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Paris restaurant 'refuses to serve Muslim women'


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From french press :

" The CCIF ( Collective against islamophobia) has announced plans to bring civil action and complain, and demand "exemplary sanctions" to end "impunity for Islamophobic violence and discrimination." He denounced the "responsibility" of the government and politicians, accusing them of having created "the conditions for the occurrence of acts like this." On social networks, calls to boycott the restaurant, whose surroundings had to be secured, have been launched.





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14 hours ago, Caps said:

I thought restaurants and bars etc had the right not to serve anyone they choose.  He said he doesn't want them in his place.  Is that not his choice? 

People might call it racist but at the end of the day if the person who owns the business doest want you there then tough.

Or are we going to start forcing people to take business just because it suits a certain group



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1 minute ago, MajarTheLion said:


So Muslims don't randomly kill and blow up stuff? And where did he blame all Muslims?


I think best we ignore you because you're from the 'southern states of America', the same ish  region the  klu klux clan comes from, fair?

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Just now, rijit said:


I think best we ignore you because you're from the 'southern states of America', the same ish  region the  klu klux clan comes from, fair?


You are welcome to do as you wish. I suppose that is a better option for you than simply engaging in thoughtful debate. Nonetheless, I'll give it another try:


So Muslims don't randomly kill and blow up stuff? And where did he blame all Muslims?


And for bonus points, would you like to compare how big a worldwide problem the KKK is versus radical Islamists?



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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well when you own your own place the old maxim "the management reserve the right to refuse service' exists. We have no idea if the owners family/kids/parents/relatives were killed by one of the attacks in France. I guess it is rather bigoted but the more we jump on the outrage bus then the more publicity it gets and the more 'like minded' people are likely to do the same.



I had read he was the Chef. 

Is he the owner?


I read even though he has made a sincere apology that he still has taken his family and left in fear for his life.


Being opinionated and voicing it dramatically just seems "french" to me.


Killing someone for refusing service does not seem a typical french response. That would be more of a Muslim response. 

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55 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:



I had read he was the Chef. 

Is he the owner?


I read even though he has made a sincere apology that he still has taken his family and left in fear for his life.


Being opinionated and voicing it dramatically just seems "french" to me.


Killing someone for refusing service does not seem a typical french response. That would be more of a Muslim response. 


Here you go again making generalised bigotry accusations against all Muslims. A French Muslim cafe owner was threatened because he displayed a "Je Suis Charlie" sign. Similar threats would be made by those aligning themselves to Islamist ideology who would in the minority. Those members claiming a business owner has the right to refuse custom from anyone are incorrect. If someone wises to dispute I would like to know the French law that permits business owners the right to refuse service solely based upon a customers religion.

Edited by simple1
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11 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


It is your willingness to generalize on Islam based on the poor actions of some Muslims, actions that are condemned by the majority of Muslims, that makes you a bigot, and that is nothing to be proud of.

I have disdain for all religion, and again if that makes me a bigot, I wear the badge with pride.

To quote Steven Weinberg -

“Good people do good things and evil people do evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”

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7 hours ago, rijit said:



more ignorance  and absolute nonsense.  you blame every Muslim for the crimes of a few.



Have you ever got past your short sightedness and maybe thought is more that just 'the crimes' as you put it?

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8 minutes ago, Caps said:

Have you ever got past your short sightedness and maybe thought is more that just 'the crimes' as you put it?


and yet more nonsense,, i take it you are yet another  bigot?


one thing bigots ALL seem to have in common


seems they cant help it, but they just aint that bright :wai2:

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23 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers if their nonsense doesnt stop....live in europe act european....live in arabia act arab....how hard is that to understand?

It is for some we guess. :facepalm:

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1 minute ago, rijit said:


and yet more nonsense,, i take it you are yet another  bigot?


one thing bigots ALL seem to have in common


seems they cant help it, but they just aint that bright :wai2:

I don't like them, why does that make be a bigot?  I don't like dog mess on my shoes or warm milk either!   

Aint that bright....really...is that the best you can come up with because people don't agree with your way of thinking?   I take it you can not see passed the short sightedness then?  

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5 minutes ago, rijit said:


and yet more nonsense,, i take it you yet another  bigot?


one thing bigots ALL seem to have in common


seems they cant help it, but they just aint that bright :wai2:


People like you are all so predictable, marginalising, demonising and throwing insults to anyone who does not agree with you.

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14 hours ago, 7by7 said:


I have never denied that, and to combat the terrorists the authorities need the help and support of the Muslim community.


How much longer will that help and support continue if innocent Muslims are banned from restaurants, beaches etc. purely because of their religion and/or choice of dress?


Yes I think the whole issue could have been averted if he had offered them a take-away?

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10 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Its actually a seafood restaurant, there are many Muslims who believe that all from the sea is Halal, it depends on the branch of Islam, not that it is down to you to decide where a Muslim should choose to eat, they may only of wanted a salad and a desert!


No, that's Mohammed who tells them what and where to eat, and slimy seafood is a big no no.

And what if the salad and dessert was stored in the same fridge as the mussels?

(Not entirely up on halal rules, but I know kosher rules which I assume are similar)


I'm guessing you don't know there are rules for where you store food, and what combinations are allowed .......... for example kosher don't allow dairy after beef (no cheese platter or milk in your after dinner coffee).

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27 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


No, that's Mohammed who tells them what and where to eat, and slimy seafood is a big no no.

And what if the salad and dessert was stored in the same fridge as the mussels?

(Not entirely up on halal rules, but I know kosher rules which I assume are similar)


I'm guessing you don't know there are rules for where you store food, and what combinations are allowed .......... for example kosher don't allow dairy after beef (no cheese platter or milk in your after dinner coffee).


Differences between halal and kosher





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1 hour ago, overherebc said:

When I start to see protests by Muslims against the actions of other Muslims in Europe then I might start to believe that something is moving forward.

This claim has been made here many times, and just as often it has been refuted with examples of protests and links. And still the same nonsense keeps popping up.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

This claim has been made here many times, and just as often it has been refuted with examples of protests and links. And still the same nonsense keeps popping up.


I must have missed them. There are a few people like Mona Siddiqui, but she is hardly representative. Occasional protests against ISIS don't count - that is  because they feel threatened by ISIS, not because they have any agenda of changing their own internal doctrine.


Truth is, there's no freedom of speech or even freedom of thought among Muslims. It's fairly taboo for them to dirty their own nest, and questioning religious doctrine is de facto illegal. They can't take to the streets to put their own house in order even if they wanted to, and it probably doesn't occur to them to do so. Hence the popular impression that the terrorists - as long as they are on their side - are secretly their champions, even if they disapprove of their methods. It's up to them to prove convincingly otherwise but given the number of Muslims in the world, the relative silence is deafening.



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Here you go again making generalised bigotry accusations against all Muslims. A French Muslim cafe owner was threatened because he displayed a "Je Suis Charlie" sign. Similar threats would be made by those aligning themselves to Islamist ideology who would in the minority. Those members claiming a business owner has the right to refuse custom from anyone are incorrect. If someone wises to dispute I would like to know the French law that permits business owners the right to refuse service solely based upon a customers religion.

The OP is based on French Law of Consumption. More precisely under L122-1 which stipulates that every commercial establishment can't refuse to sell or refuse to provide services to any customer.

Penalties are estimated at 1.500 EUR.

This, from a pure legal-commercial perspective, without insert of the religious discrimination, which is another fact, for the same case...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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31 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


I must have missed them. There are a few people like Mona Siddiqui, but she is hardly representative. Occasional protests against ISIS don't count - that is  because they feel threatened by ISIS, not because they have any agenda of changing their own internal doctrine.


Truth is, there's no freedom of speech or even freedom of thought among Muslims. It's fairly taboo for them to dirty their own nest, and questioning religious doctrine is de facto illegal. They can't take to the streets to put their own house in order even if they wanted to, and it probably doesn't occur to them to do so. Hence the popular impression that the terrorists - as long as they are on their side - are secretly their champions, even if they disapprove of their methods. It's up to them to prove convincingly otherwise but given the number of Muslims in the world, the relative silence is deafening.



Yes, you have missed the many posts on this but more importantly the many protests as well.


There is no 'internal muslim doctrine'.

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2 hours ago, MissAndry said:


No, that's Mohammed who tells them what and where to eat, and slimy seafood is a big no no.

And what if the salad and dessert was stored in the same fridge as the mussels?

(Not entirely up on halal rules, but I know kosher rules which I assume are similar)


I'm guessing you don't know there are rules for where you store food, and what combinations are allowed .......... for example kosher don't allow dairy after beef (no cheese platter or milk in your after dinner coffee).


No, the what and where to eat comes from the Torah, it is just interpreted differently by Muslims.


Nothing to do with sliminess in Islam, that is Kosher. 


As I said, it depends, for Shia's it is only fish with scales that are Halal, but for Sunni's it depends on the branch, for Hanafi's all fish but not squid are Halal, for Shaf'i's all aquatic animals except frogs are Halal, and for Maliki's and Hanbali's all aquatic animals are Halal.   


As you said, you are not up on Halal rules and your assumptions are wrong, they are different to Kosher.  Halal food just must not come into direct contact with anything unlawful, I have no idea why you assumed it would be the same as Kosher, but what there are in France are laws regarding food and hygiene, and that means no cross contamination of hazardous foods like mussels, which are Halal to many Muslims anyway, with the likes of salad.


Nice try but you don't actually have a clue.

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3 hours ago, overherebc said:

When I start to see protests by Muslims against the actions of other Muslims in Europe then I might start to believe that something is moving forward.


You will when you start reading a better news provider, there are groups numbering in the millions that condemn the attacks, there are groups of thousands of Mullahs condemning the attacks, there have been condemnations from Muslims worldwide, just because your tabloid keeps you in the dark doesn't mean they don't happen.

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