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Why do decent threads degenerate to rudeness

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My history of being in Thailand would make many  others pale into total insignificance, first visit 1978, worked in Bangkok seven years, own a condo, own a decent car , have seen Thailand at its best and worst, been there got the T shirt. From day one the sex life of Thailand soon disappeared, sleazy, dirty and soul destroying.

but this is not my issue as every heart pumps a different way, there are those who like under age girls, there are those who like the same sex, there are those who like trangenders, there are those who like beer, coffee, spirits etc. Each to their own!

BUT whilst I accept here on TV there is a huge cross section of the expat community, from retired CEO's managers, airline pilots, ex professional soccer stars down to supermarket shelf stackers, criminals, thugs, and nobodies probably including benefit recipients, let's not forget pensioners of differing ages and backgrounds.

my point is, to me it appears that only around 40% of posters, talk sense the remainder appear to be adamant to add posts that are downright rude, offensive and aggessive. Why is this ? Is it lack of knowledge of the threads ? Are these posters trying to pretend they are capable of involving themselves in a thread when they are obviously not.

i hope the mods pay more attention to their charges and severely reprimand the wasters ........ok head down steel helmet on awaiting I coming from morons .


 ...the remainder appear to be adamant to add posts that are downright rude, offensive and aggessive.


These folks attended Trump University.

3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

If you are looking for intellectual stimulation, there's always MENSA…..or send Publicus a PM.

Here we go, didn't take very long for the first to appear ? 


Well, I first visited Thailand in 2006 and a few of my friends told me about this forum soon after, maybe 2007, I can't really remember. I don't know how long this forum has been going but even back then it had a certain reputation. You'd always get people being rude, some extremely so.
To some extent that's the nature of forums. You'd only clear it up if it wasn't anonymous, but then no-one would find the forum interesting or fun. Amazon had the same problem in it's review section years ago, as soon as it required users to verify their identity, the issues were resolved. 
There are plenty of pleasant forums about every area of Thailand, easy to search for, but they're comparatively dead. This is the only popular one. 


Popular, I wonder why? I have been on here for many years then withdrawn and rejoined three times, and honestly it gets worse . 



I guess it's the challenge, into just how far one can go...


before Karma comes a-knocking,

to extinguish a flame,

or drown a troll


Anonymity, as provided by internet forums is a breeding ground for rudeness. Imagine this:

- Pattaya punters, sitting at the bar wearing "Burkhas"! :clap2:

Bar brawls would increase dramatically.


On 9/9/2016 at 9:17 PM, DipStick said:

Popular, I wonder why? I have been on here for many years then withdrawn and rejoined three times, and honestly it gets worse . 

In another thread a guy asked where to find a 200 baht buffet and you insulted him and made fun of his asking the question.  It was the guys first post.  You wrote, "200 baht for an all you can eat dinner buffet........ Times must be hard"  I reported the post as a flame hopefully it will be removed and the fellow will not think all TV posters are like you.  I think you are very rude to answer your question in the OP.  To be fair and answer your OP why don't you tell us why you are rude.   


Because a fair percentage of posters are what I term working class heroes who have married hookers from Udon Nakon Nowhere and most nights are spent sitting in a bar getting pi--sed and pi-sed off because once again they don't know where their wife is and hit out at anyone who asks a sensible question.

Inverted snobbery etc etc.


18 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Because a fair percentage of posters are what I term working class heroes who have married hookers from Udon Nakon Nowhere and most nights are spent sitting in a bar getting pi--sed and pi-sed off because once again they don't know where their wife is and hit out at anyone who asks a sensible question.

Inverted snobbery etc etc.

What form of inverted snobbery caused you to refer to other men's wives as hookers?  


It's an internet thing. Anonymity + boredom = shitposting. Best to use forums/boards for information rather than subjects that lean more to opinion. 


The human body was never designed to communicate by keyboard.

I am sure there are a lot of misunderstandings.

Others are just plain rude.


One reason:Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 8.49.50 AM.png


Another reason:  
A certain percentage of expats are old, bored, disillusioned or embittered (or all four) retirees who have nothing better to do than stalk the TVForum for anyone to take pot-shots at.  They've already spent their monthly pension at the local bar, so this is the next cheapest thing to do.  Of course, nursing a hangover doesn't help the attitude.  There's a smaller percent of foreigner-hating locals who frequent the forum from time to time as well.  The above Dickwad Theory exacerbates the situation.  

This segment of TV society is probably more highly visible than they deserve, simply because they have the time and pent-up vitriol to do it, over the rest of us working stiffs or decent people who are genuinely looking for helpful information or to share such.   

Sorry, if this post comes off as rude.  I don't really want to be part of the problem.  However, I've just come from a disgusting experience with a TV stalker who has given me the "liar! fraud!" treatment in response to nearly every post I made.   Sadly, it often makes a civil and helpful discourse nearly impossible. 

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