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Is the mood changing in Chiang Mai?


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50 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

I was thinking more of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot, which seems the norm for elderly white males in Thailand.


I was thinking of that, too. But I think I'll wait until the weekend. 


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4 hours ago, Loaded said:

I've been going to CM Immigration for 18 years and rarely have a friendly interaction with the staff. It's not unfriendly, and I'm polite; it's just an awareness that both of us would rather being doing something else.


I have been going to CM Immigration for 16 years and I have obtained always a friendly procedure from the Immigration officers during the Visa procedure and the 90 days.

But a larger application team would be better for both the annual Visa and the 90 days procedure in order to avoid the long waiting application procedure. 

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Just thinking, if they were younger than yourself they might not have  enjoyed you wai'ing them.... Just guessing?... (of course in a normal job they would not have been too bothered about it).

Edited by dotpoom
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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:


In my opinion those foreigners that wai (and boast about it) have low self esteem. Don't do it.

As for friendly, I've never found any Thais particularly friendly or welcoming, they smile a lot but it doesn't fool me. They mostly seem to hate white men and what they get up to here. Can't say I really blame them. 

So what have you been up to that the Thai's hate you, I have had no problems with most Thai people and yes i have found them friendly, 

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Perhaps the staff at Immigration Promenada misses having their friends from the visa agency that used to be next door so far away now that they moved their office upstairs.  And then there's that rumor that they're going to shut down the Immigration office at Promenada entirely and consolidate everything back into the old location at the airport.  That could be making everyone at the office glum, too.  And perhaps they're missing all the folks who used to come out to apply for Certificates of Residency, as well.

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1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

Wherever I have been in the world in more than 50 years I have met few people, including children, who are not friendly. I think that says more about me than it does about them! I know how to invite friendliness. I am talking about engaging with them. Because someone doesn't smile at me when passing, I don't count that as unfriendly.


If you read what you have said again you may realise that it comes across as boastful and you put yourself on a pedestal. Whilst a good attitude and a smile will help i think it is much more likely that people you come into contact with in shops, restaurants etc will see you as a white skinned person and not an individual. In general i find shop assistants, waitresses, waiters here in CM less friendly and less helpful than those in equivalent roles in London for example. I doubt that is because i have lesser skills in engaging with people than you do.

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2 hours ago, kenk24 said:


As someone who is older, I rarely wai first but have no issue at returning one when offered and there are more formal situations, like picking up my kid at school when I am constantly returning wais.. they come with sincere smiles... I understand that there are many different types and occasions of smiles just as there are different facial expressions. If you are here long enough and observant of the culture, you eventually learn that just as a language has different words, culture can have differences too... such as "types" of smiles. 


I am a white male. Though I go to CM once a month, I never see any particular hatred. I think Thai are much more perceptive than you might think and respond to what they see. They pick up quickly on angry people and tend not to respond well to such, mostly not liking or wanting to avoid them. I walk around with a smile and friendly demeanor, non-threatening and non-confrontational and this is what I receive back, especially so in the countryside, I see no hatred toward me or the few other farang in our area... 


As to the OP - - would an increase in farang lead to an increase in workload compounded by having to deal with angry customers? 


I agree that there is no evdence of hatred but in the (non sex) service industries in CM i detect significant disdain and often service staff are not that helpful. As a very basic example if you go to a clothes shop or stall and are looking for a certain size you will have a much better chance of finding the right size if you search yourself. The service assistant will not try very hard. As another example If you go to a restaurant and your order is wrong you dare not complain even if you do it in a nice way. In these respects many Thais are not particularly helpful or friendly. I also find a lack of willingness among many Thais to appreciate your attempt to speak Thai or order in Thai. Ok my Thai may not be brilliant but what ihave asked for should be pretty obvious. I don't think things have changed though,  have been coming to CM for 10 years and i have always found it like this.

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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:

I was thinking more of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot, which seems the norm for elderly white males in Thailand.


You were thinking of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot!! How did it go?


It's the norm for  Thai males, young and old too. There are plenty of seedy parts of Chiang Mai that never see a foreigner. Keep it balanced.

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Perhaps the staff at Immigration Promenada misses having their friends from the visa agency that used to be next door so far away now that they moved their office upstairs.  And then there's that rumor that they're going to shut down the Immigration office at Promenada entirely and consolidate everything back into the old location at the airport.  That could be making everyone at the office glum, too.  And perhaps they're missing all the folks who used to come out to apply for Certificates of Residency, as well.

Enlightened Nancy. Please continue with more backhanded slurs, they are such a welcome change of pace.
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Well, the original post is about the mood of the staff at one particular office and somehow he has extrapolated that into being an indication of the mood of an entire nation.  I'm merely pointing out that the staff at that one office is perhaps experiences some unwelcome changes in their workplace and that's reflected in how they're treating their customers.  Nothing more.  I don't think it's fair of the OP to use this one office as a way to measure how much the Thai people want us here.

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30 minutes ago, rogeroc said:


I agree that there is no evdence of hatred but in the (non sex) service industries in CM i detect significant disdain and often service staff are not that helpful. As a very basic example if you go to a clothes shop or stall and are looking for a certain size you will have a much better chance of finding the right size if you search yourself. The service assistant will not try very hard. As another example If you go to a restaurant and your order is wrong you dare not complain even if you do it in a nice way. In these respects many Thais are not particularly helpful or friendly. I also find a lack of willingness among many Thais to appreciate your attempt to speak Thai or order in Thai. Ok my Thai may not be brilliant but what ihave asked for should be pretty obvious. I don't think things have changed though,  have been coming to CM for 10 years and i have always found it like this.


Hi Rog - yes, I think a lot of validity to what you are saying... As a former employer of retail staff in malls, though not here, the "dazed look" can be appalling. I do know in general that when there are few customers, it is tough for employees to remain interested. It can be challenging, a challenge I met with offering minimum wage salaries and high sales commissions. I doubt that is done here. 


What I also note is how deeply entrenched in their cell phones the employees become. I am also prone to not want to bother them. What I do also see here out in the countryside is that the "fear of confrontation and screwing up" or being accused of screwing up, factor exists when a farang comes in - my Thai is pretty fluid and after I speak there is usually a relaxation of relief. 


I do not know if the cell phone at work factor is an issue in other countries, permitted or not, but there is very low unemployment here and I think w/o allowing this, the employees will just go somewhere else where it is allowed. But, even with my offering high % commissions, retail can be a boring job and spacing out is an issue. And Thai can excel at spacing out - even just standing on an escalator, some seem to vanish. I always wonder where they go - mostly because it seems like it must be a pleasant place... 


I noticed a change in customer service in USA too that goes back to the mid 90s. I think company policy changed in many large corps from, try and keep the customer happy, to sort of - the hell with them, we take no guff, offer no apologies, you don't like it - get lost. 


But, I would not take the reactions you see, personally, or as being a farang. My wife can have issues that are similar. 

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3 hours ago, MissAndry said:

I was thinking more of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot, which seems the norm for elderly white males in Thailand.


Where do you hang out and why have such limited views? It is not the norm for the farang males that I know - - most are good family men, devoted to their wives and families. Most all of my friends have good, long standing relationships built on kindness and caring. 


Out here in the countryside when we get together it is more often lunch as we have dinner at home with our families and don't really go out much at night. So, that is my norm. I don't deny the existence of the crowd your are talking about, I just do not see it as a norm. But, we do get to choose where and with whom we associate in this life. 


I hope you are not so, but many of your posts sound a bit nasty and negative. Calling me a Village Idiot when you know nothing of my life, my accomplishments or my IQ. And I will tell you this, as I think you maybe have not been here a long time, though I am not sure - but Thai can be very perceptive, very strong powers of sixth sense that you may not be accustomed to - I see it all the time - they are very turned off by nasty and unhappy people, angry people and they can sense it a mile away. They respond by not being friendly and mostly trying to avoid them so as to avoid an unpleasant interaction or confrontation... kindness begets kindness here, friendliness the same... and maybe that is true anywhere... 


Sure, you say you can see through all the fake smiles -  but maybe start out by offering a real smile and you will get a real smile back... I hear it from Thai all the time, they just light up when a new farang comes and the person is friendly and smiling - "How lovely," they say and I can see them glowing.  


I live in a village because my wife has a wonderful large family and it is her lifelong dream to live with them. I am adaptable, and so why not. It has afforded me an opportunity to better learn language, custom and a culture that I find fascinating. A culture where people seem far happier and more content than the one I was born into. Now if you want to call me an Idiot for that, it is not polite, but ok - not everyone is polite on these forums...


but, I do wonder why someone would come here to live with such negative views of most of what you see around you in what appears to be a limited sphere. I would not tell you to go home as I trust you are a reasonable adult who can make decisions. Are you a financial expat, trapped into a less expensive existence? 


Yours truly, and spoken sincerely, for you only - 


The Village Idiot  


{Are you currently reading Doestoyevsky - or what?]



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38 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


I noticed a change in customer service in USA too that goes back to the mid 90s. I think company policy changed in many large corps from, try and keep the customer happy, to sort of - the hell with them, we take no guff, offer no apologies, you don't like it - get lost. 



UK customer service is the best I have ever seen it in the last couple of years, the Thais come out a very poor second. Same for friendliness and politeness, UK wins hands down. Why am I here, fancied a change of climate and a bigger place to live. Doubt I'll stay a second year. Probably the Philippines next, no point staying in one place for long.

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15 hours ago, Somnambulist said:

I'd say my self-esteem is in the normal range.  I'd say you seem to be having a bad day.  


I've just failed my course on 'overcoming self doubt'.----I knew I would....:coffee1:

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4 hours ago, MissAndry said:

I was thinking more of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot, which seems the norm for elderly white males in Thailand.


Something similar seems to apply to Thai police officers I've known.

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5 hours ago, MissAndry said:


In my opinion those foreigners that wai (and boast about it) have low self esteem. Don't do it.

As for friendly, I've never found any Thais particularly friendly or welcoming, they smile a lot but it doesn't fool me. They mostly seem to hate white men and what they get up to here. Can't say I really blame them. 

please tell me why I cannot wai and no I do not brag about actually never have heard one person brag about it. Thais do appreciate you showing respect to their culture

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52 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


UK customer service is the best I have ever seen it in the last couple of years, the Thais come out a very poor second. Same for friendliness and politeness, UK wins hands down. Why am I here, fancied a change of climate and a bigger place to live. Doubt I'll stay a second year. Probably the Philippines next, no point staying in one place for long.


You sure seem to know a lot for someone who has been here for so short a time... though i have heard it said, knowing nothing isn't as bad as knowing things that just are not true... 


Though I am glad to hear you will be moving on - you seem to be the most unhappy person that I can imagine. The logical guess would be that you will be equally unhappy in PPI... maybe Asian culture is just not for you... 


And the point for staying in one place for a while is the warmth of deeper relations... but you don't sound like much of a people person and you have not gained much appreciation for the positive aspects of the culture... sort of sad, but I wish you the best elsewhere... 


Regards, The Village Idiot... 


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5 hours ago, MissAndry said:

I was thinking more of having hired sex with younger women and drinking a lot, which seems the norm for elderly white males in Thailand.

Perhaps you should try it yourself, then you might not be such a misery guts.

I'd recommend you change your nom de plume to Miss Anthropy.

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15 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

I do not find the mood of Chiang Mai to be any less friendly than it was 10-15 years ago. I find the shop keepers just as nice, the workers on the street that I pass smile when I smile, vendors just as friendly... All in all, I find Chiang Mai a very comfortable place to live. I'd like to see less traffic, but such is the price of economic growth. I liked Chiang Mai more when it was less developed, but my Thai friends have all benefited from the development and are happy to see it grow. It's their country. I just live here.

i totally agree with you. Chiang Mai is very friendly and a lovely place to live.  I moved from there a few months ago, because I miss having a beach, and I moved to Hua Hin, and will stay a year here (rental contract).  Hua Hin is totally different to Chiang Mai........here is not so friendly, the locals are nowhere near as nice, foreigners seem to be viewed as commodities from which they can extract as much money as possible....even on the markets.....I have not felt the welcome here that I received in Chiang Mai......will be returning after contract


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I believe there is a shift in the mood of Thailand when it comes to foreigners living in THEIR country.  Less smiles and more frowns.   What's next? 


But, but, Thailand is still the most wonderful place on earth, leave if you do not like it here, and go home cause you would not be happy anywhere, you fat old ex-pat looking for a young thing to share your bed.


For you easily offended and quick to hit the "report" button serious TVF posters who have no sense of humor, satire often has a calming affect on a serious subject.

Edited by Rod Gold
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14 hours ago, blazes said:



For ex: "Trump is not going to be president, is he?"

Answer: Yes, Trump is not going to be president


No, Trump is not going to be president.


Which is correct? Especially to a non-English speaker?


"Trump is going to be President;" this is correct.  I hope.  555

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As to the OP, My last yearly extension, done with an agent for the first time got me first in line in the morning, the "officer" was late to arrive and semed hungover and in a bad mood, did not look up or respond to my ...dekap. no eye contact during the entire procedure. i actually found it a bit amusing..... poor miserable fellow. He was probably the same guy the op had. I remember the lady at the airport was stern but very friendly IF your papers were in order. I miss her.

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On 8/25/2016 at 9:22 AM, kenk24 said:


I have no idea what you are talking about? Why would anyone consider me a village idiot? Or a racist? Where was that even implied? 


Living amongst people who smile and are friendly and acting in a similar manner seems a much more pleasant way to go through life. It does not make one stupid. 

MissAndry just posts for reaction. Don't respond to trolls who want to drag this forum into the gutter.


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Please kill this thread!

For years now this topic has been discussed and commented on by the same old mouldy cheese bits that have retired here and while remaining anonymous and without penalty for spouting drivel, fill in 2-4 hours of their retirement day wearing the self proclaimed mantel of "still worthy to be heard from".

Many sound like an acquaintance "Tim- the Loi Kroh Aussie" and his mates at Petronas. 


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