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Clinton says controversies behind her; Trump begs to differ


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Clinton says controversies behind her; Trump begs to differ


LISA LERER, Associated Press
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) — Hillary Clinton vigorously defended her family's foundation against Donald Trump's criticism on Friday and declared she's confident there will be no major further accusations involving the foundation, her emails or anything else that could undermine her chances of defeating him in November.


She said the private Clinton Foundation's charitable programs would continue if she's elected, even as Trump and other critics argue they would present a conflict of interest.


In an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," the Democratic presidential nominee kept up her verbal assault on Trump's campaign, asserting it is built on "prejudice and paranoia" and caters to a radical fringe of the Republican Party.


Clinton is looking to counter Trump's attempts to win over moderate voters who have been unsettled by some of his remarks and policy proposals. In the meantime, he has been softening his tone on immigration and reaching out to African-Americans, a traditional Democratic constituency.


Clinton is also targeting moderate voters — and especially Republicans — by depicting Trump and his supporters as extremists, and casting the race as "not a normal choice between a Republican and a Democrat." She has contrasted Trump with former Republican presidential candidates John McCain and Bob Dole, and former President George W. Bush, praising their decisive steps to counter racism and anti-Muslim sentiment.


In turn, Trump is trying to paint Clinton as the racist.


He has released an online video that includes footage of the former first lady referring to some young criminals as "super predators" in the 1990s. The video also shows Clinton's former Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, denouncing the phrase as "a racist term." Clinton has since apologized.


Trump tweeted Friday: "How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary called African-American youth "SUPER PREDATORS" - Has she apologized?"


Trump says Clinton is trying to distract from questions swirling around donations to the Clinton Foundation and her use of her private email servers for official business while secretary of state. On Friday, he also continued his recent push to broaden his base of support among minority voters, convening a roundtable with Latino backers at his hotel in Las Vegas.


But his new outreach comes amid his own mixed signals on his immigration plan, including whether or not he would stick with a primary campaign promise to deport 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.


In her phone interview with MSNBC, Clinton was asked if she was certain there are no emails or Clinton Foundation ties to foreign entities that would affect her presidential prospects. She replied, "I am sure," and mentioned her strong understanding about the foundation's work.


But neither that issue nor her emails appears to be going away soon.


The State Department now says it doesn't expect to publicly produce all the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Clinton covering her time as secretary of state before Election Day.


The agency told The Associated Press it expects to release the last of the files around Dec. 30. The AP's lawyers asked the department late Friday to hasten its efforts and provide all of her minute-by-minute schedules by Oct. 15. The department did not immediately respond.


The schedules took on new importance this week after the AP analyzed the ones released so far and found that more than half the people outside the government who met or spoke by telephone with Clinton during the first half of her time as secretary of state had given money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. The AP's analysis focused on people with private interests and excluded her meetings or calls with federal employees or foreign government representatives.


On Friday, Clinton promised to put in place additional safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest with her foundation should she win the White House.


"I appreciate the concerns that people have expressed, and that's why I have made it clear that if I'm successful in November we are going to be taking additional steps," she said. She said the foundation's charitable programs has been "in line with American interests and values" and must continue, perhaps through partnerships with other organizations.


Top Republicans have found common ground with Trump in his criticism of the Clinton Foundation and her use of the email server. But they have been noticeably quiet in defending Trump against Clinton's charges of racism in his campaign.


-- © Associated Press 2016-08-27
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48 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:

Benghazi ... Benghazi ... Benghazi ....


Foundation ... Foundation ... Foundation ....


Shake a Spear!   Eat a Donut!  :thumbsup:


Violating National Security by using a private server. Trump is correct. Her problems are far from over. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The old adage "where there's smoke there's fire" seems to get ignored if it your side up to no good, whereas it shouldn't matter, always better to clean it up.


Would suspect Hillary's controversies will continue if she wins President, a life time of certain behavior never changes over night.

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Just now, Rancid said:

The old adage "where there's smoke there's fire" seems to get ignored if it your side up to no good, whereas it shouldn't matter, always better to clean it up.


Would suspect Hillary's controversies will continue if she wins President, a life time of certain behavior never changes over night.

Not to forget she's compromised like no other candidate for leader of the free world.

Rather shocking thought you'll have to admit...:facepalm:

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Of course this is not behind her, these controversies will come back over and over again.


What is much more shocking is that the opposing candidate despite all the issues Clinton has is still lagging (far) behind. Seems he is perceived as an even greater disaster. All in all this is really bad for US politics, one can only hope something good comes out of it, like a complete revamp of the political system.

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That's about all Trump's people have any more:   attack attack attack.   Dredge up an unused condom from the cesspool and blow them up as if it's the Hindenburg and hang it over their stump stages.  Trump's old white men have no good ideas.  No specific policy suggestions except building a wall which will cost each American man, woman and child $100.  Maybe he can pass the hat at his rallies, and each person can put $100 X how many people in their family - in the hat.   A single mom in Detroit with 6 kids will have to put $700 towards that wall.   No matter that the wall will not work because most Mexican immigrants come in legally by car or plane, and just overstay their visas.   Also:  Trump probably doesn't know that more Chinese than Mexicans become illegal aliens.   

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18 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, it's not there isn't a wealth of material going back decades revealing this dishonest woman's behavior, eh?  :facepalm:


There not isn't (continuing in the double negative)


Faux will continue digging up this bullshit as long as Depends continues to advertise disposable diapers on Faux. After all, being the #1 network for old age homes has its responsibilities.   


She will continue to triumph as the greatest liar in history. Imagine being able to go an entire career and never being guilty? She's incredible. That's the kind of President I want lying for me. :thumbsup:

Edited by Pinot
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11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

You boys keep hammering on Fox News as the source of all anti-Clinton material! :lol:


Take the anti-Clinton nonsense from Faux and you're left with Hannity tongue bathing Trump. Ewwww....


We're talking source here. It starts in the warped little mind of Roger Ailes, through the bubble headed bleach blonde's mouth,  across Infowars and Breitbart, down through wingnuttia, on out to Youtube. Your daily dose of HRC bullshit. 


Ultimately it flows out here on TV, where those of us with a couple of brain cells left, make fun of the ridiculous nonsense our local TV wingnuts post.  


Hey, how about something new from the HRC bullshit machine. Email server and Benghazi feels stale at this point. Time is running out. Give us something new for a change! Hillary is a birther is never gonna fly. 

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6 minutes ago, Pinot said:



Ultimately it flows out here on TV, where those of us with a couple of brain cells left, make fun of the ridiculous nonsense our local TV wingnuts post.  



At least you got the couple of brain cells part right.

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47 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Further bad news for Clinton:


Julian Assange: “Most Interesting and Serious” Wikileaks Info On Hillary Clinton Yet to Be Released 




By the people for the people last standing after the mudslinging contest

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Of course this is not behind her, these controversies will come back over and over again.


What is much more shocking is that the opposing candidate despite all the issues Clinton has is still lagging (far) behind. Seems he is perceived as an even greater disaster. All in all this is really bad for US politics, one can only hope something good comes out of it, like a complete revamp of the political system.

Of course they will; just like Obama's birth certificate. The Republican's will never stop dissing Democrat candidates--and it happens vice versa. That is the nature of the two-party system.  The real problem is so obvious; with over 300 million Americans, our best choices are a fat-ankled lying old crone or a small-handed bigoted loose cannon. It's really simple, isn't it; the candidate with the most ignorant voters wins.

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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I wouldn't say that, but they're the ones that broadcast shit 24x7.



Sorry, don't get Fox News with my TrueVisions package - can't watch it.

Will have to take your word for it... :whistling:

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6 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

I dont much like Clinton but her honesty will be judged relatively to that of her opponent. She will almost certainly win the Presidency by a landslide , what does that say about Trump ?

If her honesty was judged she wouldn't qualify for a dog catcher.

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