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Trump denies actions he bragged about on tape 


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Trump denies actions he bragged about on tape 
JULIE PACE, Associated Press
LISA LERER, Associated Press


ST. LOUIS (AP) — In a debate filled with tension, Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of attacking women involved in her husband's marital affairs and declared she would "be in jail" if he were president. Staring icily at her Republican rival, Clinton said Trump's own aggressively vulgar comments about women had revealed "exactly who he is."


Sunday night's debate was the culmination of a stunning stretch in the race for the White House, which began with the release of a new video in which Trump is heard bragging about how his fame allowed him to "do anything" to women. A flood of Republicans revoked their support, with some calling for him to drop out of the race.


Answering for his words for the first time, Trump denied that he had ever kissed and grabbed women without their consent. He said repeatedly that his words in 2005 were merely "locker room talk" and paled in comparison to what he called Bill Clinton's abuse of women.


"She should be ashamed of herself," Trump declared. Ahead of the debate, the businessman met with three women who accused the former president of sexual harassment and even rape, then invited them to sit in the debate hall.


Bill Clinton never faced any criminal charges in relation to the allegations, and a lawsuit over an alleged rape was dismissed. He did settle a lawsuit with one of the women who claimed harassment.


On the debate stage, Clinton did not respond directly to Trump's accusations about her husband or her own role, but was blistering in her condemnation of his predatory comments about women in the tape released Friday.


"I think it's clear to anyone who heard him that it represents exactly who he is," she said, adding that she did not believe Trump had the "fitness to serve" as commander in chief.


The second debate was a town hall format, with several undecided voters sitting on stage with the candidates. The voters, all from the St. Louis area, were selected by Gallup.


The tension between Trump and Clinton was palpable from the start of their 90-minute debate, the second time they have faced off in the presidential campaign. They did not shake hands as they met at center stage.


Trump, who is nearly a foot taller than Clinton, stood close behind her as she answered questions from the voters. At other times, he paced the stage and repeatedly interrupted her.


Ahead of the event, Trump brazenly met publicly with several women who have accused Bill Clinton of unwanted sexual advances and even rape.


Trump refused to answer questions from reporters about his own aggressive sexual remarks about women during the meeting in a hotel conference room with Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey. Kathy Shelton, a fourth woman who appeared with Trump, was a 12-year-old Arkansas sexual assault victim whose alleged assailant was defended by Hillary Clinton.


Some of the women seated alongside him, however, were graphic in their accusations against the Clintons.


"Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me," Broaddrick said. "I don't think there's any comparison."


Broaddrick, a former Arkansas nursing home administrator, first claimed 17 years ago that Bill Clinton raped her during a meeting in Little Rock in 1978. Her lawsuit against him was dismissed in 2001 and criminal charges were never filed. Clinton has denied the allegations.


Trump is trying to change the subject from his own conduct. Even before Friday's new revelations of his sexual remarks about women, his campaign was slumping. But the release of the 2005 video has some leading Republicans convinced the damage is insurmountable.


The political firestorm was sparked by a 2005 video obtained and released Friday by The Washington Post and NBC News. In the video, Trump, who was married to his current wife at the time, is heard describing attempts to have sex with a married woman. He also brags to Billy Bush of "Access Hollywood" about women letting him kiss them and grab their genitals because he is famous.


NBC said Sunday that it had indefinitely suspended Bush, now a "Today" show personality, for his role in the crude conversation with Trump.


Trump's own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, has declared he could neither condone nor defend the remarks in the video revealed on Friday.


Other Republicans have taken the extraordinary step of revoking support for their party's nominee. Among them: Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte — both are running for re-election — and the party's 2008 nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain. Some called on Trump to quit the race.


Trump's troubles have almost completely overshadowed the release of hacked emails from the Clinton campaign that revealed the contents of previously secret paid speeches to Wall Street. Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade." Such remarks were at odds with her tough public comments.


Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Steve Peoples, Catherine Lucey, Jonathan Lemire, Laurie Kellman and Kathleen Ronayne contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-10
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ST. LOUIS (AP) - Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has 'tremendous hate in her heart'


ST. LOUIS (AP) — Trump says there has 'never been anybody in the history of politics that's been so abusive to women' as Bill Clinton.


ST. LOUIS (AP) - Donald Trump says if he was in charge of laws in the U.S., Hillary Clinton would 'be in jail'

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Looks like an ally of Trump sent payments to some of these women Trump "interviewed" before the debate. Sure, no bias or incentive there.


Trump Ally Paid Sexual Assault Victim Critical of Clinton



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Don't know if this is a first, but  seems Trump finally called himself a liar and never did what he said. Although he was probably lying about that too. I wonder if any women will come forward to refute this and say he groped them.

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Trump seems like the type of guy who'd brag about things that never happened, I wouldn't be surprised if he's telling the truth this time (not that it makes him any better of a leader).

and why does Trump think Hillary is liable for what Bill did anyway?

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Well voters did you get the meat and potatoes economic answers you were looking for in this debate? After watching the Saturday Night Live skit with Alec Baldwin there must be a permanent series in all of this as there is certainly no lack material. 350 million people in the country and these 2 clowns rise to the surface of sour milk. Amazing!! Leader of the free world. Lincoln must be rolling over in his grave. Well back to my book "The Decline Of Mankind And Civilization As We Know It"

Edited by elgordo38
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Hillary Clinton is actually pretty good. Could be better but she's massively qualified and her positions on major issues are also mostly good. I agree she's more free trade than she's saying (DUH). It just so happens that doesn't matter as the majority of Americans actually reject extremist isolationism. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Hillary Clinton is actually pretty good. Could be better but she's massively qualified and her positions on major issues are also mostly good. I agree she's more free trade than she's saying (DUH). It just so happens that doesn't matter as the majority of Americans actually reject extremist isolationism. 


Yes, her free trade position is a reason I support her. She is actually more Republican than Democrat in many ways. She will intelligently rework TPP, and successfully sell it to the American people. Congress already buys in. All this isolationist nonsense will cease soon after the election.

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Yes, also I'm not hard core leftist on all issues. I don't believe in protectionism. The way to raise standard of living is to invest more in education so more Americans can be more competitive in this global economy, which is what we've got, like or not. Artificial protectionist bandaids are not a cure. 

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wprime has stated:

"and why does Trump think Hillary is liable for what Bill did anyway?"


I think your question about Hillary's culpability regarding Bill's accused sexual assaults and affairs is an excellent one.  I have the same question.  Also, another good question is why she has never divorced him, but I think we can guess that the relationship is, shall we say, not entirely romantic.    


As I understand it, some of Hillary's detractors claim that Hillary has helped Bill cover up his affairs and accused assaults including threatening the women who claim were his victims.  Hillary's motivation, it is claimed, is to protect the intertwined political careers of the couple.


Please understand that I have no reason to believe this, and I do not research in depth these allegations.  There does seem to be a lot of "he said, she said" evidence.  I can understand how such things might reasonably happen with a "power couple" that is very ambitious.  Yet, I have so far not learned of any convincing evidence of such culpability by Hillary. 


In the below article from NPR that I have quickly found off Google, one of the alleged victims states the following:

"In the video, Broaddrick [an alleged victim] said that while Trump was caught saying some inappropriate things about women in the leaked audio, "Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison.""






Edited by helpisgood
accidentally deleted quote from poster
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I watched the said Debate, I'm Australian not American by the way. But this current situation concerns me even though I generally spend little brainspace on politcal jousting. Seriousely the world would be a lot less stable with Donald Trump in such a position of power.

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This douchebag has brought the debate into the realms of a sewer. If what he said is true about groping women, then he is a sexual predator. Comparing himself to Bill Clinton is like comparing yourself between a dog turd and any other kind of turd. Not very elevating to the rest of us. Basically Trump is saying I am a scumbag, but Bill is a bigger one......excuse me, but a scumbag is a scumbag no matter how you dress it up. And the women groped by him probably don't want to be involved in this nightmare, and the press would destroy their lives by hounding them. Where is the press in all this? They are saying he used lewd language.....he used the language of a sexual predator going after other men's wives etc. he is the one that should be in prison. His followers are stupid, and stupid people do not know they are stupid no matter what evidence you present to them. One idiot follower stated that Obama has Aids and got it from having sex with Magic Johnson.....right there you know that his followers have the brains of doughnuts.......very scary. But he isn't going to win because brains trump stupidity.........nearly a pun!

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

declared she would "be in jail" if he were president

Specifically, Donald said that if he wins, he will instruct his attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into Hillary's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, and threatened to put her in jail over the issue. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/donald-trump-threatens-to-jail-hillary-clinton-if-he-wins-white-house-2016-10-09


From purely a knowledge of government operations, such action cannot occur as Hillary would be out of federal employment having (in Trump's scenario) lost to Trump. 


The Ethics in Government Act of 1977 established appointment of a special prosecutors. Specifically, the Act provided that upon receiving allegations relating to certain "covered persons", the Attorney General was required to conduct a preliminary investigation and to appoint an "independent counsel" if merited. The IC or SP would be empowered to investigate allegations relating to certain "covered persons." Covered persons are 1) persons  for whom a conflict of interest was presumed to exist by virtue of their close relationship to the President, DOJ or Attorney General or 2) government officials such as members of Congress. Hillary would not be a "covered person." http://www.lecs-center.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=230%3Aon-special-prosecutors-usa&catid=44%3Aevents&lang=en


Jurisdiction for investigating Hillary for alleged violation of federal laws otherwise falls to the FBI. Which the FBI has already done. Trump has no understanding on how the Special Prosecutor operates.


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1 hour ago, sawadeeken said:

.I don't know how this guy got all his money........... It sure wasn't brains..........

It must have been the crooked thievery.......... LOL


Rich father 

And it is easy to understand why Donald became who he is :stoner:


During his business career, Trump was investigated by a U.S. Senate committee (1954) for profiteering from public contracts, was investigated by the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division (1973) for civil rights violations 



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15 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Yes, her free trade position is a reason I support her. She is actually more Republican than Democrat in many ways. She will intelligently rework TPP, and successfully sell it to the American people. Congress already buys in. All this isolationist nonsense will cease soon after the election.


I find it difficult to believe Trump is all that isolationist. He's a real estate mogul, isolationism would be devastating for his own personal finances, and I think we can be pretty confident that his main goal in his presidency is to enhance his own finances. I suspect his isolationist policies are just designed to appeal to bottom half of the country who think that it can actually be beneficial.

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13 hours ago, helpisgood said:

wprime has stated:

"and why does Trump think Hillary is liable for what Bill did anyway?"


I think your question about Hillary's culpability regarding Bill's accused sexual assaults and affairs is an excellent one.  I have the same question.  Also, another good question is why she has never divorced him, but I think we can guess that the relationship is, shall we say, not entirely romantic.    


As I understand it, some of Hillary's detractors claim that Hillary has helped Bill cover up his affairs and accused assaults including threatening the women who claim were his victims.  Hillary's motivation, it is claimed, is to protect the intertwined political careers of the couple.


Please understand that I have no reason to believe this, and I do not research in depth these allegations.  There does seem to be a lot of "he said, she said" evidence.  I can understand how such things might reasonably happen with a "power couple" that is very ambitious.  Yet, I have so far not learned of any convincing evidence of such culpability by Hillary. 


In the below article from NPR that I have quickly found off Google, one of the alleged victims states the following:

"In the video, Broaddrick [an alleged victim] said that while Trump was caught saying some inappropriate things about women in the leaked audio, "Bill Clinton raped me, and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison.""







I just don't like dynasty politics. Bush/ son of Bush, Clinton/ wife of Clinton, or even Trump/ son of Trump, Kim Jong sung/ Kim Jong Il / Kim Jong un, whatever it reeks of privilege 

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5 minutes ago, Linzz said:


I just don't like dynasty politics. Bush/ son of Bush, Clinton/ wife of Clinton, or even Trump/ son of Trump, Kim Jong sung/ Kim Jong Il / Kim Jong un, whatever it reeks of privilege 


I think every reasonable person would agree with that, though nobody can say these dynasties in democracies like Kennedy, Bush and Clinton don't work their asses off for it. It will be fascinating to see (if we have any visibility of it) how much Bill influences policy or leadership of the White House. I jokingly said in another thread that I thought important decisions would be made not in the Oval Office, but in the Executive Residence, but I wonder how much of that might be true?


Are we, in effect, looking at a 3rd term of Bill Clinton, some hybrid of that, or will Hillary sideline Bill and forge on alone?  Interesting developments to watch.

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7 hours ago, wprime said:


I find it difficult to believe Trump is all that isolationist. He's a real estate mogul, isolationism would be devastating for his own personal finances, and I think we can be pretty confident that his main goal in his presidency is to enhance his own finances. I suspect his isolationist policies are just designed to appeal to bottom half of the country who think that it can actually be beneficial.

Actually, there's concrete evidence that Trump's goal is to improve his finances. One of his tax proposals is a yuuge loophole that would mainly apply to real estate developers.  And Trump's idea of a blind trust is to put his business under the control of his family members.  That is not what is meant by a blind trust.

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6 hours ago, keemapoot said:


I think every reasonable person would agree with that, though nobody can say these dynasties in democracies like Kennedy, Bush and Clinton don't work their asses off for it. It will be fascinating to see (if we have any visibility of it) how much Bill influences policy or leadership of the White House. I jokingly said in another thread that I thought important decisions would be made not in the Oval Office, but in the Executive Residence, but I wonder how much of that might be true?


Are we, in effect, looking at a 3rd term of Bill Clinton, some hybrid of that, or will Hillary sideline Bill and forge on alone?  Interesting developments to watch.

I get the dynasty charges, but there are different levels of it. Hillary has become very experienced in her own right, more than Bill Clinton was before he was president. So relation or not, there is ZERO doubt that she is totally qualified to be president. As opposed to trump -- ZERO qualifications. Compare to when Yingluck became PM here ... now that's the more classic kind of dynasty where it's only about relation.

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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:


haha. Glenn Beck has gone rogue. He is now a radical left winger. 

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