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Takeaways: Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murders that he certainly committed.


She is being protected from being tried for her crimes because of political considerations and some FBI agents are exposing it.




A conspiracy theory? That's all this is about?

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5 hours ago, Pinot said:


You're right! There's a first. She has been relentlessly investigated and...and...nothing. No ones is in jail. There is never anything, it's just relentless investigations because of the hatred. 


They've all have been politically investigations. All the rest of the bullshit you're throwing out there has never been proven. It's just Fox News right wing echo chamber bullshit. 


All the wingnuts should take a little break from Fox News/Breitbart/Stormfront/Infowars. You've got nothing. Try getting out and getting some exercise. Take a deep breath. Try to clear your rightwing conspiracy, brain cache. 


BENGHAZI!!! Remember that endless investigation that cost 100 million and got NOTHING!!!


I wonder what will happen when the Republican party dissolves following the beatdown that's coming in this election? So sad. :violin: 


Your sentence at top, which I colorized, is as true as it is sad, ....because the Republican Attack Dogs will never give up.  Even when she's in the Oval Office, and Dems (probably) have majorities in the House and Senate,  - dirty tricks, ever-vindictive Republicans will be rabidly trying to bite her on the ankles to bring her down.  They will never relent.


And it underlines probably the scariest thing Trump said at the debate:  that he will jail HRC if he's elected.  I saw an interview with a woman who came from Russia and recently became an American citizen. She said that scared her to think her adopted country could be headed by a man who could jail someone based on spite.  People in Russia haven't forgotten about Stalin.


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5 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Seems to me that justice has been served, but some don't like the outcome. 



Just like OJ Simpson's murder trial. The difference is that double jeopardy does not apply to not being indicted for a crime

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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

... And it underlines probably the scariest thing Trump said at the debate:  that he will jail HRC if he's elected.  I saw an interview with a woman who came from Russia and recently became an American citizen. She said that scared her to think her adopted country could be headed by a man who could jail someone based on spite.  People in Russia haven't forgotten about Stalin.

And with Trump's poster-boy, best buddy in the whole wide world Vladimir Putin taking a leaf from Stalin's book on how to win friends and influence people...

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21 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Seems to me that justice has been served, but some don't like the outcome. 


It's easier to believe a conspiracy theory when it legitimises a prejudice you already have. In this case I get the feeling that for many it's misogyny. 


After years of numerous investigations by Republican Committees and Republican investigators, it's all been a big nothingburger.


But to the rabid Right, the lack of proof is merely proof of some nefarious conspiracy.


So, if there's proof, she's guilty. If there's no proof, she's still guilty because it's a cover up. Over the course of 30 years, she's somehow managed to cover up at least a dozen major felonies in the face of numerous well-funded investigations.


If she's *that* good, then Donald's "cleverness" in not paying taxes pales in comparison.



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3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I'd be curious to see what correlation there is between Trump followers and believing in stuff like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, or that the moon landings were faked. 


Funny.  Trump supporters are a strange bunch.  So they don't believe that President Obama was born in America.  They believe that climate change is a hoax.  That mainstream media is all against them.  Etc., etc.   So yes, they would believe pretty much any made-up nonsense that comes out of D. Trump's mouth.  I've only met a couple of Trump supporters in Thailand and it's fun screwing with their heads.  They can never defend Trump.  All they do is deflect to HRC.  I really can't wait until after the elections when Trump loses and reveals that he was just gaming them all along. 

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Just now, Berkshire said:


Funny.  Trump supporters are a strange bunch.  So they don't believe that President Obama was born in America.  They believe that climate change is a hoax.  That mainstream media is all against them.  Etc., etc.   So yes, they would believe pretty much any made-up nonsense that comes out of D. Trump's mouth.  I've only met a couple of Trump supporters in Thailand and it's fun screwing with their heads.  They can never defend Trump.  All they do is deflect to HRC.  I really can't wait until after the elections when Trump loses and reveals that he was just gaming them all along. 


I'd forgotten about the birther thing. Racism legitimised by a conspiracy theory. 


I'd respect these people more if they were just honest about what they felt, rather than going to such lengths to cloak it in this kind of convoluted nonsense. 

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44 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

I'd be curious to see what correlation there is between Trump followers and believing in stuff like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, or that the moon landings were faked. 


Throughly discussed before:



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1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:

I'd be curious to see what correlation there is between Trump followers and believing in stuff like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, or that the moon landings were faked. 


I don't believe in either one, but you can be sure that just as many Hillary supporters believe in that kind of nonsense - despite biased articles by the MSM.

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I don't believe in either one, but you can be sure that just as many Hillary supporters believe in that kind of nonsense.

It's just not true. It's well documented that trump is the conspiracy theory candidate. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's just not true. It's well documented that trump is the conspiracy theory candidate. 


He certainly pushed the birther theory. However Hillary's followers and campaign were the ones that made it famous in the first place.



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Some of us may be considered outsiders looking in at this circus but given the importance of the American presidency in world politics we are not totally outsiders to an opinion.

My thoughts on the latest debate are that if one was interviewing for Bozo the Clown at the immature and juvenile boys Frat Party then Trump wins hands down.

If interviewing for a high profile statesperson who understands politics and economics and has policies and can debate then in a stately manner then Hillary wins easy.

Last I looked the USA presidency reflects as a position of a statesperson not Bozo the Clown.


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7 minutes ago, DM07 said:

All you Trump'eteers out there: can you -at this stage- give me ONE good reason, why you support him or would vote for him? Not a point AGAINST Hillary! FOR Trump!


I am not a " Trump'eteer ", but ONE good reason to vote for him would be his Supreme Court picks.


Another reason would be to dump the INSANE Iran deal that Obama signed.


Get rid of Obamacare and help the middle class with better health care.


Prosecute Hillary Clinton for her use of a private e-mail server while serving as secretary of state.


Make medical marijuana widely available to patients, and allow states to decide if they want to fully legalize pot or not.


Strengthen the military

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

All you Trump'eteers out there: can you -at this stage- give me ONE good reason, why you support him or would vote for him? Not a point AGAINST Hillary! FOR Trump!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I can give you several. 

Trump is a deal maker, he understands the phpsychology in play. This i expect will help him unwind several of the establishments cockups. Im referring to the verge of nuclear armageddon the Obama double farce left us in, in more than one theatre.


Trump is not the paid for lackey of the establishment. He believes in himself and so he invested a hundred million of his own money. Why would you prefer a candidate paid for by big pharma, gm food frankenproducers etc? it is against the common interest.


Trump is clearly the more honest candidate. Not as many skeletons in his closet. I am reffering to HRC and the murderous Benghazi saga, totally dishonest email saga- oh i clicked delete by mistake. 30,000 times! Really. Abuse of women her predator husband already abused. That was pure poetry the Don dragging up those 4.


an end to PC. This whole sorry lets present lies as the truth -due to loathing "successful white culture" has been a disaster for western civilization or what is left of it after onslaught by PCers. Immediate reversal is called for. I want an era when it is socially, politically and economically permissable to be caucasian.


hope you get the idea of why some are voting Trump.

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