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Do you think Hillray Clinton will show up a the Debate?


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Trump will just blow his horn and talk over the top of everybody to avoid having to actually answer some of the questions, Blah blah blah. 


Should be interesting as he'll likely make a fool out of himself by saying something off color.  


The guys a blowhard and you will regret if he gets into the white house as all he does is talk it up.  He's got no sound plans. He won't do half the things he says he will but all the rednecks will be too stupid and confused to work it out and will just tune back into duck dynasty for another 4 years. 


I wouldn't normally give a toss and honestly, the comedy factor of watching trump make a fool of himself on the world stage is actually appealing but I have substantial usd investments and am seriously worried he'll send your economy down the drain. 


Why does the USA, seemingly an intelligent country,  manage to dredge up such poor excuses for humans to be their presidents?  What the hell is wrong with you people? 

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trump will win this debate...hillary has no new ideas....just same old drivel. 

trump base people will think trump wins the debate regardless of how he actually performs. He's already demanding that he be graded on a curve with his the moderators are biased drivel. 

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8 minutes ago, Bung said:



Why does the USA, seemingly an intelligent country,  manage to dredge up such poor excuses for humans to be their presidents?  What the hell is wrong with you people? 

Well, you have to put up with a massive amount of abuse to even run for president ... so the best people just say, forget about it. 

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1 hour ago, Bung said:

Why does the USA, seemingly an intelligent country,  manage to dredge up such poor excuses for humans to be their presidents?  What the hell is wrong with you people? 


I don't like either candidate what so ever, but I'm firmly in the "Anyone but Hillary" camp. They have been grooming Hillary for years and everyone has been watching. The fact that so many people dislike Hillary is IMHO the main reason Trump is even a thing. 

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An interesting suggestion on how Clinton can go after the con man, trump.





Trump plays by no rules and she shouldn’t either. 


Now I’m asked if there is a line Clinton can use against Trump. I don’t have a line, but I do have a tactic: Challenge Trump’s manhood and call him a coward.



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I worry about this however.


The problem with having a debate with Trump is that you can't have a discussion with someone who just doesn't obey the normal rules of human discourse. If proved wrong or deluded or presented with an argument that entirely demolishes any claim he has just made, he will just plough on, oblivious to the fact he's been made a fool of, because he's incapable of even forming the idea in his own head that he has got something wrong.


So he could say, I think black people have never been treated worse than today. Hilary could say, so you don't think slavery was worse, and Trump could reply, no I don't, and then say in the next sentence that slavery was worse, but today's treatment is also worse as well, and anyway slavery was probably not really that tough ("they all had jobs!")  and so on and on, and both he and his supporters would think he won the exchange.


This could go on for the entire debate. You can't score points against someone incapable of logical thought, and so unable to comprehend when a point has been scored. Similarly Trump can tell direct lies, and there will be no consequences, whereas Hillary, with the constraint of having to act rationally will not be able to get away such blatant obvious untruths.


 The only person who could win a debate against Trump would be an incoherent drunk babbling semi-random sentences.


I'm hoping I'm wrong about this...but I'm not sure how it will play out.  


What you get if he wins is another Duterte or Putin, in charge of the most powerful country on earth.  It is very, very close to happening in my opinion.

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I worry about this however.


The problem with having a debate with Trump is that you can't have a discussion with someone who just doesn't obey the normal rules of human discourse. If proved wrong or deluded or presented with an argument that entirely demolishes any claim he has just made, he will just plough on, oblivious to the fact he's been made a fool of, because he's incapable of even forming the idea in his own head that he has got something wrong.


So he could say, I think black people have never been treated worse than today. Hilary could say, so you don't think slavery was worse, and Trump could reply, no I don't, and then say in the next sentence that slavery was worse, but today's treatment is also worse as well, and anyway slavery was probably not really that tough ("they all had jobs!")  and so on and on, and both he and his supporters would think he won the exchange.


This could go on for the entire debate. You can't score points against someone incapable of logical thought, and so unable to comprehend when a point has been scored. Similarly Trump can tell direct lies, and there will be no consequences, whereas Hillary, with the constraint of having to act rationally will not be able to get away such blatant obvious untruths.


 The only person who could win a debate against Trump would be an incoherent drunk babbling semi-random sentences.


I'm hoping I'm wrong about this...but I'm not sure how it will play out.  


What you get if he wins is another Duterte or Putin, in charge of the most powerful country on earth.  It is very, very close to happening in my opinion.

Yes. The global tragedy of a trump regime may happen. But more people realizing that will hopefully mobilize more people to stop that.
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2 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

It's Monday 9PM Eastern, which if my aging monkey brain is correct is Tuesday 8am our time.


Personally, I can't bear to watch, gonna wait for the Cliffs Notes!

That means the "pun-dicks" will start yapping about it at 5 A.M.

May as well stay up all night. 

It's bloody historic. :ph34r:

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17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That means the "pun-dicks" will start yapping about it at 5 A.M.

May as well stay up all night. 

It's bloody historic. :ph34r:

If you want to start watching the 'Entertainment News' channels I fully expect them to be clearing their schedules; debate minus 24hours, for hours of pointless partisan punditry 

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12 hours ago, partington said:

I worry about this however.


The problem with having a debate with Trump is that you can't have a discussion with someone who just doesn't obey the normal rules of human discourse. If proved wrong or deluded or presented with an argument that entirely demolishes any claim he has just made, he will just plough on, oblivious to the fact he's been made a fool of, because he's incapable of even forming the idea in his own head that he has got something wrong.


So he could say, I think black people have never been treated worse than today. Hilary could say, so you don't think slavery was worse, and Trump could reply, no I don't, and then say in the next sentence that slavery was worse, but today's treatment is also worse as well, and anyway slavery was probably not really that tough ("they all had jobs!")  and so on and on, and both he and his supporters would think he won the exchange.


This could go on for the entire debate. You can't score points against someone incapable of logical thought, and so unable to comprehend when a point has been scored. Similarly Trump can tell direct lies, and there will be no consequences, whereas Hillary, with the constraint of having to act rationally will not be able to get away such blatant obvious untruths.


 The only person who could win a debate against Trump would be an incoherent drunk babbling semi-random sentences.


I'm hoping I'm wrong about this...but I'm not sure how it will play out.  


What you get if he wins is another Duterte or Putin, in charge of the most powerful country on earth.  It is very, very close to happening in my opinion.


Excellent analysis, partington. Skunk head could, indeed, win -- because America's universal suffrage allows so many uncritical thinkers to have the vote.


Democracy is certainly imperfect. Originally, the US limited voters to the supposedly educated class (white, male, landowners). Today, that certainly wouldn't hold water, by excluding so many critical thinkers, particularly women. So, what to do? Maybe limit voters to members of Mensa? Sounds good -- but could never happen (sigh). Thus, there's no way around universal suffrage. Instead, maybe a "managed democracy, ' similar to Singapore's (and a good model, IMHO, for Thailand). However, none of this could ever take place until well after this year's Nov 8th election (and, of course, most likely never ever).


Fortunately, our system of checks and balances will keep Donald somewhat in check -- at least he won't have Putin like abilities for berserk longer ranging decisions. However, the Executive Branch, necessarily, can make stand alone decisions in critical situations. The scary part -- having a bozo defining "critical situation."


Yeah, maybe requiring voters to belong to Mensa is a good idea.....


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Mr Trumps got Crooked Hillary so twisted out of shape, she is rehearsing two versions of here debate…one against a seemingly composed trump and one against the guy who shoots from the lip.


What she doesn't know is that there is no such clear demarcation with the trumpster….he's gonna mix the two up and before you know it she will be in the mud, flailing. It's gonna be ugly and uncomfortable... but beautiful to watch.

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As much as I'm not a particular fan of HRC, the idea of a Trump Presidency is terrifying,


I'm almost at the point of becoming all teary eyed thinking back to the Good Old Days of GW.


Still, I mailed off my ballot yesterday, so I've done my bit for democracy,  for better or worse, it ain't the trainwreck that is Thailand

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