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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton


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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton



WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) — Donald Trump ignited a fresh political firestorm Tuesday by declaring gun rights supporters might still find a way to stop Hillary Clinton, even if she should defeat him and then name anti-gun Supreme Court justices. Democrats pounced, accusing him of openly encouraging violence against his opponent.


The Republican presidential nominee has been working this week to move past distracting campaign disputes, but once again he put himself at the center of a blazing controversy.


First, he falsely claimed that Clinton, his Democratic opponent, wants to "essentially abolish the Second Amendment." She has said repeatedly that she supports the Second Amendment right to own guns, though she does back some stricter gun control measures.

Trump then noted the power Clinton would have to nominate justices to the high court.


"By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don't know," Trump told supporters at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina. "But I'll tell you what. That will be a horrible day."


His reaction later as the uproar grew: "Give me a break."


Interviewed by Fox News' Sean Hannity, he said everyone in his audience knew he was referring to the power of voters and "there can be no other interpretation."


Trump's campaign sought to quell the controversy with a statement that blamed the "dishonest media" for misinterpretation. And Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, said he was talking about the election choice for pro-gun voters, not encouraging violence.


Yet Trump's foes were unconvinced and unforgiving.


Tim Kaine, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, said "of course" the Republicans were trying to explain away Trump's comments, but "I think it was just revealing ... and I don't find the attempt to roll it back persuasive at all."


Priorities USA, a super PAC supporting Clinton, said Trump had "suggested that someone shoot Hillary Clinton." Across the country, Democratic House and Senate candidates piled on, working to tie Trump's comments to their GOP opponents.


And the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which has endorsed Clinton, said Trump was encouraging gun violence "based on conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton."


Tweeted Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat: "@realDonaldTrump makes death threats because he's a pathetic coward who can't handle the fact that he's losing to a girl."


The National Rifle Association, the gun lobby that has endorsed Trump, came to his defense. The group wrote on Twitter that "there's nothing we can do" if Clinton is elected while urging voters to defeat her in November.


The controversy immediately overwhelmed Trump's intended campaign-trail focus: the economic plan he unveiled just a day earlier and was promoting during a series of rallies in the most competitive general election states. It also reinforced the concern, voiced by many worried Republicans, that he cannot stay disciplined and avoid inflammatory remarks that imperil not only his White House prospects but the re-election chances of many GOP lawmakers.


At another rally later Tuesday in Fayetteville, Trump was careful with his words. He repeated his argument that Clinton poses a threat to gun rights but avoided any talk about advocates taking matters into their own hands. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, introducing him, blamed the controversy on "disgusting" journalists.


Clinton's supporters are hoping the latest Trump trip-up will lead yet more of his fellow Republicans to defect. A day earlier, Maine Sen. Susan Collins became the latest to declare she won't vote for her party's nominee, explicitly pointing to his "constant stream of cruel comments."


The U.S. Secret Service, responsible for both Clinton's and Trump's protections, said it was aware of what Trump had said but declined to say whether it planned to investigate.


Contrary to Trump's remarks, Clinton has made her support for gun rights a key piece of her stump speech in a bid to pre-empt attacks from Trump and groups like the NRA. Still, she supports reinstating a federal assault weapons ban, expanding background checks and barring purchases by domestic abusers, among other steps.


"I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment," she said in her Democratic National Convention speech. "I'm not here to take away your guns. I just don't want you to be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the first place."


Clinton spent Tuesday in Florida calling for emergency public health action on the Zika virus while visiting the Miami area dealing with the first U.S. outbreak. At a local health clinic, she urged Congress to cut short its summer recess and immediately pass funding for a Zika response. She blamed congressional Republicans for inaction.


"Everybody has a stake in this. And that's really why I'm here," Clinton said. "We don't want to wake up in a year and read more stories about babies like the little girl who just died in Houston."


It's an issue that could affect votes in this crucial swing state where she has held a small advantage in recent polls. So far, Trump has not addressed the issue in depth, though he told a Florida television station last week that Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, "really seems to have it under control in Florida."


Lucey reported from Miami. Associated Press writers Lisa Lerer, Jonathan Lemire and Will Weissert contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-10
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The spin will have it that he was advocating that someone shoot the woman. He wasn't really. But, his manner of saying what he did does clearly show just how reckless he is and how unable to moderate his big mouth. 

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22 minutes ago, kotsak said:



Thanks for this.


Trump is a much better politician than I gave him credit for.


He has learned to speak out of both sides of his mouth at once AND retain plausible deniability.


He must be studying his opponent closely.




We all know what he meant and it was a very reckless & irresponsible statement.


Regardless, the GOP still has my vote.

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Hr was saying that they need to vote him in.


He was dog whistling that someone should assassinate his political opponent.

Trump has yet again shown himself to be totally unfit to be President.

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From the OP:  The National Rifle Association, the gun lobby that has endorsed Trump, came to his defense. The group wrote on Twitter that "there's nothing we can do" if Clinton is elected while urging voters to defeat her in November. 


Awwww, da NRA says there's nothing they can do.  Boo hoo hoo.  They're only one of the most powerful and well-funded and intense lobby machines in D.C.  Awww, perhaps they would like a nice soft baby blanket to go to the corner and weep, while some nanny pats their pwetty little head.


Pardon me while I channel minstrel jester about the Trumpster fire......


Trump needs a bump / His face is a frump / He can't get over the hump / He shouts from a stump
His life is corrumpt / His campaign's like a lump floating in the toilet.


To the tune of 'Bus Stop' by the Hollies (you gotta be over 50 to recall that great song):


Trump stop. New day, He stumps. I say; please won't he stop talking

Trump blurts. Hate spurts. Mouth keeps yapping. Now advises stalking.


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17 minutes ago, SABloke said:

So when Hillary say she'll "fight" for A, B and C she means she's going to don boxing gloves and go brawling on the streets :blink: 


Only in America can you say "apple" and the media will say you said "banana" :coffee1:

That's just a plain silly false analogy.

Where is the metaphor in Trump's words, since you are spinning semantics. He was speaking literally.

""By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don't know,"  



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Trump certainly has tried directly and forcefully to show that he is ill suited to be the President of the U.S.  However, do not underestimate the general ignorance of the American electorate. I believe Clinton will prevail in the final vote. Too bad, the only viable candidate for improvement while giving voice to the frustration and anger was Sanders.

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9 minutes ago, dexterm said:

That's just a plain silly false analogy.

Where is the metaphor in Trump's words, since you are spinning semantics. He was speaking literally.

""By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don't know,"  



 Ok, he was speaking literally: democratic 2nd amendment supporters should change their vote:thumbsup:

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So some of you people want Clinton?

Former CIA deputy director Michael Morell, who supports Hillary Clinton and insists that Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that Russians and Iranians in Syria should be killed covertly to “pay the price.”



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Seemed to me he was saying people need to vote for him. If they do not vote for him and Clinton wins the election she will appoint judges that water down the Second Amendment. If that happens, the only way to protect the Amendment is for those with firearms to do what they do. Rather clear I think. Anyway, the notion that the man actually knows what he is saying is false. He doesn't. He just says shit and the meaning is beyond his conscious control. This is what happens when the Id speaks. He was intimating that she be shot. Not explicitly advocating it. This is always how it is with him. It is with race. It is with gender. It is with bigotry. It's just he way he rolls - unconsciously, without deliberation and without thought. 

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Trump says something, response is "ooo, what you said" Trump claims he's misunderstood, or doubles-down and then claims  misunderstood etc.  Three more months of this nonsense, day after day.





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There is a rumor that what Trump is doing a political version of the plot of the film/play "The Producers": raise money for a political campaign and then lose, keeping all the cash donations. 

Beats running a fake university or re-labeling cheap wine.



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7 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Trump says something, response is "ooo, what you said" Trump claims he's misunderstood, or doubles-down and then claims  misunderstood etc.  Three more months of this nonsense, day after day.

....and this is just the lead up to the election.


Imagine if the Trumpster fire were sitting at a desk in the Oval Office.  There would be screw-ups daily/weekly.  The difference is; the ramifications would be nationwide and sometimes worldwide.   When he speaks idiocy, his handlers can twist themselves into knots trying to undo it.  However, once a nuke is fired, it can't be un-fired.


Another GOP senator dumps Trump (from today's NPR)

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Trump's statement seemed like a veiled threat to me. Maybe he should have made it more clear like "Hey you 2nd amendment people, I need you to take care of this Hillary problem before she can go an get supreme court judges elected". "I mean, make sure all you 2nd amendment people that were going to vote for Hillary need to vote for me. Yeah, that's it." Wow, much clearer now.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:

Trump's statement seemed like a veiled threat to me. Maybe he should have made it more clear like "Hey you 2nd amendment people, I need you to take care of this Hillary problem before she can go an get supreme court judges elected". "I mean, make sure all you 2nd amendment people that were going to vote for Hillary need to vote for me. Yeah, that's it." Wow, much clearer now.


The problem is you don't have even a basic understanding of 2nd Amendment "people".


We are responsible gun owners and we also respect the USA and Consider political assasination to be thoroughly un-American and against all we hold dear.



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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The problem is you don't have even a basic understanding of 2nd Amendment "people".


We are responsible gun owners and we also respect the USA and Consider political assasination to be thoroughly un-American and against all we hold dear.




I am glad that you are comfortable enough to speak for all the 2nd amendment people. Are you considering all gun owners or just a specific subset? In either case, I hope you are right and that there isn't some unbalance person somewhere with a gun that misinterprets Trumps remarks. Because we all know that anyone with access to a gun that hear Trump's remarks will know for sure that Trump was talking about voting. Yeah, not one person will misinterpret that remark.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


I am glad that you are comfortable enough to speak for all the 2nd amendment people. Are you considering all gun owners or just a specific subset? In either case, I hope you are right and that there isn't some unbalance person somewhere with a gun that misinterprets Trumps remarks. Because we all know that anyone with access to a gun that hear Trump's remarks will know for sure that Trump was talking about voting. Yeah, not one person will misinterpret that remark.


I speak for responsible law-abiding gun owners who believe in the 2nd Amendment. 


What is the Press going to do when the election is over?


They will actually have to start reporting real news.

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To all the apologists on here: if he did not mean, what I think he meant...why would that "be a horrible day"?

The guy "who says what he means, without pc- filter" has done it again!

His stupid mouth was faster than his even stupider brain!

He IS dangerous and a moron and he panders to the even stupider and more moronic!

He was inciting violence at his rallies and people reacted, by elbowing protesters in the face!

He will be (partly) responsible, if someone shoots (at) HRC as much as stupid O'Reilley was responsible for the killing of Dr. Tiller!

You can not ponder to the brainless and be surprised, when they act accordingly!


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Just now, ClutchClark said:


I speak for responsible law-abiding gun owners who believe in the 2nd Amendment. 




FYI - I have no problem with the 2nd Amendment. I come from a family of hunters.


I just worry about those unbalanced individuals that Trump seems to attract. Some of them have access to guns and might jump at a chance to "help" Trump in any way they can. In fact, I worry they will incite violence in any form which you can see already happening in several videos that have been posted already.

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6 minutes ago, Silurian said:


FYI - I have no problem with the 2nd Amendment. I come from a family of hunters.


I just worry about those unbalanced individuals that Trump seems to attract. Some of them have access to guns and might jump at a chance to "help" Trump in any way they can. In fact, I worry they will incite violence in any form which you can see already happening in several videos that have been posted already.


Anybody who attempts to shoot any candidate is 1000 times more likely to do it because of the voices in their head, or aliens, or because the cabbage in their  refrigerator told them to do it than because of this statement by Trump.







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