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Rogue minivan drivers taken in by military for "attitude adjustment"


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The government and authorities should wake up. I would say 80 % of mini van drivers are crazy kamikaze thugs and potential killers. One has only to look at the daily road carnage. How can a normal country let this happen ?

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The government and authorities should wake up. I would say 80 % of mini van drivers are crazy kamikaze thugs and potential killers. One has only to look at the daily road carnage. How can a normal country let this happen ?

Yes lock them all up the filthy beasts. Dangerous lower class brutes. To gaol with the lot of them. Driving round our nations roads with toy cap guns making a frightful din. Waving their long swords bought at the local market legally. Disgrace, dispicable, rot in gaol. Urh! Edited by Wilsonandson
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Interesting to note their Toyota Commuter vans will be accompanying them on this boot camp attitude adjustment programme.

yeah heard them TCV's can be right lairy gits when they want to be...get awfully jealous when someone attacks their husband......

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Attitude adjustment? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Take them down the back and kick the living Shit out of them and take their van and Crush it,,,,As for weapons

They can stop all vans and lock them all up and crush their vans as they all carry a weapon or two /Three.

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Very dangerous scenario this.

The whole incident should be dealt with by the law and the army souls keep their noses right out off it.

What's next? Being dragged away for eating a sandwich.

Oh that's right.....

You are joking, right? The police do nothing and the courts, as in the nice 'Lady' suspected of human trafficking, do nothing. If there is one good thing that has resulted from the army takeover, and it might be the only good thing, is that sometimes the law is upheld by the army and the scum are dealt with appropriately.

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anywhere else in the world, if you point, what looks to be weapon at someone, you'll do the time as if the weapon was a real one

but anyhow, I hope we hear the end of the saga:

i.e. when they find they have been 'recruited' as Army drivers

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Who would have imagined there were any rogue mini van drivers in Thailand? The police will need special pursuit vehicles to just catch up with them.

in my military days, having an "attitude" adjustment meant getting the shit beat out of you!

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I don't know what others think but I really cringe when I hear about attitude adjustment! It has connotations with Nazis, Spanish Inquisition, Khymer Rouge, plus many other despotic regimes around the world. It does not have a positive feeling, rather a feeling that what the powers to be say is all that matters. You disagree, you are wrong!! This has happened so many times before, as mentioned above. What is 'The now Thai government' thinking about treating its population like that?

I feel the same.

'Attitude Adjustment'.

There's something chillingly Orwellian about it. Do they have a 'Room 101', where they take the unfortunates destined for 'Attitude Adjustment' for their indoctrination?

Whatever, it doesn't portend well for a country that aspires to be part of the 21st century when they resort to tactics more in keeping with the autocratic and authoritarian North Korea.

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good all of mini vans drivers in thailand in attitude adjustment. while they r at it throw all of them in pls now.

oh yes n taxi drivers n not forgetting motor bikers n bus drivers n oh ya truck drivers....n lastly the list too long...

Edited by Moonmoon
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The government and authorities should wake up. I would say 80 % of mini van drivers are crazy kamikaze thugs and potential killers. One has only to look at the daily road carnage. How can a normal country let this happen ?

"How can a normal country let this happen ? "

Care to elaborate. Normal country !

But I do agree with the rest of your post.

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Who would have imagined there were any rogue mini van drivers in Thailand? The police will need special pursuit vehicles to just catch up with them.

The police will need special pursuit vehicles

Maybe like in some countries in Europe were the M-roads Patrol Officers (2) are in Porsche Carrera cars (Open top with Roll bar summer and winter). Not much chance running away from them even if you are driving a Porsche Carrera yourself.

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That will teach them , maybe they will increase their daily dosage of yabaa after this attitude adjustment just to forget what happened . Good luck if you try to drive in one of the mini-vans.

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