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Bus driver, conductor fined 1,000 baht each for expelling passenger from bus due to his body smell


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If I feel smell in BTS, just look around and find a stinky tourist or Indian local people.

Thais are not stinky at all.

Yeah, right...everyone stinks given the right [or wrong] conditions.

Yeah but big fat unhygienic farang do it more often that 'normal' folk. wink.png

Hygiene may play a role but I'm not sure that where you're from matters as much as circumstances.

I try to keep my scent as pleasing as possible but after a 10km run or particularly physical outdoor work, I do tend to whiff somewhat.

We all have the potential to stink out a room...

Yes but most of us know when To take a shower and clean up. Some clearly shouldn't travel to tropical locations.

Ive seen guys that begin sweating the minute they gets off the plane on arrival into Thailand to the minute they lands back in their home country, which just happens to be a cold dung hole. A place where they probably sweat less & bath monthly 55555.

These folk slosh around Thailand wearing shirts that look like mini circus tents. They're wet with sweat, their beady little eyes dart backwards and forward as they looks for new victims to sweat near. The sight of their 400 pounds of sweaty flesh is repulsive but their repundgant smell can be felt by people 20-30 yards away and heavens forbid if they steps into any type of enclosure whether it be a bus, mrt, BTS or even shop.

These kind of people can't even wash themselves properly because there's too many rolls of fat which trap the odours which are later released in public areas as these fat slobs wobble along the footpath and their jelly like bodies wobble and slap releasing more toxic fumes!

Gross !

So, I really understand the poor bus driver and his conductor .

How would you like your workplace swamped with this sort of filth.

Edited by neverdie
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If I feel smell in BTS, just look around and find a stinky tourist or Indian local people.

Thais are not stinky at all.

Yeah, right...everyone stinks given the right [or wrong] conditions.

Yeah but big fat unhygienic farang do it more often that 'normal' folk. wink.png

Hygiene may play a role but I'm not sure that where you're from matters as much as circumstances.

I try to keep my scent as pleasing as possible but after a 10km run or particularly physical outdoor work, I do tend to whiff somewhat.

We all have the potential to stink out a room...

Yes but most of us know when To take a shower and clean up. Some clearly shouldn't travel to tropical locations.

Ive seen guys that begin sweating the minute they gets off the plane on arrival into Thailand to the minute they lands back in their home country, which just happens to be a cold dung hole. A place where they probably sweat less & bath monthly 55555.

These folk slosh around Thailand wearing shirts that look like mini circus tents. They're wet with sweat, their beady little eyes dart backwards and forward as they looks for new victims to sweat near. The sight of their 400 pounds of sweaty flesh is repulsive but their repundgant smell can be felt by people 20-30 yards away and heavens forbid if they steps into any type of enclosure whether it be a bus, mrt, BTS or even shop.

These kind of people can't even wash themselves properly because there's too many rolls of fat which trap the odours which are later released in public areas as these fat slobs wobble along the footpath and their jelly like bodies wobble and slap releasing more toxic fumes!

Gross !

So, I really understand the poor bus driver and his conductor .

How would you like your workplace swamped with this sort of filth.

I work with a lot of people of different nationalities Thai and non Thai. I haven't noticed a particular bias regarding odour on the part of either.

However that isn't really the point I'm making. Some people do smell at times and that is unpleasant but that doesn't mean they should be publicly humiliated.

They may just be having a bad day.

We've all been there, well I have anyway.

As for people with weight issues, don't really want to go there.

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Rude is not right, ejecting an unacceptable passenger may be correct depending on the source of the smell, ie; if you fill your pants you should not be allowed. Had one on the BTS the other day, made the whole car smell bad.

I'm sorry.

Edit: BTW, someone post up if they start a gofundme site for these 2 guys. I'd kick in a few baht to help them pay the fine. I don't agree with what they did, but I do understand the motivation.

Edited by impulse
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so... what are people allowed to do when someone stinks?

Nothing, it's none of your business. It's not as if he was working in a hospital or somewhere where hygiene is important. For all we know he had just finished a night shift labouring, nobody has the right to do anything.

You can moan about it, be disgusted by it, laugh about it but you leave the person alone.


So most here think it's OK for an offensive individual to offend the masses, but the offended have to just suck it up or move or leave or gag??? The employees just have to grin and bear it...without recourse??? I have empathy for those unfortunate, but most of the offensive odor emitters that I've encountered in 2+ decades here are not (maybe never) old or homeless or working Thais. They are foreigners that don't know, nor care about proper hygiene. Don't know, nor care about others. They wallow in their selfish oblivion and stench and IM(not so)HO...this is unacceptable. 1zgarz5.gif They need to be told and perhaps ejected and/or inconvenienced so they can learn and understand a more civilized and acceptable way of living in modern society. sorry.gif

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Indian or farlang? Or One of those ingenious Thai who think it's a good idea to wear fake all-stars without socks at 37degrees... ??

There is a big difference between Body Odor from work, and not taking a bath or shower for 2 weeks. If you refuse to keep yourself clean, you're not much higher than farm animals. If someone smelled that bad, they should go thru a car wash.

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That reminds me.

About 1 month ago I was on the sky train and along comes a new passenger, a large and fat foreigner who was looking mighty strange and disheveled looking and shabbily dressed and looking for a seat...

Well, he sees me and the vacant seat right next to me and takes that seat next to me rather than several other vacant seats at the time.

No sooner did he sit down beside me and I could smell urine and body odor and some other smell mixed in that I could not easily identify.

I figured he was "down and out" in some way.

While I was looking about at some of the Thai people I could see many of them covering their noses ( as if that helps ) and reacting to the strong smell coming from this guy sitting next to me.

As the train filled up the Thai people that ended up standing near by to him moved away while the lady that had taken the seat on the other side of the man got up and moved away while no one took that vacant seat.

More people were covering their noses and making faces and then another woman came aboard and took the seat beside him and must have been thinking : Oh, lucky me, a vacant seat on a very crowded sky train, while she soon learned why the seat was vacant....and she also soon stood up and moved away while I could see her looking back at the man and sort of looking at me as if she figured I was associated with the stinky foreigner ...maybe my father or something.

It was pretty bad....but do not worry...I am OK ....while only slightly traumatized at the time...lol


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Shame on the posters making racist comments.

Different races produce different (stronger) body odour due to the differences in apocrine glands in the axilla.

Sorry that you find science to be 'racist'.

Your studies are progressing very well. The Fuhrer should be quite pleased.

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so... what are people allowed to do when someone stinks?

Nothing, it's none of your business. It's not as if he was working in a hospital or somewhere where hygiene is important. For all we know he had just finished a night shift labouring, nobody has the right to do anything.

You can moan about it, be disgusted by it, laugh about it but you leave the person alone.


So most here think it's OK for an offensive individual to offend the masses, but the offended have to just suck it up or move or leave or gag??? The employees just have to grin and bear it...without recourse??? I have empathy for those unfortunate, but most of the offensive odor emitters that I've encountered in 2+ decades here are not (maybe never) old or homeless or working Thais. They are foreigners that don't know, nor care about proper hygiene. Don't know, nor care about others. They wallow in their selfish oblivion and stench and IM(not so)HO...this is unacceptable. 1zgarz5.gif They need to be told and perhaps ejected and/or inconvenienced so they can learn and understand a more civilized and acceptable way of living in modern society. sorry.gif

It's like cretins that smoke, they always stink. The good ones find somewhere remote to poison themselves but then they walk into enclosed spaces smelling like last weeks trash. Their bodies ooze that putrid smell as it attaches itself to their clothes, hair, breath and its aweful.

How can I have any respect for these grubs who don't even respect their own bodies and clearly they don't give a hoot about anyone else or they wouldn't do it.

Throw him from the moving bus and anyone like it, I say ;)

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