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Paris Prosecutor says Nice attack bears hallmarks of Islamic terrorism


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Paris Prosecutor says Nice attack bears hallmarks of Islamic terrorism


A terror inquiry has been launched into Thursday night’s attack in Nice that killed at least 84 people and wounded scores more.

It is not known whether Mohammed Bouhlel, who drove a truck through a crowd of people during Bastille Day celebrations, was working alone or as part of a group.

Paris Prosecutor said Francois Molins: “The inquiry will try to determine whether the suspect had any accomplices, if Mohammed Bouhlel had any links with any Islamist terrorist organisation.

“Because, even though yesterday’s attack hasn’t been claimed yet, this kind of action fits exactly with the continuous calls for killings made by these terrorist organisations, which we have seen a lot of in magazines and videos distributed by them.”

Supporters of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) have been posting messages online lauding the attacker and celebrating the high death toll.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-16

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It is getting so hard these days for the media and politicians to find ways to describe Islamic terrorism without saying it.

Obviously westerners are responsible for every bad thing since the Roman Empire. I am sure we are also responsible for the 200+ million people who were killed in Islamic expansion previous to modern times. It couldn't have been anything to do with their opinion of us as infidels.

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Muslim man drives a truck for 2km through a crowd while shooting at them- but it's only "hallmarks".

With the dopey PC so called leaders we have, what chance do we have?

However, he no doubt helped advance "tough on Islamic terrorists" Trump, while soft on Islamic bad people HRC is left floundering.

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Do not worry France. You do not have a bunch of people living in your

country, who could be moles for ISIL. No Worries, just keep your heads in the

sand and keep believing that only climate change should be your biggest worry.

I have seen pictures of Marsailles and it looks like a nice Arab city.

So just live your lives like you have been. GOOD LUCK!


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Muslim man drives a truck for 2km through a crowd while shooting at them- but it's only "hallmarks".

With the dopey PC so called leaders we have, what chance do we have?

However, he no doubt helped advance "tough on Islamic terrorists" Trump, while soft on Islamic bad people HRC is left floundering.

reported that he was Allahu Akbarring, i suppose it was possible he just was trying to clear his throat. Many times something heavy gets stuck on the accelerator pedal. Oftentimes a bong kept under the seat slides forward - I can attest to this. Like with the Dijon, Nantes and other recent cases where Africans and MEasters drive vehicles through crowds were not Islamic terrorism just some random nutter with poor driving skills, why different this time?
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And yet it is now known the guy was far from religion, drinking alcohol, eating porc, never praying....

can you translate for us what he was shouting? What does it mean? He was shouting Allahu Akbar. Believing the left wing media outlets does not give a realistic view of the world IMO.
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And yet it is now known the guy was far from religion, drinking alcohol, eating porc, never praying....

Why is it only with Islam that people say, "He drinks/eats pork so is not a real muslim" As with many modern people, some are selective about how strictly they follow the "lesser" sins. I know many Christians who commit sins, but nobody says they're not real Christians :unsure:

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It is getting so hard these days for the media and politicians to find ways to describe Islamic terrorism without saying it.

Obviously westerners are responsible for every bad thing since the Roman Empire. I am sure we are also responsible for the 200+ million people who were killed in Islamic expansion previous to modern times. It couldn't have been anything to do with their opinion of us as infidels.

And... Ironically, if you believe in the historical premise that Rome was originally settled by refugees of Troy, who were a middle eastern people.... Then what?..... Blame the Greeks.... Blurry Greeks!

Oops... Hold on... The Greeks are saying that the gods told them to do it!

But your right... Definitive descriptions are becoming a PC nightmare... We need to go back to the good old days of calling a terrorist a terrorist (and in company, a terrorist cell)

Edited by farcanell
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And yet it is now known the guy was far from religion, drinking alcohol, eating porc, never praying....

Reminds me of the 9/11 hijackers. I'm surprised anyone persists in trying to get away with such sophistry, you can break every rule in the Koran and still be considered a martyr if you murder several infidels in the service of your death cult of choice.
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Jesus h christ, if the attack was not Islamic extremism maybe the prosecutor would be better off comparing black to white or adding up 2+2, keeping within his IQ competency range.

I guess next he will be saying that Islam is a religion of peace and the perp was not typical(?) of the Muslim population.

They (Muslims, Islamists) declared war on the "decadent" west a long time ago, and tell us repeatedly what they intend for us; why do the politicians nor declare a war on Islam right back at them?

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when will this senseless killing of the innocent end?

the question is not the kind of hall mark but the thinking and frame of mind

of the perpetrators of such acts on humanity.

Who are the innocent? When we let our surrogates do our dirty work, does that make us innocent? As there is no excuse for the brutal attacks on our civilians by them. there is no excuse for our behavior. We have helped create these monsters. No one is this horrible affair is innocent. I know you could say the Children are innocent, and I agree, but the blame for their suffering falls squarely on all of as. There are many solutions to Terrorism, Here is an idea. How about we let them short out their own affairs? Like we did.

Let them have their ISIS, like we had our religious states,let them decide on their own , it is not for them. Like we did.

Let them work through their own social evolution like we did, so they can own it. Like we do.

But we might loose access to their natural wealth , and might have to pay more for Petroleum . How much do we pay for Petroleum , factor in the cost of the military support of Petroleum. and the opportunity costs. Are we getting a deal, or are we suffering and causing others to suffer simply to protect corporate profits? Even some one like me. Am I innocent? have I done enough to stop the insanity. or am I simply paying lip service. Are you Innocent?? How much pain must we endure before we wake up.

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When will the killing end when we start cutting every one of there families necks so they see an eye for an eye we can do it to them as good as if not better ever one of these <deleted> have families time for an eye for an eye no mercy .

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