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Expats stuck in a time warp


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If you are telling me I need to like rap music, ass crack showing,  lack of respect for elders, People with their nose in a phone at the dinner table, etc. etc. Then I will gladly stay back in time. 

What is it with rap music obsession for a group of guys?
Rap music is one of the smallest sections of popular music at arpund 5% popularity....
An example of opening up and expanding horizons to experience the other 95%
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The OP certainly doesn't apply to me or other expats I've known over the years. Sure, if one has the inclination and enough income one can lay back and let the 'world go by'. But that's only one option out of many and it depends on the character of the expat which option is chosen. I wanted to expand my knowledge of my interests when I retired and that I've done and still doing. I've interacted with young Thai people through teaching the Martial Arts and learned much in return. I've had my 'ups and downs', as I suspect many expats have, not being in my native country but then I've looked upon that as all part of the 'learning experience'. Can't see what the OP is 'on about' really

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2 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

What is it with rap music obsession for a group of guys?
Rap music is one of the smallest sections of popular music at arpund 5% popularity....
An example of opening up and expanding horizons to experience the other 95%

Rap is the reason I stopped going to sports events in america as it makes my skin crawl. I also hear it a lot here in Thailand, and nothing makes me move faster. I also don't like loud music of any kind, but that is just me as I am very social and would prefer to be able to talk without screaming. I do like loud music at a concert when the reason I am there is music. I also don't like karaoke, I would much rather hear Johnny Cash sing his song than see someone else try. I know I'm an old redneck. Proud of it too.

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Rap is the reason I stopped going to sports events in america as it makes my skin crawl. I also hear it a lot here in Thailand, and nothing makes me move faster. I also don't like loud music of any kind, but that is just me as I am very social and would prefer to be able to talk without screaming. I do like loud music at a concert when the reason I am there is music. I also don't like karaoke, I would much rather hear Johnny Cash sing his song than see someone else try. I know I'm an old redneck. Proud of it too.

Not liking loud music and living in Thailand can be challenging at times.

Johnny Cash did some decent tunes...but dated now
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1 minute ago, JJGreen said:

Not liking loud music and living in Thailand can be challenging at times.

Johnny Cash did some decent tunes...but dated now

Yes it certainly is.  Johnny Cash is one of the most popular artists ever, yes a bit outdated but so am I.

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So much in Thailand is like it was in Europe in the 60'ies and 70'ies – same, same, but different; as we now also have Internet and Smartphones – even lots of the music is the same, just in so-called remix'es. So no wonder time stops and one feel (much) younger – I do; so much, that when i turned 60, the girls gave me birthday-cakes with the text "Welcome to sixteen"...:smile:

I'm definitely not planning for a wake up chock, I'm not planning to go "home"...:shock1:

Edited by khunPer
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3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Yes it certainly is.  Johnny Cash is one of the most popular artists ever, yes a bit outdated but so am I.

Good music is never dated, it's timeless.  Kids who have been fed a diet of musical pap get their minds blown when they listen to Sgt. Pepper for the first time.

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I don't want to make this personally about any one poster.

Though I am interested in hearing from others have why living here long-term u wouldn't want to adapt a little and make life easier and more fulfilling by learning some Thai.

If u don't have some basic Thai you have to be reliant on other people for almost everything going on around u in Thailand.

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1 minute ago, JJGreen said:

I don't want to make this personally about any one poster.

Though I am interested in hearing from others have why living here long-term u wouldn't want to adapt a little and make life easier and more fulfilling by learning some Thai.

If u don't have some basic Thai you have to be reliant on other people for almost everything going on around u in Thailand.

I've been living in Pattaya for 7 years, only speak a few basic words of Thai, never found it to be a problem. I'm sure it would be a lot harder to manage if I was living in the boonies, but I'm not, and never will.

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I've been living in Pattaya for 7 years, only speak a few basic words of Thai, never found it to be a problem. I'm sure it would be a lot harder to manage if I was living in the boonies, but I'm not, and never will.

That's a reasonable point...certain tourist areas are going to cater widely for English speakers
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5 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

I don't want to make this personally about any one poster.

Though I am interested in hearing from others have why living here long-term u wouldn't want to adapt a little and make life easier and more fulfilling by learning some Thai.

If u don't have some basic Thai you have to be reliant on other people for almost everything going on around u in Thailand.

Sorry me again, I have been trying to learn some Thai but I seem to be too busy forgetting things to learn new.

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I managed 7 years in Bangkok without speaking Thai but the arrival of a kid changed all that.

It'll be easier to teach her correct English if I can speak Thai

Things definitely easier when you can speak even a little and not as difficult as I thought at all

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I managed 7 years in Bangkok without speaking Thai but the arrival of a kid changed all that.
It'll be easier to teach her correct English if I can speak Thai
Things definitely easier when you can speak even a little and not as difficult as I thought at all

How did things change for you when u started to have some basic Thai?
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On 25/09/2016 at 10:21 AM, geriatrickid said:

What's your point? Do you  seriously believe these people you reference even understand what you are saying, let alone care?


Not all of us wish to go jungle. It is distressing enough when the  staff forget to call me master. I do not need to have a discussion of your concerns now.


Don't read or reply to him then.

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OP seems to have an old guy fetish, obsessing over their lives and habits.  There's probably a fancy term for it in psychology text books but laymen just call it weird and partially dysfunctional.   


If you're using stodgy old guys as your litmus test benchmark, then mate, you need to do a serious self-assessment and raise the bar.  Them old boys are just living out their lives the way they want to.  You would do well to take their example, and just get on with yours.... and quit obsessing over theirs.

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5 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

If I still lived in the UK at my age of 75, I would be made to feel more like 90 by people and the weather.  Here I enjoy a better and much more casual life-style and feel no more than 60.  I keep abreast of all the news, use as much modern technology as I can afford, keep active and in no way am I stuck in the past.  However, I have to say that I do not think that the world is going in the right direction and do not believe that life is getting any easier for the younger generation.

In Thailand 60 is the old 75. Keep on truckin !

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OP seems to have an old guy fetish, obsessing over their lives and habits.  There's probably a fancy term for it in psychology text books but laymen just call it weird and partially dysfunctional.   
If you're using stodgy old guys as your litmus test benchmark, then mate, you need to do a serious self-assessment and raise the bar.  Them old boys are just living out their lives the way they want to.  You would do well to take their example, and just get on with yours.... and quit obsessing over theirs.

I don't lump guys of any age into any one basket...young or old

I know guys over 65 who speak Thai and don't live in the past...they adapt and participate and are keen for new experiences...that's the norm.

Yet some guys come here and refuse to take on anything new...why?
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Just now, joecoolfrog said:

Ironic that the OP chains himself to his PC all day composing threads that question the lifestyles of others !

Exactly......When he knows absolutely nothing about what individuals do in their daily life, what ever their age......

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7 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

Well in my opinion living in the 60/70/80/90 were far simpler than today's age.

Simple to buy xmas presents that didn't make you take out loans.  Simpler and cheaper to buy and tax a car. Simpler to do your own electric /gas/water works in your own home without all this health and safety rubish, as it is now here in thail and. 

A much much simpler more happy way of life all round.

What was harder back in the old days?

Taking out money from the bank, had to go in the lunch hour and join a long queue - now ATMs everywhere

Paying bills having to send cheques , postal orders or go in person to the Electric and gas company. - now 7-11 do the lot.

Keeping in contact when abroad- poste restante or those yellow international phone cards for 500 baht from CAT that lasted 5 mins- now free skype or line around the world

Finding information, going to a library or looking up yellow pages- now internet at one's fingertips

If the op means human relationships, people are the same as they were hundreds of years ago - complicated- read Shakespeare or Sunthon Pu in Thailand- ' even though a vine is knotted and curled it is not as twisted as the hearts of men.'

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