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PM Prayut has no intention of staying in office


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3 minutes ago, bark said:

So it was better when the Yellow shirts were camped out on Asoke, Sukhumvit, destroying peoples businesses ?

Hotels were at 20-30 % occupancy, Thais who needed tourist were starving for business, Seafood factories, laying off staff,

Restaurants were closing, Thais losing jobs. It goes on and on.

When people were dying in these demonstrations ?

I guess in your line of work, You do not need tourists or customers to come to Thailand to make deals ? It does not matter

to your business, if Thailand is on a watch list for slave labor ?

I agree this is not real democracy; but it doesn't matter. There have been 20 coups in Thailand over the last 60 years.

There will be another one. They happen every 5 years. Red , Yellow, Red, Yellow...........

We are all guests in this country; all we should want is a stable country. This is what we have now. Do business and make money. If you are retired; then enjoy yourself. The Thais don"t care, why should you ?

if the Thais dont care why are  they willing to  kill each other over it then?

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5 hours ago, Reigntax said:

He should prove it, remove himself and appologise to all Thai people for the damage he has caused and setting the country back 50 years.

What's the damage he's done? Restored peace & order, putting long term infrastructure projects in place, dealing with corruption & improving the economy.

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23 minutes ago, eggers said:

What's the damage he's done? Restored peace & order, putting long term infrastructure projects in place, dealing with corruption & improving the economy.


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29 minutes ago, bark said:

So it was better when the Yellow shirts were camped out on Asoke, Sukhumvit, destroying peoples businesses ?


Let's not be myopic. The demonstrations by both colours may caused economic lost but in pales in comparison to the damages in costs from coups. The cost of colour demonstrations were confined to Bangkok but the economic costs of coup is nation wide.


Coup reduce incomes by 7% (The Economist).

6 Months after the 2014 coup, export dropped, tourist numbers dwindled, investments & domestic spending plummeted (Asia Correspondence).    

18B dollars roughly the price tag of the coup to date (The Opinion Pages)


Is Thailand more stable? High costs too here to ensure a false stability even brushing off the escalation of violence from the South.  



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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Wasn't he quoted yesterday as saying he would stay on if asked   ?

No suggestion that he would decline such an invitation so he'll invite himself to remain and humbly accept.

Houdini would be proud of him: Now he wants it- now he don't

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19 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

Even if he gave up power he could retake it in a matter of months if things weren't going as HE planned.    If you live for another 50 years you will live to see a few more Coup's.


In another 50 years the reason for them won't be there.

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I don't really care of the Thai politic as a tourist, can only say that as a tourist the clean up of street vendors that occupy all sidewalks in BKK and Pattaya was a great move. Also the cleaning and upgrade of Jomtien beach have been a nice move. Also think the new METV visa is great. Specially for us that uses visa to stay here. Saw on the us consulate in NY that they posted the overstay rules again. Thailand have to long been a paradise for wrong doers from all over the world, take all these Russians that act as guides and clean condos in Pattaya that are here on ED visas.

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1 hour ago, kannot said:

if the Thais dont care why are  they willing to  kill each other over it then?

More people die in Traffic accidents; everyday.

They don't care; because they know after this government; Red shirts turn to protest.

So was it better for business before or after the General took control ?

As I said before; unless you are retired you should only care about making money to provide a better life for yourself,

and Family if you have one. My business is up 22 % over 2 years ago. More money for myself and employees.

Happy Business, Happy Life.


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Never mind 75 per cent of the population want him to continue to be the PM. Look at the comments from the genius farangs that are completely incapable of saying anything good about anyone or issue. Now look at the state of affairs of the countries of these farangs. Most of these people should be put on the next thing smoking back to their own perfect countries.

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4 hours ago, Plutojames88 said:

Only facing a firing squad will finish this mans naked oppression 


But he's got an amnesty.....


And a mandate, don't forget the mandate, someone will be along to explain that no doubt.

Edited by JAG
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2 hours ago, natway09 said:

Before we get to embroiled in this 'what is democracy ?

Tell me the US of A has a democracy because I do not see it


Well a start is when the people are allowed to elect their own leader, rather than the man with the guns staying on if he feels like it......

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1 hour ago, bark said:

More people die in Traffic accidents; everyday.

They don't care; because they know after this government; Red shirts turn to protest.

So was it better for business before or after the General took control ?

As I said before; unless you are retired you should only care about making money to provide a better life for yourself,

and Family if you have one. My business is up 22 % over 2 years ago. More money for myself and employees.

Happy Business, Happy Life.


before the general took power, it was the yellow shirts protesting... not the reds.


But that was the plan all along... did you not know that?


"Happy business, happy life" should maybe become "ignorance is bliss"

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8 hours ago, Reigntax said:

He should prove it, remove himself and appologise to all Thai people for the damage he has caused and setting the country back 50 years.

Rubbish.There would have been civil war without him stepping in.Remember who is his patron.

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14 minutes ago, Junkyarddog said:

Never mind 75 per cent of the population want him to continue to be the PM. Look at the comments from the genius farangs that are completely incapable of saying anything good about anyone or issue. Now look at the state of affairs of the countries of these farangs. Most of these people should be put on the next thing smoking back to their own perfect countries.

Be careful what you wish for as you might find yourself sat next to one of us. Your comments aren't exactly Stephen Hawking in their flair, vision and originality...

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

Prayuth had no intention of being P.M and had every intention of holding democratic election in 2014.  Every time this despot opens his mouth the manure flows uncontrolled.   He has rewritten the constitution making it impossible for him to be removed and to allow him to stack the Senate with his mates

Yet the majority voted for it.

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7 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

He already made this claim about not staying as premier. I do believe he also added to that comment that as soon as a leader was elected that he would instead be I the background making sure the new leader didn't stray from his objectives. Puppeteer?

Like a blushing bride he has stated that if no "suitable" candidate for PM can be found (almost impossible the way the constitution is structured) he would "offer" his services. Just one big daisy chain. 

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6 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Yet the majority voted for it.

So overnight the people who were too immature to handle democracy and only vote because they are paid have every right to make their wishes known and those wishes respected.


Shameless, some posters...

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5 hours ago, mania said:

If he wanted to help Thailand he could have done his job when mobs were overrunning govt buildings or stopping people voting....Instead he & the police chose to sit it out to make the government

of that time look out of control.

Truth is it was their treason that was out of control...No elected government can stand when they do not have the loyalty of their own Police nor their own Military Forces


 They purposely let the elected offices collapse..So they could install themselves...They chose to not do their duty to their country by idly standing by  watching government buildings get overrun by mobs...

This is the same as letting their country be overrun...They sat idly by watching voters being denied their rights....They claim they then had to step in as a last resort & then need to take control of the whole country when instead all they needed do was their sworn duty at the time it was needed.


No government can stand without the loyalty of its police & military forces...Not even this non-elected Junta..


The police refused to do their job and the Army has to be asked to step in,which they weren't.The police had it under control apparently.When it became apparent that it was getting out of control,the Army had to step in.

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8 minutes ago, baboon said:

So overnight the people who were too immature to handle democracy and only vote because they are paid have every right to make their wishes known and those wishes respected.


Shameless, some posters...


It seems you only like democracy when it conforms to your world view.....Shameless indeed!

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