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Fugitive Nen Kham held in custody of US officials


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When it comes to extraditing people from other countries Thailand does not have a lot of success many times because the other country's justice system sees the reasons for extradition as weak, incomplete or politically motivated. Or Thailand never starts the formal extradition process after doing media releases for a week or so. Will have to wait and see how it plays out this time.

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how did the monk make his way to the US despite being

wanted in Thailand for so many criminal activities.get

the police and the immigration to coordinate in case of visa application

by potential travellers. make police clearance a pre-requisite in

visa applications.

Using super natural powers, he tele-ported.

Beam me up, Scotty...

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The U.S. courts are much like Thai courts, money talks. If he is as rich as has been reported in the past, he can hire a legal team that will keep his case(s) in the U.S. tied up for a very long time; and, possibly even fight extradition.

Really? Does their judicial process favour the rich? My Yankee friend is always saying how he wishes the Thai system were like the US one.

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Though generally I am not supportive of the long arm of US justice, in this case it is a wonderful thing. At the very least, this worm will be held in US custody. More than likely he will make many friends there. Once they find out about the charges of sexual assault against a minor; using a fake doctoral certificate from World Peace University; reckless driving causing death to an individual; money laundering concerning donations; drug addiction and claiming to have super natural powers, they will really extend their hospitality to him. He will have many "very close" friends there. They will treat him warmly, with "great affection". And he can demonstrate his supernatural powers to his fellow inmates. They especially love the guys who assault minors.

​Sounds like he has alot of cash, and may be influential. So, once he returns here, there is little chance of him being convicted. Very few monks are convicted here. They are as protected as the police, and the politicians, it would appear. At least he will be treated to some American Justice System hospitality in the time being. Let us hope the extradition process takes many years. Maybe there is some way it can be delayed? Let us hope.

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Look at the list of pending charges ....

he's no monk, just a criminal posing as one to milk the gullible public for all he can.

I hope the US recognize he's wanted here for some serious charges and help speed up his extradition.



If you want to show off you're knowledge of te Thai language at least get it right.

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Yes, how did he get to america ..... well they would have stopped him at the border or from getting a visa IF Thailand had filed information with the US or with Interpol.

Guess that did not happen Did you notice that seems to happen a lot with Thailand biggrin.png I wonder why.

By the way my counties DA has a list of at least 5 Thai Nationals who comitted crimes in my county, now living in Thailand. Extradition requests have been sent but no response from Thailand. At least two are from 30 years ago. Now you want the monk then you know what to do. That is the way the US should respond, and if they did, no more news about the monk and he could enjoy his retirement in Key West. Because theya re not going to allow PuYais to be extradited.

Edited by LomSak27
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how did the monk make his way to the US despite being

wanted in Thailand for so many criminal activities.get

the police and the immigration to coordinate in case of visa application

by potential travellers. make police clearance a pre-requisite in

visa applications.

Using super natural powers, he tele-ported.

I wonder if this very very fake monk has a US or other passport?

Given his past activities, no hesitation to rip people off etc., seems to me he would easily get another passport.

Stranger things have happened?

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Beware of people in high places.The run of the mill crook,will normally admit to not being the best of people and is deserving of his punishments,when caught.

They normally treat prison as an occupational hazard and once found guilty will ask for various other crimes to be taken into account.i am not trying to sanitize the criminal fraternity

But those guilty of non violent crimes are of a different grade to the filth that deal in death and perversion.But this piece of shit is a trusted man,a religious man.A man that people should feel safe around.An honest and pious man who is meant to have given up his earthly desires of sins of the flesh and the want for riches,and has chosen to follow

his spiritual leader,in the hope of finding Nirvana.But not so with this cretin.he has used his position to perform sexual assault.death,fraud and other crimes.

He is the worst type of fraudster and con man.The worst type of vile,perpetrator,because he used his position to hide behind while committing the said crimes.

They say that when a bent copper goes inside for abusing his authority, or lining his own pockets,or fitting up non guilty parties,etc,he is sectioned for his own safety

He has abused his position of trust.

In this case,if this cretin does time,i think it should be among the prison general occupants.

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Slowly slowly the wheels are turning, many more to go but a good start.

What... One extradition in eight years....

Yep... Better step back, there's a mighty Avalanche building.

Reading comprehension, slowly slowly and I wasn't aware that the current regime had been in power for 8 years, but please enlighten us if that is wrong.

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There is some confusion as to what is going on here. Charges are not brought forward by a US court. There is no trial in any US court. Below is the first Article of the 1992 Extradition Treaty between the US and Thailand. The only thing that the Thai government has to show is that this slime bag is charged with crimes that he would have faced charges if he had committed them in the US. I would predict he will arrive in handcuffs in 3-5 months.


Obligation to Extradite

(1) The Contracting Parties agree to extradite to each other, subject to the provisions described in this Treaty, persons found in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties who have been proceeded against for, have been charged with, have been found guilty of, or are wanted for the enforcement of a judicially pronounced penalty for committing an extraditable offense, by the judicial authority of the Requesting State. The term “judicial authority” shall include the police and public prosecution authority for the purpose of proceeding against or charging such persons in accordance with the laws of each Contracting Party.

(2) With respect to an extraditable offense committed outside the territory of the Requesting State, the Requested State shall grant extradition, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, if its laws would provide for the punishment of such an offense in comparable circumstances.

Not sure if this is valid on the actual Government of Thailand.

Thailand is now ruled by a military Junta after a coup.

This can change the whole extradition treaty and even annihilate the treaty.

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and claiming to have super natural powers.

Still needs a jet to fly however: Superman 1 - Nen Kham 0.

Going have to look back to pilgrim laws to lodge charges of claiming super-natural powers, it seems some charge will not transfer easily.

Maybe they can appeal to the State Department Bureau of Non-Buddhist Practices for this one...

Oh wait, never mind.

Edited by animatic
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I have absolutely no knowledge of this person or the case against him. I don't normally follow the news much (except the funny headlines). IMO the US Government is not very happy with current Thai government "they generally frown upon coups, unless it suits them". With that in mind I don't see the US government putting this on their high priority list. Some of the charges I understand are serious but the laughable ones will undermine the process and if the US government even thinks it may be politically motivated, extradition may not happen at all. Either way I think the Thai government is in for a long wait.

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Slowly slowly the wheels are turning, many more to go but a good start.

What... One extradition in eight years....

Yep... Better step back, there's a mighty Avalanche building.

Reading comprehension, slowly slowly and I wasn't aware that the current regime had been in power for 8 years, but please enlighten us if that is wrong.

Enlightenment granted.....


Edited by farcanell
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The article doesn't say why he is being held by the US does it?

It doesn't say specifically that he was arrested for any of the crimes allegedly committed here.

Perhaps he got caught trying to perpetuate his criminal leanings whilst in the US.

If so, I hope so because, let's face it, he's likely to face more punishment for begging there than he does for the entire crimes he's accused of here.

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There is some confusion as to what is going on here. Charges are not brought forward by a US court. There is no trial in any US court. Below is the first Article of the 1992 Extradition Treaty between the US and Thailand. The only thing that the Thai government has to show is that this slime bag is charged with crimes that he would have faced charges if he had committed them in the US. I would predict he will arrive in handcuffs in 3-5 months.


Obligation to Extradite

(1) The Contracting Parties agree to extradite to each other, subject to the provisions described in this Treaty, persons found in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties who have been proceeded against for, have been charged with, have been found guilty of, or are wanted for the enforcement of a judicially pronounced penalty for committing an extraditable offense, by the judicial authority of the Requesting State. The term “judicial authority” shall include the police and public prosecution authority for the purpose of proceeding against or charging such persons in accordance with the laws of each Contracting Party.

(2) With respect to an extraditable offense committed outside the territory of the Requesting State, the Requested State shall grant extradition, subject to the provisions of this Treaty, if its laws would provide for the punishment of such an offense in comparable circumstances.

Not sure if this is valid on the actual Government of Thailand.

Thailand is now ruled by a military Junta after a coup.

This can change the whole extradition treaty and even annihilate the treaty.

My post presumes that the current Thai government wants this scum bag back so he can go to trial on the charges that have been filed. If this is true, then there is an existing extradition treaty by which it can get him back that includes the obligation of the US to extradite.

I'm not sure what the "this" is.

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Long, long overdue clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

But: "However, the DSI chief noted that, in the extradition process, charges would have to be lodged against Nen Kham first by the US court for his acknowledgement after which the ex-monk had the right to defend himself against the charges."

Sounds like a bunch of double talk gobbly gook to me. No wonder the American justice system is bogged down. Throw the bugger onto a Thai bound airline end of story. No need to turn the thing into a high cost production. No wonder American taxpayers are suffering and the deficit is going through the roof.
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I didn't know there was a law for charging someone for claiming to have supernatural powers.

So in reality the PM visits criminals when he goes to see a fortune teller because they of course believe they have super natural powers.

His high priced Ray Bans give him X-ray vision. He needs time to put all his new found wealth into the American stock market before jetting back to Thailand. Can he claim immigrant status on religious cruelty?. Edited by elgordo38
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I think Prayud should build a special prison for miscreant monks to preach non-attachment. No phones, sound systems, TV or internet,

Simply 2 vegetarian meals a day with dhamma teaching combined with mindful meditative practices, ie washing dishes and scrubbing floors.

brilliant idea!

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