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Feisty Farage tells MEPs ‘You’re not laughing now’


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Farage has been fighting, sometimes seemingly alone, for 17 years to get the UK out of the EU.

During that time, he has been almost constantly heckled, mocked, ridiculed, sometimes abused, interrupted, ignored and even threatened.

He finally got his moment to shove it right up the self-serving EU elites. A wonderful moment.

The next step should be to give him a knighthood. Or a peerage -- Lord Farage of Shepherd Neame, perhaps. Plus a statue in some appropriate spot in London - Petty France, for example.

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Farage has been fighting, sometimes seemingly alone, for 17 years to get the UK out of the EU.

During that time, he has been almost constantly heckled, mocked, ridiculed, sometimes abused, interrupted, ignored and even threatened.

He finally got his moment to shove it right up the self-serving EU elites. A wonderful moment.

The next step should be to give him a knighthood. Or a peerage -- Lord Farage of Shepherd Neame, perhaps. Plus a statue in some appropriate spot in London - Petty France, for example.

So that makes it ok to be boorish?

People always like to try and excuse poor behaviour -- but people who are classy are classy even in the worst of situations. Same goes with Juncker and his comment...

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So that makes it ok to be boorish?

No, but it makes it understandable.

You'd have to be a saint not to feel a little triumphant after a 17-year battle, and then being insulted -- again -- by that drunk Juncker.

Got it, birds of a feather.

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I just found it very amusing. It was a stand up routine. Even some of the MEPs were laughing, not just at him either. I thought the little Union Jack flag was clever.

You have to laugh sometimes.

Would have been better if his Union Jack was the right way up.

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Well said, Nigel. None of them have worked, just told everyone else how to work. It should be a condition of employment that you have had a position outside of parliment, with no connection to it, for a stipulated length of time, before you con become a member of this, hopefully, now defunct club.

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Is this Brexit on or off? All the effort went into a vote...but many are backtracking.

Not sure what the plan is....just reading the news, it looks like the whole thing is a mess.

Obviously, the EU is going to hold a grudge....so will Britain never be the same? If the vote for Brexit was popular, by vote....then how can they turn that back? If they do, seems like tremendous effort over nothing.

Well the BBC and what may be described as" the metropolitan elite" (.maybe they are the same thing) are certainly trying hard to justify reversing the decision, but at the end of the day it is quite simply a decision by the majority of those who voted. To overturn that decision would be a very grave step indeed, and not one that I suspect the Politicians would have the balls to do.

Will Europe hold a grudge, maybe, but then they were hardly unconditional admirers of us inside the EU, and we're kind of used to it. Furthermore, much of the pressure in Europe for a speedy exit is because they have their own elections in the next couple of years, and significant Eurosceptic constituencies who they do not want encouraged.

The SNP don't like it, but it was a UK wide referendum. They cannot veto it. They may manage to remain in the EU through independence, or rather join the EU after Independence, but that is rather up to them

So no, I don't think it will be reversed.

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Of course it's still on. It's a mess and everything's up in the air, but there can't be any back-tracking over the popular vote. That would open a real can of worms.

'That would open a REAL can of worms' (!?) Breathtaking...

You mean like the 'REAL' current and ongoing devastating clusterfck which was brought upon us by mostly ageing angry fearful racist isolationist xenophobes and low-information reactionary air-heads led by opportunist pied-pipers of utter stupidity, outright lies and complete shamelessness, the likes of Farage and Boris? Well that can of rotten worms has already been well and truly opened now... (!) Thanks and congrats on 'WINNING'...

Edited by sujoop
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It appears that many voters voted with very little ... to zero ... effort to actually understand the realities of what happens when England actually departs the EU. Instead they depended upon slanted misinformation and slogans. Now the reality is slapping them in the face and they're bewildered. Very stupid indeed.

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The referendum was essentially an "opinion poll", so nothing actually happens about leaving the EU until such time as Article 50 is implemented, and that has to be done by a vote in Parliament (as I understand things), so nothing is set in stone.

What they should have done is included the "options" within this original referendum (which they didn't), setting out exactly what majority would allow a "leave" to be agreed upon and "how" that exit will happen and executed by whom. An agreement on the "terms" of that exit should have been made BEFORE any of this mess happened, and should have been included within the referendum, so that everyone knew exactly what was being voted on/for.

Right now, the handling of this whole "Brexit" debacle has made us the laughing stock of the world, and the comments and actions of (what I hope are) a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country, so thanks for that.

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words (almost) about the lack of "thought" of some of the voters ... is it that hard to think ahead and see the consequences of a decision, or do people not think anymore and simply make decisions based on emotions and bullshit spoonfed to them by their (so called) "leaders"?


Pronunciation: /ˌrɛfəˈrɛndəm/

noun (plural referendums or referenda /ˌrɛfəˈrɛndə/)

A general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.

Stolen from here: Oxford Dictionaries

..."a few have forever tainted us as a racist (and stupid) country"...

Don't worry about these few, there are and will always be stupid racists playing the psychological projection game.

..."do people not think anymore"...

I think this is exactly the reason why the EU could prosper so unchecked and this well. For many it's so cosy and convenient... Until now...

Ignorance essentially isn't strength and slavery essentially isn't freedom. Freedom is sometimes inconvenient... and offensive... and challenging... and needs strength! So what?

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It appears that many voters voted with very little ... to zero ... effort to actually understand the realities of what happens when England actually departs the EU. Instead they depended upon slanted misinformation and slogans. Now the reality is slapping them in the face and they're bewildered. Very stupid indeed.

So what happens then when the UK (not just England) leaves the EU?


- less preferential access to the EU market

- weaker financial centre


- better control of policies

- bigger access to the rest of the world's markets

- better control of immigration / welfare benefits etc

- savings of approximately 10 billion pounds a year

Others are welcome to add to both threats and opportunities for the UK. Let's try to have a balanced debate

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Of course it's still on. It's a mess and everything's up in the air, but there can't be any back-tracking over the popular vote. That would open a real can of worms.

'That would open a REAL can of worms' (!?) Breathtaking...

You mean like the 'REAL' current and ongoing devastating clusterfck which was brought upon us by mostly ageing angry fearful racist isolationist xenophobes and low-information reactionary air-heads led by opportunist pied-pipers of utter stupidity, outright lies and complete shamelessness, the likes of Farage and Boris? Well that can of rotten worms has already been well and truly opened now... (!) Thanks and congrats on 'WINNING'...

Speaking as an ageing, angry, fearful, racist, isolationist, xenophobe (albeit one who understands how to punctuate a list of adjectives), and acknowledging that I am a mere low information, reactionary airhead, thank you for your gracious congratulations.

Now, why don't you...

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He may not be every bodys cup of tea,but you have to agree with him on the 'i know none of you have ever' comment.He is right there.

I would just ask,exactly how much money would these MEP's lose,out of their pockets,when there is no more EU.??

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He may not be every bodys cup of tea,but you have to agree with him on the 'i know none of you have ever' comment.He is right there.

I would just ask,exactly how much money would these MEP's lose,out of their pockets,when there is no more EU.??

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Ferage may not be every bodys best boy at the moment.But the comment about 'almost none of you have ever had a real job'.was dead right.

I would love to know exactly how much money there MEP's will lose out of their own pockets when there is no more EU??

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- bigger access to the rest of the world's markets

Makes me remember back before NAFTA before US / Canada "free trade" when we were having a spat with the US over trade issues and the Prime Minister basically said, we don't need the US we can trade with the world.... went around the world pushing for more trade and better trading relationships.... then had to come back and play nice with the US because no matter how well you build trading relations internationally it typically is a mere fraction of the trading that you do with your closest neighbours... it really often is location, location, location...

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- bigger access to the rest of the world's markets

Makes me remember back before NAFTA before US / Canada "free trade" when we were having a spat with the US over trade issues and the Prime Minister basically said, we don't need the US we can trade with the world.... went around the world pushing for more trade and better trading relationships.... then had to come back and play nice with the US because no matter how well you build trading relations internationally it typically is a mere fraction of the trading that you do with your closest neighbours... it really often is location, location, location...

That's just not true anymore,

Cheaper to source a container of TV sets from China, than from Germany (if they made them any more).

Apples, yep they nearly all come from China too. Grain comes from the USA.

I miss Argentine beef, the EU stopped the UK buying from them anymore.

Without the EU forcing things, I doubt if the UK would buy anything from Europe, apart from wine and cheese (I prefer cider and cheddar).

British laws, 59% of all new British laws forced through by the EU in the last 4 years.

Edited by MissAndry
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It appears that many voters voted with very little ... to zero ... effort to actually understand the realities of what happens when England actually departs the EU. Instead they depended upon slanted misinformation and slogans. Now the reality is slapping them in the face and they're bewildered. Very stupid indeed.

What reality is this that is slapping people in the face?

The Pound has dropped and a lot of politicians have been flustering around in a mad panic wetting themselves. That's about it so far. Hardly the end of the world is it?

Of course with change comes uncertainty. I don't think Brexit voters were as stupid as you seem to think to have not grasped this. What they did fail to grasp was that there would be an attempt to try and ignore the result of the referendum.

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