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Man kills mother over refusal to give him money for games


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Man kills mother over refusal to give him money for games

Image: Daily News

ANG THONG: -- An adult Thai man slit his aged mothers throat in downtown Ang Thong yesterday. It is thought that a dispute arose over the mother not giving her son money to go and play computer games.

Wanda Khumpaitoon, 67, was found in a pool of blood by her eldest daughter visiting the house on Wednesday. The mother had had her throat slashed with a kitchen knife, reported Daily News.

It was quickly learnt by police that the perpetrator was her own son Ittichai Kingkaew, 25, who was known to suffer from mental health problems. Police were told that he had demanded money to play games and after being refused had attacked his mother.

They hunted for him in the fields behind their house and he was eventually discovered in the evening waiting for a bus at a roadside "sala" on the Asia Highway.

He told police that he was angry with his mum who was always having a go at him and had killed her because he had no money. He was waiting for a bus to make good his escape, he added.

He was charged with murdering a parent and taken on a reenactment of his crime at the scene.

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-07-14

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They all seem to be mentally unstable in Thailand, what is that as an excuse? Maybe it is something in the water but with many of these people being unstable it makes you wonder what the hell is going on in this country. Maybe the water contains high levels of lead which of course we know is not the case.

Edited by gandalf12
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Here we go, do we really have to have the 'this could happen anywhere' look at the stats for xzy land every time?

In a word, yes! Thailand's reputation as a safe & accommodating haven for deleriously happy expats - except maybe bridge players - must be vigorously defended at all costs!

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When someone threatens you for money, give it to them. It's not worth losing your life over it. that's what everyone says when it's a stranger. Why didn't she go to the police? Maybe she was ashamed or protecting her son or maybe the police wouldn't do anything or maybe Thailand doesn't really give a crap about its average people. Most Thais think Buddhism is a the solution to all mental problems.

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Well he killed his ATM Mom...I told my Thai step-Son just this last week that his Mother is no longer his ATM machine, boy did he go "Nuts"

And to make things worst for him, I told him to get a job or move out. He is 22 yrs old and he did move out...So it was a win win for me...lol

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He was likely pampered as a kid and cannot handle rejection or deal with being told no.

I reckon he was actually raised by his grandmother which generally means being able to do whatever you want as a kid with little supervision. Why is "grandmother" a good bet....maths of course ;)

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Well he killed his ATM Mom...I told my Thai step-Son just this last week that his Mother is no longer his ATM machine, boy did he go "Nuts"

And to make things worst for him, I told him to get a job or move out. He is 22 yrs old and he did move out...So it was a win win for me...lol

Up till now........

He did not mumble "I will be back"?

Edited by hansnl
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Well he killed his ATM Mom...I told my Thai step-Son just this last week that his Mother is no longer his ATM machine, boy did he go "Nuts"

And to make things worst for him, I told him to get a job or move out. He is 22 yrs old and he did move out...So it was a win win for me...lol

Provided you change the locks and remember that Thai's never forgive or forget!

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Get a job, and earn money,your 25 For F$cks sake.

The wife's sister is in same situation,son won't work,

taking money off her for drugs and to play games,

now his mother is up to the eyes in debt to loan

sharks,we won't help her any more,as nothing changes.

regards worgeordie

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i believe that we will see a lot more of this kind of violent behavior...the average IQ of Thais is 90, and the economy and attitude are changing rapidly here...Thai men are used to being cossetted and pampered...the women are necessarily becoming more empowered...and the usual jobs that were open to stupid men who had the option of working when they needed money for gaming or whiskey are vanishing to automation...Thais are simply not prepared intellectually, academically, emotionally, or in maturity for the changes that await them...I'm expecting a lot more violent outbursts from men and to a lesser degree, women, who are frustrated with their earned lot in life...

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My guess genetics...

I wonder what % of population has mental illness and more importantly goes untreated? Whatever it is, it is higher than you think..

....12 years ago a study stated 'the average I.Q. of Thai students was 89'.....these 'people' grow up and.....

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Well he killed his ATM Mom...I told my Thai step-Son just this last week that his Mother is no longer his ATM machine, boy did he go "Nuts"

And to make things worst for him, I told him to get a job or move out. He is 22 yrs old and he did move out...So it was a win win for me...lol

U better be careful, he will be bac with his 20 friends hunting u down

after losing face in front of everyone.

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known to suffer from mental health problems

Another case which makes my point...Thailand likely has more metal health issues than anyone can imagine...just look at the must see Thai Soap Operas...

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Seriously? People here not agreeing to the mental health issues claim? Think about it - a 25 year old man killing his mother because of what the alleged claim by the accused it was because of not being funded to play computer games? That sounds to me on face value to be not something that normally amounts to committing a homicide unless the person is mentally ill or retarded.

Again people jump to conclusions without knowing the full facts. Trial by armchair forum posters!

I dare say those privvy to all the investigation will have medical reports, mental health assessments etc to either exculpate or inculpate the accused's degree of liability as state of mind in a murder trial needs to be thoroughly examined and argued and rightly so.

If the accused is a mentally deranged individual then incarceration in a prison hospital, psychiatric ward may be more appropriate than a general population prison.

Yes the crime is hideous and shocking but if there were no suspected mental health issues do you think the police would just decide to make that up and therefore make the prosecution case more difficult? For what? What advantage would it provide?

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They all seem to be mentally unstable in Thailand, what is that as an excuse? Maybe it is something in the water but with many of these people being unstable it makes you wonder what the hell is going on in this country. Maybe the water contains high levels of lead which of course we know is not the case.

Are not most of Thai young men "mentally unstable?

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He told police that he was angry with his mum who was always having a go at him and had killed her because he had no money.

Get up off your fe*king a*se and get a job! 25 years old and still asking his mother for money (to play computer games!!). What a waste of oxygen.

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