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Video: Police hunt Bangkok taxi driver who mercilessly ran over soi dog

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It's a dog, for God's sake. And a soi dog at that. There are far too many of them as it is. Are Thaivisa competing with Yahoo for non stories?

Some of us really like dogs, personally I like them more than most humans.

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Scumbag, needs a good kicking!! As do the scumbags who think he should get away with it!

And I would very much like to be the one to do it.


All this over a dog.

What about all the humans killed in road traffic accidents by drunk / drugged / sleepy drivers ?

1 injured dog versus 1000's of killed humans.

Priorities are not where they should be.

Couldn`t watch that video, it would ruin my day.

I actually prefer dogs to most humans. Dogs really are man`s best friend whereas most people are self indulgent and only out for their own self interests. As for priorities, it all depends on people`s values. If I came across you and a dog drowning in a river it would be a difficult decision deciding which one to save first.

Not for me, like you I prefer dogs to most humans.


It's a dog, for God's sake. And a soi dog at that. There are far too many of them as it is. Are Thaivisa competing with Yahoo for non stories?

Just like there are far too many humans, a good culling of the human race is needed, don't you agree?

Yes I absolutely agree. Time for another Noah`s ark to protect all the animals and a good flood to wash away the rubbish.


All this over a dog.

What about all the humans killed in road traffic accidents by drunk / drugged / sleepy drivers ?

1 injured dog versus 1000's of killed humans.

Priorities are not where they should be.

Why should a human have priority over a dog.

Humans breed in countless millions, by their selfishness they will eventually destroy everything on this planet. Dogs feel pain, emotions and are self aware .

There are billions of humans- what does it matter a few get killed. ( and don't give me that Western rubbish- what if it is your sister etc. You will get over it.

A dog will give total loyalty and love- which is more than you can say about most of Homo sapiens.


I think the dog was abut to eat something when he was ran over by the taxi , that could explain why the dog did not move. It would have been better if the dog was killed , now it will suffer for maybe a long time , the locals will not kill it.


All this over a dog.

What about all the humans killed in road traffic accidents by drunk / drugged / sleepy drivers ?

1 injured dog versus 1000's of killed humans.

Priorities are not where they should be.

Why should a human have priority over a dog.

Humans breed in countless millions, by their selfishness they will eventually destroy everything on this planet. Dogs feel pain, emotions and are self aware .

There are billions of humans- what does it matter a few get killed. ( and don't give me that Western rubbish- what if it is your sister etc. You will get over it.

A dog will give total loyalty and love- which is more than you can say about most of Homo sapiens.

If you think a random stray diseased street dog, which has not been socialised with human beings, will love and protect you unconditionally more than your own child.... you have a very warped and twisted life!

You see starving children, abused children and tortured people, but you don't think that matters? Street feral dogs are just as important, if not more so? If you or your friends child got killed or died of a disease, you would tell them it does matter.. of if your closets loved ones got run down and left to die in the street, no problem, you will get over it? Really? Are you human?


I had a similar experience in Bueng Kahn a couple years ago, except I was a passenger in the car that ran it over.

I assumed the driver was going to swerve or slam on the brakes when the dog did not move out of way, so I kept quiet until the last second, when all I could do was blurt out a panicked string of gibberish. After the dog got squished under one of the wheels, I turned around in horror and saw it writhing in pain, incapacitated and undoubtedly with a few broken bones, but the driver didn't even bother looking in the rear view mirror. No one else in the car, including my girlfriend, seemed to think it was a big deal, which frankly disgusted me. But I guess they might have been more concerned about the driver losing face. Not sure exactly what I should have done. I'm not proud that I just let the driver leave the dog to die, but even suggesting that he might take it to a vet would be wildly unrealistic.


probably has rabies or any number of diseases.

good riddance

let the RTP concentrate on real crime... oh yeah, that's too hard


As hideous as this was, it really points out how much more "some people" value one life over another. Seems us humans are inferior to Soi dogs in some ragards. Shame.

Is this Buddhist?


probably has rabies or any number of diseases.

good riddance

let the RTP concentrate on real crime... oh yeah, that's too hard

Possibly rabies? Yeah maybe, but how can you justify this crime!????

Screw the RTP. They wouldn't soil themselves to deal with a soi dog- uh, I mean human.

Nothing will be done until Thais understand the REAL meaning of life. Please, listen to the Buddhist teachings. This is not the way.


Had the same happen to me and my wife in southern Pattaya when we were walking through a small field by a large hotel. A pack of 6+ dogs came running at us. Barking and growling. My wife a dog, and cat lover, started to get scared. I've had big Dobermans so have a idea of how to handle the aggressive behavior. If they get to the point of nipping at your heels or leg, a good kick in the face will usually send them off. Anyways, watching them out of the corner of my eye, I told her, to just ignore them and keep walking, they will probably give up after abit and they did. Now, I only like cats, they don't bark, run in packs, chase you, and are easy to take care of. There's this one dog that hangs around our 7/11, in and outside the store. It growled at me one day when I attempted to pick up change I dropped behind it as it was napping at the doorway. A few days later I notice it did the same to a tourist who went to pet it thinking it was friendly. So yes, the soi dogs are a nuisance, and can be dangerous too. Having said that, the driver was in the wrong running it over. Plain cruel.

Went walking through the Tobacco Monopoly one Sunday & all of a sudden was surrounded by a pack of 12 or 14 pretty big dogs.

Just kept walking but they followed with the 2 obviously leaders of the pack snarling & baring their teeth.

Luckily I have been around dogs most of my life & finally managed to placate the boss dog.

For someone who had no experience this would have been a harrowing experience

They need culling.


You can tell so much about a person and society by the way they treat animals...again, I've found no evidence that sways my opinion that the vast majority of Thai men are cowards, punks, and bitches...no honor, integrity, or character...


Had the same happen to me and my wife in southern Pattaya when we were walking through a small field by a large hotel. A pack of 6+ dogs came running at us. Barking and growling. My wife a dog, and cat lover, started to get scared. I've had big Dobermans so have a idea of how to handle the aggressive behavior. If they get to the point of nipping at your heels or leg, a good kick in the face will usually send them off. Anyways, watching them out of the corner of my eye, I told her, to just ignore them and keep walking, they will probably give up after abit and they did. Now, I only like cats, they don't bark, run in packs, chase you, and are easy to take care of. There's this one dog that hangs around our 7/11, in and outside the store. It growled at me one day when I attempted to pick up change I dropped behind it as it was napping at the doorway. A few days later I notice it did the same to a tourist who went to pet it thinking it was friendly. So yes, the soi dogs are a nuisance, and can be dangerous too. Having said that, the driver was in the wrong running it over. Plain cruel.

Went walking through the Tobacco Monopoly one Sunday & all of a sudden was surrounded by a pack of 12 or 14 pretty big dogs.

Just kept walking but they followed with the 2 obviously leaders of the pack snarling & baring their teeth.

Luckily I have been around dogs most of my life & finally managed to placate the boss dog.

For someone who had no experience this would have been a harrowing experience

They need culling.

I have experienced similar.

While looking for warehouse / shop space to rent along Bang Na Road there is a big vacant lot beside the 13 Coins restaurant .

I walked down the side road that connected to the back of property and I was confronted by several dogs that started barking, of course, and that attracted the rest of them....about 5 more and then 3 or 4 more coming out of the bushes and vacant buildings at the near back of the big piece of property.

As you pointed out there is always the Alpha male dog doing its thing and the boldest of the bunch and moving towards me.

I looked around and immediately found a good sized fallen branch and even as I was going to pick up the branch some of the dogs were beginning to scatter.

The Alpha male dog stood its ground about 50 feet away with a mean and menacing look on its face while growling with hair raised on its back.

All of them looked well fed enough and relatively healthy but all of them looked to me to be just ratty looking mutts that found an ideal place for dogs to do their dog thing while not being owned or controlled by anyone.

I shook the branch at the lot of them and they all took off but the Alpha male did not back off so I made like I was going to charge it and then it moved.

I figured there was nothing more to see anyhow so I started to walk back to the front of the property with the branch in hand while keeping an eye on the dogs behind me and sure enough the Alpha male dog was following me and continued to bark.

I was chuckling to myself thinking: The Alpha male dog was just showing the rest of the dogs who is in charge.

At night time, in the cover of darkness, they turn even more aggressive.



Taxi driver runs over soi dog....Action.

Billionaire runs over cop....Inaction.

It's a little confusing!

By the look of the video I don't think the driver saw the dog.

The attitude and concern for the dog shown by the young man in the white Tee shirt is 0.

Why the big fuss, the dog may have had rabbies, maybe mangy and probably lies in the path of cars everyday as do nearly all soi dogs.

My wife has been attacked and bitten by mangy horrible soi dogs that are running around the dragon market in Hua Hin everyday.

Not one responsible carer, or dog rights individual nor group has done a thing to cull the breeding and abundance of this menace.

Personaly I avoid running over soi dogs daily as we all probably do , however they do get crunched daily and it's a wonder that they survive the way they lie on the roads.

Like most horrible problems that exist on Thai roads this is another one that Thailands people and authority is ignoring.

Be carefulll out there as if you crunch one, even if dyeing of rabbies someone might claim it's ownership and demand you pay a ransom to the owner. wai2.gif


Taxi driver runs over soi dog....Action.

Billionaire runs over cop....Inaction.

It's a little confusing!

Is there a post of the week or month award ?

I'll nominate the above.


Had the same happen to me and my wife in southern Pattaya when we were walking through a small field by a large hotel. A pack of 6+ dogs came running at us. Barking and growling. My wife a dog, and cat lover, started to get scared. I've had big Dobermans so have a idea of how to handle the aggressive behavior. If they get to the point of nipping at your heels or leg, a good kick in the face will usually send them off. Anyways, watching them out of the corner of my eye, I told her, to just ignore them and keep walking, they will probably give up after abit and they did. Now, I only like cats, they don't bark, run in packs, chase you, and are easy to take care of. There's this one dog that hangs around our 7/11, in and outside the store. It growled at me one day when I attempted to pick up change I dropped behind it as it was napping at the doorway. A few days later I notice it did the same to a tourist who went to pet it thinking it was friendly. So yes, the soi dogs are a nuisance, and can be dangerous too. Having said that, the driver was in the wrong running it over. Plain cruel.

Went walking through the Tobacco Monopoly one Sunday & all of a sudden was surrounded by a pack of 12 or 14 pretty big dogs.

Just kept walking but they followed with the 2 obviously leaders of the pack snarling & baring their teeth.

Luckily I have been around dogs most of my life & finally managed to placate the boss dog.

For someone who had no experience this would have been a harrowing experience

They need culling.

I have experienced similar.

While looking for warehouse / shop space to rent along Bang Na Road there is a big vacant lot beside the 13 Coins restaurant .

I walked down the side road that connected to the back of property and I was confronted by several dogs that started barking, of course, and that attracted the rest of them....about 5 more and then 3 or 4 more coming out of the bushes and vacant buildings at the near back of the big piece of property.

As you pointed out there is always the Alpha male dog doing its thing and the boldest of the bunch and moving towards me.

I looked around and immediately found a good sized fallen branch and even as I was going to pick up the branch some of the dogs were beginning to scatter.

The Alpha male dog stood its ground about 50 feet away with a mean and menacing look on its face while growling with hair raised on its back.

All of them looked well fed enough and relatively healthy but all of them looked to me to be just ratty looking mutts that found an ideal place for dogs to do their dog thing while not being owned or controlled by anyone.

I shook the branch at the lot of them and they all took off but the Alpha male did not back off so I made like I was going to charge it and then it moved.

I figured there was nothing more to see anyhow so I started to walk back to the front of the property with the branch in hand while keeping an eye on the dogs behind me and sure enough the Alpha male dog was following me and continued to bark.

I was chuckling to myself thinking: The Alpha male dog was just showing the rest of the dogs who is in charge.

At night time, in the cover of darkness, they turn even more aggressive.


The alpha male dog was probably chuckling too, "look at that <deleted> falang shaking a stick at me, i'm 50 feet away <deleted>!!"


I'm definitely not a fan of Soi Dogs shitting all over the place being fed with street cart food vendors by all those overdressed office girls rather than taken to the vet - but this cabbie needs to be taken off the streets for good; honking would have done the trick as well

????????????????????cheesy.gif Read through and try again


Roads are for cars. People should take care of their dogs and not let them sleep in the road where there is a distinct probability it will become road kill.


You can tell so much about a person and society by the way they treat animals...again, I've found no evidence that sways my opinion that the vast majority of Thai men are cowards, punks, and bitches...no honor, integrity, or character...

Elaborate! You talking about the dogs roaming free; this taxi driver;

A Thai man beat you?

Seems pretty ignorant to imply all Thai men are cowards, punks, and bitches...no honor, integrity, or character.

Do you live in Thailand?


Taxi driver runs over soi dog....Action.

Billionaire runs over cop....Inaction.

It's a little confusing!

Is there a post of the week or month award ?

I'll nominate the above.

Don't forget young unlicensed girl kills 9 in road accident and get community service , yet to be served - that trumps your nomination ....


The driver should be jailed and anyone professing to be the owner should be fined for not taking proper care of their dog.

Do you actually live in Thailand, if so - have you ever been outside into the real world to see what is really going on?


probably has rabies or any number of diseases.

good riddance

let the RTP concentrate on real crime... oh yeah, that's too hard

Possibly rabies? Yeah maybe, but how can you justify this crime!????

Screw the RTP. They wouldn't soil themselves to deal with a soi dog- uh, I mean human.

Nothing will be done until Thais understand the REAL meaning of life. Please, listen to the Buddhist teachings. This is not the way.

If you look at the video, it seems clear that the accident was caused by the dog not moving, even though the taxi is travelling very slowly. Sorry to rain on your parade.



Really, is there any point why this is shown on Thaivisa. Do you see anybody running out to the driver and giving him a mouthful of abuse, NO, do you see anybody running over to see if the dogs OK, NO. Gee if I record this on my phone and put it on facebook I'll be a legend. That sums it up in Thailand., same sh!!!!!t, different day.

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