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Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders


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Unfortunately most (if not all) democratic political parties worldwide are run by unelected back room connivers with their own agendas, just the bigger the party the bigger the conniving.

False equivalence. The use of the word 'democrat' in a party name is not something that joins together the parties across international lines, there is no International Democrat Party.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.


Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Is this honestly your response to this news? Your conclusion is that the Russians wan't Trump so you are going to still defend HRC in oder to save the country from attack?

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IMO this 'hack' was done by a disgruntled Dem or Bernie-ite, forget about a Russian/Romanian connection (except a VPN to a foreign place to route it to Assange).

In a way bias against Bernie isn't that surprising, I would expect a "he's not really one of us, is he?" attitude within the party.

Seeing how messed up both parties are, and what sort people they both choose as party chair, and the party personalities I see on TV, I've started thinking it's the boys' team vs. the girls. For the boys it's Lord of the Flies, their opponent is Mean Girls.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Russia might just be doing it to embarrass the USA, to show what a farce its "democracy" is. That makes a lot more sense than doing it to help Trump. Even their Kremlin TV channel, RT, spends a lot of time showing how messed up the USA is.

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I just read on CNN that it was only the Hillary campaign who claims the hack job was done by Russians.

Is this the only source we have on the hackers? The zhillary campaign?

If so then statisticslly speaking--there is a 7% chance it is true.

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I suspect this will push many Sanders voters over to Trump and many others will not vote.

Before the DNC emails that Wikileaks released the Sanders supporters breakdown was roughly 10-20% move to Trump, 30-40% Green party or stay at home, and 40-50% Hillary. Since the leaked DNC emails and they Kaine pick things have changed drastically, the 10-20% move to Trump seems to be about the same but the move to the Green party or stay at home is now somewhere around 60-65% , thus leaving Hillary with perhaps 25-30% at best of Sanders supporters (and thats only if she kisses Bernies <deleted> at the convention). The thing that most Clintonites just don't grasp is that Bernies folks have just as much disgust and disregard for Hillary as do the Trump folks;)

The Bernie voters are actually angrier than the Trump folks.

They are still young and don't get worn out so fast. They also don't require afternoon naps.

Skateboards versus assault rifles. You pick the winners.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Russia might just be doing it to embarrass the USA, to show what a farce its "democracy" is. That makes a lot more sense than doing it to help Trump. Even their Kremlin TV channel, RT, spends a lot of time showing how messed up the USA is.

I'm thinking just like JFK: Who benefits the most? Who has the power to make a "deal" with the Russians? Who has the power to cover it up (or camouflage it)?

I'm looking at the Orange-Hair crowd right now...

Edited by Freakin Musashi
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I suspect this will push many Sanders voters over to Trump and many others will not vote.

Before the DNC emails that Wikileaks released the Sanders supporters breakdown was roughly 10-20% move to Trump, 30-40% Green party or stay at home, and 40-50% Hillary. Since the leaked DNC emails and they Kaine pick things have changed drastically, the 10-20% move to Trump seems to be about the same but the move to the Green party or stay at home is now somewhere around 60-65% , thus leaving Hillary with perhaps 25-30% at best of Sanders supporters (and thats only if she kisses Bernies <deleted> at the convention). The thing that most Clintonites just don't grasp is that Bernies folks have just as much disgust and disregard for Hillary as do the Trump folks;)
The Bernie voters are actually angrier than the Trump folks.

They are still young and don't get worn out so fast. They also don't require afternoon naps.

Skateboards versus assault rifles. You pick the winners.

What are you talking about?

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Bernie continued even though he had no chance, if Trump wins it will be Bernie's fault.

Of course every Democrat has reason to be bitter towards the silly old fool.

How did he dare, it's her turn!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Bernie continued even though he had no chance, if Trump wins it will be Bernie's fault.

Of course every Democrat has reason to be bitter towards the silly old fool.

<snip> The Democrat party isn't in shambles because of Bernie Sanders. It's in shambles because it is utterly corrupt and the Bernie Sanders candidacy exposed that corruption. I hope whatever investments you have aren't tied to the lies the establishment political order have decreed are the "conventional wisdom". I think you are perhaps "in for a rocky ride".

Edited by Jai Dee
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Unfortunately most (if not all) democratic political parties worldwide are run by unelected back room connivers with their own agendas, just the bigger the party the bigger the conniving.

False equivalence. The use of the word 'democrat' in a party name is not something that joins together the parties across international lines, there is no International Democrat Party.

Very true, and I would add: The use of the word "democrat" in a party name doesn't mean the party is in any way beholding to democratic principles.

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I just read on CNN that it was only the Hillary campaign who claims the hack job was done by Russians.

Is this the only source we have on the hackers? The zhillary campaign?

If so then statisticslly speaking--there is a 7% chance it is true.

Actually no, the DNC is not the source of the Russian involvement in the hack. The main source is Crowdstrike who was hired to investigate by the DNC when they suspected they had been hacked. They make a very technical case in report:


Note that a single hacker is disputing Crowdstrike's claim of russian intelligence service being involved in the hack. He also claims to have hacked Hillary's private email and gave results to Wikileaks. Crowdstrike has responded that this is likely Russian intelligence service disinformation, but they are investigating.


Whoever did it, it was certainly politically motivated.


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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Russia might just be doing it to embarrass the USA, to show what a farce its "democracy" is. That makes a lot more sense than doing it to help Trump. Even their Kremlin TV channel, RT, spends a lot of time showing how messed up the USA is.

Putin has spent a lot of time pointing out the USA's hypocrisy….namely ranting about terrorism on the one hand, and financing it on the other.

Same with all this hacking stuff…

US does it too….and it does it with an intent to directly meddle in another countries affairs.

It's ok for the US to create a virus called stuxnet and introduce it into an Iranian nuclear reactor….the virus made the centrifuge rods spin out of control and trashed the entire facility….but its not ok for russian hackers to let us know what a corrupt show the dems are?


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It's ok for the US to create a virus called stuxnet and introduce it into an Iranian nuclear reactor.the virus made the centrifuge rods spin out of control and trashed the entire facility.but its not ok for russian hackers to let us know what a corrupt show the dems are?


Try not to get too carried away with your hyperbole. The virus only damaged about 10% of the centrifuges and they were quickly replaced. The impact to Iran's weapon grade uranium production was minimal. Mostly it highlighted that negotiations was the best way forward.


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There is another theory being bandied about that relates to Putin's anger at Clinton for criticising him for rigged elections when she was at the State Dept.

If he sees her as a threat to his despotism, it would explain why he might want to undermine her election campaign.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Is this honestly your response to this news? Your conclusion is that the Russians wan't Trump so you are going to still defend HRC in oder to save the country from attack?

Everybody has their own theory....


[Yes, Donald Trump is sucking up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, changing the Republican Party platform’s pro-Ukraine proposals and talking about weakening NATO. And Putin has been pushing to install leaders just like Donald Trump, that is to say, easily manipulated buffoons whose egos are easy to stroke.]

[Clinton was tough on Putin, so much so that Putin blames Clinton for protests that broke out in 2011, accusing Putin of having rigged elections. Now Putin might be out for revenge.

“Clinton was a more skeptical voice on the reset,” former United States Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul told Politico. “She was tougher on the Russians. She pushed back. She was a difficult interlocutor with both [foreign minister Sergei] Lavrov and Putin — and I say that as a compliment.”]

[in fact, according to former U.S. officials, Putin sees Clinton as a “forceful proponent of ‘regime change’ policies that the Russian leader considers a grave threat to his own survival.”

Putin expects Hillary Clinton to win and he’s sending her a message that Russia is “a power to be reckoned with and can mess with her at will,” according to a diplomat with “extensive Russia experience”.]

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The Russian involvement in U.S. elections is a credible charge. So credible that there is now an active investigation by the FBI. That does not mean it is proven yet, but it is a credible enough possibility for it to be at another, higher, level than a wacky conspiracy theory just invented for political defense purposes.

As far as the DNC favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders, OMG, yes it was wrong, but everyone knew that already! The way the debates were structured were obvious signs of that. It's a messy internal thing, hopefully cleaned up for next time, and yes it can be exploited somewhat by trump, but at this point the thing to do is move on to deal with the reality of the actual battle royale we're facing:

CLINTON vs. trump

To add my opinion that the Bernie or Bust crowd probably won't agree with, but here it is. IF there had been no bias with the DNC towards Clinton (which there was), Clinton STILL would have definitely won the delegate count.

As far as the super delegate system which yes does favor more establishment candidates, that system was fair because that was part of the rules that the party had determined well before this election. The party is free to tweak those rules for future elections, but that does not represent a DNC bias, just the rules of the game that all candidates, whoever they are, need to deal with and know about coming in.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Russian involvement in U.S. elections is a credible charge. So credible that there is now an active investigation by the FBI. That does not mean it is proven yet, but it is a credible enough possibility for it to be at another, higher, level than a wacky conspiracy theory just invented for political defense purposes.

As far as the DNC favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders, OMG, yes it was wrong, but everyone knew that already! The way the debates were structured were obvious signs of that. It's a messy internal thing, hopefully cleaned up for next time, and yes it can be exploited somewhat by trump, but at this point the thing to do is move on to deal with the reality of the actual battle royale we're facing:

CLINTON vs. trump

To add my opinion that the Bernie or Bust crowd probably won't agree with, but here it is. IF there had been no bias with the DNC towards Clinton (which there was), Clinton STILL would have definitely won the delegate count.

Agree that the DNC was probably thinking along the lines of most Democrats, which is to say, "We like Bernie. We like Bernie a lot. And we'd much prefer Bernie over Trump. But we don't want to take that chance because the idea of a "socialist" being President may not sit well with most Americans. And since Trump for President is just mind-bogglingly unacceptable, Hillary with her baggage will have to do."

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It's ok for the US to create a virus called stuxnet and introduce it into an Iranian nuclear reactor.the virus made the centrifuge rods spin out of control and trashed the entire facility.but its not ok for russian hackers to let us know what a corrupt show the dems are?


Try not to get too carried away with your hyperbole. The virus only damaged about 10% of the centrifuges and they were quickly replaced.

When an incident demands hyperbole, it will be used without apology.

The biggest fallout from USA creating this virus is not what happened in the Iranian reactor…it is the fact that the virus is now out in the open…in the hands of god knows who.

This virus targets highly sensitive components known as PLCs (programmable logic controllers)….these are the switches that control stuff like…..ohhh, you know….a city's power grid….the subway track switching system, critical stuff that can do a lot of damage and kill a lot of people if it malfunctions.

Well done USA!

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