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Police in Bangkok Conduct Random Checks on Tourists Ahead of Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit


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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

YeahFinally it is happening something and that must be positive, when most of all the people coming here want to feel safe. That is
something that all the criminals are taking away. Just good police work, and they definetely don´t give tha cup to people that
they clearly can see are not using drugs.

Not sure how you can say this, when a week ago, a round up at an after hours bar only tested positive 6 out of 30 tests.

Edited by cncltd1973
confused my police round up drug tests
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5 hours ago, bridge2bridge said:

What about all the TRASH Tourists that come here and cause problems for ALL of us.

Good to see the crack down IMHO.

If you don't do wrong you have no reason to worry.


The, what you call, trash tourists, are among I mentioned, tourists and expats alike.

But all of them bring money into the country, generate jobs, etc.

Some bring in a lot, some a little.

But all of them bring money to spend in Thailand.

And all of them are potential ambassadors of Thailand, positive or negative.

And your idea, if you do not do anything wrong, you have no reason to worry, well, history teaches us otherwise.

Millions thought behaving themselves, obeying the rules, accepting checks, would protect them.

It simply did not.

Thing is, dear sir, the wrongdoers' chances to get controlled are minimal, because they are not running around where there is more chance to get controlled, they stay in the shadows.

So, simply said, the controlled ones are the good ones, mostly.

And really do not understand why they are treated as potential criminals.

You say, good show, that crackdown.

Crackdown on what?

For what?



Shows like these, most of the time, just illustrate the law enforcement to have no idea.

It is just a show.

Edited by hansnl
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1 minute ago, pepi2005 said:

Funny how the Thai woman in the background has a big smile on her face about this disgraceful treatment of "farang" tourists.


Thailand destroys its image quite successfully since a couple of months.

Destroying its attractiveness for a good long time now - especially since 2014 (although there were certainly problems before that too) ....

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The  Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit is a leitimate terrorist target for those who feel they should  target  it.

A backpack bomb to such people would be a message to the Thai government that they could not protrct their own Capital city.

I don't agree, but for a terrorist it is just the kind of mesage they would want to see demonstrated in Thailand.

If a few farang wetern (tourists) died in such a bombing, the headlines woudf echo around the world.

Like it or not you have to realise the reality of today's international terrorism threat.



Edited by IMA_FARANG
correct typo
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6 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

The  Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit is a leitimate terrorist target for those who feel they should  target  it.

A backpack bomb to such people would be a message to the Thai government that they could not protrct their own Capital city.

I don't agree, but for a terrorist it is just the kind of mesage they would want to see demonstrated in Thailand.

If a few farang wetern (tourists) died in such a bombing, the headlines woudf echo around the world.

Like it or not you have to realise the reality of today's international terrorism threat.




   Do they have urine tests these days that can detect whether or not you are carrying a bomb?


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3 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


How predictable of you, George.

You can't dispute what I said so you attack me personally.

You need help if you think that  tourists need to be  drug tested off the streets of thailand it is just so stupid and will  destroy the  tourist industry .

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4 hours ago, impulse said:


Tranquil?  In SE Asia?  Name one.  Singapore doesn't count...


Edit:  Better Google recent events first.  Or you may embarrass yourself.


obviously you've never visited  Luang Prabang in Laos and stood on the top of Mount Phousi:smile:

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55 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Not to mention the calibration etc of equipment used. At the very least victims should film everything.


Calibrated????? I rode off from an, "official stop" about 7 months ago,,, because I REFUSED to blow into a hand-held calculator, with duct tape holding the batteries in,, AND a plastic tube duct taped to the top,,, I watched the poor sod ahead of me, blow into it,, the BIB using it,, randomly pressed buttons,, PRESTO CHANGEO,,, Guy got hauled off,,, I insisted 1st,, "where is your supervisor,, REPEATEDLY,,,,  (an official stop REQUIRES one),,,, then insisted I would blow at the station, but NOT into a "Texas instrements"  calculator on the street,,, I also video'd what I could while dealing with them,,,  I sat on the curb for nearly 2 hours, with "absolutely nothing to hide",, stood my ground about the head man at the "official" stop,,, and blowing at the station,,, By that time it was almost 5AM,,,, they finally packed up their, "dog and pony show",,,, and I just rode off home,,,, 

Edited by Adeeos
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21 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

The  Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit is a leitimate terrorist target for those who feel they should  target  it.

A backpack bomb to such people would be a message to the Thai government that they could not protrct their own Capital city.

I don't agree, but for a terrorist it is just the kind of mesage they would want to see demonstrated in Thailand.

If a few farang wetern (tourists) died in such a bombing, the headlines woudf echo around the world.

Like it or not you have to realise the reality of today's international terrorism threat.




Yes,,, so by all means,,, insist people stopped, paperwork in order,, piss into a random bottle on the sidewalk,,, IF I were much younger,, I'd relish the oppertunity to be about 15 beers into my night, and staggering whilst attempting to stand there,  hit a small cup, with the freshly pressed pants, and highly polished shoes of a BIB standing in front of me monitoring my efforts,,, "Oooops sorry ocifer,,, That should wash right out",,,,, lolololololol

Edited by Adeeos
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What a star act this is by the police. 

Madame TAT will be most impressed with their efforts in trying to give tourists a true to life experience of Thailand being a police state. No doubt these tourists will go home with exciting stories to tell about having drug and passport checks in the streets and being treated as if being common criminals or subversives.

This police tourist promo will doubtless get wide negative publicity within the international tourist agency network.

And the ***** Five star TAT tourism award for the month goes to the Bangkok police! 


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2 hours ago, indieke said:


I am happy, you are  confident, about the place you live. Great for you!  While I doubt that in the evening, they will look in your eyes, so do I if they let most or all people piss, you be left alone, because you not have the profile, whatever that is.  And worse, these kind of actions, will give a single cop, the idea, he is entitled, to do his on his very own. Like the passport, I now carry, when it should be in a hotel-safe.


And about you remark about locals and helmets, I not doubt that in local villages, none or few farangs, they will target the locals, but in places where the farangs are largely present, I seen more then once, heck all the time that no Thai is topped, and the farang target. So you proudly live there, good for you, I am happy I can   always get home again. And enjoy some beter places in Thailand, what I have been doing for 27 years. Cheers! 


Sure, you might be right. I might be right. However I only have one single thing regarding your comment. I hope you know that it´s okey to have a copy of your first page in the passport together with a copy of your valid stamp and one copy of the sticker for your visa, (if have), with you. That always works for me, and think that the information is to be found in the Immigration rules and regulations.

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I repeat. I not see any reason, NONE, to bother innocent looking tourists, to ask for their passport, let them do a drugtest, bother them, when most are just enjoying their vacation.

If they are in some joints, that should not even be open, by Thai law, would be another thing, but still, I think they average Joe being bothered, is another thing, then the one's selling drugs, pornography, opening brothels, and are OBVIOUS into something bad. Why not start with that, to make a safer city.


And I am not speaking about these blacks being bothered for selling drugs. Black tourists, would be victim, as unfortunately there are gangs, mostly of that skin color, as Thais. A decent looking person, just walking the street bothered to piss in a cup, when law says this should be done in station, and when acting suspect.


As for overstay, well they got a list from immigration, they can check one and a while as much as they can, and they do. And those people know in general, how to stay put. And worse when they use all these nonsense to be bribed.

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1 minute ago, indieke said:

I repeat. I not see any reason, NONE, to bother innocent looking tourists, to ask for their passport, let them do a drugtest, bother them, when most are just enjoying their vacation.

If they are in some joints, that should not even be open, by Thai law, would be another thing, but still, I think they average Joe being bothered, is another thing, then the one's selling drugs, pornography, opening brothels, and are OBVIOUS into something bad. Why not start with that, to make a safer city.


And I am not speaking about these blacks being bothered for selling drugs. Black tourists, would be victim, as unfortunately there are gangs, mostly of that skin color, as Thais. A decent looking person, just walking the street bothered to piss in a cup, when law says this should be done in station, and when acting suspect.


As for overstay, well they got a list from immigration, they can check one and a while as much as they can, and they do. And those people know in general, how to stay put. And worse when they use all these nonsense to be bribed.


Absolutely, I completely agree,,,, but the problem in Thailand is always this,, "We need to ACT like we're doing our JOBS,,,  appease our boss,,,, and, 2 fold,, to repeat an old quote from a USA bank robber,,, He robbed banks,, because,, THAT'S where they keep the money!",, WHY not kill 2 birds with one stone heh?

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I was stopped for going the wrong way on a one way recently.  Two police were waiting for violators at the end of the one way as it was a little alley, common practice,  easy pickens. No request for my drivers license, no ticket for wrong way down the one way. Just told to blow into the alcohol tester. Red light comes on and the negotiations begin. My last drink was 4 hours earlier, not intoxicated in the slightest, just looking for some food. End result, they asked me for 30,000B. All I had was 900 and an emergency $100 bill in my bike seat. They finally accepted. Spent the next 2 hours trying to find a 24 hours western union walking around in the rain. I was completely cleaned out. 

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7 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

TAT will be most impressed with their efforts in trying to give tourists a true to life experience of Thailand being a police state.


No. TAT don't know about the efforts of the Police. The TAT, and they did it proof uncountable, is living in their own bubble. They can't imagine that there is something outside of their own bubble. So, don't worry about TAT.

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2 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

What a star act this is by the police. 

Madame TAT will be most impressed with their efforts in trying to give tourists a true to life experience of Thailand being a police state. No doubt these tourists will go home with exciting stories to tell about having drug and passport checks in the streets and being treated as if being common criminals or subversives.

This police tourist promo will doubtless get wide negative publicity within the international tourist agency network.

And the ***** Five star TAT tourism award for the month goes to the Bangkok police! 


Thailand as a police state? Surely not!


What appals me is the Westerners (from countries which spent centuries fighting for decent civil and human rights) who leap with sinister enthusiasm into the arms of state domination, surveillance and control. It's as if they are crying out: 'Oh, please - State - make me a prisoner, strip me of all my human dignity and liberties - I really, really want it SO MUCH. Please treat me like dogs' filth and worse - oh, I love it so much: I know it's all for my own good - even though the chances of being killed in a terrorist attack are multiple times fewer than being harmed by a mosquito bite. Make my day, do  -  and pour all your state-sanctioned excrement all over me. Oh, that feels so good!


Sometimes I despair of such self-degraded, masochistic types. Fortunately, they are in the minority on Thaivisa!


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13 minutes ago, Get Real said:


Sure, you might be right. I might be right. However I only have one single thing regarding your comment. I hope you know that it´s okey to have a copy of your first page in the passport together with a copy of your valid stamp and one copy of the sticker for your visa, (if have), with you. That always works for me, and think that the information is to be found in the Immigration rules and regulations.


That is absolutely right, that is REGULATION, and I am aware of it.  But that crooked cop,  will ask the original passport, to fine you. And go argue then with him......

Edited by indieke
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12 minutes ago, indieke said:


That is absolutely right, that is REGULATION, and I am aware of it.  But that crooked cop,  will ask the original passport, to fine you. And go argue then with him......


You always have a choice. Why would you want to argue about the obvious?
You have a copy he can see. The regulation says that a copy is acceptable. You can offer him to accompany you to your hotel, where you have your original passport.
That is no argument and it has been working for me once before. Talking out of experiance.

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My position on Thailand is why promote a Junta, I now don't recommend to anyone to go to Thailand , try other exotic places , Lapland is great at this time of the year and they speak better English in Cambodia......................................:coffee1:

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1 minute ago, Adeeos said:


56,,,, my point was, to paraphrase a quote,,, "Bangkok, I spent a LIFETIME there one week",,,, lol,, so ya,, I had the chance to experience, SEVERAL, "lifetimes" there, all within the 7 years I lived there,,, ;)


Just made a joke with you. You made it so easy! LOL :-)



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