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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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The point is that once you have a massive Muslim presence in your country, there is nothing you can do, apart from appease, or create a police state (which kinda defeats the object), or just accept you gonna have civilian casualties from time to time. OK, I agree, the overwhelming majority of Muslims are good people who just want to get on with their lives, but this just ain't good enough anymore. They need to be proactive, outing the potential Jihadists, and making it socially unacceptable within their own community.

The problem is that the islam is unable to reforms itself and to adapt into the present time.

Christianity had its reformation 1517-1555.

And if you ask muslims about the child marriage of the Prophet, then the whole get quite aggressive.

Incapable of critically reflection and transform it into present day.

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GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 18:09, said:


EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png

GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:45, said:snapback.png

EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:41, said:snapback.png

Sickening. Wipe the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth.

Would be a benefit to the Muslim women who are in essence

chattel to their husbands.......

All 1.6 billion of them, genecide then. So, how do you want to do it. I know, we can all drive trucks through the Muslim streets mowing down any Muslim we see and shooting guns at ones we miss with the truck,, sound about right? Why don't you think before you speak.

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

This is wrong in my view.
A newborn baby hates no one.
Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?
Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

Nobody disagrees that suicide bombers are wrong and that the people who preach this hatred are evil and in most countries breaking the law.

My point is that the solution to this is not get rid of all the muslims and ban religion, anyone sensible should see that, it is just a load of bigots spouting hatred.The kind of people i don't want to meet. The kind that hate anyone who don't have the same values and beliefs as them. The governments need to find a solution to end this without trying to kill everyone. I honestly do not know what the solution is yet but I am not stupid enough to think it's persecute 1.6 billion Muslims.

As for criticising Islam, well it's already happening on this public site, Seems to happening a lot in many different places, I have read many times about wiping them out, remove the scourge, deport them all and shut the doors,,, so it seems many people have no quarms about trashing Muslims.

Should someone be allowed to trash their religion in the press, not really, it's irresponsible and offends many, but that should be the same for any religious group or belief, when it isn't so it is certainly wrong. No peaceful person should be persecuted for what they believe in, do you not agree? (so I am not talking about the people who believe that bombing people is ok)

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

the guy had French citizenship, but was not of French nationality.

I know that for people adhering to the "republican pact" there is no difference between citizenship and nationality, and this stance has also been endorsed by French Law.

but you could try and research what distinction other national legislations make between citizenship and nationality.

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Lahouaiej Bouhlel is from Nice and of Tunisian origin, according to local media. Police raided his flat, where he reportedly lived alone, in the Abattoirs area of the city on Friday morning. According to Tunisian radio station Jawahara FM, Lahouaiej Bouhlel hailed from the Tunisian town of Msaken, which is close to the seaside city of Sousse, where 38 people, including 30 Britons, were gunned down by terrorists in June 2015.

This seems like a wordy way to say he was, yes, an immigrant. This, for sure, was one guy, who, had he been kept out, would mean 84 dead people would still be living today.

Ok, looking at this he was not a Muslim. So, how would the authorities have isolated him for refused entry? That's assuming of course that they adopt the view of "no more muslims".

It looks like just a man who got depressed after his marriage breakdown and lost the plot.

Very sad, 84 people confirmed now dead.

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Lahouaiej Bouhlel is from Nice and of Tunisian origin, according to local media. Police raided his flat, where he reportedly lived alone, in the Abattoirs area of the city on Friday morning. According to Tunisian radio station Jawahara FM, Lahouaiej Bouhlel hailed from the Tunisian town of Msaken, which is close to the seaside city of Sousse, where 38 people, including 30 Britons, were gunned down by terrorists in June 2015.

This seems like a wordy way to say he was, yes, an immigrant. This, for sure, was one guy, who, had he been kept out, would mean 84 dead people would still be living today.

Ok, looking at this he was not a Muslim. So, how would the authorities have isolated him for refused entry? That's assuming of course that they adopt the view of "no more muslims".

It looks like just a man who got depressed after his marriage breakdown and lost the plot.

Very sad, 84 people confirmed now dead.

The article above omits his first name.......Mohamed......bit of a giveaway regarding whether he was Muslim or not.

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GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 18:09, said:


EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 17:54, said:snapback.png

GAZZPA, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:45, said:snapback.png

EyesWideOpen, on 15 Jul 2016 - 16:41, said:

The scourge is the religion, not the people sucked in by it. Stop the building

of mosques which are used to radicalize its members. At least

Switzerland came to its senses on that front. And

for the Islamic loonies that are not happy in western countries

because the insane Sharia laws do not exist there, I say go

back to your shithole sandy countries.

For crying out loud fella.. It's PEOPLE doing these terrible things, religion is a belief or faith in some higher creator. They are not going to stop just because you don't build them anymore mosques. The answer is not trying to wipe religion off the face of the earth, you cannot re educate 85% of the World just because you think differently. (have you seen the film V) I have said before we will all just find something else to fight about, we already fight about a million other things.

I think you should change you name to "EYES FIRMLY CLOSED"

This is wrong in my view.

A newborn baby hates no one.

Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?

Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

Nobody disagrees that suicide bombers are wrong and that the people who preach this hatred are evil and in most countries breaking the law.

My point is that the solution to this is not get rid of all the muslims and ban religion, anyone sensible should see that, it is just a load of bigots spouting hatred.The kind of people i don't want to meet. The kind that hate anyone who don't have the same values and beliefs as them. The governments need to find a solution to end this without trying to kill everyone. I honestly do not know what the solution is yet but I am not stupid enough to think it's persecute 1.6 billion Muslims.

As for criticising Islam, well it's already happening on this public site, Seems to happening a lot in many different places, I have read many times about wiping them out, remove the scourge, deport them all and shut the doors,,, so it seems many people have no quarms about trashing Muslims.

Should someone be allowed to trash their religion in the press, not really, it's irresponsible and offends many, but that should be the same for any religious group or belief, when it isn't so it is certainly wrong. No peaceful person should be persecuted for what they believe in, do you not agree? (so I am not talking about the people who believe that bombing people is ok)

From ethical you are right.

But what do you do, when a religion no tolerate an other religion and so a peaceful coexistence is impossible?

How about christians in muslim-dominated countries?

Edited by tomacht8
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Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

I don't think this has escaped the attention of Trump & Co…clearly, some sort of plan is needed for the ones who are already embedded.

The only obstacle is coming up with a solution that will appease the liberals who will be outraged if any freedoms of their islamic friends are encroached upon.

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""I hardly knew him, but from what I could see he seemed very weird. He lived alone. He said very little to anyone and wasn’t very polite. He wouldn’t hold the door open for you."

​Weird…Ive come across many expats in pattaya who fit this profile…what are they trying to say?

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Shutting down immigration will not stop 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants carrying out these types of attrocities.

I don't think this has escaped the attention of Trump & Co…clearly, some sort of plan is needed for the ones who are already embedded.

The only obstacle is coming up with a solution that will appease the liberals who will be outraged if any freedoms of their islamic friends are encroached upon.

Shutting down immigration, of course, would certainly mean no first generation immigrant terrorists.

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And those actions are?

I have not seen one decent suggestion from any of you right wing bigots all I have seen is "throw them out", "shut the doors", "remove the scourge of Islam from the face of the earth", "separate them from everyone else". Generally blame a whole religious group of 1.6 billion people for the problems in the World today, not the actions of extremists or nut cases, and heaven forbid you ever look at how the West might be exacerbating the situation. nope, your thinking stops at "kill the bas*ards" and anyone who doesn't agree is a left wing liberal who will let the end of the world happen.

Did you ever read about WW2?

Once you have let a mass murderer into your house you quickly run out of options to get him out peacefully if he is determined to stay.

For this reason you aren't going to see any politically correct solutions to this problem.

It is a mess and it is just going to get worse until people stand up and say that's enough. This isn't going to be fixed by any progressive kumbiyah.

It is going to be a fight for freedom and western civilization.

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This is wrong in my view.

A newborn baby hates no one.

Then the peaceful brain is filled by parents, teachers, media, priests, evil religious books and you have that suicide bomber.

Why it is not allowed to criticize islam?

Those who criticize the islam in public, or leaves the islamic brotherhood, or draws cartoons about it, risking there lifes.

Why tolerate the intolerance longer?

Nobody disagrees that suicide bombers are wrong and that the people who preach this hatred are evil and in most countries breaking the law.

My point is that the solution to this is not get rid of all the muslims and ban religion, anyone sensible should see that, it is just a load of bigots spouting hatred.The kind of people i don't want to meet. The kind that hate anyone who don't have the same values and beliefs as them. The governments need to find a solution to end this without trying to kill everyone. I honestly do not know what the solution is yet but I am not stupid enough to think it's persecute 1.6 billion Muslims.

As for criticising Islam, well it's already happening on this public site, Seems to happening a lot in many different places, I have read many times about wiping them out, remove the scourge, deport them all and shut the doors,,, so it seems many people have no quarms about trashing Muslims.

Should someone be allowed to trash their religion in the press, not really, it's irresponsible and offends many, but that should be the same for any religious group or belief, when it isn't so it is certainly wrong. No peaceful person should be persecuted for what they believe in, do you not agree? (so I am not talking about the people who believe that bombing people is ok)

From ethical you are right.

But what do you do, when a religion no tolerate an other religion and so a peaceful coexistence is impossible?

How about christians in muslim-dominated countries?

There is no such thing as a peaceful religion. Go to the bible belt in the USA and tell them the whole God and jesus thing is a nonsense and watch how friendly they are. ALL religion is based on power over others by the few people at the top of each respective Church. The only way to instil power is through threat of violence. Firstly, ever lasting violence from your 'loving God' and if you fail to heed that then Gods earthly messengers and spokesmen will dish out the violence on his behalf.

If ever the world needed a close encounter with a 5km long spaceship from another Galaxy it is now! We could all settle down then into a 'spiritual existence' - caring for the planet and each other. One can only hope as this message flashes via satellites and everything else that there is an Alien Intelligence agency out there doing word searches for "5km Spaceship". It's here! Please come now and tell us all to forget the God nonsense and that if we carry on violently you will blow the planet up. I hope the Rothschild's know what they are doing because the world is descending into war and it will be like never seen before.

I am not sure how much more the citizens of France can take before they take matters into their own hands - just as they did on Bastille Day in 1789.

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There is no way to completely stop these attacks, only mechanisms for lessening the risk, limiting the death toll. This guy worked out how to cause maximum damage with minimal equipment and no one was there to stop it. If this happened in an area that had been closed to traffic and was pedestrian only ( as seems to be the case) then that looks like a failure of security: presumably there was some barricade to prevent vehicular access, it didn't work and he drove 2 kilometres and even then seems to have stopped not through the intervention of security but for some other reason.

But the soft targets cannot be protected: from Tokyo to Taipei to Australia , Paris, Orlando, Brussels, London, Bangkok. Whatever the motive/cause: terrorist, criminal, mental health ...it's not going to stop, it can't be stopped (sadly).

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

He was born in France, hence his French passport.

But as it is, he also had the nationality of his country of origin.

By his deeds he showed he hates the French.

So he is not French.

I hate to break it to you but, if he was born in France then that makes France his country of origin despite his ancestors roots.


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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

It's believed that 1% of muslims hold extreme views. Potentially that's a lot of would be terrorists.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Early days to start the assumptions. The killer was a French/Tunisian national who lived in Nice and wasn't an immigrant. He was known to the police but not the security services. No terrorist group have claimed responsibility (at the moment) so he may have been a lone nutter working independently. It doesn't have the feel of an organised co-ordinated attack but as I said it is too early to draw any conclusions.

Hollande's decision to send a warship to Iraq seems like a knee jerk reaction but I guess he has to be seen doing something in response.

Lone wolfs get logistic support from somewhere.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Merkel says Germany is standing by France in fight against terrorism.

Yes, by bringing in another one million potential suicide bombers and jihadists facepalm.gif

"Let the migrant in, most muslims are not terrorists" -is like saying "play Russian roulette, most of the chambers are not loaded"
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You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

He was born in France, hence his French passport.

But as it is, he also had the nationality of his country of origin.

By his deeds he showed he hates the French.

So he is not French.

I hate to break it to you but, if he was born in France then that makes France his country of origin despite his ancestors roots.


Duh!! and Double-Duh!!

According to several French reports, Bouhel was born in Tunisia in 1985 and had a French residency permit.


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How many more attacks by someone known as a petty criminal, before positive profiling is carried out?

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Edited by Mosha
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Merkel says Germany is standing by France in fight against terrorism.

Yes, by bringing in another one million potential suicide bombers and jihadists facepalm.gif

"Let the migrant in, most muslims are not terrorists" -is like saying "play Russian roulette, most of the chambers are not loaded"

Excellent analogy!

And the "peaceful majority" is irrelevant!

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There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the World today, most are peaceful of course. But reading some of these posts you would think that they are haters of everyone and hellbent of seeing the destruction of everyone who is not a Muslim.

So, as people are suggesting here the best solution is to shut boarders (like trump), well what then, coral 1.6 billion onto an Island and say "you can only travel if you behave". Completely ridiculous.

85% of the World have faint in some religion or another and I don't know why there are so many bigots on this forum but you cannot suppress peoples will to believe what they chose to believe. It will never work, not ever.

The solution to these problems is complicated and will be solved by smarter people then us, but what I am sure about is the solutionwon't involve mass bigotry and racism towards anyone.

Finally, it seems many lost their lives in what looks like a completely senseless attack. It's so very sad to see it and we can only hope that somehow someone will find a peaceful solution to this in our lifetimes..

It's believed that 1% of muslims hold extreme views. Potentially that's a lot of would be terrorists.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

recent Belgian surveys showed support for the terrorists up to 90% from "belgian" youth from certain unfriendly neighborhoods. That is 90% happy to admit. How high is the real tacit support? Ill guess near on 3 figures.
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Again, please don't quote the entire AP or other articles posted by the news team. These are readily available to read and they are the topic of the thread. I have removed them and replies.

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PARIS (AP) - France declares three days of national mourning after attack in Nice.

How about a 3 day campaign to round-up and deport all undocumented Muslim immigrants, migrants, and refugees...likely more useful in preventing future atrocities.

You don't learn do you?

The guy was FRENCH!

Some words I will not write come to me when I think about your evident lack of brain!

the guy had French citizenship, but was not of French nationality.

I know that for people adhering to the "republican pact" there is no difference between citizenship and nationality, and this stance has also been endorsed by French Law.

but you could try and research what distinction other national legislations make between citizenship and nationality.

Reports say a Tunisian living in France...legally or not isn't know yet or whether he slipped in during the recent "refugee" flows.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Dear God who ever would have thought we'd see something like this in a European city nowadays? The blame lies squarely on the US for creating ISIS, who never existed before they invaded Iraq which set off yet more bombings in of the Middle East, and that idiot Merkel, who just this week admitted 'there may be jihadists among the refugees' she warmly embraced. Ya think? All wrapped up in the US imported insanity that is political correctness for refusing to report the facts, 'the driver'. Well it wasn't bloody Bert from Leytonstone was it.

Islam is a religion not ISIS, who are using Islam to further their particular agenda. However, it's about time the muslim silent majority actually took to the streets to condemn these atrocities being perpetrated in their name. Their silence is deafening.

The muslims are not silent...the media coverage of their condamnations is....

Really? I put myself about media aggregator platforms and have seen not ONE link of any significance to any condemnation of these atrocities solely in their name. And so a link from any source they and I may have missed, most welcome (and I'm not talking about that stock wheel him out Parisienne imam'). Well. I'm waiting for the hordes of burqa clad muslim contingent thronging the streets of our respective European cities. In vain.

Edited by dageurreotype
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There is no way to completely stop these attacks, only mechanisms for lessening the risk, limiting the death toll. This guy worked out how to cause maximum damage with minimal equipment and no one was there to stop it. If this happened in an area that had been closed to traffic and was pedestrian only ( as seems to be the case) then that looks like a failure of security: presumably there was some barricade to prevent vehicular access, it didn't work and he drove 2 kilometres and even then seems to have stopped not through the intervention of security but for some other reason.

But the soft targets cannot be protected: from Tokyo to Taipei to Australia , Paris, Orlando, Brussels, London, Bangkok. Whatever the motive/cause: terrorist, criminal, mental health ...it's not going to stop, it can't be stopped (sadly).

Mechanisms to lessen the risk will never work either, they simply ratchet up the tension, which both disrupts everyone's normal life and itself incites more atrocities - the point is to spread terror, after all.

I've read this whole thread and I think no one understands the situation. Everyone is taking proximate for ultimate causation. The real reason for what is happening is deep-rooted, fairly subconscious - too big for most people to even recognise. It takes big perspective to see the wood rather than the trees.

Immigration, religion, or ethnicity are easy to blame on the surface, and everyone is falling into that trap. Those things are involved but they are not the ultimate cause. For one thing, division is necessary to human society, and to evolution. People will create division out of nothing (for the sake of competition) if sufficient division doesn't already exist. Therefore it is facile to simply blame religion for this - one might as well just blame human nature.

The ultimate cause involves psychology and is this: bitterness due to loss of pride and esteem, and a sense of inferiority. There is also a crisis of identity. Note, for example, that the perpetrators often are physically displaced people. Their aggression is a deranged attempt to establish meaning in their existence. Yes, it's subtle, but it does have traceable roots. To stop the carnage, it has to be put right at source - then allow a couple of generations.

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