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TAT hopes to tap into population of rich Germans for tourism


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T.A.T. Total Absolute Thickos... The Germans had enough of Thailand years ago and have moved to pastures new.... What's wrong TAT,? aren't the Chinese and Indians good enough any more... Perhaps you should target the rich Africans..clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Rich Germans have everything highest standard, drive German cars and are used to good manners.

Why would they go to Thailand to sit in a smelly taxi without meter? Or get scammed somewhere? Or electrocuted by unsafe electric systems? Or speak "enlgish" to a Thai policeman in case something happened.

It's funny they only aim for Rich Germans, so backpackers are not welcome anymore? The Thai still don't understand much about Westerners, for us it's pretty rude to ask for rich ones only. Also it's funny that they dare to ask for that because what do they have to offer them? Thailand isn't known as a 5* holidaydestination, far from that.

Some months ago i ate in a German restaurant in Pattaya, i really was amazed about the food, good portion, great quality, all the add-ons were there, good price, fast service, speak inlit.....Much better then Thai restaurants in BKK.

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What's the wurst that could happen?

All German smuggle their Bratwurst into the country and nine months later plenty of little brown babies will be born all over the country.

Father unknown, but the brown babies start to speak German, mixed with Isaan. The males all in a sudden start to jol (jodel out loud) wherever they are.

The females wear Dirndls and every September all of them get together to celebrate the Oktoberfest with uncountable one liter mugs of beer and Brezn.

One day they start to build an Autobahn with no speed limit. All of them will receive a cheap car and name it Volkswagen.

Their leader will grow a funny looking mustache and write a book called: "My Sauerkraut". TOT, you've been warned. blink.png

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Rich Germans, rich Chinese, rich Europeans, rich Indians, rich Russians.....Hub of rich aims...

TAT is just slinging everything out there and see what can stick! Instead of just stating the aims, how about giving us some concrete examples of what steps that TAT has taken that will ensure that the riches will come?

Stinking sois? Sidestepping the sidewalk (irony, if there is one)? Traffic congestion and weak enforcement of its laws? Scams (taxi, jet ski, jewelry, etc)? Corrupt police? Crimes? Immigration? This is just to name a few issues....

I think TAT is better off marketing what things they have and will be done "within". If they have put their "house" in order, soon enough, they will be surprised "they" will all come and in droves.

In the meantime, talk is cheap!

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What's the wurst that could happen?

All German smuggle their Bratwurst into the country and nine months later plenty of little brown babies will be born all over the country.

Father unknown, but the brown babies start to speak German, mixed with Isaan. The males all in a sudden start to jol (jodel out loud) wherever they are.

The females wear Dirndls and every September all of them get together to celebrate the Oktoberfest with uncountable one liter mugs of beer and Brezn.

One day they start to build an Autobahn with no speed limit. All of them will receive a cheap car and name it Volkswagen.

Their leader will grow a funny looking mustache and write a book called: "My Sauerkraut". TOT, you've been warned. blink.png

Sounds gut to me, Ja.

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Whose brain child is this?

What, you haven't been over to their offices? Ever hear of pin the tail on the donkey? Staffers paste stuff on the wall, the TAT gov puts on a blindfold and throws a dart at the wall. They used to use a roulette wheel until they found it was rigged.

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Have them sign a form at immigration: "I (first name. middle name, last name, country of birth, country of residence, nationality, passport number and expiration date) pledge to spend at least 20,000 baht per day not including the hotel room (sign your name here and date)

Note: keep your purchase receipts to prove your pledge to the immigration officer on your departure, or face a fine not exceeding 20,000 baht per day, or 2 years imprisonment, or both"

that should do it

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This dizzy tourism minister, is just making it up, as she goes along. Her lack of experience in this industry is really starting to show, and she is really starting to look like a fool. The reality is, that Thailand has been doing a great job or losing Western tourism for many years now. The numbers are dropping for a reason. The economy is a very small reason for this, though the weak Euro, and the relatively strong baht does not help. Many are still vacationing, but not choosing Thailand as their destination. The problems that have been plaguing this country, and affecting tourism, are NOT being addressed. The scammers are not being arrested, the traffic and public safety issues are not being dealt with, the bad publicity from the attacks and the murders of foreigners is not helping, when they go viral, and the systemic reasons for the lack of prosecution of the real murderous culprits, such as the creep on Dark Tao, are not being dealt with.

This is very typically Thai behavior on her part. Try to fix this, without looking within for the source of the problem.Ignore reality, and march on as if no issues are compelling them to stay away. Repair your own house, before you start inviting more people to come inside for a visit, Mrs. Tourism Minister.

If you are serious about attracting more Western tourists, where do you start? By coordinating policy between the Tourism ministry, and Immigration. You start by offering visas of all sorts, for free, and making it as easy as possible.

The more they just fall back on the easy route, which is to attract more Chinese tourists, so they have bragging rights to high tourist arrival numbers, the deeper the hole they are digging for themselves, and the harder it will be to extricate themselves from the millions of zero baht tourists they are beginning to attract. It is a disaster of epic, historic proportions, being perpetrated onto the Thai people, the tourism industry, and the Thai economy, by this house of fools.

Edited by spidermike007
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A partial quote from poster PRBKK....and hitting the nail right on the head....

....(quote....."Some of my Australian neighbours visit Thailand every year, at least once: but they barely leave the hotel grounds. They view it as a sunny resort with good food and everything outside is a bit tacky"........(unquote).

Likewise my many NZ friends and family who visit Thailand....many of them have visited here 2 or 3 times and won't be back...better countries to visit they say....

Main reasons for coming in the first place (briefly).....1. A new country and people to look at. 2. Shopping malls/markets 3.food. 4. beaches (as per the glossy brochures in the NZ Travel Agencies)

Main reasons for not coming back ( somewhat briefly) 1. do not feel safe having been ripped off once or twice...always having to watch over your shoulder. 2. shopping at the malls the cost of items is way way over the top. 3 food hygiene more or less non existent. 4. filthy rotting stinking piles of rubbish/trash everywhere you go. 5. rubbish strewn beaches with open sewers discharging raw sh** into the the water and the constant annoyance of "beach vendors"

These people are world travellers....not first time tourists)

Good luck with the rich Germans...they are more discerning than the average middle income New Zealander.

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germans were here before the russians, now it is the chinese. germans have had their turn.

but seriously how hard is it to make a 60 day on arrival tourist visa? or better yet make the 6 month multi entry tourist visa more obtainable. the current one is just silly. lots of cashed tourist would like to winter over in thailand if only the visas made it possible.

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Funny how they conclude that BREXIT has not really affected Germany. Only last night on the TV Merkel was saying how she wants to work closely with England to promote prosperity. The thing is it has affected Germany and slowly they, like the USA who was going to send us to the back of the que now want to talk to promote trade.

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You want to attract wealthy Germans and Europeans

And Americans, clean the filthy beaches, clean the

Filthy garbage bins along the ocean and clean up

The polluted water, only than will " big bucks" tourists

Consider Thailand.

And increase the travelers safety

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