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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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Just now, dunroaming said:

Just how embarrassed are the American people about the candidates that are fighting to become the next American President?  The debate was shown worldwide (it's on the TV right now) and we are all agog with the way the two candidates are behaving.  Of course it doesn't matter what we think but the President of the United States should be respected as the head of a major power and quite honestly these two are an absolute disgrace.

I'll be very embarrassed if trump wins.

I'm proud of Hillary.

She's smart, she's experienced, she's calm and collected, and she's a FIGHTER.

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6 minutes ago, Saladin said:

In Trump's case re not paying tax it appears his company lost $1 billion twenty years ago and has, perfectly legally, carried forward these losses, which is accepted practice in many countries including Australia. It means that a company can make sufficient profits in the following years to offset this loss before additional profits become taxable. Quite common and quite legal, end of story.


I would agree with you if the $1 billion loss was carried forward for the companies benefit but in this case Donald used the loss to offset his personal income tax. As far as we know, Donald used the tax code to his benefit only. The company and related investors took a loss on this one. 

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OK, we knew this election season would  be down and dirty and nasty and a HOT MESS.

But we didn't know the exact details.

What's next?!?:stoner:

I mean really trump inviting those women to the debate ... reality t.v. time. Moderator should have been Jerry Springer. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OK, we knew this election season would  be down and dirty and nasty and a HOT MESS.

But we didn't know the exact details.

What's next?!?:stoner:

I mean really trump inviting those women to the debate ... reality t.v. time. Moderator should have been Jerry Springer. 


debate #3 trump will turn up with julian assange as his overall debate trainer, vladimir putin as his foreign policy advisor and bill cosby as his expert on women's issues. and wearing a t-shirt saying "I GRABBED NANCY REAGAN'S PUSSY".

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8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OK, we knew this election season would  be down and dirty and nasty and a HOT MESS.

But we didn't know the exact details.

What's next?!?:stoner:

I mean really trump inviting those women to the debate ... reality t.v. time. Moderator should have been Jerry Springer. 


I think the women that he invited were supposed to be his "October surprise". Pffft. A fairly weak and ineffective surprise.

Edited by Silurian
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27 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I think Trump edged it but the moderating was appalling biased and as for the Clinton News Network I am completely disgusted at their one-sided gibberish especially from Van Jones


he's a loathsome individual he really is


not to mention that vile puppet Chris Cuomo…...

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Dude…this isn't a Poster Of The Year contest.


Yeah, what's wrong with him? Actually saying positive things about the next President of the United States? That...woman!


How dare he.

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16 minutes ago, Silurian said:
25 minutes ago, Saladin said:

In Trump's case re not paying tax it appears his company lost $1 billion twenty years ago and has, perfectly legally, carried forward these losses, which is accepted practice in many countries including Australia. It means that a company can make sufficient profits in the following years to offset this loss before additional profits become taxable. Quite common and quite legal, end of story.


I would agree with you if the $1 billion loss was carried forward for the companies benefit but in this case Donald used the loss to offset his personal income tax. As far as we know, Donald used the tax code to his benefit only. The company and related investors took a loss on this one. 

Illegal or just unethical?

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1 minute ago, Pinot said:


Yeah, what's wrong with him? Actually saying positive things about the next President of the United States? That...woman!


How dare he.


I'm guessing that on inauguration day latest, Fox News and the rest will be labeling her the worst President in History already. :cheesy:  I wonder if Obama will be jealous?

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13 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

Illegal or just unethical?

Probably unethical, although you never know, there is a reason his tax returns are under review.

But with his complaints about others not paying their fair share also hypocritical.

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30 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OK, we knew this election season would  be down and dirty and nasty and a HOT MESS.

But we didn't know the exact details.

What's next?!?:stoner:

I mean really trump inviting those women to the debate ... reality t.v. time. Moderator should have been Jerry Springer. 


Didn't Clinton invite the Khans to the first debate?

Bet he's regretting not inviting Gennifer to that one now.

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43 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Just how embarrassed are the American people about the candidates that are fighting to become the next American President?  The debate was shown worldwide (it's on the TV right now) and we are all agog with the way the two candidates are behaving.  Of course it doesn't matter what we think but the President of the United States should be respected as the head of a major power and quite honestly these two are an absolute disgrace.

Sorry, but since Kennedy I don't think any presidents have been respected by a majority, and even Jack would have been exposed as a womanizer if the press had been the same guttersnipes as they are now.

Carter, Reagan, Bush ( both of them ), Obama, Clinton. Respect- nah. Either of these two will fit right in.

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51 minutes ago, Saladin said:

I am Australian and don't have a horse in the race, although what happens in America affects the whole world, and God help us all if Trump gets the guernsey.


I am surprised that neither candidate has defended their position in words of one syllable that the voters will understand. What are their speech writers doing?


In Trump's case re not paying tax it appears his company lost $1 billion twenty years ago and has, perfectly legally, carried forward these losses, which is accepted practice in many countries including Australia. It means that a company can make sufficient profits in the following years to offset this loss before additional profits become taxable. Quite common and quite legal, end of story.


In Hillary's case re destroying thousands of emails, don't we all do that? I do, not because I am trying to hide anything but simply to clear the decks and get rid of spam and anything that is not worth keeping.


If they simply explained this they would spike the guns of their opponent.



I'm surprised that an Aussie would comment on the potential leader of another country, given the jokes that have been foisted on the unfortunate lucky country. Have you had a decent one in the past 20 years?

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29 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:
46 minutes ago, Silurian said:


I would agree with you if the $1 billion loss was carried forward for the companies benefit but in this case Donald used the loss to offset his personal income tax. As far as we know, Donald used the tax code to his benefit only. The company and related investors took a loss on this one. 

Illegal or just unethical?


Just pointing out facts. But no, not illegal. Unethical? That is up to the individual to decide. 

Edited by Silurian
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2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

I wonder if Bill will turn up to support Hillary in the third "debate".


He looked so pale when Trump laid into him that I thought he would pass out.


He was probably looking at the women he raped and molested against their will. Who wouldn't be uncomfortable in that situation?

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sorry, but since Kennedy I don't think any presidents have been respected by a majority, and even Jack would have been exposed as a womanizer if the press had been the same guttersnipes as they are now.

Carter, Reagan, Bush ( both of them ), Obama, Clinton. Respect- nah. Either of these two will fit right in.

Both Obama and Clinton have earned a lot of respect. I think also Reagan gained more respect towards the end of his presidency.

Obama not bipartisan though, but an easy majority.

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Clearly the Trumpsters were watching a different debate to the rest of us?


Apart from the comments about the video of Trump saying his stuff it was all the same old crap.  Both sides lost because they showed themselves as bickering dislikable human beings.  I would strongly advise both parties to abandon a third debate unless they have something ground breaking to reveal.  The whole charade was profoundly embarrassing.

3rd debate ? Are you kidding me ? I just got hit with a wave of depression....sigh

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He was probably looking at the women he raped and molested against their will. Who wouldn't be uncomfortable in that situation?


He was seething...trying very hard to look impassive....The Don tore him a new one. 


And hillary too. 


"You'd be in jail" was the best riposte of any presidential debate. Ever. 

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29 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


He was seething...trying very hard to look impassive....The Don tore him a new one. 


And hillary too. 


"You'd be in jail" was the best riposte of any presidential debate. Ever. 

The voice of a wannabe tyrant. Don't let him be.





Donald Trump confirmed our worst fears about the kind of president he would be

Donald Trump is running for dictator, not for president.



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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Because it was so true. If justice was served, she would be under indictment right now.


Pardon my ignorance - as a non-American I'm not quite up on these things - but hasn't she been quite thoroughly investigated for these supposed wrongdoings and nothing illegal was found?


Isn't that justice?

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4 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Pardon my ignorance - as a non-American I'm not quite up on these things - but hasn't she been quite thoroughly investigated for these supposed wrongdoings and nothing illegal was found?


Isn't that justice?


OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murders that he certainly committed.


She is being protected from being tried for her crimes because of political considerations and some FBI agents are exposing it.



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8 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Pardon my ignorance - as a non-American I'm not quite up on these things - but hasn't she been quite thoroughly investigated for these supposed wrongdoings and nothing illegal was found?


Isn't that justice?

You have to understand the 'scorched earth' policies of the Republican lawmakers. They care little about America. When one of their candidates loses they will attempt to create diversions for the entire tenure of the office, even if it means discarding some good things. John Boehner, god bless him attempted to work with Pres. Obama on budget matters and was constantly defeated by his own party even when the deal was good for America...hence we had government shutdown happening. When Bill Clinton was in office, they had a special prosecutor, who after nearly 8 years of investigations, filed no charges and nobody was indicted for any crimes. It is shameful but that is just the way it is in America today. Shame on us all for letting this situation happen.

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