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What do Americans think of Poms?


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I've definitely met Europeans who clearly detest all Americans based on thinking we're all uncivilized and right wing bible thumpers. They're not even interested in considering Americans individually. 


The nerve!


 I have seen that as well and very regrettable.


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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I've definitely met Europeans who clearly detest all Americans based on thinking we're all uncivilized and right wing bible thumpers. They're not even interested in considering Americans individually. 


The nerve!

Not from Trans.......

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6 hours ago, MartinL said:


So you'd feel far happier in the USA if you could spend all your life with, say, a dirt-poor black family in Alabama or a native American family in a reservation somewhere, rather than with white and affluent Americans similar to yourself, would you?


After all, they don't come much more oppressed than that do they? 


And if "oppression" is your criterion for feeling affinity, why wouldn't you feel that for a working-class English family in, say, Lancashire whose ancestors were probably every bit as oppressed as you seem to think your Scottish & Irish mates were.


in the US I never had the same problem as in England...I was disliked and resented simply because I'm an american...in the US around blacks and native americans they would simply be puzzled and say: 'whatchoo doin' round here, whiteboy?' the fact that I'm 40% indigenous andean notwithstanding...


in provincial Derby where I lived for 2 years it was even more complicated: 'you're from California? what're ye doin' choosin' to be around here?' 'well, just trine to make a livin'...' and folks would shake their heads and walk away muttering...


Glasgow was a breath of fresh air is all I'm sayin'...



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1 hour ago, rogeroc said:

I think people are often testing each other when they first meet and added to that i know there is a lot of resentment against the way America (not the individual people) has played its role in the World in recent years. Therefore if i meet an American i am interested to know whether they can understand that resentment and what their views on the subject are. Unless there is a significant level of hostility (when i agree it is time to get up and leave) why not embrace criticism and if you disagree argue the point well instead of changing the subject. Life isn't all a bed of roses. Isn't walking away from a difficult subject a bit Thai?


Thing is, Ive met a lot of different people. Worked all over the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Africa, SEA, India, Russia & more. 


You guys are pretty much the only ones that hold resentment. What the hell do YOU feel resentment for? What, exactly did we do to you? You seem to think you guys hold the world moral high road on world politics, but the reality is that you guys don't really do anything at all, and when WE do, you armchair coach everything like you could do it better and breathe life into every conspiracy theory the BBC has ever shown you. Cant you see how retarded that is? 


Seriously think about this, I walk into a restaurant and there are a group of you there. I start talking and within 5 minutes the conversation has devolved into  "Why I should understand your resentment towards us".   If Every American you meet is at some point subjected to this BS then you aint gonna have many friends man. You probably don't care, and I sure don't, but good lord man get over it. 


In my experience there is rarely "criticism" and besides, who the heck are you to criticize me? Really. 


Its not walking walking away because of Thai "nevermindness" its walking away so you guys don't ruin a good evening with your BS Criticism. Besides its been my experience that most that criticize, are incapable of taking the same in return. Add in that I'm a younger dude with a sharp tongue when pushed, and its typically older fellas that feel this way, they tend to get a little heavy on patronization and they are gonna learn real quick how I feel about it and most of you guys can't take it. 


"Bed of roses" lol yeah, one day you will learn to take a hint such as "Changing the Subject" because there may be more going on behind it than the perceived weakness you think you see. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I've definitely met Europeans who clearly detest all Americans based on thinking we're all uncivilized and right wing bible thumpers. They're not even interested in considering Americans individually. 


The nerve!


Do we have a word yet for dividing everyone into either right or left and then making it racist? 

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4 hours ago, rogeroc said:

I think people are often testing each other when they first meet and added to that i know there is a lot of resentment against the way America (not the individual people) has played its role in the World in recent years. Therefore if i meet an American i am interested to know whether they can understand that resentment and what their views on the subject are.


"Good sir, might I enquire your views on . . . ."


That's really not the way it's going to work if I attempt sit down for a beer over at the British Cultural Center in Pattaya:




But being arrogant, provincial, snide know-it-alls and blowhards extends into the forum as well. And it's always been that way even before "recent events."


Anyone seriously interested in friendly discussion with a foreigner first looks for common ground. He doesn't immediately attack the other's country and throw out insults on every conceivable aspect of the other's country and culture. "Recent events" have nothing to do with McDonald's and Starbucks. He avoids subjects, at first anyway, likely to cause disagreement. When I meet a German am I going to start up talking about the Holocaust? No, I don't bring that up. Am I going to sneer at sauerkraut and pig knuckle? No. When I meet a Brit, am I going immediately to start condemning the Jallianwahla Bagh massacre?


You see, it all has nothing much to do with inquiring of and discussing with 'Mercuns. Brits know what they know already.


BTW, what difference does some average person's opinion make anyway?



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10 hours ago, JSixpack said:


"Good sir, might I enquire your views on . . . ."


That's really not the way it's going to work if I attempt sit down for a beer over at the British Cultural Center in Pattaya:




But being arrogant, provincial, snide know-it-alls and blowhards extends into the forum as well. And it's always been that way even before "recent events."


Anyone seriously interested in friendly discussion with a foreigner first looks for common ground. He doesn't immediately attack the other's country and throw out insults on every conceivable aspect of the other's country and culture. "Recent events" have nothing to do with McDonald's and Starbucks. He avoids subjects, at first anyway, likely to cause disagreement. When I meet a German am I going to start up talking about the Holocaust? No, I don't bring that up. Am I going to sneer at sauerkraut and pig knuckle? No. When I meet a Brit, am I going immediately to start condemning the Jallianwahla Bagh massacre?


You see, it all has nothing much to do with inquiring of and discussing with 'Mercuns. Brits know what they know already.


BTW, what difference does some average person's opinion make anyway?



having read the thread,

i would say your doing the most blowing, with the sh£t your coming out with,

i dont have a problem with anyone unless they have a problem with me, im a live and let live, the past in the past, kind of person,

but i dont do fools,bragers,piss heads,


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Turning it around, there was an unhappy Pom (me) that imported loads of stuff from the USA that were faulty and cost me dear, and all at different times, though I did collar a guy when I went to the USA about one problem...:sad:...He gave me a free T-shirt with his explanation, it was the boss of a major camshaft manufacturer...:rolleyes:

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18 hours ago, Strange said:




Is the follow-up thread 'Will tutsiwarrior ever get over being dumped by a Limey/POME/Brit bird?'


my ex in the UK was from Laoise by way of Glasgow...I never much cared for english girls and in 10 years of living there never met one that was of any interest...probably something do with the prevailing English 50s mentality of 'boys on one side and girls on the other' that don't make no sense to a California boy...


'say, babe...yer lookin' good!'....'what???!!! stay away or I shall call the police!!!!'...


however recently I've seen the actress Carey Mulligan ('An Education') and was amused to find that I was falling for a typical 'english rose'...had more to do with her skill as an actress than anything else...



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3 minutes ago, transam said:

Turning it around, there was an unhappy Pom (me) that imported loads of stuff from the USA that were faulty and cost me dear, and all at different times, though I did collar a guy when I went to the USA about one problem...:sad:...He gave me a free T-shirt with his explanation, it was the boss of a major camshaft manufacturer...:rolleyes:


USA to UK? Or thailand? Faulty from shipping or from manufacture? 


Dang man you should easily get your cash back (excluding shipping and duty) 


Was it COMP Cams? 

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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:
18 hours ago, Strange said:

Liberal Division of Society? 


Too long? 



The Mormons have dibs, dude. 


Politically Correct Racism? 




This cool?

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5 minutes ago, Strange said:


USA to UK? Or thailand? Faulty from shipping or from manufacture? 


Dang man you should easily get your cash back (excluding shipping and duty) 


Was it COMP Cams? 

Yep, I went to the USA to do Hotrod Magazine east to west power tour (brilliant), every night at a different town all the manufacturers of speed stuff had stands, so l had a few words with the guy from CC.


My engine was shifting at 6800rpm but it was still hydraulic, CC produced a lifter that acted like solid, so imported a set. They never had C-clip retainers, they had circular sprung retainers that were pressed in on assembly so impossible to come out. Instructions said 12 thou lash. Anyhooo, run them, all OK until I had to take the valley tray off for some reason to find 2 or 3 of the retainers had been forced out. I pressed them back in.. The CC guy said a mistake was made on the instructions, it should read zero lash....:mad:

So when I returned home I had to strip it all down again to make sure the retainers were still installed before doing the zero lash..

My biggest headache was a TCI manual reverse pattern TH400 automatic race trans..That's another story...:crying:



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8 hours ago, pigeonjake said:

He avoids subjects, at first anyway, likely to cause disagreement. When I meet a German am I going to start up talking about the Holocaust? No, I don't bring that up. Am I going to sneer at sauerkraut and pig knuckle? No. When I meet a Brit, am I going immediately to start condemning the Jallianwahla Bagh massacre?



No need to bring of the Holocaust with a German or Jalianwahla Bagh with a Brit because we know and accept they were wrong!

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2 hours ago, rogeroc said:


No need to bring of the Holocaust with a German or Jalianwahla Bagh with a Brit because we know and accept they were wrong!


This will be a lot of reading for our Brits, but here you (that's 'u') go. (I had a wonderful typing teacher in the 10th grade, Mrs. Brown, bless 'er.)


And sauerkraut and pig knuckle? But then again an American might well think the whatever is wrong. Or not. So what? Since those views don't matter anyway, Brits really just want to have a bash by, out of SO many pleasant topics to discuss, finger-pointing that they think the whatever is wrong or inferior, sneer, and demand agreement. And there's a wide, wide range of the whatevers--from the Brit point of view, Brits being Brits--on which there may be well be disagreement.


I might point out how Brits similarly enjoy feeling superior by bashing Thais SO very, very much. Part of the overall bigotry. If not the Thais, the "Chinkies" etc. What happened to that sign in Pattaya, "Get Your Chinky Here!"?


My point is still 100% valid as to how you would approach conversation w/ a foreigner IF you have genuinely friendly intentions. As I noted, Brits in Thailand and on the forum anyway by and large don't have any such intention, hence their behavior. As I noted for our 'Mercun newbies, it's really warfare here on a forum that Brits consider their very own, their turf. Just acknowledging the reality of the situation.


So best thing for 'Mericans to do I think is avoid Brits & bash them whenever possible too. Only the mods prevent an ongoing full-fledged bash fest. (Thank you, mods.) Don't care in the slightest what Brits think about anything either, totally unimportant, except now that I know how they think here, I do wish the USA had stayed well out of WWII and just collected ALL the debts afterwards. Take it, Monty & Russians! :) And not shared any military tech, not for free anyway.


Mind you, I had a good opinion of Brits before I encountered them in Thailand and on the forum. I still have a good opinion of most other nationalities, though Ozzies often join the Brits in obnoxiousness. Had no problems w/ Brits in Britain (stayed in civilized areas). And I have no problems at all w/ Thais, almost always have pleasant interactions--because I learned Thai manners and the basics of the Thai language. Though I don't by any means like everything about Thailand as a country, and some gov't polices, and certain rather typical Thai characteristics, I don't see how whinging and bashing and confronting will help anything. Yeah I prefer to enjoy a pleasant interaction w/ the particular Thai person with whom I'm dealing. You won't hear any crying from me here about some rude cashier. :)


Here we find, to little surprise, an acknowledgement of the problem by none other than the British ambassador himself:


During his courtesy visit with the Governor of Chiang Mai, British Ambassador to Thailand Brian Davidson offered his apologies for inappropriate behavior of certain groups of British tourists visiting the Kingdom previously.


Right. Good news is that Thailand has far fewer now of tattooed Brit skinheads and yobos (lads having a bit o' fun) and that the GBP-THB exchange rate has moved in a direction with positive implications. :)


Well, OP wanted to know, so now he knows.

Edited by JSixpack
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2 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


This will be a lot of reading for our Brits, but here you (that's 'u') go. (I had a wonderful typing teacher in the 10th grade, Mrs. Brown, bless 'er.)


And sauerkraut and pig knuckle? But then again an American might well think the whatever is wrong. Or not. So what? Since those views don't matter anyway, Brits really just want to have a bash by, out of SO many pleasant topics to discuss, finger-pointing that they think the whatever is wrong or inferior, sneer, and demand agreement. And there's a wide, wide range of the whatevers--from the Brit point of view, Brits being Brits--on which there may be well be disagreement.


I might point out how Brits similarly enjoy feeling superior by bashing Thais SO very, very much. Part of the overall bigotry. If not the Thais, the "Chinkies" etc. What happened to that sign in Pattaya, "Get Your Chinky Here!"?


My point is still 100% valid as to how you would approach conversation w/ a foreigner IF you have genuinely friendly intentions. As I noted, Brits in Thailand and on the forum anyway by and large don't have any such intention, hence their behavior. As I noted for our 'Mercun newbies, it's really warfare here on a forum that Brits consider their very own, their turf. Just acknowledging the reality of the situation.


So best thing for 'Mericans to do I think is avoid Brits & bash them whenever possible too. Only the mods prevent an ongoing full-fledged bash fest. (Thank you, mods.) Don't care in the slightest what Brits think about anything either, totally unimportant, except now that I know how they think here, I do wish the USA had stayed well out of WWII and just collected ALL the debts afterwards. Take it, Monty & Russians! :) And not shared any military tech, not for free anyway.


Mind you, I had a good opinion of Brits before I encountered them in Thailand and on the forum. I still have a good opinion of most other nationalities, though Ozzies often join the Brits in obnoxiousness. Had no problems w/ Brits in Britain (stayed in civilized areas). And I have no problems at all w/ Thais, almost always have pleasant interactions--because I learned Thai manners and the basics of the Thai language. Though I don't by any means like everything about Thailand as a country, and some gov't polices, and certain rather typical Thai characteristics, I don't see how whinging and bashing and confronting will help anything. Yeah I prefer to enjoy a pleasant interaction w/ the particular Thai person with whom I'm dealing. You won't hear any crying from me here about some rude cashier. :)


Here we find, to little surprise, an acknowledgement of the problem by none other than the British ambassador himself:


During his courtesy visit with the Governor of Chiang Mai, British Ambassador to Thailand Brian Davidson offered his apologies for inappropriate behavior of certain groups of British tourists visiting the Kingdom previously.


Right. Good news is that Thailand has far fewer now of tattooed Brit skinheads and yobos (lads having a bit o' fun) and that the GBP-BHT exchange rate has moved in a direction with positive implications. :)


Well, OP wanted to know, so now he knows.

I am not a Brit, I am English........

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5 hours ago, transam said:

Yep, I went to the USA to do Hotrod Magazine east to west power tour (brilliant), every night at a different town all the manufacturers of speed stuff had stands, so l had a few words with the guy from CC.


My engine was shifting at 6800rpm but it was still hydraulic, CC produced a lifter that acted like solid, so imported a set. They never had C-clip retainers, they had circular sprung retainers that were pressed in on assembly so impossible to come out. Instructions said 12 thou lash. Anyhooo, run them, all OK until I had to take the valley tray off for some reason to find 2 or 3 of the retainers had been forced out. I pressed them back in.. The CC guy said a mistake was made on the instructions, it should read zero lash....:mad:

So when I returned home I had to strip it all down again to make sure the retainers were still installed before doing the zero lash..

My biggest headache was a TCI manual reverse pattern TH400 automatic race trans..That's another story...:crying:


So it was a hydraulic flat cam and lifter setup? And you changed to a Comp hydraulic flat lifter for valve train "safety" at rpm?

And instead of a c-clip holding the plunger in the lifter bore, it was a spiro-lock? 


Lol yeah bad instructions! On my ford and chevy stuff (Pontiac prolly same too) a hydraulic lifter requires a pre-load so zero lash with valve closed plus a 1/4 or 1/2 turn. It wasn't noisy with 12 thou? 

The ford in my avi was a hydraulic flat from the factory, but I retrofitted with a hydraulic roller link bar lifter/cam/spring and spin it to 7200 rpm no problem. The lifters themselves are pricy, but everything else isn't. All Custom stuff that can't be bought off the shelf. 




Man today nobody really goes to comp for anything. Camshaft and valve train tech is in a complete class of its own and everybody now are using "Custom" camshafts for specific apps. In the link above, guy named Ed Curtis designs to order and has COMP grind it for you specifically and then supplies specific springs etc for the kit. WAY better than 15 years ago when it was a COMP magazine and 10,000 choices. All this custom kit costs almost the same as ordering from COMP and getting "off the shelf" stuff. 


Man I could ramble about camshaft tech forever but ill spare you and everyone else. 


I couldn't deal with car stuff like you do. Having to import everything... At home I get stuff overnight and if its wrong, I just send it back lol. Kinda why I don't mess with anything here. 


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yeah...it is unfair to lump the welsh and the scots in with the English...even within England itself there is a huge difference between northerners and southerners as I found living in Derby and Brighton...the problem is with the typical 'self respecting' middle class disapproving type who are the same all over the world regardless of nationality...


I always noted that working class types get angry when yer middle class nob gets resentful when they see sumpin' that they don't like and there ain't many working class types permanently in Thailand (the tatooed guys with the beer bellies are all tourists)...hence cogent to what we been talkin' about...



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On 10/6/2016 at 5:22 AM, pgrahmm said:


There's really no significant product or import that comes to the US that would help to make anything English or from England a relatable household experience or contribution.....



Strange, I had almost the exact same thought about things American - that during my 55 years of life in UK, nothing significant to me had been imported to UK from the States except Harley Davidsons and they REALLY aren't a good advert. for anybody's industry.


So a bit belatedly, I decided to look up some USA-UK trade figures and I was astonished when looking at this link from the US Census Bureau ---- https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c4120.html . Astonished at how poor USA exports of goods to UK were, considering it's the world's largest economy.


Since it's a US document, I must assume that 'Exports' means trade in goods USA >> UK and 'Imports' means trade in goods UK >> USA.


Look at the attachment below.


So it seems there are far more 'things' imported from UK > USA than you realise.


For the world's largest economy, USA exports of goods to UK are pretty poor - it clearly makes little that UK needs (following your logic).


In the years from 2000 onwards, UK has had a surplus in its trade in goods with USA every year except for 2011.


If you're going to bash UK because, you claim, it sells nothing of significance to the USA, at least find some verifiable facts to back-up your assertion. Otherwise it appears your bashing just for the hell of it.


People in UK frequently say that the country is finished - not a sentiment I agree with - and produces nothing of value any more. I'd say these figures show that to be a misconception.


Incidentally, it's a similar picture for USA trade in goods with Germany and France - surpluses for both countries (a HUGE surplus in Germany's case). 








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50 minutes ago, MartinL said:

Strange, I had almost the exact same thought about things American - that during my 55 years of life in UK, nothing significant to me had been imported to UK from the States except Harley Davidsons and they REALLY aren't a good advert. for anybody's industry.


So a bit belatedly, I decided to look up some USA-UK trade figures and I was astonished when looking at this link from the US Census Bureau ---- https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c4120.html . Astonished at how poor USA exports of goods to UK were, considering it's the world's largest economy.


Since it's a US document, I must assume that 'Exports' means trade in goods USA >> UK and 'Imports' means trade in goods UK >> USA.


Look at the attachment below.


So it seems there are far more 'things' imported from UK > USA than you realise.


For the world's largest economy, USA exports of goods to UK are pretty poor - it clearly makes little that UK needs (following your logic).


In the years from 2000 onwards, UK has had a surplus in its trade in goods with USA every year except for 2011.


If you're going to bash UK because, you claim, it sells nothing of significance to the USA, at least find some verifiable facts to back-up your assertion. Otherwise it appears your bashing just for the hell of it.


People in UK frequently say that the country is finished - not a sentiment I agree with - and produces nothing of value any more. I'd say these figures show that to be a misconception.


Incidentally, it's a similar picture for USA trade in goods with Germany and France - surpluses for both countries (a HUGE surplus in Germany's case). 


How long did it take you to gather all that up? Pretty sorry rebuttal IMHO its pretty balanced both ways but it you want to "win" then sure you got it. 


And the post you were replying to still stands. There is nothing of significance imported from the UK to the USA. 

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15 hours ago, pigeonjake said:

having read the thread,

i would say your doing the most blowing, with the sh£t your coming out with,

i dont have a problem with anyone unless they have a problem with me, im a live and let live, the past in the past, kind of person,

but i dont do fools,bragers,piss heads,


He's probably had just about enough of the BS as I have. 


Im inclined to believe you, I do the same, but its pretty obvious that a majority of you guys hold a deep distaste for americans and its pretty sour. 

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