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US Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte apologises for making up Rio robbery story


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14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Hang on…they had too much to drink and ripped a poster, possibly broke/damaged a door. Massive overreaction simply due to social media amplification….


Graffiti artists do far more damage.


You seemed to have missed the entire point of this story.  The news isn't the vandalism, the news is that they made up a story about being robbed at gunpoint.  The police wasted countless manhours trying to find the robbers, not to mention international news picking up the story of Olympic athletes being robbed at gunpoint in Rio.  Their lies and the ramification of those lies is what this story is about. 

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On 8/20/2016 at 7:26 AM, stevenl said:

IMO a very weak apology at best, with hardly any self reflection or responsibility taking.


Yeap.  And as usual, these sorts of apologies are not about regret or remorse, but about getting caught lying. 

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14 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Are you kidding me? They're just athletes blowing off some steam after a gruelling competition that put them under a lot of pressure…they're not statesmen.


Rayne Wooney's done a lot worse.

Ah the apologist are still about i see


Blowing off steam would be a few beers and a few games of pool, as possibly a few hookers..


not smashing up at toilet and vandalising private property  and then trying to buy off people and then telling lies about being mugged at gun point...


These people are lying cheating scum bags, who most likely were "doped up" some how during the competion as well 


And your wrong they are "statesmen" they are respresenting the US and the olympics


And when did Wayne Roonie get wasted smash up private property and then claim he was robbed at gun point ? 


Facts please ? 

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On August 20, 2016 at 1:42 PM, carken said:

Actually he is not a disgrace to his country, he is simply following in the footsteps of the US govt. As far as "integrity is what is missing" lack of integrity is another natural trait for US in today's world. He is simply a shining example of what US govt, it's leaders, it's justice system, it's big biz / big phram CEO's have become ... Children imulate and grow up imitating their parents, citizens imulate and imitate their govt and their leaders. America is a disgrace to the world and the majority of it's citizens, govt, politicians, leaders have no integrity, just selfish self absorbed, greedy, lazy, socio-psychotics looking for the next country to invade, the next population to mass murder and the next territory to place their humanitarian nuke bases ... but hey that's just my opinion



While I agree with some of what you say about the US Govt, and big pharma, I totally disagree with most of what you say about the American people. While there are certainly many that are gullible, easy to convince of anything, lacking culture, worshipping at the idol of reality TV, and self absorbed, a high percentage are hard working, honest folks, who have the capacity to be kind and generous. I run a business in the US, and deal with many Americans, as well as people from around the world. Most Americans I deal with are straight shooting, and fair. And as hard as you may find it to believe, most Americans have no interest whatsoever, in invading another country, nor do they have any interest in supporting mass murders. And most are sick and tired of the adventures the past couple of presidents have gotten us into. A high percentage, including myself, think US Foreign policy absolutely sucks. 


And what my government teaches me, is what NOT to emulate. 

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On 8/20/2016 at 5:19 PM, JHolmesJr said:


Are you kidding me? They're just athletes blowing off some steam after a gruelling competition that put them under a lot of pressure…they're not statesmen.


Rayne Wooney's done a lot worse.


"They're just athletes blowing off some steam after a gruelling competition that put them under a lot of pressure…"


The same could be said of the psychotic students who have in the past murdered many of their classmates, or  bank robbers killing their hostages. OK the results of their reactions are more  severe, but the reasons for their behaviour could similarly explained by the fact that they were "under a lot of pressure " , so everything is tickety boo? 


I am not a Yank hater by any means, and I am not wanting to get into a debate about the Americans' right to bear arms, but these are sportsmen at the top of their trade, and should be well trained in how to cope with pressure, and as emissaries of their country (which is what they are - like it or not )  they should conduct themselves in a more professional  manner.  


A bit off topic, but I remember the late great Sir Stanley Matthews (an English football/soccer  player) being asked what was the biggest change he had seen in the game since he became a professional player . His answer could be a yardstick for all of today's sportsmen ( and women). It wasn't "money" as you would have expected, but " RESPECT"  (Lack of) A word used frequently today by policemen and the criminal fraternity. ("Respect, man!")  In Stan's case he was referring to the lack of respect shown to the referees,  managers and especially other players by today's "Prima Donna" players who think they are bigger than the game or the club that they represent. He then went on to give various instances which are not necessary here, but the point to be made is that the discipline has to come from the top, and acts such as we are talking about should be punished severely, because it not only puts the player himself into disrepute, but his fellow team members, the sport he represents, and as can be seen on the pages here, just another reason for the Yank bashers to get on their high horses about Americans in general..






Edited by sambum
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9 hours ago, Witblitz said:

Ah the apologist are still about i see


Blowing off steam would be a few beers and a few games of pool, as possibly a few hookers..


not smashing up at toilet and vandalising private property  and then trying to buy off people and then telling lies about being mugged at gun point...


These people are lying cheating scum bags, who most likely were "doped up" some how during the competion as well 


And your wrong they are "statesmen" they are respresenting the US and the olympics


And when did Wayne Roonie get wasted smash up private property and then claim he was robbed at gun point ? 


Facts please ? 


We could of course, if so inclined, mention "OJ" as an example of the ideal American sportsman?

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26 minutes ago, sambum said:


We could of course, if so inclined, mention "OJ" as an example of the ideal American sportsman?


OJ was just blowing off some steam when he stuck a knife in two people ?.....he was having a laaf with cops who were chasing his white Broncho, 

and must have been under great pressure in Las Vegas which caused him to commit  criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, robbery and assault ?

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The guy tore off a poster and damaged a door, and pissed outdoors….who knows the circumstances that caused him to vent his ire at a door….maybe it wouldn't latch and he kicked it….its a rundown petrol station not the st. regis…its not like he trashed a hotel room or threw a piano in the pool (rest in peace, keith moon).


The details are very sketchy…Ive seen footage of someone ripping the poster…nothing with the urination and damaging the door….


You must realise that these americans are not used to the cowboy system of countries like brazil and thailand where someone can point a gun at you and demand payment….in the usa pulling a gun to do that is robbery plain and simple or criminal intimidation at best.


i think they were probably hopped up on loads of coke and were scared shitless of being tested by the cops…so they just did what they had to in order to be allowed to leave.



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17 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

The guy tore off a poster and damaged a door, and pissed outdoors….who knows the circumstances that caused him to vent his ire at a door….maybe it wouldn't latch and he kicked it….its a rundown petrol station not the st. regis…its not like he trashed a hotel room or threw a piano in the pool (rest in peace, keith moon).


The details are very sketchy…Ive seen footage of someone ripping the poster…nothing with the urination and damaging the door….


You must realise that these americans are not used to the cowboy system of countries like brazil and thailand where someone can point a gun at you and demand payment….in the usa pulling a gun to do that is robbery plain and simple or criminal intimidation at best.


i think they were probably hopped up on loads of coke and were scared shitless of being tested by the cops…so they just did what they had to in order to be allowed to leave.




and more apologist excuses, but nice to see at least you admit they are druggies...and BTW Keith Moon never threw a piano into a swimming pool, your very confused...neither did he drive a Rolls into a  swimming pool either...urban legend 

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Saw an interview on TV.  What a bunch of bcrap.  The host should have asked him how he could have done something that ruined America's impression world wide during the Olympics where no one likes us anyway.  They should take away his medal and put him in jail for a couple of months so the impression sinks in and he loses all of his sponsors for sure.

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If this was about any other nationality we would have had at least 10 pages already, just imagine this was about a bunch of Thai sportsmen, the Americans would be yelling from the top of their lungs to strip them from their medals, instead of like now making up excuses or not reacting at all, in the hope it will go away. Read the international press about these idiots, trying to disgrace their own sports team and country and what`s worse, trying do discredit the host country of one of the biggest sport events in the world. Too bad for them the host country wasn't as retarded they had hoped for so they could get away with it. 


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32 minutes ago, Witblitz said:


and more apologist excuses, but nice to see at least you admit they are druggies...and BTW Keith Moon never threw a piano into a swimming pool, your very confused...neither did he drive a Rolls into a  swimming pool either...urban legend 


I believe Moonie did it in a music video but thats besides the point…Lochte isn't some criminal or monster….just someone guilty of stupidity under the influence. I cant believe some folks are bringing up OJ Simpson…the world has gone mad.

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5 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I believe Moonie did it in a music video but thats besides the point…Lochte isn't some criminal or monster….just someone guilty of stupidity under the influence. I cant believe some folks are bringing up OJ Simpson…the world has gone mad.

He was not under influence when he called and lied to his mother, when he lied to the media, when he made a false police report or when he made his feeble and hollow apologies.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

He was not under influence when he called and lied to his mother, when he lied to the media, when he made a false police report or when he made his feeble and hollow apologies.

The worst I've ever don't is besmirch the reputation of a drunk Swiss guy one night.  Lochte was a symbol of American athletics and the American people and he ruined the reputation of the whole American Olympic team.  Screw em - send him to jail for a while. 

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


I believe Moonie did it in a music video but thats besides the point…Lochte isn't some criminal or monster….just someone guilty of stupidity under the influence. I cant believe some folks are bringing up OJ Simpson…the world has gone mad.


They are dangerous druggies you said it yourself..and last time I looked cocaine is still illegal in Brazil, so they are criminals and vandalism is also a criminal offence... so stupidity as well..yes why not


And moonie didn't do it in a music video either

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7 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He was not under influence when he called and lied to his mother, when he lied to the media, when he made a false police report or when he made his feeble and hollow apologies.


Its a bit of a shame that you cant win a gold medal and go on a coke bender any more like in the good ol' pre social media days.


Without being judged by bingo players and uptight journalists.

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3 minutes ago, Witblitz said:

And moonie didn't do it in a music video either


I think you get the picture….Lochte didn't do even a fraction of this:


"If he were still with us, The Who's legendary drummer Keith Moon would have been celebrating his 67th birthday today.

It was on this day in 1967 the Keith set a new standard for Rockers in hotels.

On Aug. 23, 1967, The Who were in Flint, MI, on tour as the opening band for Herman's Hermits. It was Moon's 21st birthday.

Moon immediately began drinking upon arriving in Flint. The Who spent the afternoon visiting local radio stations with Nancy Lewis, then the band's publicist. Moon later posed for a photo outside the Holiday Inn in front of the "Happy Birthday Keith" sign erected by the hotel's management. According to Lewis, Moon was very drunk by the time the band took to the stage at the Atwood High School football stadium.

Upon returning to the hotel, a party had been put together. A birthday cake was brought in with a half naked woman in it. Moon decided to start a food fight, and soon, cake began flying through the air. "It was after the cake fight that the cry came to 'debag' the birthday boy ... Various members of (Herman's Hermits and The Who) launched themselves on Keith, pinned him to the floor and successfully pulled his trousers down. Keith, naked from the waist down, made a good-natured dash for it out of the room but slipped on some cake and smashed one of his front teeth out. Then the party went wild with fire extinguishers set off, guests and objects thrown into the swimming pool, and a piano reportedly destroyed. The chaos was halted only when police arrived, handguns drawn. Moon was arrested and taken to a nearby hospital. Doctors could not give him anaesthetic due to his inebriated state and he had to endure the removal of the remainder of the tooth without it.

A furious Holiday Inn management presented the groups with a bill for $24,000, which was reportedly settled either by Herman's Hermits or tour manager Edd McCann. The Who were banned for life from all of the Holiday Inn hotel properties.

There are many stories that Moon drove either a Lincoln Continental, a Cadillac, a Rolls Royce or a Chrysler Windsor into the hotel's swimming pool, a claim that Moon himself made in a Rolling Stone interview in 1972. There are so many stories about whether that really happened or not, that its to hard to say for sure.

Happy Birthday Keith. RIP"

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2 hours ago, Scotwight said:

The worst I've ever don't is besmirch the reputation of a drunk Swiss guy one night.  Lochte was a symbol of American athletics and the American people and he ruined the reputation of the whole American Olympic team.  Screw em - send him to jail for a while. 


Ryan Lochte is not and never has been a symbol of the US Olympic team. He is a well known prima donna  who has caused problems his entire career mostly due to being overshadowed by Phelps for the entire time.


His reality show in 2012 was cancelled after one season when viewers did not appreciate his juvenile hijinks.



He doesn't deserve jail. He deserves exactly what he is getting now.


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20 hours ago, Witblitz said:


and more apologist excuses, but nice to see at least you admit they are druggies...and BTW Keith Moon never threw a piano into a swimming pool, your very confused...neither did he drive a Rolls into a  swimming pool either...urban legend 


"Moon did not drive a Rolls-Royce into a swimming pool, but he did drive a Chrysler Wimbledon into an ornamental pond."

Direct statement from Roger Daltrey!

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23 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Its a bit of a shame that you cant win a gold medal and go on a coke bender any more like in the good ol' pre social media days.


Without being judged by bingo players and uptight journalists.


Geez, and still you don't get it.  For the tenth time, it's not about the vandalism or juvenile behavior.  It's about the fact that HE LIED about the whole thing.  What's your problem?

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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Geez, and still you don't get it.  For the tenth time, it's not about the vandalism or juvenile behavior.  It's about the fact that HE LIED about the whole thing.  What's your problem?


Jeez….who has never told a lie….it's not like he lied and wasted thousands of police man hours….the lads panicked and blurted out some rubbish without thinking it through….to drag them over coals is ridiculous….just shame them, issue a suspension, call them idiots and let it go. They aren't criminals.

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USA Today: Rio Police Lying About Ryan Lochte Gas Station Encounter


"In an extensive investigation featuring an eyewitness interview, observance of multiple surveillance camera videos, and an on-location visit, USA Today has found significant evidence that American Olympic champion Ryan Lochte was robbed at a gas station in Rio de Janeiro, and police lied about him and three other U.S. swimmers vandalizing a bathroom."




Imagine that!  Story is mostly true!

Meanwhile, the dirt goes on...:facepalm:

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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

USA Today: Rio Police Lying About Ryan Lochte Gas Station Encounter


"In an extensive investigation featuring an eyewitness interview, observance of multiple surveillance camera videos, and an on-location visit, USA Today has found significant evidence that American Olympic champion Ryan Lochte was robbed at a gas station in Rio de Janeiro, and police lied about him and three other U.S. swimmers vandalizing a bathroom."




Imagine that!  Story is mostly true!

Meanwhile, the dirt goes on...:facepalm:


Geez Boon Mee, if you're going to cite a USA Today article, you should provide a link to the USA Today article.  Not freakin Breitbart, which has a tendency to embellish the facts to support their agenda (i.e., Breitbart equals crap news).




And no, Lochte's account wasn't "mostly true."  Lochte also lied about being robbed of $400. The damage is already done....he's losing sponsorship deals right and left...




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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

USA Today: Rio Police Lying About Ryan Lochte Gas Station Encounter


"In an extensive investigation featuring an eyewitness interview, observance of multiple surveillance camera videos, and an on-location visit, USA Today has found significant evidence that American Olympic champion Ryan Lochte was robbed at a gas station in Rio de Janeiro, and police lied about him and three other U.S. swimmers vandalizing a bathroom."




Imagine that!  Story is mostly true!

Meanwhile, the dirt goes on...:facepalm:


Who knows now…brazilian cops are as dirty and corrupt as they come…when they want to be. 


However….if the above story is true...


Makes you wonder why Lochte confessed to making up stuff when interviewed on national tv…..he doesn't seem like a very bright guy.

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Apparently the entire usa basketball team visited a terma…which is a like a thai soapy….obviously to only have a few beers :whistling::gigglem:


So whoring is part of the USA sports ethic but taking a slash behind a gas station because you're too drunk is an outrageous thing….lol.


Wonder if the basketball team don't get hauled up because they are black.

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