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A place to feel at home but far from home


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A friend of mine lived in a large condo project with a big pool. I was in more of a Thai neighborhood. The first time I went to visit him, he had a group of farang, different countries and backgrounds, sitting together in what looked to be a very congenial atmosphere. A few months later, a few did not like some of the group and were sitting alone. A year later, none of them liked each other and all sat alone. 


 recently asked someone in a different condo project w/many farang if he made friends there, if people were sociable at the pool. He was a nice guy, somewhat gregarious. He had no friends in the building...


great idea, just does not seem to work. People get sick of each other... 

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11 hours ago, GuestHouse said:

I suggest sitting in on a Condominium AGM in which most of the participants are 'Farangs' before you launch your idea of a 'Farang Moo Baarn'. 


You'll find the lack of cooperation, back stabbing, bickering, crabs-in-a-bucket mindset and extremes of penny-pinching tightfistedness instructive. 



Yes i know what you mean, many condominiums abroad are not any different from the ones in Thailand, that's why i really dislike the idea of a condo too, which it's basically a place where people are getting crammed into, with very little communal space, plus the fact that you can't choose whom your next door neighbors it's going to be, you might even end up with one of these people here which dislike even themselves, and that's definitely NOT what i was suggesting.

Basically, everyone should have its own little villa, or let's call it large bungalow, with a little garden, the place should ideally be large enough to be in excess of the needs of the people living inside, then, all the remaining space could be a larger garden with all the comfy stuff someone might take pleasure of while living there, so, NO condo, we deserve better than that.

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11 hours ago, nottocus said:

 And who are you to tell me how to live? 


Man….. I don't wanna live in ur farang village and buy whatever u are selling.

I am not telling you how to live, where did you get that from? I am simply making you notice that your own choices are kind of conflicting with each other???

I am sorry dear but i am not selling anything, nor there is anything that would suit people with your mindset here, you might want to start reading some other thread more in line with your way to be,


                Khun You Youu

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8 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

I would rather pour boiling water on my genitals!


6 hours ago, SoiBiker said:


I'll put the kettle on.

Well you find each other :D

...and i am confident that you might also get a few more people here with the same painful self inflicting attitude, i am sorry but i would have to decline your interest into this idea of mine, i am not going to open up a circus, this is something way different from that, but good luck to you ;)

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 but there are also some pitfalls and native's habits which as a westerner i personally find a bit difficult to adapt myself to, so the main idea would basically be, to try to have the best from both worlds, by concentrating similar minded individuals into a specific area.

The advantages of uniting a large group of people with similar interests are pretty obvious, as the security factor, sharing common knowledge and troubleshootings, it will be a bit as the forum, just a real life thing rather than a virtual one, there are so many good things that might come up from it.


Christ you've got a LOT to learn :coffee1:

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13 hours ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Well, Nottocus, in a country with 70 million people around you, plus the random and less random millions of tourists, that's a rather strange choice

Where I live there are ZERO farang tourists, and I live down a soi with few people, none of which speak English.


I wouldn't have wanted to live in a gated community back home shutting out the world, and certainly wouldn't here. As other posters have noted, I didn't move to Thailand to associate with farangs, though I'm not one of those that makes a point of not acknowledging the existence of another farang.

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4 hours ago, anotheruser said:

lol I knew this would go well. Look at how people get along on TV, would putting them altogether in one place be a good idea? 

ThaiVisa works wonderfully, here you can really X-Ray people's souls and simply skim off the unsuitable elements with a click, what else can you really be asking for?

All this while sitting comfortably into your own place and sipping a drink of your choice, i would say just brilliant! :thumbsup:

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555 , shall we start with the Brits , like two hundred years ago Shanghai , China ? The British concessions , the French , the Germans......

Btw, whereabout would this Moo ban be in Thailand be ?

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4 hours ago, BEVUP said:

Except farang countries - China town , many in Australia , A couple in England, Who knows about the Yanks

Yes, in the west there are plenty of communities coming from every corner of the world, Chinatown it's perhaps the most commonly known of the so many different ethnic groups, and to me that's just wonderful!

Just by walking from a street to another, you can taste and feel things that otherways you would have had to travel thousand miles away to be able to make the same experiences, just think at how much money the travel industry has been able to make, by offering you that opportunity.

Obviously there are also people who are so scared of even walk out of their own home, and hate everything and everyone, including themselves, but we don't have to really share anything with such elements, do we?

That one of the main aims of what i have in mind, finding people which shares similar values while keeping out the unwanted negative ones, they can keep entertaining each other with stuff they are pleased with, and we already had a clear example of what they might be up to, by looking at some of the previous posts, i want no parts in that, even the idea of looking at someone pouring boiling water into its own genitals it's somehow disturbing to me, to each its own though....:D

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3 hours ago, robblok said:


Dont post things on an open forum is you can't take the comments. In my country we look down on area's where migrants all live together. Why would it be any better here because we are a better kind of migrant. I am sure the locals won't see it that way.


Ha ha here it's another one :)))

Whom said that "i can't take the comments", apart from your own mind?

If you have problems with people that replies to other people points of views, you should start seeking help on that, honestly, mine it's just a courtesy which originated from a proper upbringing, i don't know about you but from your own personal "contribute" to this thread, i know enough about your mindset and i am definitely NOT interested.

I do NOT like people looking down at migrants as you say you do, and i am sure that even in your own country there are many people in direct contrast with your views, actually, you wrote that you come from The Netherlands, and that surely not as nearly bigoted  as your statement clearly shows, actually the contrary it's true, been there many times and the people were very open minded, but you are clearly an exception to that.

The idea i suggested would works very nicely for both, expats and locals alike, simply because people who comes from a different reality can enrich the local culture with a multitude of different approaches which are usually not known to the majority, should i start by stating all benefits that came out from this?

Sometime it really feels as i am dealing with some sorts of overgrown kids with no experience whatsoever and that can only complains and see negativity everywhere....


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2 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:


Ha ha here it's another one :)))

Whom said that "i can't take the comments", apart from your own mind?

If you have problems with people that replies to other people points of views, you should start seeking help on that, honestly, mine it's just a courtesy which originated from a proper upbringing, i don't know about you but from your own personal "contribute" to this thread, i know enough about your mindset and i am definitely NOT interested.

I do NOT like people looking down at migrants as you say you do, and i am sure that even in your own country there are many people in direct contrast with your views, actually, you wrote that you come from The Netherlands, and that surely not as nearly bigoted  as your statement clearly shows, actually the contrary it's true, been there many times and the people were very open minded, but you are clearly an exception to that.

The idea i suggested would works very nicely for both, expats and locals alike, simply because people who comes from a different reality can enrich the local culture with a multitude of different approaches which are usually not known to the majority, should i start by stating all benefits that came out from this?

Sometime it really feels as i am dealing with some sorts of overgrown kids with no experience whatsoever and that can only complains and see negativity everywhere....



Maybe i should put a subtitle on the thread "Thaier than thai please abstain" :))))   


Looks like a joke but to me it shows you can't take different opinions. I am quite open-minded you are the opposite in creating a farang ghetto where only foreigners can live. Seems more that you are a bigot then I am. But have fun pretending your open minded if you can only relate to other foreigners. To want that I can only assume you don't like Thais why else segregate yourself. Sounds a bit South Africa style "whites only"

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44 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

ThaiVisa works wonderfully, here you can really X-Ray people's souls and simply skim off the unsuitable elements with a click, what else can you really be asking for?

All this while sitting comfortably into your own place and sipping a drink of your choice, i would say just brilliant! :thumbsup:

Nobody wants to live in a commune and sip tea. Why don't you just go home? bahumbug, 

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2 hours ago, Hornyskunk said:

I would absolutely choose to live in a farang village if I could, but I don't think I represent the average farang in Thailand. For starters, I never wanted to be here.


Ideally, I want to live in a community similar to the one I grew up in: http://castlehills.com/


However, I think importing the Castle Hills model to Thailand would be virtually impossible. Also, the price of a house alone would exclude almost everyone from living there. 

Ohh finally someone which post some sanity!

Thanks Hornyskunk, that's something quite close to what i meant, obviously we can't really go over our possibilities unless at least one of the TV megamultimillionaires jumps in :))), however, after a bit of research and experience, something close to that it's definitely possible, we just need to not jump in the first deal we are offered and select carefully the suppliers on the same way as selecting the people interested into becoming part of the project would be, nobody wants to live next door to some undesirable element, and that's just reasonable.  

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2 hours ago, anotheruser said:

So you want to live in a commune with them in Issan?


Why specifically Issan?

Every area has potential and pitfalls, i think it's important to take into consideration many different aspects, Issan it's probably cheaper that many other areas but someone might be more interested into living closer to the seaside, or the mountains, or a bigger urban center, i think, first of all there is a need to see how many people would potentially be interested into this concept, then, take it further from there and see what the people involved would prefer, step by step, no rush

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living in a commune is something quite different, those were the days.

Farang village, no Local people, so I compulsory have to bring my ex from Farangland or live in celibacy ?? Also, would have to drive my own car, Farangs cannot be drivers.
No thank you.

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2 hours ago, kenk24 said:

A friend of mine lived in a large condo project with a big pool. I was in more of a Thai neighborhood. The first time I went to visit him, he had a group of farang, different countries and backgrounds, sitting together in what looked to be a very congenial atmosphere. A few months later, a few did not like some of the group and were sitting alone. A year later, none of them liked each other and all sat alone. 


 recently asked someone in a different condo project w/many farang if he made friends there, if people were sociable at the pool. He was a nice guy, somewhat gregarious. He had no friends in the building...


great idea, just does not seem to work. People get sick of each other... 

I appreciate your post, however, i personally dislike condos, i think some people need a bit more space and independence, a condominium would never suits me, but i respect people who made that choice, they might be absolutely fine there.

For the problem you mentioned, yes that's something quite common, in a condo you wouldn't really have the opportunity to select people suitable for living close to other people holding similar views, also, as you mentioned, somebody might for whatever reason, feel the need to change, and we know how difficult might be to sell something without incurring into a loss in LOS :))))

So, what could we possibly do to limit that inconvenience?

We are all (presumably) adults here (more or less), and we had the luck to receive an education which enabled us to resolve issues whenever one was arising, why don't we simply go backs on implementing that on the issues we are confronted with? Let's all have an open minded discussion to evaluate what can actually improve our lives by simply making other people life better, it's all a chain.

My personal idea to find a solution to that, would works more or less like this, let's say there are 10 "members", then one has to leave, the remaining ones would refund the leaving member of what he had to originally pay, and all could be start to be happy again, personally i wouldn't think twice into investing part of my savings into something that could give to be a similar guarantee, but what do you think about it? Maybe someone has a better idea? Please share it here

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2 hours ago, transam said:

After living here for a number of years I am REALLY glad l chose to buy a bit of land and build a house on it away from farangs, 100% REALLY glad...


You can read between the lines of my statement...:whistling:


What it still baffles me a bit, it's why then you are not spending your time in a "thai only 100% pure thai" local thai language forum then?

Aren't you feeling uncomfortable wasting your precious between all these farangs posters?

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28 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

The fact that no foreigner can actually legally own the land is a huge stumbling block. 

Agree, but there are legal ways to make use of it as if it was owned anyways, otherways people wouldn't be renting or leasing anymore anywhere in the world, plus i think a company could actually own the land, but that's way too expansive for what i had in mind, still an option though.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Where I live there are ZERO farang tourists, and I live down a soi with few people, none of which speak English.


I wouldn't have wanted to live in a gated community back home shutting out the world, and certainly wouldn't here. As other posters have noted, I didn't move to Thailand to associate with farangs, though I'm not one of those that makes a point of not acknowledging the existence of another farang.

Don't worry, with a little more time you will surely add this last little habit you are mentioning about to the other ones you have, you are on the right path for it, but i am afraid i have to decline any interest on this project from you, thanks anyways and good luck.

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13 minutes ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Why don't you share a bit of your own personal wisdom here then?

C'mon, don't be shy, we are waiting....


'We'? The overwhelming majority of responders to your post appear to bear my comment implying your naivete out.


Your aggressive defensiveness, not to mention outright arrogance, appears to bear out another poster's suspicion your little 'newbie' post is merely trolling for business for some idiotic business plan, much alike many others failed attempts to get farang ghettos, sorry, 'moo baans' off of the ground. Nobody's buying either you nor it.  Buzz off.

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6 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:


'We'? The overwhelming majority of responders to your post appear to bear my comment implying your naivete out.


Your aggressive defensiveness, not to mention outright arrogance, appears to bear out another poster's suspicion your little 'newbie' post is merely trolling for business for some idiotic business plan, much alike many others failed attempts to get farang ghettos, sorry, 'moo baans' off of the ground. Nobody's buying either you nor it.  Buzz off.

Look my friendo, as i wrote to you before, if you have some of your wisdom you want to share, on how something like this wouldn't work as intended, feel free to share, if not, i am not interested in hearing how you can take your friends here to show how something it's wrong but without telling why, if there is anything that it's failed here, surely it's your logic, to me, you can go back to get drunk into a place that suit you, as you don't have really anything worth discussing to add to this thread, next...

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49 minutes ago, transam said:

Do you live in LOS surrounded by farangs and their ladies.....?


Have you ever......?


Well i bet some people would have trouble to point out where Thailand is on a map here, however that's a bit OT.

I am completely aware that some people here are really to be left into their own reality, nor i have any intention to share anything with these elements, as you can see from many of the previous posts, but this doesn't mean that everyone it's the same, trust me, there are still lots of proper people around if you look closely, but sometime it's not that simple to came across them.

Anyway, the scope of the thread, it's on how we can do something to have some better quality of life here, which will automatically bring new opportunities for the locals too, it's a win-win situation.

Unfortunately there are the omnipresent people that for a reason or another, can only bring up a never ending negativity without any logic which tries to hijack initiatives that in the long run will benefit everyone.

Why they do this? Who knows exactly, there might be many reasons for it, it can be just some deluded alcoholics which doesn't have anything better to do with their own life than belittle with silly arguments any good deeds, or maybe just some sour element which cannot accept someone else finding a better reality than the ones they ended up with, or people whom have a business and can't really offer something that will give any advantage to their customers, some of them unfortunately are only there to take advantage of other people, they are not in business to help you out, so it's no surprise that some might try to dismiss anything from which they will not have any financial gains...

So, people, bring up your ideas on how we can create a better world and don't be afraid of the dishonest and deluded losers that will try to take you down at every turns, together we are stronger and it's all up to us to improve things up :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, transam said:

This is not a Thai language forum...It is an English speaking forum for farangs living here, and of course those who don't live here but slag those off who do.......


I have met personally many members of this forum over the years, we get on OK because we learn stuff about each other via written words here.....I have only met one <deleted> via TVF....Many know the guy....


Where I live I have met many farangs, l like to mix, but alas many l have met seem to have issues, and that would take to long to explain so l won't.....


I am very happy in my nice house overlooking a lake, Mrs.Trans is OK, we get on great....One of my best friends is a retired Thai kick boxer, bit older than me....Whether I am in LOS or my home country l do/did what l wanted and avoided folk who are/were not my cup of tea...


Feel free to ask me any questions here...:)

Moderator? :whistling:

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