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lunch yesterday across the river


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A friend treated me to a well known american restaurant the other day (his choice) got there at 12:30 and we had our choice of seats. I ordered meatloaf which I've had in the past and it was always fabulous (not yesterday). It was smothered in a sugary ketchup sauce making it inedible. I am sadden why this is following in the footsteps of Polaroid, blackberry kodak and the edsel

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I had ribs at Promenada 2 weeks ago and they were the BEST ever... normally great, these were sensational!  On topic, the sauce, perhaps same as used on the meatloaf, was perfect for my taste though Thai's prefer sweeter.


I make my own secret recipe meatloaf with a similar sauce though Dave's is better!

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I was curious about  the " well known american restaurant " ...........


All branches were for sale a short while back.

Did they ever sell?


2 months ago I was at the river branch & it did seem to have all new management.

Service was still good as were the burgers


But I was curious if they did in fact sell all branches?

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The river one suffered after the expansion & spread/dilution of employees....

Although that used to our favorite, after three sub par visits there we now drive out to Promenada and no problems......

Most or some of the familiar faces that were at the river during it's better days now seem to be at the Promenada branch.......

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I had lunch recently at the Promenada branch, the ________ staff's service was __________ and the food was really _________ !


As I'm afraid that any opinion of mine will once again bring on the rath of D___ I'll leave my review eradicated.


But I do feel comfortable saying his son has learnt well, maybe he could mentor some other unnamed (except for one letter) family member  :smile:




Edited by junglechef
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6 hours ago, theDukes said:

Just FYI. While you think this guy is talking about The Duke's, he isn't. We use a mushroom demi for our meatloaf. So not sure what restaurant he is talking about but not us.



Sadly it was yours. I've had meatloaf a number of times and it was fabulous with a rich brown gravy. This had a sickly sweet ketchup sauce. And to be honest I got tired of sending things back at your place

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6 hours ago, theDukes said:

If there was some sweet sauce on there we do add little steak sauce but only a little. If he did have a problem he should have asked the staff to make him a new sandwich w/o the sauce. 



It wasn't a sandwich  sigh it was a meatloaf dinner

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The OP tells us about his history of ordering this same item at D's before (and twice he's mentioned it was "always fabulous") and, yet, when he claims it was bad on this one occasion, he comes to this board and intentionally (or unintentionally) attempts to publicly shame the restaurant (rather than do the seemingly intelligent thing by resolving it with the waiter or Dave at the time).  Blabbing about his current issue here is what I find really distasteful (no pun intended).


I have no connection whatsoever with D's other than I and a small group have eaten there once a week for a fair while.  We've enjoyed the food and service and, so far,  have had no complaints at all (but, if and when we do, we'll handle it privately as noted).

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1 hour ago, CMBob said:

The OP tells us about his history of ordering this same item at D's before (and twice he's mentioned it was "always fabulous") and, yet, when he claims it was bad on this one occasion, he comes to this board and intentionally (or unintentionally) attempts to publicly shame the restaurant (rather than do the seemingly intelligent thing by resolving it with the waiter or Dave at the time).  Blabbing about his current issue here is what I find really distasteful (no pun intended).


I have no connection whatsoever with D's other than I and a small group have eaten there once a week for a fair while.  We've enjoyed the food and service and, so far,  have had no complaints at all (but, if and when we do, we'll handle it privately as noted).

(1) Notice that eating there was not my choice

(2) note that i said we had our choice of seating as it was empty

(3) i stopped eating there when every time i ordered i had to send it back

(4) i too have no connection whatsoever with D's



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dukes is notorious for it INCONSISTENCY  You may go order the same dish on three separate occasions and it can be over seasoned the first time , under seasoned the second , and inedible or perfect the third. A complete crap shoot. I stopped going a long time ago.

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1 hour ago, dave2 said:


have you tried the fillet mignon there  ?


its superb :)



dukes 875 baht fillet mignon steak 2 sept 16 20160902_175837.jpg


I always seem to end up with ribs although next visit steak it is!  I'm on a birthday promise.


Last order of chips I found 2 that were overcooked (whinge whinge) otherwise the country style fries are superb - not dripping with oil like some places.


Duke's dressing are unique and the warm spinach salad was huge hit. 


As per CMBob's post, I too find it unusual for someone to post -ve comments on a forum without having taken the matter up with Dave. 

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1 hour ago, DKNY77 said:

dukes is notorious for it INCONSISTENCY  You may go order the same dish on three separate occasions and it can be over seasoned the first time , under seasoned the second , and inedible or perfect the third. A complete crap shoot. I stopped going a long time ago.



Right on the button !    I still go but sometimes wish i didn't.

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8 hours ago, dave2 said:


have you tried the fillet mignon there  ?


its superb :)



dukes 875 baht fillet mignon steak 2 sept 16 20160902_175837.jpg


I agree - but David - PLEASE tell your staff to give male Farangs both a man's steak knife and a man's fork when they order any steaks!!



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9 hours ago, CMBob said:

The OP tells us about his history of ordering this same item at D's before (and twice he's mentioned it was "always fabulous") and, yet, when he claims it was bad on this one occasion, he comes to this board and intentionally (or unintentionally) attempts to publicly shame the restaurant (rather than do the seemingly intelligent thing by resolving it with the waiter or Dave at the time).  Blabbing about his current issue here is what I find really distasteful (no pun intended).


I have no connection whatsoever with D's other than I and a small group have eaten there once a week for a fair while.  We've enjoyed the food and service and, so far,  have had no complaints at all (but, if and when we do, we'll handle it privately as noted).



Wrong. It's the restaurant's job to notice there's a problem and then address it. It's not the customer's job to "be chummy with someone they don't know" to get things fixed. Welcome to the internet age - deliver lousy food and service - people will out you.


I went to a Thai run burger restaurant recently. I made the mistake of being more adventurous than I normally am and the burger I ordered turned out to be utterly displeasing to my tastebuds. My friend's burger, however, was excellent. They noticed I wasn't really eating my burger. Asked if anything was wrong and if I wanted a replacement. I assured them the burger was fine - it just wasn't something I liked very much and that they'd done nothing wrong. When the bill came - they'd deducted it from the bill. See me complaining about that eating experience? No. Why? Because they went over and above to fix a problem they didn't create. I did. 


My own experiences of the chain alluded to in the OP's post are that he's overstating the good points. Been twice, will never set foot in one a third time. The food was bad. The bill was about 3 times what it should be for the quality of product. The service was worse. I don't know "Dave'" or "the waiter" but if that's the best they can do; it's not good enough. 

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51 minutes ago, TheSiemReaper said:


Wrong. It's the restaurant's job to notice there's a problem and then address it. It's not the customer's job to "be chummy with someone they don't know" to get things fixed. Welcome to the internet age - deliver lousy food and service - people will out you.


I went to a Thai run burger restaurant recently. I made the mistake of being more adventurous than I normally am and the burger I ordered turned out to be utterly displeasing to my tastebuds. My friend's burger, however, was excellent. They noticed I wasn't really eating my burger. Asked if anything was wrong and if I wanted a replacement. I assured them the burger was fine - it just wasn't something I liked very much and that they'd done nothing wrong. When the bill came - they'd deducted it from the bill. See me complaining about that eating experience? No. Why? Because they went over and above to fix a problem they didn't create. I did. 


My own experiences of the chain alluded to in the OP's post are that he's overstating the good points. Been twice, will never set foot in one a third time. The food was bad. The bill was about 3 times what it should be for the quality of product. The service was worse. I don't know "Dave'" or "the waiter" but if that's the best they can do; it's not good enough. 


  Except the OP didn't say the restaurant delivered lousy food and service - he said he didn't like the sauce.  That doesn't make the food "lousy".  You could cook an exquisite 5 star version of liver and onions and I wouldn't like it.  Doesn't make it lousy, simply not to my taste.  


  I'd say it's more like welcome to the internet age where anyone who wants can play the victim and turn any perceived slight into a semi-public drama so that three other people who give a cr@p about their complaint can "like" the post, thus making the "victim" feel like his grievance has been validated.  


  As for the reason you are not complaining on-line about your Thai burger experience, my guess is that it's because you are an adult.

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