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Dress code and behavior in public


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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

You have a point, but they are more rare (out in public) than Westerners.


Sorry. Not where I live. That is the norm.


I just got gas delivered. Shorts, no top and extremely large belly.


Not that I care, make me look good :D:D and I can eat tonight :D

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I suppose the OP is one of those TV members who wouldn't leave the house unless in full Evening Dress, has never done anything wrong, married a Thai/Chinese General's daughter, engages in serious cultural activities at the Siam Society from waking to sleeping......:coffee1: 


Maybe he should be made 'mayor of all foreigners in Thailand' as he seems to want to dictate his 'standards on one and all.....

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Hilarious Morakot.


I haven't seen an 'Angry of Tunbridge Wells' post like this for a while.  They used to be a regular thing on here but it seems that the general 'mind your own business' or 'who cares?' type of replies must have created a shift in the attitude.

I could imagine such outrages as reported in the OP must have made his monocle pop out and his huge moustache quiver in indignation......

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Posters on this board are constantly complaining that Thais do not like expats or foreigners; that Thais are rude to us and that Thais do not want us here. These are the same people it appears that are defending the inappropriate dress of this foreign tourist. Come one folks- Thai people do not like this type of dress and they consider offensive whoever is the offending party- Thai or foreign. However, when it is a foreign person- it simply reinforces all the Thai stereotypes that foreigners are disrespectful of Thai culture; are arrogant; and are promiscuous.  Frankly, I am tired of seeing these type of people in Thailand thumbing their arrogant nose at the sensitivities of the local people.  Why should anyone be surprised when Thais  look at foreigners as people who are low class and uncouth. Many of them are just that way.

Edited by Thaidream
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It doesn't bother me when I am in Ameerica; Europe; Australia or any other Western country. It bothers me in Thailand because it is inappropriate for the Thai sensitivity and reinforces Thai stereotypes about foreigners.  These type of tourists are ignorant and rude trying to impose their lack of etiquette on people who do not want it. If you are in Thailand and do not understand this then you are the expat or tourist that Thailand is trying to get rid of.

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14 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

Not wrong in the West, but in Thailand, it's spitting in the face of Thai culture.  When in Rome, do as the Romans.  It's that simple.  Many farangs behave--and dress--disgustingly in Thailand.  You cannot deny this.

OK I must hold my hands up and admit that I am not always a picture of sartorial elegance

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11 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I am all for decorum and making a proper effort. Before I head to town I put on my dress cargo shorts, Clean shirt (button up style if having a meeting), and cross trainers with socks. Although I have been known to wear the flip flops when I have a newish pair. No socks then of course.

i like your hat anyway... though  it must have shrunk in the dryer :D

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13 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

You've made me realise that I'm TRULY a slob around the house :( as a light top and knickers are quite enough.  Which probably explains why I'm not keen on unexpected visitors!


But I do agree that Thais already think Westerners are badly dressed and even more badly behaved....  so always dress conservatively when out.

I don't think you are a slob for dressing comfortable in and around your own home. I'm in My Boxer Shorts most times to. If Visitors don't like the way I am dressed then....don't come their! I could care less!

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13 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

You've made me realise that I'm TRULY a slob around the house :( as a light top and knickers are quite enough.  Which probably explains why I'm not keen on unexpected visitors!


But I do agree that Thais already think Westerners are badly dressed and even more badly behaved....  so always dress conservatively when out.

In fact I am in my Boxer Shorts so much than when we go shopping and I put on some short pants, T-shirt, and running shoes, My wife calls me Handsome Man as she thinks I am all dressed up.  

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6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Posters on this board are constantly complaining that Thais do not like expats or foreigners; that Thais are rude to us and that Thais do not want us here. These are the same people it appears that are defending the inappropriate dress of this foreign tourist. Come one folks- Thai people do not like this type of dress and they consider offensive whoever is the offending party- Thai or foreign. However, when it is a foreign person- it simply reinforces all the Thai stereotypes that foreigners are disrespectful of Thai culture; are arrogant; and are promiscuous.  Frankly, I am tired of seeing these type of people in Thailand thumbing their arrogant nose at the sensitivities of the local people.  Why should anyone be surprised when Thais  look at foreigners as people who are low class and uncouth. Many of them are just that way.

Do you really think that all the Thai people who saw this women think all Western women dress this way ?

Do you really consider all Thai's to be so thick that they would think such a thing ?


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We live up country, but the misses is from Bangkok, she lets me dress as I like around the house but when we go out she has the last shout. If she is happy with what I'm wearing then I can't go far wrong, always pants and shirt for immigration days.

as for other people, up to you.

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sorry people but I dress for myself and comfort, shorts and a t shirt is my regular dress in the house or shopping, they are always clean though. Whats with having to dress for others, some of you really must have a complex about it, its called having a life. The girl was comfortable obviously, this sort of thing is worn all over in western countries, if you really want to be picky then many thai girls wear very similar or shorts that leave nothing to the imagination at all, you sound more like a prude and you are the one that needs the attitude adjustment, people do not have to wear clothes to suit your standards, maybe you should be living in a wat


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People don't like to see unsolicited nakedness. I was staying in a middle class Condo and my neighbor complained to the management that I was not decently dress, exposing my buttocks so to speak. If you walk to the lift you pass my unit and look in you could sometimes see me walking around the house (usually morning time) wearing a loin cloth- the type that jesus wear when they nail him to the tree. I often sleep in this loin cloth because it is pure cotton and cooling that makes it healthy for your sexual organs- unlike the commercial underwear which are too tight for your blood circulation.

If you walk pass my door you are not supposed to look in and how dare they complained after they peep into my apartment. The loin cloth expose my buttocks but why are you looking into my apartment?

So if you see farang not properly dress it is their business not yours. Why bother? If Thailand doesn't like it they could always put notice in their overseas advertisement regarding this matter can't they? Their embassy can issue advice when visa applications are being made.

I am the one who is supposed to complain that you are peeping into my apartment and looking at my buttocks. You folks got it all wrong ok?

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On 9/8/2016 at 10:22 AM, robblok said:


Why ? in and around the home i like to stay comfortable that means fishermans pants and or wife beater.. Though I recently changed wearing nike / adidas / dri fit T shirts (they keep me cool too), and wear shorts from the same brands with those.  For me its a matter of feeling good.. dont like wearing jeans in and around the house. 

So why do you wear uncomfortable cloths when you go out to those hi so shopping centres.

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42 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

So why do you wear uncomfortable cloths when you go out to those hi so shopping centres.


I won't say that my clothes in shopping centers are uncomfortable, usually cooler there so jeans are ok, at home I dont always run the aircon so fisherman pants or shorts are more comfortable. 


Also at home I don't really care if certain clothes are not looking good, when going out in public i just make sure i look good. 

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On 9/8/2016 at 8:54 AM, robblok said:

Yes us Dutch are quite open minded not prude like some posters. 


And if a girl wants to wear this.. her choice.. if your bothered by it why check her out.. 


Are you a christian or something like that ?

Why introduce religion into the discussion...makes me think you have a hidden agenda...I'm an atheist, my entire life, and I don't like it when people intentionally conduct themselves in a manner to draw attention...I simply dislike attention whores...

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