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PM Prayut says Thailand will be corruption-free in 20 years


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33 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

It will take 20 years for Thai crims learn how to go about cyber crime...so corruption will not end then........but it's a bit slow taking off right now, Thais are still trying to get a web site to work!

so is Thaivisa!:coffee1:

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8 hours ago, ezzra said:


Anyone can make wishful predictions for the next 20 years, and who's going to hold

them to in in 20 years pray tell? predictions in this country don't even last 20 weeks,

much less 20 years, the French have a saying:  Apres moi le deluge , (after me, the big

deluge can come and I don't care)....


Can't help thinking that the alternative explanation, given the VIP to whom it's attributed, is more apposite to "these times":


"Après nous le déluge" ("After us, the deluge") is a French expression, attributed to Madame de Pompadour, the lover of King Louis XV of France.[1] An alternative form, attributed to Louis himself, is "Après moi le déluge" ("After me, the deluge"). The saying came after the Battle of Rossbach in 1757, which was disastrous for the French.[2]

The expression has two possible meanings: 'After me, the deluge will come,' asserting that if the revolution ended his reign, the nation would be plunged into chaos; or 'After me, let the deluge come,' implying "I don't care what happens after I'm gone."[

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This guy is the George Carlin of Thailand. He says:

Gen Prayut said the Anti-Corruption Day event aimed to encourage everyone in the country to fight against all types of graft, to augment the government’s ongoing efforts. He further stated that every corruption-related case must be handled fairly, according to the legal procedures. The premier affirmed that the government will not interfere with the legal process. He also cited the need to instill in younger generations negative attitudes towards corruption, in order to prevent it from occurring in the future. Gen Prayut also expressed confidence that Thailand will be free of graft in 20 years, as his government has an effective plan in place. 


What on earth is this guy talking about? He was installed to protect the elite, the powerful, the wealthy, the influential, and the connected. He is doing absolutely nothing to pursue any of those parties. Nothing. All he is doing, or has ever done is to go after the very little guy, who has none of the above qualification. How many top ranked politicians, police, or army officers have been brought down by this guy? NOT ONE! So, for him to continue jawboning about this nonsense is beyond incredible. His credibility has been reduced to zero. And what is he actually doing to eradicate corruption, to the point where he can predict that the country will be free of it within 20 years? An effective plan in place. Yes, take down every small guy with no money or influence. That is really going to change things. 

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Yes,  because in 20 years all in "the club" and their families will be rich beyond belief and stuff the rest of them.  They can sit back in their family compounds and enjoy a retirement from a fruitful working life. 

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The first thing the government needs to do is to start coming up with realistic targets and goals.  Any remaining credibility just gets further lost amongst the daily hyperbole.  No society is corruption free and Thailand is coming from a very very low point and Ive seen nothing that indicates they are moving in the right direction (fixed positions in parliament, minor punitive punishments on police clearly guilty of corruption, no reform of the justice sector, untouchable elites.).  Baby steps beloved self appointed leader.  Baby steps!

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17 hours ago, colinneil said:

The PM reckons Thailand will be corruption free in 20 years :cheesy::cheesy:

The poor man is living in la-la land if he thinks that will happen.


First they have to get the army corruption free !! IMPOSSIBLE !!

Next the RTP, then the civil servants who will not perform their roles without back handers.

 When he has sorted this out Thailand will be corruption free.

Not in my lifetime or his is it even remotely likely to happen.


He is living in la-la land Colin :P.

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Let's see, first " the premier said that corruption is the cause of social unrest and prevents the country from growing and developing in a sustainable way. "   Corruption must be handled by the legal (sic) process, and the government will not interfere with that process.  Does he not yet realize that the legal system is perhaps the most corrupt institution in Thailand?  He probably does, as this partially explains the 20-year timeline, by which time those at the trough new for the next few years will have had their fill and memories will have evaporated.  I remember reading an interview with one of Yingluck's ministers maybe three years ago after finding rooms full of cash in another minister's home.  He noted that, yes, corruption is a bad thing, but it is part of Thai culture and will not go away.  A moment of honesty?

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