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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'



WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Lashing back, Donald Trump heatedly rejected the growing list of sexual assault allegations against him as "pure fiction" on Thursday, hammering his female accusers as "horrible, horrible liars" as the already-nasty presidential campaign sank further into charges of attacks on women.


Campaign foe Hillary Clinton said "the disturbing stories just keep on coming" about her Republican opponent, but she let first lady Michelle Obama's passionate response carry the day. Obama, in battleground New Hampshire, warned that the New York billionaire's behavior "is not something we can ignore."


After years of working to end "this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect ... we're hearing these exact same things on the campaign trail. We are drowning in it," Obama declared, her voice cracking with emotion. "We can't expose our children to this any longer, not for another minute, let alone for four years."


With Election Day less than four weeks away, Republican Trump was again forced to defend himself against allegations of sexual misconduct, five days after a video surfaced in which he bragged about kissing and groping women without their permission.


Similar behavior was detailed by women who accused Trump in articles published late Wednesday by The New York Times and the Palm Beach Post. Separately, a People Magazine reporter offered a first-person account accusing Trump of attacking her while she was in Florida to interview him and his pregnant wife.


Ever defiant, the New York billionaire denied the allegations and blamed them on Hillary Clinton's campaign and the complicit news media as he campaigned in Florida. He promised to sue his media critics and said he was preparing evidence that would discredit his female accusers, whom he called "horrible people. They're horrible, horrible liars."


He went further during an evening appearance in Columbus, Ohio, saying he "never met" some of the women.


"I don't know who they are," he insisted and said they "made up stories."


"These vicious claims about me, of inappropriate conduct with women, are totally and absolutely false. And the Clintons know it," he said earlier. He offered no evidence discrediting the new reports except to ask why his accusers had waited years and then made their allegations less than a month before the election.


His comments came soon after he called a reporter "a sleazebag" for asking whether Trump had ever touched or groped a woman without her consent.


Trump's attacks on his accusers' credibility marked an awkward break from campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, who earlier in the week highlighted a Clinton tweet that said "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported."


Conway hoped to encourage more women to come forward with allegations against Bill Clinton, building on the campaign's Sunday decision to bring three of the former president's accusers to the second presidential debate.


"His campaign is promising more scorched-earth attacks. Now that's up to him," Clinton said during a San Francisco fundraiser. "He can run his campaign however he chooses. And frankly, I don't care if he goes after me."


Trump running mate Mike Pence ditched the national reporters who pay to travel with his campaign in Pennsylvania. The Indiana governor's Twitter account showed him meeting with faith leaders and stopping at a restaurant — after a Pence spokesman said the vice presidential nominee was attending closed-door fundraisers.


Republican leaders across the country said they were deeply troubled by the allegations against Trump, but there was no evidence of new defections. Over the weekend, dozens of Republican senators and congressmen vowed they would not vote for him, with many calling on him to step aside.


Some recanted after an aggressive weekend debate performance. And in what he called an increasingly "muddy" election, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson raised complaints about Hillary Clinton Thursday but wondered aloud what could change voters' minds at this point.


"Is there a deal-breaker out there? How many emails have to be destroyed? How many investigations have to be concluded with question marks? How many comments have to come out from one campaign in reference to religious institutions that raises concerns?"


More Trump accusers may be coming forward, according to attorney Gloria Allred, who said women have contacted her office in recent days.

"The dam has broken, and more women will be coming forward," she said.


The stories about Trump and his countercharges against Clinton's husband have plunged an already rancorous campaign to new lows. They also have distracted attention from the release of thousands of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that included some potentially damaging information.


A new batch indicated on Thursday that her 2008 presidential campaign had tried to move the Illinois Democratic primary to a later date, believing it might help her. The emails are being parceled out by WikiLeaks.


For Trump, the cumulative effect of recent revelations and allegations about his personal life appears to be a tumble in the battleground states he needs to win in November. What was already a narrow path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory has virtually disappeared unless there's a significant shake-up before Nov. 8.


He promised Thursday to focus on issues in the final weeks, even as his campaign crafted plans to highlight decades-old accusations against Bill Clinton.


Trump confidant and informal adviser Roger Stone has long encouraged him to make Bill Clinton's alleged assaults a centerpiece of the campaign. Steve Bannon, the campaign's chief executive, until recently ran a conservative website that eagerly promotes conspiracy theories about the Clintons.


Back in New Hampshire, Michelle Obama said, "Enough is enough."


If Americans let Trump win the election "we are telling our sons it's OK to humiliate women. We are telling our daughters this is the way they deserve to be treated. We are telling all of our kids that bigotry and bullying is perfectly acceptable."


Peoples reported from Washington. AP writer Michael Casey in Manchester, New Hampshire, Brian Slodysko in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Ken Thomas in San Francisco and Jack Gillum in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-14
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Trump is incapable of being wrong or apologizing so ..... his attackers are horrible people and liars. Likely some nefarious evil force has put them up to it. This act works when you are winning, when the bottom drops out, like it did yesterday for The Donald he has nothing left and is a windbag of rage.


A lot of news yesterday but in case you missed it .... This show is over.

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From the OP: Trump confidant and informal adviser Roger Stone has long encouraged him to make Bill Clinton's alleged assaults a centerpiece of the campaign.

I read the Wikipedia bio of Stone.  He's the poster boy of Republican dirty tricks.  He's been a dirty trickster all his adult life (he's got a large tattoo of Nixon's head between his shoulder blades).   He got started in High School when he talked the most unpopular boy in his class into running for class president .....against .....Stone.   Guess who won?




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With Trump, you need clear video evidence with sound...otherwise he denies everything.  But the American people aren't stupid.  All these different women who don't know each other, from all walks of life, telling in specific details what he did...sounds pretty believable to me.  So who should America listen to, serial liar Trump, or ordinary everyday women?  Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody!

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I don't doubt he had his hands where he probably shouldn't have, but he's easy pickings to set up at this stage, but anything either of the Clintons says smacks of hypocrisy. Shame though, it would have been fun to see him in the house dismantling the system... what you'll get is an unhinged, dishonest narcissist delivering more of the same.

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Hmmm let's see if we can sort this out: Trump bragged about doing the things his accusers said he did. But now denies it, which would mean he was lying then, and we are supposed to think he is telling the truth now when he says he is a liar..... oy vey. Down the rabbit hole to a room full of mirrors

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15 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

the NYT have invited him to sue them

It's a legal trap.

If Donald does sue, NYT has open-ended discovery. Can Donald truly afford such a detailed investigation if he knows there's creditability in the accusations? Discovery might uncver more evidence, accusations and perhaps even criminal investigations (civil lawsuits are often a boon to law enforcement who's investigative powers are more limited. I suspect Donald will make noise (GREAT noise) but take no action.

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Just now, canuckamuck said:

You guys can't spot a well planned attack? Where were these accusations a year ago, or 6 months ago. This is the establishment releasing the hounds. No time left to recover. 




Of course it is you silly boy.

Welcome to the Big Leagues. (Boo Hoo Hoo!)


As I have said from the start:

The Bloviator never had a chance.

He's minor league at best. 3rd string.


A babe in the woods.

With a following of Lemmings who have minds of babes...:laugh:

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

"the disturbing stories just keep on coming"

In the Billy Bush episode we heard Donald brag how he can justify entering backstage dressing room to catch view of half-dressed women. Now comes even more sinister accusations regarding Miss Teen USA contests. Donald justified his unannounced "inspection" in the teens' dressing room with the reassurance, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” These ladies were minors.




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And when proof of some of the accusations come out (which they eventually must , for the Donald is a pompous blowhard and showoff who will have recorded some of his "conquests")  he will claim that his denials of reality were simply the actions of a wise businessman who never admits defeat or wrongdoing. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Ever defiant, the New York billionaire denied the allegations and blamed them on Hillary Clinton's campaign and the complicit news media as he campaigned in Florida. He promised to sue his media critics and said he was preparing evidence that would discredit his female accusers, whom he called "horrible people. They're horrible, horrible liars."

Defy deny the new political watch words. Threaten law suits (Trump excels at this and if he sues you and you have little money its a real life threatener) Threatened law suits by people with money are the new way of threatening the working masses. Fear factor. 

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10 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

In the Billy Bush episode we heard Donald brag how he can justify entering backstage dressing room to catch view of half-dressed women. Now comes even more sinister accusations regarding Miss Teen USA contests. Donald justified his unannounced "inspection" in the teens' dressing room with the reassurance, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” These ladies were minors.





Responding to the wingnut nonsense is too easy. Too much ammo on the unregistered sex offender. :thumbsup:

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43 minutes ago, davecmarino said:

Too funny. With Clinton, the left cries that there is no evidence, only accusations. Then they try to convince the public that Trump is guilty based on accusations coming from people who have a political agenda.

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Fox spent the last 20 years spewing the accusations. The lies have been imprinted on the wingnut brain at this point. Most of them still think Obama is a Muslim. 


Who cares at this point. This thing is over. We're only looking to see how much HRC can roll up the score. There is no slaughter rule so Congress is in play. 

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2 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

You guys can't spot a well planned attack? Where were these accusations a year ago, or 6 months ago. This is the establishment releasing the hounds. No time left to recover. 


So you believe all of Clintons attackers stories have something about them but not the stories about Trump. It is simply insanity that is gripping 40% of the US population. How many times has Trump settled out of court? Clinton settled out of court so you would say that implies guilt, so what about Trump? He has settled many times. Are you applying the same standard.


Your complaint is that although Bill Clinton is not running for President it was Hillary that attacked his accusers. What is Trump doing right now? He is attacking his accusers relentlessly, calling them fat, ugly, horrible liars, threatening law suits. And the Trump supporters are complaining because Hillary called Bills attackers 'bimbo's'! It's a lot better than Trumps reaction right now. What is even more shocking than Trumps behaviour is that people like you believe him. You were baying for Cosby's blood!


These women now coming forward, were embarrassed and ashamed, and if indeed they want retribution (which I would), what better time to come out than right now at a Presidential election and make sure you destroy any chance he has. THAT is WHY the women will come forward now, especially in light of his second debate denial that he had ever been involved in these types of assault.


These women have now come forward. There are a lot more waiting to come forward that just need to pluck up the courage to do so. This is just the calm before the storm we are seeing now.

Edited by Andaman Al
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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

With Trump, you need clear video evidence with sound...otherwise he denies everything.  But the American people aren't stupid.  All these different women who don't know each other, from all walks of life, telling in specific details what he did...sounds pretty believable to me.  So who should America listen to, serial liar Trump, or ordinary everyday women?  Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody!

Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody! unquote. Its just the threat of a lawsuit by an unscrupulous guy like the Donald that puts fear into a lot of people. 

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Reports: Multiple women say Trump grabbed them inappropriately


"Several women say Donald Trump lied during the second presidential debate when he said that he never groped women in the manner he described on a 2005 recording, according to reports published Wednesday by The New York Times, People and the Palm Beach Post."


"When asked during Sunday's debate if had ever actually done what he described in the tape, Trump said, "No, I have not."


"At least five women have now contradicted that denial with stories of aggressive sexual advances. One woman says Trump grabbed her breast and put his hand up her skirt on a flight three decades ago. Two other women say Trump kissed them on the mouth at their first meeting. Another says Trump grabbed her butt at a 2003 event at his Mar-a-Lago estate. And a reporter for People says Trump forcibly kissed her before an interview in 2005."





The ignorant, crass, unqualified, undignified Bloviator is rapidly going down the poop chute.

Where cretins like him belong...


And there ain't enough Lemmings to change that eventuality.


Downward Spiral.

Edited by iReason
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Does  anyone remember what the Kennedy's were like, or some of the other previous Presidents?    Do you remember what Bill Clinton was like. Mr.  Donald  Trump is no more scary than a lot of the past leaders.  I would be more worried about a  former Secretary of State who was pretty bad.    To put  someone so lax in that position, into the position of President is totally scary.

  Sometimes even 30 years of experience  adds up to nothing. As  The Donald  says words  are  only  words,  and they  were  spoken  11  years  ago.  Try  to  remember  that fact.  Hillary  has  been  scarier  since  that time..


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2 minutes ago, au82tiger said:

I don't believe any of these charges.  If it were true, it would have been news for years now. 


They are just the "icing".


The "cake" is the recorded stuff.


And there is a lot more cake in the cupboard.


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If the cake was really the recorded stuff, you would be all over those emails showing the depth of the Clinton corruption.

It is just good theater because it is so close to the election that there is no chance for anything to get before a judge and Clinton can turn it into a good smearing to hold off the reality of what she has been doing.

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