose?

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Wow, Trump must really be on the nose if criminal Clinton is leading that much. You'd think even Hitler could run against her record and win in a landslide, and in all fairness he probably started less wars than her...

Trump must be on the nose? Hitler could run against her record? He started less wars?

I kinda understand the second two, but on the nose?

Don't sweat it. Trump supporters pride themselves on not making any sense. And they're remarkably good at it.

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