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SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential Race?


SURVEY: Should Donald Trump drop out of the Presidential race?  

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5 hours ago, Xircal said:

He's controversial character no doubt about that. But maybe that's the kind of president America needs to shake things up a bit instead of rumbling on with the same old dialog come election time. Good theatre in any event.


Tear things up.


As in the Constitution.

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3 hours ago, Calach said:


Yeah... he lied about banging the trainee and almost got removed from office. Bush deliberately lied by knowingly presenting bogus proofs to Americans and to the UN itself, to launch a war that caused thousands of American deaths and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's, he never had to worry about it. And now we are debating whether Trump should renounce over a 10 yo crude private bragging, while Clinton has bigger faults to be blamed for, as far as we know at least. It looks like the moral compass of US public life is more concerned by zippers than by historical crimes and corruption. 





The only moral compass is that being pushed by the media and political elites (Republicans), the has-beens, many of whom may find their snouts removed from the trough by Trump, should he win.  Arnold Schwarzenegger has withdrawn his support. 555,  wasn't he the one who had an affair and a child with his family nanny.  What a hypocrite.


Then there's the media,  CNN, New York Times and other leftist newspapers and media outlets.  All are putting out an ongoing avalanche of attack after attack.  I am not saying that Trump is the golden haired boy and that he hasn't said some dumb things but at least he faces up time after time despite the ongoing attacks.  Now they're even calling on Trump to resign, putting pressure on Pence to resign from the ticket or taking over from Trump as the nominee, or


And a newbie, videos allegedly from the Apprentice Show as alleged by an ex-producer, to be worse than others.  CNN haven't be able to confirm if they actually exist or what they allegedly contain but are treating them as fact and given the way they word things, suggesting it is bad.  They are after him relentlessly and won't give up, no matter what.  Clearly they have teams trying to find anything and everything in their attempts to kill him off.  They brush over Clinton's failures but with Trump, they just go on and on.  We then have the new Wiki Leaks emails and the Clinton camp are on about them being fake, altered or not taken in context.  The media again just brushed over them.  It's the media that are the ones who are more interested in zippers then any policies. 


You should see his detractors in the media gloating every time something comes up, the laugh and joke amongst themselves, add their own words, change words around to make things look much more worse than they are.  The so called panels, 4 against Trump, 6 against Trump,  2 for Trump, the biased moderators, it just goes on and on.  Watched the video about Trump saying he could grab a female on the pussy but now CNN are saying he has admitted to committing a sexual assault and this is being pushed by every panelist who is against Trump. He said he could not that he did.  A prime example of adding things or interpreting it to suit themselves.  

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22 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:





The only moral compass is that being pushed by the media and political elites (Republicans), the has-beens, many of whom may find their snouts removed from the trough by Trump, should he win.  Arnold Schwarzenegger has withdrawn his support. 555,  wasn't he the one who had an affair and a child with his family nanny.  What a hypocrite.


Then there's the media,  CNN, New York Times and other leftist newspapers and media outlets.  All are putting out an ongoing avalanche of attack after attack.  I am not saying that Trump is the golden haired boy and that he hasn't said some dumb things but at least he faces up time after time despite the ongoing attacks.  Now they're even calling on Trump to resign, putting pressure on Pence to resign from the ticket or taking over from Trump as the nominee, or


And a newbie, videos allegedly from the Apprentice Show as alleged by an ex-producer, to be worse than others.  CNN haven't be able to confirm if they actually exist or what they allegedly contain but are treating them as fact and given the way they word things, suggesting it is bad.  They are after him relentlessly and won't give up, no matter what.  Clearly they have teams trying to find anything and everything in their attempts to kill him off.  They brush over Clinton's failures but with Trump, they just go on and on.  We then have the new Wiki Leaks emails and the Clinton camp are on about them being fake, altered or not taken in context.  The media again just brushed over them.  It's the media that are the ones who are more interested in zippers then any policies. 


You should see his detractors in the media gloating every time something comes up, the laugh and joke amongst themselves, add their own words, change words around to make things look much more worse than they are.  The so called panels, 4 against Trump, 6 against Trump,  2 for Trump, the biased moderators, it just goes on and on.  Watched the video about Trump saying he could grab a female on the pussy but now CNN are saying he has admitted to committing a sexual assault and this is being pushed by every panelist who is against Trump. He said he could not that he did.  A prime example of adding things or interpreting it to suit themselves.  

You obviously never watch FOX News.

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55 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Who really cares it's the U.S elections and Americas problem if these two are the cream of  U.S society. The sun will still rise in the rest of the world.

No, you misunderstand the interest. We don't care. It's all able the entertainment. 

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

Man I'm so jealous of your single payer plan. In the US the right wingers have always said the Canadians don't like it. Well I went fishing about 40 different times up to Ontario, I made it a point to ask every person I had some contact with if they liked it and never found any that didn't.  Best fishing on the planet no doubt, especially after they put the limits on taking the fish. 

We have had our share of conservative governments over the years that were ideologically opposed to Medicare. None had the guts to go against the public will and undermine it to any real extent.

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No, he shouldn't drop out of the race. Nor would it be satisfactory for the Republican Party to try to weasel him out of a nomination that he won straight up. The man represents 40% +of the electorate and should have his chance to put his toxic brew to the public.

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Donald would never voluntarily leave the race, if he did so, he would be a quitter and I suspect he hates quitter just as much as he hates losers.   


Donald staying in also assures a win for Hillary.   

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Of course he should withdraw from the race.  The only question is will he withdraw.  And I think there's a reasonable chance of this happening soon after the debate.

Too egotistical to withdraw. He's an arrogant stupid idiot. Remember, stupid people don't know they are stupid.
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The results of the poll so far show that most believe he should remain in the race...but not because they like him (according to comments members left), but because they want the Republican Party and America to suffer the consequences of such a tragic and disastrous person.  I do understand that position. The actual Trump supporters on this form are not many, and, like Trump himself, few are articulate or thoughtful in presenting any case for him - not that it would help though, if they were.


But, I voted for him to drop out of the race to allow America and the Republican party to keep a bare minimum of self respect and for the world to keep a bare minimum of respect for the still greatest power on earth. The danger of a uni-party state is more dangerous than a two party state.

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The Access Hollywood tape was only the latest evidence that Donald Trump is unqualified and tempermentally unfit to serve as President of the United States. But there has been ample evidence that this was the case from the very onset of his candidacy. Sadly, his supporters chose to ignore this evidence. The saying, 'You've made your bed, now lie in it" comes to mind.

Edited by Gecko123
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23 hours ago, oilinki said:

While I think Trump is a nutter, I think he should stay on the race. This is simply to destroy the current GOP so that the party can start over. 


GOP is going to hold a meeting on Monday, probably to drop support from Trump and to choose a new GOP nominee. Who that will be? I hope not Pence as he is way out in the orbit.



"In the year two-thousand sixteen, we have a VP candidate who denies evolution.  Just in case you thought Trump was hogging all the stupid."


Do they really think he cares about being Republican, or Democrat. Is it too late for him to run as the independent he's really been running out of control as all along. Where's the CIA when the Warren Commission needs another covert operation to hide the truth from the American public, without an official military take over? 

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Not being American I think this election will still have an influence on my future as such put my 2 cents worth in :-


I do not like either and would like to see the whole process start over again with the likes of John Kerry throwing his hat in the ring for the Democrats. I know it will not happen -- IMHO Trump is a downright idiot so I guess it has to be the better of 2 evils.

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I don't know a lot about US politics but it does seem to me that they cannot find a suitable candidate who would make a half decent president. If I were an American I certainly would not want either of these two front runners.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:

It might be too late, but Trump won the second debate. Of course, low expectations pushed him over the top. :smile:

For me, the debate was a "nail biter" to watch. At one point, I thought Trump was going to A) throw the mic at Clinton and then walk off the stage B) punch Clinton or  C) tell the moderators to F off and then walk off the stage. 

But he did none of the above. 

He certainly is the King of deflection though. 

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Surely, everyone has better time to spend rather than wasting it responding to the reality show which is an embarrasement to any U.S. Veteran and U.S. Citizen.


I'll go one further, it's downright disgusting....

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Pffft. Trump didn't win the debate. He stomped around the stage looking like Frankenstein's monster. The man just couldn't keep still. Then when he got a question, he maybe mumbled one or two line response or deflected the question and then went off on a tangent to attack Hillary on some random subject. He spewed forth more of his signature rambling, run-on, vitriolic sentences. Oh, and the constant complaining about time and being "teamed up" upon was priceless.


Hillary was great! For the most part ignoring Trump's insults and attacks. Calling him out for blatant lies. She would go over to the person who asked the question and answer then with dignity and eloquence. She owned the night with policy statements and warmth.

Edited by Silurian
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15 hours ago, Xircal said:

He's controversial character no doubt about that. But maybe that's the kind of president America needs to shake things up a bit instead of rumbling on with the same old dialog come election time. Good theatre in any event.


I know a tramp named Vic who walks city streets aimlessly in soiled clothes, and shouts obscenities at tall buildings.  He's a controversial character. Vic could shake things up if he were prez.  Is that the sort of person you want as US prez?


BTW, if Pence had a modicum of conviction (for his Bible-thumping beliefs) he would drop out from being VP candidate.  He doesn't, and he won't.  He's like a dog on a leash.  His handler pees on him, and the dog is only bothered for a moment, and then adapts.

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On Sunday, October 09, 2016 at 10:16 AM, ThaiTJ said:

TV really slams Trump..how about a un-bias comparison showing Clinton's faults..which most are criminal under federal law.

How come she was exonerated by the feds after 14 months' enquiry. Their verdict was that she was, basically, careless. 

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10 minutes ago, Kabula said:

Surely, everyone has better time to spend rather than wasting it responding to the reality show which is an embarrasement to any U.S. Veteran and U.S. Citizen.


I'll go one further, it's downright disgusting....

Why not enjoy this very real reality show? It is riveting. To watch this mouth piece idiot implode and take the GOP with him is the epitome of entertainment media for many. 

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1 hour ago, bdenner said:

Not being American I think this election will still have an influence on my future as such put my 2 cents worth in :-


I do not like either and would like to see the whole process start over again with the likes of John Kerry throwing his hat in the ring for the Democrats. I know it will not happen -- IMHO Trump is a downright idiot so I guess it has to be the better of 2 evils.



No problem not being an American Citizen..Everyone is entitled to an opinion :thumbsup:


I am a citizen & I can tell you your not alone in wishing there were better choices than these two.

But unless they add none of the above to the ballot we will never really get a candidate we want...This goes without saying for many decades now


Yes in 2008 there was a sliver of hope as many including myself believed the "Yes We Can" & "Hope & Change" Hype

We see now 8 years later it was SOS as usual...It was No we cannot for a multitude of excuses


So to even argue over these two is really quite silly

It is like arguing over two TV wrestlers

The whole match is rigged regardless of who wins


The only glimmer in Trump is the fact so many (media, celebs etc.) have come out so strongly to

tell us what a mistake that would be to elect him.


This in itself is a glimmer of hope that he possibly cannot be completely controlled ....that may ....or may not ...be a great thing

But at least it would be  real Hope & Change....Then again if he turned out to be the real change we know how that would end too.

Same as Kennedy


Hillary we know 100% what a wreck that is



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Hell NO!! I am loving his project to show the world just how low american politics has gone and how many Americans are willing to support a vile, unstable, ignorant, selfish, vindictive, bullying and dangerous man for the most powerful office on the planet.

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